use crate::client::file_trait::FileManager; use crate::flutter::connection_manager::{self, get_clients_length, get_clients_state}; use crate::flutter::{self, make_fd_to_json, Session}; use crate::start_server; use crate::ui_interface; use flutter_rust_bridge::{StreamSink, ZeroCopyBuffer}; use hbb_common::ResultType; use hbb_common::{ config::{self, Config, LocalConfig, PeerConfig, ONLINE}, fs, log, }; use serde_json::{Number, Value}; use std::{ collections::HashMap, ffi::{CStr, CString}, os::raw::c_char, }; fn initialize(app_dir: &str) { *config::APP_DIR.write().unwrap() = app_dir.to_owned(); #[cfg(feature = "cli")] { #[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "ios"))] { crate::common::test_rendezvous_server(); crate::common::test_nat_type(); } } #[cfg(target_os = "android")] { android_logger::init_once( android_logger::Config::default() .with_min_level(log::Level::Debug) // limit log level .with_tag("ffi"), // logs will show under mytag tag ); } #[cfg(target_os = "ios")] { use hbb_common::env_logger::*; init_from_env(Env::default().filter_or(DEFAULT_FILTER_ENV, "debug")); } #[cfg(target_os = "android")] { crate::common::check_software_update(); } #[cfg(any(target_os = "windows", target_os = "linux", target_os = "macos"))] { use hbb_common::env_logger::*; if let Err(e) = try_init_from_env(Env::default().filter_or(DEFAULT_FILTER_ENV, "debug")) { log::debug!("{}", e); } } } /// FFI for rustdesk core's main entry. /// Return true if the app should continue running with UI(possibly Flutter), false if the app should exit. #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn rustdesk_core_main() -> bool { crate::core_main::core_main() } pub fn start_event_stream(s: StreamSink) -> ResultType<()> { let _ = flutter::EVENT_STREAM.write().unwrap().insert(s); Ok(()) } pub fn start_rgba_stream(s: StreamSink>>) -> ResultType<()> { let _ = flutter::RGBA_STREAM.write().unwrap().insert(s); Ok(()) } /// FFI for **get** commands which are idempotent. /// Return result in c string. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `name` - name of the command /// * `arg` - argument of the command #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn get_by_name(name: *const c_char, arg: *const c_char) -> *const c_char { let mut res = "".to_owned(); let arg: &CStr = CStr::from_ptr(arg); let name: &CStr = CStr::from_ptr(name); if let Ok(name) = name.to_str() { match name { "peers" => { if ! { let peers: Vec<(String, config::PeerInfoSerde)> = PeerConfig::peers() .drain(..) .map(|(id, _, p)| (id, .collect(); res = serde_json::ser::to_string(&peers).unwrap_or("".to_owned()); } } "remote_id" => { if ! { res = LocalConfig::get_remote_id(); } } "remember" => { res = Session::get_remember().to_string(); } "event" => { if let Some(e) = Session::pop_event() { res = e; } } "toggle_option" => { if let Ok(arg) = arg.to_str() { if let Some(v) = Session::get_toggle_option(arg) { res = v.to_string(); } } } "test_if_valid_server" => { if let Ok(arg) = arg.to_str() { res = hbb_common::socket_client::test_if_valid_server(arg); } } "option" => { if let Ok(arg) = arg.to_str() { res = Config::get_option(arg); } } "image_quality" => { res = Session::get_image_quality(); } "software_update_url" => { res = crate::common::SOFTWARE_UPDATE_URL.lock().unwrap().clone() } "translate" => { if let Ok(arg) = arg.to_str() { if let Ok(m) = serde_json::from_str::>(arg) { if let Some(locale) = m.get("locale") { if let Some(text) = m.get("text") { res = crate::client::translate_locale(text.to_owned(), locale); } } } } } "peer_option" => { if let Ok(arg) = arg.to_str() { res = Session::get_option(arg); } } "server_id" => { res = ui_interface::get_id(); } "server_password" => { res = Config::get_password(); } "connect_statue" => { res = ONLINE .lock() .unwrap() .values() .max() .unwrap_or(&0) .clone() .to_string(); } // File Action "get_home_dir" => { res = fs::get_home_as_string(); } "read_local_dir_sync" => { if let Ok(value) = arg.to_str() { if let Ok(m) = serde_json::from_str::>(value) { if let (Some(path), Some(show_hidden)) = (m.get("path"), m.get("show_hidden")) { if let Ok(fd) = fs::read_dir(&fs::get_path(path), show_hidden.eq("true")) { res = make_fd_to_json(fd); } } } } } // Server Side #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "ios")))] "clients_state" => { res = get_clients_state(); } #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "ios")))] "check_clients_length" => { if let Ok(value) = arg.to_str() { if value.parse::().unwrap_or(usize::MAX) != get_clients_length() { res = get_clients_state() } } } "uuid" => { res = base64::encode(crate::get_uuid()); } _ => { log::error!("Unknown name of get_by_name: {}", name); } } } CString::from_vec_unchecked(res.into_bytes()).into_raw() } /// FFI for **set** commands which are not idempotent. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `name` - name of the command /// * `arg` - argument of the command #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn set_by_name(name: *const c_char, value: *const c_char) { let value: &CStr = CStr::from_ptr(value); if let Ok(value) = value.to_str() { let name: &CStr = CStr::from_ptr(name); if let Ok(name) = name.to_str() { match name { "init" => { initialize(value); } #[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "ios"))] "info1" => { *crate::common::MOBILE_INFO1.lock().unwrap() = value.to_owned(); } #[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "ios"))] "info2" => { *crate::common::MOBILE_INFO2.lock().unwrap() = value.to_owned(); } "connect" => { Session::start(value, false); } "connect_file_transfer" => { Session::start(value, true); } "login" => { if let Ok(m) = serde_json::from_str::>(value) { if let Some(password) = m.get("password") { if let Some(remember) = m.get("remember") { Session::login(password, remember == "true"); } } } } "close" => { Session::close(); } "refresh" => { Session::refresh(); } "reconnect" => { Session::reconnect(); } "toggle_option" => { Session::toggle_option(value); } "image_quality" => { Session::set_image_quality(value); } "lock_screen" => { Session::lock_screen(); } "ctrl_alt_del" => { Session::ctrl_alt_del(); } "switch_display" => { if let Ok(v) = value.parse::() { Session::switch_display(v); } } "remove" => { PeerConfig::remove(value); } "input_key" => { if let Ok(m) = serde_json::from_str::>(value) { let alt = m.get("alt").is_some(); let ctrl = m.get("ctrl").is_some(); let shift = m.get("shift").is_some(); let command = m.get("command").is_some(); let down = m.get("down").is_some(); let press = m.get("press").is_some(); if let Some(name) = m.get("name") { Session::input_key(name, down, press, alt, ctrl, shift, command); } } } "input_string" => { Session::input_string(value); } "chat_client_mode" => { Session::send_chat(value.to_owned()); } "send_mouse" => { if let Ok(m) = serde_json::from_str::>(value) { let alt = m.get("alt").is_some(); let ctrl = m.get("ctrl").is_some(); let shift = m.get("shift").is_some(); let command = m.get("command").is_some(); let x = m .get("x") .map(|x| x.parse::().unwrap_or(0)) .unwrap_or(0); let y = m .get("y") .map(|x| x.parse::().unwrap_or(0)) .unwrap_or(0); let mut mask = 0; if let Some(_type) = m.get("type") { mask = match _type.as_str() { "down" => 1, "up" => 2, "wheel" => 3, _ => 0, }; } if let Some(buttons) = m.get("buttons") { mask |= match buttons.as_str() { "left" => 1, "right" => 2, "wheel" => 4, _ => 0, } << 3; } Session::send_mouse(mask, x, y, alt, ctrl, shift, command); } } "option" => { if let Ok(m) = serde_json::from_str::>(value) { if let Some(name) = m.get("name") { if let Some(value) = m.get("value") { Config::set_option(name.to_owned(), value.to_owned()); if name == "custom-rendezvous-server" { #[cfg(target_os = "android")] crate::rendezvous_mediator::RendezvousMediator::restart(); #[cfg(any( target_os = "android", target_os = "ios", feature = "cli" ))] crate::common::test_rendezvous_server(); } } } } } "peer_option" => { if let Ok(m) = serde_json::from_str::>(value) { if let Some(name) = m.get("name") { if let Some(value) = m.get("value") { Session::set_option(name.to_owned(), value.to_owned()); } } } } "input_os_password" => { Session::input_os_password(value.to_owned(), true); } // File Action "read_remote_dir" => { if let Ok(m) = serde_json::from_str::>(value) { if let (Some(path), Some(show_hidden), Some(session)) = ( m.get("path"), m.get("show_hidden"), Session::get().read().unwrap().as_ref(), ) { session.read_remote_dir(path.to_owned(), show_hidden.eq("true")); } } } "send_files" => { if let Ok(m) = serde_json::from_str::>(value) { if let ( Some(id), Some(path), Some(to), Some(file_num), Some(show_hidden), Some(is_remote), ) = ( m.get("id"), m.get("path"), m.get("to"), m.get("file_num"), m.get("show_hidden"), m.get("is_remote"), ) { Session::send_files( id.parse().unwrap_or(0), path.to_owned(), to.to_owned(), file_num.parse().unwrap_or(0), show_hidden.eq("true"), is_remote.eq("true"), ); } } } "set_confirm_override_file" => { if let Ok(m) = serde_json::from_str::>(value) { if let ( Some(id), Some(file_num), Some(need_override), Some(remember), Some(is_upload), ) = ( m.get("id"), m.get("file_num"), m.get("need_override"), m.get("remember"), m.get("is_upload"), ) { Session::set_confirm_override_file( id.parse().unwrap_or(0), file_num.parse().unwrap_or(0), need_override.eq("true"), remember.eq("true"), is_upload.eq("true"), ); } } } "remove_file" => { if let Ok(m) = serde_json::from_str::>(value) { if let ( Some(id), Some(path), Some(file_num), Some(is_remote), Some(session), ) = ( m.get("id"), m.get("path"), m.get("file_num"), m.get("is_remote"), Session::get().write().unwrap().as_mut(), ) { session.remove_file( id.parse().unwrap_or(0), path.to_owned(), file_num.parse().unwrap_or(0), is_remote.eq("true"), ); } } } "read_dir_recursive" => { if let Ok(m) = serde_json::from_str::>(value) { if let (Some(id), Some(path), Some(is_remote), Some(session)) = ( m.get("id"), m.get("path"), m.get("is_remote"), Session::get().write().unwrap().as_mut(), ) { session.remove_dir_all( id.parse().unwrap_or(0), path.to_owned(), is_remote.eq("true"), ); } } } "remove_all_empty_dirs" => { if let Ok(m) = serde_json::from_str::>(value) { if let (Some(id), Some(path), Some(is_remote), Some(session)) = ( m.get("id"), m.get("path"), m.get("is_remote"), Session::get().write().unwrap().as_mut(), ) { session.remove_dir( id.parse().unwrap_or(0), path.to_owned(), is_remote.eq("true"), ); } } } "cancel_job" => { if let (Ok(id), Some(session)) = (value.parse(), Session::get().write().unwrap().as_mut()) { session.cancel_job(id); } } "create_dir" => { if let Ok(m) = serde_json::from_str::>(value) { if let (Some(id), Some(path), Some(is_remote), Some(session)) = ( m.get("id"), m.get("path"), m.get("is_remote"), Session::get().write().unwrap().as_mut(), ) { session.create_dir( id.parse().unwrap_or(0), path.to_owned(), is_remote.eq("true"), ); } } } // Server Side "update_password" => { if value.is_empty() { Config::set_password(&Config::get_auto_password()); } else { Config::set_password(value); } } #[cfg(target_os = "android")] "chat_server_mode" => { if let Ok(m) = serde_json::from_str::>(value) { if let (Some(Value::Number(id)), Some(Value::String(text))) = (m.get("id"), m.get("text")) { let id = id.as_i64().unwrap_or(0); connection_manager::send_chat(id as i32, text.to_owned()); } } } "home_dir" => { *config::APP_HOME_DIR.write().unwrap() = value.to_owned(); } #[cfg(target_os = "android")] "login_res" => { if let Ok(m) = serde_json::from_str::>(value) { if let (Some(Value::Number(id)), Some(Value::Bool(res))) = (m.get("id"), m.get("res")) { let id = id.as_i64().unwrap_or(0); connection_manager::on_login_res(id as i32, *res); } } } #[cfg(target_os = "android")] "stop_service" => { Config::set_option("stop-service".into(), "Y".into()); crate::rendezvous_mediator::RendezvousMediator::restart(); } "start_service" => { Config::set_option("stop-service".into(), "".into()); start_server(false); } #[cfg(target_os = "android")] "close_conn" => { if let Ok(id) = value.parse::() { connection_manager::close_conn(id); }; } _ => { log::error!("Unknown name of set_by_name: {}", name); } } } } } #[cfg(target_os = "android")] pub mod server_side { use hbb_common::{config::Config, log}; use jni::{ objects::{JClass, JString}, sys::jstring, JNIEnv, }; use crate::start_server; #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "system" fn Java_com_carriez_flutter_1hbb_MainService_startServer( env: JNIEnv, _class: JClass, ) { log::debug!("startServer from java"); std::thread::spawn(move || start_server(true)); } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "system" fn Java_com_carriez_flutter_1hbb_MainService_translateLocale( env: JNIEnv, _class: JClass, locale: JString, input: JString, ) -> jstring { let res = if let (Ok(input), Ok(locale)) = (env.get_string(input), env.get_string(locale)) { let input: String = input.into(); let locale: String = locale.into(); crate::client::translate_locale(input, &locale) } else { "".into() }; return env.new_string(res).unwrap_or(input).into_inner(); } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "system" fn Java_com_carriez_flutter_1hbb_MainService_refreshScreen( _env: JNIEnv, _class: JClass, ) { crate::server::video_service::refresh() } }