use std::{ collections::HashMap, iter::FromIterator, process::Child, sync::{Arc, Mutex}, }; use sciter::Value; use hbb_common::{ allow_err, config::{self, Config, LocalConfig, PeerConfig, RENDEZVOUS_PORT, RENDEZVOUS_TIMEOUT}, futures::future::join_all, log, protobuf::Message as _, rendezvous_proto::*, sleep, tcp::FramedStream, tokio::{self, sync::mpsc, time}, }; use crate::common::{get_app_name, SOFTWARE_UPDATE_URL}; use crate::ipc; use crate::ui_interface::{ check_mouse_time, closing, create_shortcut, current_is_wayland, fix_login_wayland, forget_password, get_api_server, get_async_job_status, get_connect_status, get_error, get_fav, get_icon, get_lan_peers, get_langs, get_license, get_local_option, get_mouse_time, get_new_version, get_option, get_options, get_peer, get_peer_option, get_recent_sessions, get_remote_id, get_size, get_socks, get_software_ext, get_software_store_path, get_software_update_url, get_uuid, get_version, goto_install, has_hwcodec, has_rendezvous_service, install_me, install_path, is_can_screen_recording, is_installed, is_installed_daemon, is_installed_lower_version, is_login_wayland, is_ok_change_id, is_process_trusted, is_rdp_service_open, is_share_rdp, is_xfce, modify_default_login, new_remote, open_url, peer_has_password, permanent_password, post_request, recent_sessions_updated, remove_peer, run_without_install, set_local_option, set_option, set_options, set_peer_option, set_permanent_password, set_remote_id, set_share_rdp, set_socks, show_run_without_install, store_fav, t, temporary_password, test_if_valid_server, update_me, update_temporary_password, using_public_server, }; mod cm; #[cfg(feature = "inline")] mod inline; #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] mod macos; pub mod remote; #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] pub mod win_privacy; type Message = RendezvousMessage; pub type Childs = Arc)>>; type Status = (i32, bool, i64, String); lazy_static::lazy_static! { // stupid workaround for static ref STUPID_VALUES: Mutex>>> = Default::default(); } struct UIHostHandler; pub fn start(args: &mut [String]) { #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] if args.len() == 1 && args[0] == "--server" { macos::make_tray(); return; } else { macos::show_dock(); } #[cfg(all(target_os = "linux", feature = "inline"))] { #[cfg(feature = "appimage")] let prefix = std::env::var("APPDIR").unwrap_or("".to_string()); #[cfg(not(feature = "appimage"))] let prefix = "".to_string(); sciter::set_library(&(prefix + "/usr/lib/rustdesk/")).ok(); } // // #[cfg(windows)] allow_err!(sciter::set_options(sciter::RuntimeOptions::GfxLayer( sciter::GFX_LAYER::WARP ))); #[cfg(all(windows, not(feature = "inline")))] unsafe { winapi::um::shellscalingapi::SetProcessDpiAwareness(2); } #[cfg(windows)] if args.len() > 0 && args[0] == "--tray" { let options = check_connect_status(false).1; crate::tray::start_tray(options); return; } use sciter::SCRIPT_RUNTIME_FEATURES::*; allow_err!(sciter::set_options(sciter::RuntimeOptions::ScriptFeatures( ALLOW_FILE_IO as u8 | ALLOW_SOCKET_IO as u8 | ALLOW_EVAL as u8 | ALLOW_SYSINFO as u8 ))); let mut frame = sciter::WindowBuilder::main_window().create(); #[cfg(windows)] allow_err!(sciter::set_options(sciter::RuntimeOptions::UxTheming(true))); frame.set_title(&crate::get_app_name()); #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] macos::make_menubar(frame.get_host(), args.is_empty()); let page; if args.len() > 1 && args[0] == "--play" { args[0] = "--connect".to_owned(); let path: std::path::PathBuf = (&args[1]).into(); let id = path .file_stem() .map(|p| p.to_str().unwrap_or("")) .unwrap_or("") .to_owned(); args[1] = id; } if args.is_empty() { let child: Childs = Default::default(); std::thread::spawn(move || check_zombie(child)); crate::common::check_software_update(); frame.event_handler(UI {}); frame.sciter_handler(UIHostHandler {}); page = "index.html"; } else if args[0] == "--install" { frame.event_handler(UI {}); frame.sciter_handler(UIHostHandler {}); page = "install.html"; } else if args[0] == "--cm" { frame.register_behavior("connection-manager", move || { Box::new(cm::ConnectionManager::new()) }); page = "cm.html"; } else if (args[0] == "--connect" || args[0] == "--file-transfer" || args[0] == "--port-forward" || args[0] == "--rdp") && args.len() > 1 { #[cfg(windows)] { let hw = frame.get_host().get_hwnd(); crate::platform::windows::enable_lowlevel_keyboard(hw as _); } let mut iter = args.iter(); let cmd =; let id =; let pass ="".to_owned()).clone(); let args: Vec =|x| x.clone()).collect(); frame.set_title(&id); frame.register_behavior("native-remote", move || { Box::new(remote::SciterSession::new( cmd.clone(), id.clone(), pass.clone(), args.clone(), )) }); page = "remote.html"; } else { log::error!("Wrong command: {:?}", args); return; } #[cfg(feature = "inline")] { let html = if page == "index.html" { inline::get_index() } else if page == "cm.html" { inline::get_cm() } else if page == "install.html" { inline::get_install() } else { inline::get_remote() }; frame.load_html(html.as_bytes(), Some(page)); } #[cfg(not(feature = "inline"))] frame.load_file(&format!( "file://{}/src/ui/{}", std::env::current_dir() .map(|c| c.display().to_string()) .unwrap_or("".to_owned()), page )); frame.run_app(); } struct UI {} impl UI { fn recent_sessions_updated(&self) -> bool { recent_sessions_updated() } fn get_id(&self) -> String { ipc::get_id() } fn temporary_password(&mut self) -> String { temporary_password() } fn update_temporary_password(&self) { update_temporary_password() } fn permanent_password(&self) -> String { permanent_password() } fn set_permanent_password(&self, password: String) { set_permanent_password(password); } fn get_remote_id(&mut self) -> String { get_remote_id() } fn set_remote_id(&mut self, id: String) { set_remote_id(id); } fn goto_install(&mut self) { goto_install(); } fn install_me(&mut self, _options: String, _path: String) { install_me(_options, _path, false, false); } fn update_me(&self, _path: String) { update_me(_path); } fn run_without_install(&self) { run_without_install(); } fn show_run_without_install(&self) -> bool { show_run_without_install() } fn has_rendezvous_service(&self) -> bool { has_rendezvous_service() } fn get_license(&self) -> String { get_license() } fn get_option(&self, key: String) -> String { get_option(key) } fn get_local_option(&self, key: String) -> String { get_local_option(key) } fn set_local_option(&self, key: String, value: String) { set_local_option(key, value); } fn peer_has_password(&self, id: String) -> bool { peer_has_password(id) } fn forget_password(&self, id: String) { forget_password(id) } fn get_peer_option(&self, id: String, name: String) -> String { get_peer_option(id, name) } fn set_peer_option(&self, id: String, name: String, value: String) { set_peer_option(id, name, value) } fn using_public_server(&self) -> bool { using_public_server() } fn get_options(&self) -> Value { let hashmap: HashMap = serde_json::from_str(&get_options()).unwrap(); let mut m = Value::map(); for (k, v) in hashmap { m.set_item(k, v); } m } fn test_if_valid_server(&self, host: String) -> String { test_if_valid_server(host) } fn get_sound_inputs(&self) -> Value { Value::from_iter(get_sound_inputs()) } fn set_options(&self, v: Value) { let mut m = HashMap::new(); for (k, v) in v.items() { if let Some(k) = k.as_string() { if let Some(v) = v.as_string() { if !v.is_empty() { m.insert(k, v); } } } } set_options(m); } fn set_option(&self, key: String, value: String) { set_option(key, value); } fn install_path(&mut self) -> String { install_path() } fn get_socks(&self) -> Value { Value::from_iter(get_socks()) } fn set_socks(&self, proxy: String, username: String, password: String) { set_socks(proxy, username, password) } fn is_installed(&self) -> bool { is_installed() } fn is_rdp_service_open(&self) -> bool { is_rdp_service_open() } fn is_share_rdp(&self) -> bool { is_share_rdp() } fn set_share_rdp(&self, _enable: bool) { set_share_rdp(_enable); } fn is_installed_lower_version(&self) -> bool { is_installed_lower_version() } fn closing(&mut self, x: i32, y: i32, w: i32, h: i32) { closing(x, y, w, h) } fn get_size(&mut self) -> Value { Value::from_iter(get_size()) } fn get_mouse_time(&self) -> f64 { get_mouse_time() } fn check_mouse_time(&self) { check_mouse_time() } fn get_connect_status(&mut self) -> Value { let mut v = Value::array(0); let x = get_connect_status(); v.push(x.0); v.push(x.1); v.push(x.3); v } #[inline] fn get_peer_value(id: String, p: PeerConfig) -> Value { let values = vec![ id,,,, p.options.get("alias").unwrap_or(&"".to_owned()).to_owned(), ]; Value::from_iter(values) } fn get_peer(&self, id: String) -> Value { let c = get_peer(id.clone()); Self::get_peer_value(id, c) } fn get_fav(&self) -> Value { Value::from_iter(get_fav()) } fn store_fav(&self, fav: Value) { let mut tmp = vec![]; fav.values().for_each(|v| { if let Some(v) = v.as_string() { if !v.is_empty() { tmp.push(v); } } }); store_fav(tmp); } fn get_recent_sessions(&mut self) -> Value { // to-do: limit number of recent sessions, and remove old peer file let peers: Vec = get_recent_sessions() .drain(..) .map(|p| Self::get_peer_value(p.0, p.2)) .collect(); Value::from_iter(peers) } fn get_icon(&mut self) -> String { get_icon() } fn remove_peer(&mut self, id: String) { remove_peer(id) } fn remove_discovered(&mut self, id: String) { let mut peers = config::LanPeers::load().peers; peers.retain(|x| != id); config::LanPeers::store(&peers); } fn send_wol(&mut self, id: String) { crate::lan::send_wol(id) } fn new_remote(&mut self, id: String, remote_type: String) { new_remote(id, remote_type) } fn is_process_trusted(&mut self, _prompt: bool) -> bool { is_process_trusted(_prompt) } fn is_can_screen_recording(&mut self, _prompt: bool) -> bool { is_can_screen_recording(_prompt) } fn is_installed_daemon(&mut self, _prompt: bool) -> bool { is_installed_daemon(_prompt) } fn get_error(&mut self) -> String { get_error() } fn is_login_wayland(&mut self) -> bool { is_login_wayland() } fn fix_login_wayland(&mut self) { fix_login_wayland() } fn current_is_wayland(&mut self) -> bool { current_is_wayland() } fn modify_default_login(&mut self) -> String { modify_default_login() } fn get_software_update_url(&self) -> String { get_software_update_url() } fn get_new_version(&self) -> String { get_new_version() } fn get_version(&self) -> String { get_version() } fn get_app_name(&self) -> String { get_app_name() } fn get_software_ext(&self) -> String { get_software_ext() } fn get_software_store_path(&self) -> String { get_software_store_path() } fn create_shortcut(&self, _id: String) { create_shortcut(_id) } fn discover(&self) { std::thread::spawn(move || { allow_err!(crate::lan::discover()); }); } fn get_lan_peers(&self) -> String { let peers = get_lan_peers() .into_iter() .map(|(id, peer)| (id, peer.username, peer.hostname, peer.platform)) .collect::>(); serde_json::to_string(&peers).unwrap_or_default() } fn get_uuid(&self) -> String { get_uuid() } fn open_url(&self, url: String) { open_url(url) } fn change_id(&self, id: String) { let old_id = self.get_id(); change_id(id, old_id); } fn post_request(&self, url: String, body: String, header: String) { post_request(url, body, header) } fn is_ok_change_id(&self) -> bool { is_ok_change_id() } fn get_async_job_status(&self) -> String { get_async_job_status() } fn t(&self, name: String) -> String { t(name) } fn is_xfce(&self) -> bool { is_xfce() } fn get_api_server(&self) -> String { get_api_server() } fn has_hwcodec(&self) -> bool { has_hwcodec() } fn get_langs(&self) -> String { get_langs() } } impl sciter::EventHandler for UI { sciter::dispatch_script_call! { fn t(String); fn get_api_server(); fn is_xfce(); fn using_public_server(); fn get_id(); fn temporary_password(); fn update_temporary_password(); fn permanent_password(); fn set_permanent_password(String); fn get_remote_id(); fn set_remote_id(String); fn closing(i32, i32, i32, i32); fn get_size(); fn new_remote(String, bool); fn send_wol(String); fn remove_peer(String); fn remove_discovered(String); fn get_connect_status(); fn get_mouse_time(); fn check_mouse_time(); fn get_recent_sessions(); fn get_peer(String); fn get_fav(); fn store_fav(Value); fn recent_sessions_updated(); fn get_icon(); fn install_me(String, String); fn is_installed(); fn set_socks(String, String, String); fn get_socks(); fn is_rdp_service_open(); fn is_share_rdp(); fn set_share_rdp(bool); fn is_installed_lower_version(); fn install_path(); fn goto_install(); fn is_process_trusted(bool); fn is_can_screen_recording(bool); fn is_installed_daemon(bool); fn get_error(); fn is_login_wayland(); fn fix_login_wayland(); fn current_is_wayland(); fn modify_default_login(); fn get_options(); fn get_option(String); fn get_local_option(String); fn set_local_option(String, String); fn get_peer_option(String, String); fn peer_has_password(String); fn forget_password(String); fn set_peer_option(String, String, String); fn has_rendezvous_service(); fn get_license(); fn test_if_valid_server(String); fn get_sound_inputs(); fn set_options(Value); fn set_option(String, String); fn get_software_update_url(); fn get_new_version(); fn get_version(); fn update_me(String); fn show_run_without_install(); fn run_without_install(); fn get_app_name(); fn get_software_store_path(); fn get_software_ext(); fn open_url(String); fn change_id(String); fn get_async_job_status(); fn post_request(String, String, String); fn is_ok_change_id(); fn create_shortcut(String); fn discover(); fn get_lan_peers(); fn get_uuid(); fn has_hwcodec(); fn get_langs(); } } impl sciter::host::HostHandler for UIHostHandler { fn on_graphics_critical_failure(&mut self) { log::error!("Critical rendering error: e.g. DirectX gfx driver error. Most probably bad gfx drivers."); } } pub fn check_zombie(childs: Childs) { let mut deads = Vec::new(); loop { let mut lock = childs.lock().unwrap(); let mut n = 0; for (id, c) in lock.1.iter_mut() { if let Ok(Some(_)) = c.try_wait() { deads.push(id.clone()); n += 1; } } for ref id in deads.drain(..) { lock.1.remove(id); } if n > 0 { lock.0 = true; } drop(lock); std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(100)); } } // notice: avoiding create ipc connecton repeatly, // because windows named pipe has serious memory leak issue. #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn check_connect_status_( reconnect: bool, status: Arc>, options: Arc>>, rx: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, password: Arc>, ) { let mut key_confirmed = false; let mut rx = rx; let mut mouse_time = 0; let mut id = "".to_owned(); loop { if let Ok(mut c) = ipc::connect(1000, "").await { let mut timer = time::interval(time::Duration::from_secs(1)); loop { tokio::select! { res = => { match res { Err(err) => { log::error!("ipc connection closed: {}", err); break; } Ok(Some(ipc::Data::MouseMoveTime(v))) => { mouse_time = v; status.lock().unwrap().2 = v; } Ok(Some(ipc::Data::Options(Some(v)))) => { *options.lock().unwrap() = v } Ok(Some(ipc::Data::Config((name, Some(value))))) => { if name == "id" { id = value; } else if name == "temporary-password" { *password.lock().unwrap() = value; } } Ok(Some(ipc::Data::OnlineStatus(Some((mut x, c))))) => { if x > 0 { x = 1 } key_confirmed = c; *status.lock().unwrap() = (x as _, key_confirmed, mouse_time, id.clone()); } _ => {} } } Some(data) = rx.recv() => { allow_err!(c.send(&data).await); } _ = timer.tick() => { c.send(&ipc::Data::OnlineStatus(None)).await.ok(); c.send(&ipc::Data::Options(None)).await.ok(); c.send(&ipc::Data::Config(("id".to_owned(), None))).await.ok(); c.send(&ipc::Data::Config(("temporary-password".to_owned(), None))).await.ok(); } } } } if !reconnect { options .lock() .unwrap() .insert("ipc-closed".to_owned(), "Y".to_owned()); break; } *status.lock().unwrap() = (-1, key_confirmed, mouse_time, id.clone()); sleep(1.).await; } } #[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))] fn get_sound_inputs() -> Vec { let mut out = Vec::new(); use cpal::traits::{DeviceTrait, HostTrait}; let host = cpal::default_host(); if let Ok(devices) = host.devices() { for device in devices { if device.default_input_config().is_err() { continue; } if let Ok(name) = { out.push(name); } } } out } #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] fn get_sound_inputs() -> Vec { crate::platform::linux::get_pa_sources() .drain(..) .map(|x| x.1) .collect() } fn check_connect_status( reconnect: bool, ) -> ( Arc>, Arc>>, mpsc::UnboundedSender, Arc>, ) { let status = Arc::new(Mutex::new((0, false, 0, "".to_owned()))); let options = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Config::get_options())); let cloned = status.clone(); let cloned_options = options.clone(); let (tx, rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel::(); let password = Arc::new(Mutex::new(String::default())); let cloned_password = password.clone(); std::thread::spawn(move || { check_connect_status_(reconnect, cloned, cloned_options, rx, cloned_password) }); (status, options, tx, password) } const INVALID_FORMAT: &'static str = "Invalid format"; const UNKNOWN_ERROR: &'static str = "Unknown error"; #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn change_id(id: String, old_id: String) -> &'static str { if !hbb_common::is_valid_custom_id(&id) { return INVALID_FORMAT; } let uuid = machine_uid::get().unwrap_or("".to_owned()); if uuid.is_empty() { return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } let rendezvous_servers = crate::ipc::get_rendezvous_servers(1_000).await; let mut futs = Vec::new(); let err: Arc> = Default::default(); for rendezvous_server in rendezvous_servers { let err = err.clone(); let id = id.to_owned(); let uuid = uuid.clone(); let old_id = old_id.clone(); futs.push(tokio::spawn(async move { let tmp = check_id(rendezvous_server, old_id, id, uuid).await; if !tmp.is_empty() { *err.lock().unwrap() = tmp; } })); } join_all(futs).await; let err = *err.lock().unwrap(); if err.is_empty() { crate::ipc::set_config_async("id", id.to_owned()).await.ok(); } err } async fn check_id( rendezvous_server: String, old_id: String, id: String, uuid: String, ) -> &'static str { let any_addr = Config::get_any_listen_addr(); if let Ok(mut socket) = FramedStream::new( crate::check_port(rendezvous_server, RENDEZVOUS_PORT), any_addr, RENDEZVOUS_TIMEOUT, ) .await { let mut msg_out = Message::new(); msg_out.set_register_pk(RegisterPk { old_id, id, uuid: uuid.into(), ..Default::default() }); let mut ok = false; if socket.send(&msg_out).await.is_ok() { if let Some(Ok(bytes)) = socket.next_timeout(3_000).await { if let Ok(msg_in) = RendezvousMessage::parse_from_bytes(&bytes) { match msg_in.union { Some(rendezvous_message::Union::RegisterPkResponse(rpr)) => { match rpr.result.enum_value_or_default() { register_pk_response::Result::OK => { ok = true; } register_pk_response::Result::ID_EXISTS => { return "Not available"; } register_pk_response::Result::TOO_FREQUENT => { return "Too frequent"; } register_pk_response::Result::NOT_SUPPORT => { return "server_not_support"; } register_pk_response::Result::INVALID_ID_FORMAT => { return INVALID_FORMAT; } _ => {} } } _ => {} } } } } if !ok { return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } } else { return "Failed to connect to rendezvous server"; } "" } // sacrifice some memory pub fn value_crash_workaround(values: &[Value]) -> Arc> { let persist = Arc::new(values.to_vec()); STUPID_VALUES.lock().unwrap().push(persist.clone()); persist }