use crate::ipc::{self, new_listener, Connection, Data}; use hbb_common::{ allow_err, config::{Config, ICON}, fs, log, message_proto::*, protobuf::Message as _, tokio::{self, sync::mpsc, task::spawn_blocking}, }; use sciter::{make_args, Element, Value, HELEMENT}; use std::{ collections::HashMap, ops::Deref, sync::{Arc, RwLock}, }; pub struct ConnectionManagerInner { root: Option, senders: HashMap>, } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct ConnectionManager(Arc>); impl Deref for ConnectionManager { type Target = Arc>; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } impl ConnectionManager { pub fn new() -> Self { #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] std::thread::spawn(start_pa); let inner = ConnectionManagerInner { root: None, senders: HashMap::new(), }; let cm = Self(Arc::new(RwLock::new(inner))); #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] { let cloned = cm.clone(); *super::macos::SHOULD_OPEN_UNTITLED_FILE_CALLBACK .lock() .unwrap() = Some(Box::new(move || {"awake", &make_args!()); })); } let cloned = cm.clone(); std::thread::spawn(move || start_ipc(cloned)); cm } fn get_icon(&mut self) -> String { ICON.to_owned() } fn check_click_time(&mut self, id: i32) { let lock =; if let Some(s) = lock.senders.get(&id) { allow_err!(s.send(Data::ClickTime(crate::get_time()))); } } #[inline] fn call(&self, func: &str, args: &[Value]) { let r =; if let Some(ref e) = r.root { allow_err!(e.call_method(func, args)); } } fn add_connection( &self, id: i32, is_file_transfer: bool, port_forward: String, peer_id: String, name: String, authorized: bool, keyboard: bool, clipboard: bool, audio: bool, tx: mpsc::UnboundedSender, ) { "addConnection", &make_args!( id, is_file_transfer, port_forward, peer_id, name, authorized, keyboard, clipboard, audio ), ); self.write().unwrap().senders.insert(id, tx); } fn remove_connection(&self, id: i32) { self.write().unwrap().senders.remove(&id);"removeConnection", &make_args!(id)); } async fn handle_data( &self, id: i32, data: Data, write_jobs: &mut Vec, conn: &mut Connection, ) { match data { Data::ChatMessage { text } => {"newMessage", &make_args!(id, text)); } Data::ClickTime(ms) => {"resetClickCallback", &make_args!(ms as f64)); } Data::FS(v) => match v { ipc::FS::ReadDir { dir, include_hidden, } => { Self::read_dir(&dir, include_hidden, conn).await; } ipc::FS::RemoveDir { path, id, recursive, } => { Self::remove_dir(path, id, recursive, conn).await; } ipc::FS::RemoveFile { path, id, file_num } => { Self::remove_file(path, id, file_num, conn).await; } ipc::FS::CreateDir { path, id } => { Self::create_dir(path, id, conn).await; } ipc::FS::NewWrite { path, id, mut files, } => { write_jobs.push(fs::TransferJob::new_write( id, path, files .drain(..) .map(|f| FileEntry { name: f.0, modified_time: f.1, ..Default::default() }) .collect(), )); } ipc::FS::CancelWrite { id } => { if let Some(job) = fs::get_job(id, write_jobs) { job.remove_download_file(); fs::remove_job(id, write_jobs); } } ipc::FS::WriteDone { id, file_num } => { if let Some(job) = fs::get_job(id, write_jobs) { job.modify_time(); Self::send(fs::new_done(id, file_num), conn).await; fs::remove_job(id, write_jobs); } } ipc::FS::WriteBlock { id, file_num, data, compressed, } => { if let Some(job) = fs::get_job(id, write_jobs) { if let Err(err) = job .write(FileTransferBlock { id, file_num, data, compressed, ..Default::default() }) .await { Self::send(fs::new_error(id, err, file_num), conn).await; } } } }, _ => {} } } async fn read_dir(dir: &str, include_hidden: bool, conn: &mut Connection) { let path = { if dir.is_empty() { Config::get_home() } else { fs::get_path(dir) } }; if let Ok(Ok(fd)) = spawn_blocking(move || fs::read_dir(&path, include_hidden)).await { let mut msg_out = Message::new(); let mut file_response = FileResponse::new(); file_response.set_dir(fd); msg_out.set_file_response(file_response); Self::send(msg_out, conn).await; } } async fn handle_result( res: std::result::Result, S>, id: i32, file_num: i32, conn: &mut Connection, ) { match res { Err(err) => { Self::send(fs::new_error(id, err, file_num), conn).await; } Ok(Err(err)) => { Self::send(fs::new_error(id, err, file_num), conn).await; } Ok(Ok(())) => { Self::send(fs::new_done(id, file_num), conn).await; } } } async fn remove_file(path: String, id: i32, file_num: i32, conn: &mut Connection) { Self::handle_result( spawn_blocking(move || fs::remove_file(&path)).await, id, file_num, conn, ) .await; } async fn create_dir(path: String, id: i32, conn: &mut Connection) { Self::handle_result( spawn_blocking(move || fs::create_dir(&path)).await, id, 0, conn, ) .await; } async fn remove_dir(path: String, id: i32, recursive: bool, conn: &mut Connection) { let path = fs::get_path(&path); Self::handle_result( spawn_blocking(move || { if recursive { fs::remove_all_empty_dir(&path) } else { std::fs::remove_dir(&path).map_err(|err| err.into()) } }) .await, id, 0, conn, ) .await; } async fn send(msg: Message, conn: &mut Connection) { match msg.write_to_bytes() { Ok(bytes) => allow_err!(conn.send(&Data::RawMessage(bytes)).await), err => allow_err!(err), } } fn switch_permission(&self, id: i32, name: String, enabled: bool) { let lock =; if let Some(s) = lock.senders.get(&id) { allow_err!(s.send(Data::SwitchPermission { name, enabled })); } } fn close(&self, id: i32) { let lock =; if let Some(s) = lock.senders.get(&id) { allow_err!(s.send(Data::Close)); } } fn send_msg(&self, id: i32, text: String) { let lock =; if let Some(s) = lock.senders.get(&id) { allow_err!(s.send(Data::ChatMessage { text })); } } fn authorize(&self, id: i32) { let lock =; if let Some(s) = lock.senders.get(&id) { allow_err!(s.send(Data::Authorize)); } } fn exit(&self) { std::process::exit(0); } } impl sciter::EventHandler for ConnectionManager { fn attached(&mut self, root: HELEMENT) { self.write().unwrap().root = Some(Element::from(root)); } sciter::dispatch_script_call! { fn check_click_time(i32); fn get_icon(); fn close(i32); fn authorize(i32); fn switch_permission(i32, String, bool); fn send_msg(i32, String); fn exit(); } } #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn start_ipc(cm: ConnectionManager) { match new_listener("_cm").await { Ok(mut incoming) => { while let Some(result) = { match result { Ok(stream) => { let mut stream = Connection::new(stream); let cm = cm.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { let mut conn_id: i32 = 0; let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel::(); let mut write_jobs: Vec = Vec::new(); loop { tokio::select! { res = => { match res { Err(err) => { log::info!("cm ipc connection closed: {}", err); break; } Ok(Some(data)) => { match data { Data::Login{id, is_file_transfer, port_forward, peer_id, name, authorized, keyboard, clipboard, audio} => { conn_id = id; cm.add_connection(id, is_file_transfer, port_forward, peer_id, name, authorized, keyboard, clipboard, audio, tx.clone()); } _ => { cm.handle_data(conn_id, data, &mut write_jobs, &mut stream).await; } } } _ => {} } } Some(data) = rx.recv() => { allow_err!(stream.send(&data).await); } } } cm.remove_connection(conn_id); }); } Err(err) => { log::error!("Couldn't get cm client: {:?}", err); } } } } Err(err) => { log::error!("Failed to start cm ipc server: {}", err); } } std::process::exit(-1); } #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn start_pa() { use hbb_common::config::APP_NAME; use libpulse_binding as pulse; use libpulse_simple_binding as psimple; match new_listener("_pa").await { Ok(mut incoming) => { loop { if let Some(result) = { match result { Ok(stream) => { let mut stream = Connection::new(stream); let mut device: String = "".to_owned(); if let Some(Ok(Some(Data::Config((_, Some(x)))))) = stream.next_timeout2(1000).await { device = x; } if device == "Mute" { break; } if !device.is_empty() { device = crate::platform::linux::get_pa_source_name(&device); } if device.is_empty() { device = crate::platform::linux::get_pa_monitor(); } if device.is_empty() { break; } let spec = pulse::sample::Spec { format: pulse::sample::Format::F32be, channels: 2, rate: crate::platform::linux::PA_SAMPLE_RATE, }; log::info!("pa monitor: {:?}", device); if let Ok(s) = psimple::Simple::new( None, // Use the default server APP_NAME, // Our application’s name pulse::stream::Direction::Record, // We want a record stream Some(&device), // Use the default device APP_NAME, // Description of our stream &spec, // Our sample format None, // Use default channel map None, // Use default buffering attributes ) { loop { if let Some(Err(_)) = stream.next_timeout2(1).await { break; } let mut out: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(480 * 4); unsafe { out.set_len(out.capacity()); } if let Ok(_) = out) { if out.iter().filter(|x| **x != 0).next().is_some() { allow_err!(stream.send(&Data::RawMessage(out)).await); } } } } else { log::error!("Could not create simple pulse"); } } Err(err) => { log::error!("Couldn't get pa client: {:?}", err); } } } } } Err(err) => { log::error!("Failed to start pa ipc server: {}", err); } } }