import 'dart:async'; import 'package:debounce_throttle/debounce_throttle.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/common/shared_state.dart'; import 'package:get/get.dart'; import '../../common.dart'; import '../../models/model.dart'; import '../../models/platform_model.dart'; void clientClose(SessionID sessionId, OverlayDialogManager dialogManager) { msgBox(sessionId, 'info', 'Close', 'Are you sure to close the connection?', '', dialogManager); } abstract class ValidationRule { String get name; bool validate(String value); } class LengthRangeValidationRule extends ValidationRule { final int _min; final int _max; LengthRangeValidationRule(this._min, this._max); @override String get name => translate('length %min% to %max%') .replaceAll('%min%', _min.toString()) .replaceAll('%max%', _max.toString()); @override bool validate(String value) { return value.length >= _min && value.length <= _max; } } class RegexValidationRule extends ValidationRule { final String _name; final RegExp _regex; RegexValidationRule(this._name, this._regex); @override String get name => translate(_name); @override bool validate(String value) { return value.isNotEmpty ? value.contains(_regex) : false; } } void changeIdDialog() { var newId = ""; var msg = ""; var isInProgress = false; TextEditingController controller = TextEditingController(); final RxString rxId = controller.text.trim().obs; final rules = [ RegexValidationRule('starts with a letter', RegExp(r'^[a-zA-Z]')), LengthRangeValidationRule(6, 16), RegexValidationRule('allowed characters', RegExp(r'^\w*$')) ];, close, context) { submit() async { debugPrint("onSubmit"); newId = controller.text.trim(); final Iterable violations = rules.where((r) => !r.validate(newId)); if (violations.isNotEmpty) { setState(() { msg = isDesktop ? '${translate('Prompt')}: ${ =>', ')}' : =>', '); }); return; } setState(() { msg = ""; isInProgress = true; bind.mainChangeId(newId: newId); }); var status = await bind.mainGetAsyncStatus(); while (status == " ") { await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 100)); status = await bind.mainGetAsyncStatus(); } if (status.isEmpty) { // ok close(); return; } setState(() { isInProgress = false; msg = isDesktop ? '${translate('Prompt')}: ${translate(status)}' : translate(status); }); } return CustomAlertDialog( title: Text(translate("Change ID")), content: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ Text(translate("id_change_tip")), const SizedBox( height: 12.0, ), TextField( decoration: InputDecoration( labelText: translate('Your new ID'), errorText: msg.isEmpty ? null : translate(msg), suffixText: '${rxId.value.length}/16', suffixStyle: const TextStyle(fontSize: 12, color: Colors.grey)), inputFormatters: [ LengthLimitingTextInputFormatter(16), // FilteringTextInputFormatter(RegExp(r"[a-zA-z][a-zA-z0-9\_]*"), allow: true) ], controller: controller, autofocus: true, onChanged: (value) { setState(() { rxId.value = value.trim(); msg = ''; }); }, ), const SizedBox( height: 8.0, ), isDesktop ? Obx(() => Wrap( runSpacing: 8, spacing: 4, children: { var checked = e.validate(rxId.value); return Chip( label: Text(, style: TextStyle( color: checked ? const Color(0xFF0A9471) : Color.fromARGB(255, 198, 86, 157)), ), backgroundColor: checked ? const Color(0xFFD0F7ED) : Color.fromARGB(255, 247, 205, 232)); }).toList(), )).marginOnly(bottom: 8) : SizedBox.shrink(), Offstage( offstage: !isInProgress, child: const LinearProgressIndicator()) ], ), actions: [ dialogButton("Cancel", onPressed: close, isOutline: true), dialogButton("OK", onPressed: submit), ], onSubmit: submit, onCancel: close, ); }); } void changeWhiteList({Function()? callback}) async { var newWhiteList = (await bind.mainGetOption(key: 'whitelist')).split(','); var newWhiteListField = newWhiteList.join('\n'); var controller = TextEditingController(text: newWhiteListField); var msg = ""; var isInProgress = false;, close, context) { return CustomAlertDialog( title: Text(translate("IP Whitelisting")), content: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ Text(translate("whitelist_sep")), const SizedBox( height: 8.0, ), Row( children: [ Expanded( child: TextField( maxLines: null, decoration: InputDecoration( errorText: msg.isEmpty ? null : translate(msg), ), controller: controller, autofocus: true), ), ], ), const SizedBox( height: 4.0, ), Offstage( offstage: !isInProgress, child: const LinearProgressIndicator()) ], ), actions: [ dialogButton("Cancel", onPressed: close, isOutline: true), dialogButton("Clear", onPressed: () async { await bind.mainSetOption(key: 'whitelist', value: ''); callback?.call(); close(); }, isOutline: true), dialogButton( "OK", onPressed: () async { setState(() { msg = ""; isInProgress = true; }); newWhiteListField = controller.text.trim(); var newWhiteList = ""; if (newWhiteListField.isEmpty) { // pass } else { final ips = newWhiteListField.trim().split(RegExp(r"[\s,;\n]+")); // test ip final ipMatch = RegExp( r"^(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]?|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]?|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]?|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]?|0)(\/([1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2])){0,1}$"); final ipv6Match = RegExp( r"^(((?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}))*((?::[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}))*::((?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}))*((?::[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}))*|((?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}))((?::[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})){7})(\/([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-1][0-9]|12[0-8])){0,1}$"); for (final ip in ips) { if (!ipMatch.hasMatch(ip) && !ipv6Match.hasMatch(ip)) { msg = "${translate("Invalid IP")} $ip"; setState(() { isInProgress = false; }); return; } } newWhiteList = ips.join(','); } await bind.mainSetOption(key: 'whitelist', value: newWhiteList); callback?.call(); close(); }, ), ], onCancel: close, ); }); } Future changeDirectAccessPort( String currentIP, String currentPort) async { final controller = TextEditingController(text: currentPort); await, close, context) { return CustomAlertDialog( title: Text(translate("Change Local Port")), content: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ const SizedBox(height: 8.0), Row( children: [ Expanded( child: TextField( maxLines: null, keyboardType: TextInputType.number, decoration: InputDecoration( hintText: '21118', isCollapsed: true, prefix: Text('$currentIP : '), suffix: IconButton( padding:, icon: const Icon(Icons.clear, size: 16), onPressed: () => controller.clear())), inputFormatters: [ FilteringTextInputFormatter.allow(RegExp( r'^([0-9]|[1-9]\d|[1-9]\d{2}|[1-9]\d{3}|[1-5]\d{4}|6[0-4]\d{3}|65[0-4]\d{2}|655[0-2]\d|6553[0-5])$')), ], controller: controller, autofocus: true), ), ], ), ], ), actions: [ dialogButton("Cancel", onPressed: close, isOutline: true), dialogButton("OK", onPressed: () async { await bind.mainSetOption( key: 'direct-access-port', value: controller.text); close(); }), ], onCancel: close, ); }); return controller.text; } class DialogTextField extends StatelessWidget { final String title; final String? hintText; final bool obscureText; final String? errorText; final String? helperText; final Widget? prefixIcon; final Widget? suffixIcon; final TextEditingController controller; final FocusNode? focusNode; static const kUsernameTitle = 'Username'; static const kUsernameIcon = Icon(Icons.account_circle_outlined); static const kPasswordTitle = 'Password'; static const kPasswordIcon = Icon(Icons.lock_outline); DialogTextField( {Key? key, this.focusNode, this.obscureText = false, this.errorText, this.helperText, this.prefixIcon, this.suffixIcon, this.hintText, required this.title, required this.controller}) : super(key: key); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Row( children: [ Expanded( child: TextField( decoration: InputDecoration( labelText: title, hintText: hintText, prefixIcon: prefixIcon, suffixIcon: suffixIcon, helperText: helperText, helperMaxLines: 8, errorText: errorText, errorMaxLines: 8, ), controller: controller, focusNode: focusNode, autofocus: true, obscureText: obscureText, ), ), ], ).paddingSymmetric(vertical: 4.0); } } class PasswordWidget extends StatefulWidget { PasswordWidget({ Key? key, required this.controller, this.autoFocus = true, this.hintText, this.errorText, }) : super(key: key); final TextEditingController controller; final bool autoFocus; final String? hintText; final String? errorText; @override State createState() => _PasswordWidgetState(); } class _PasswordWidgetState extends State { bool _passwordVisible = false; final _focusNode = FocusNode(); Timer? _timer; @override void initState() { super.initState(); if (widget.autoFocus) { _timer = Timer(Duration(milliseconds: 50), () => _focusNode.requestFocus()); } } @override void dispose() { _timer?.cancel(); _focusNode.unfocus(); _focusNode.dispose(); super.dispose(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return DialogTextField( title: translate(DialogTextField.kPasswordTitle), hintText: translate(widget.hintText ?? 'Enter your password'), controller: widget.controller, prefixIcon: DialogTextField.kPasswordIcon, suffixIcon: IconButton( icon: Icon( // Based on passwordVisible state choose the icon _passwordVisible ? Icons.visibility : Icons.visibility_off, color: MyTheme.lightTheme.primaryColor), onPressed: () { // Update the state i.e. toggle the state of passwordVisible variable setState(() { _passwordVisible = !_passwordVisible; }); }, ), obscureText: !_passwordVisible, errorText: widget.errorText, focusNode: _focusNode, ); } } void wrongPasswordDialog(SessionID sessionId, OverlayDialogManager dialogManager, type, title, text) { dialogManager.dismissAll();, close, context) { cancel() { close(); closeConnection(); } submit() { enterPasswordDialog(sessionId, dialogManager); } return CustomAlertDialog( title: null, content: msgboxContent(type, title, text), onSubmit: submit, onCancel: cancel, actions: [ dialogButton( 'Cancel', onPressed: cancel, isOutline: true, ), dialogButton( 'Retry', onPressed: submit, ), ]); }); } void enterPasswordDialog( SessionID sessionId, OverlayDialogManager dialogManager) async { await _connectDialog( sessionId, dialogManager, passwordController: TextEditingController(), ); } void enterUserLoginDialog( SessionID sessionId, OverlayDialogManager dialogManager) async { await _connectDialog( sessionId, dialogManager, osUsernameController: TextEditingController(), osPasswordController: TextEditingController(), ); } void enterUserLoginAndPasswordDialog( SessionID sessionId, OverlayDialogManager dialogManager) async { await _connectDialog( sessionId, dialogManager, osUsernameController: TextEditingController(), osPasswordController: TextEditingController(), passwordController: TextEditingController(), ); } _connectDialog( SessionID sessionId, OverlayDialogManager dialogManager, { TextEditingController? osUsernameController, TextEditingController? osPasswordController, TextEditingController? passwordController, }) async { var rememberPassword = false; if (passwordController != null) { rememberPassword = await bind.sessionGetRemember(sessionId: sessionId) ?? false; } var rememberAccount = false; if (osUsernameController != null) { rememberAccount = await bind.sessionGetRemember(sessionId: sessionId) ?? false; } dialogManager.dismissAll();, close, context) { cancel() { close(); closeConnection(); } submit() { final osUsername = osUsernameController?.text.trim() ?? ''; final osPassword = osPasswordController?.text.trim() ?? ''; final password = passwordController?.text.trim() ?? ''; if (passwordController != null && password.isEmpty) return; if (rememberAccount) { bind.sessionPeerOption( sessionId: sessionId, name: 'os-username', value: osUsername); bind.sessionPeerOption( sessionId: sessionId, name: 'os-password', value: osPassword); } gFFI.login( osUsername, osPassword, sessionId, password, rememberPassword, ); close(); dialogManager.showLoading(translate('Logging in...'), onCancel: closeConnection); } descWidget(String text) { return Column( children: [ Align( alignment: Alignment.centerLeft, child: Text( text, maxLines: 3, softWrap: true, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, style: TextStyle(fontSize: 16), ), ), Container( height: 8, ), ], ); } rememberWidget( String desc, bool remember, ValueChanged? onChanged, ) { return CheckboxListTile( contentPadding: const EdgeInsets.all(0), dense: true, controlAffinity: ListTileControlAffinity.leading, title: Text(desc), value: remember, onChanged: onChanged, ); } osAccountWidget() { if (osUsernameController == null || osPasswordController == null) { return Offstage(); } return Column( children: [ descWidget(translate('login_linux_tip')), DialogTextField( title: translate(DialogTextField.kUsernameTitle), controller: osUsernameController, prefixIcon: DialogTextField.kUsernameIcon, errorText: null, ), PasswordWidget( controller: osPasswordController, autoFocus: false, ), rememberWidget( translate('remember_account_tip'), rememberAccount, (v) { if (v != null) { setState(() => rememberAccount = v); } }, ), ], ); } passwdWidget() { if (passwordController == null) { return Offstage(); } return Column( children: [ descWidget(translate('verify_rustdesk_password_tip')), PasswordWidget( controller: passwordController, autoFocus: osUsernameController == null, ), rememberWidget( translate('Remember password'), rememberPassword, (v) { if (v != null) { setState(() => rememberPassword = v); } }, ), ], ); } return CustomAlertDialog( title: Row( mainAxisAlignment:, children: [ Icon(Icons.password_rounded, color: MyTheme.accent), Text(translate('Password Required')).paddingOnly(left: 10), ], ), content: Column(mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ osAccountWidget(), osUsernameController == null || passwordController == null ? Offstage() : Container(height: 12), passwdWidget(), ]), actions: [ dialogButton( 'Cancel', icon: Icon(Icons.close_rounded), onPressed: cancel, isOutline: true, ), dialogButton( 'OK', icon: Icon(Icons.done_rounded), onPressed: submit, ), ], onSubmit: submit, onCancel: cancel, ); }); } void showWaitUacDialog( SessionID sessionId, OverlayDialogManager dialogManager, String type) { dialogManager.dismissAll(); tag: '$sessionId-wait-uac', (setState, close, context) => CustomAlertDialog( title: null, content: msgboxContent(type, 'Wait', 'wait_accept_uac_tip'), )); } // Another username && password dialog? void showRequestElevationDialog( SessionID sessionId, OverlayDialogManager dialogManager) { RxString groupValue = ''.obs; RxString errUser = ''.obs; RxString errPwd = ''.obs; TextEditingController userController = TextEditingController(); TextEditingController pwdController = TextEditingController(); void onRadioChanged(String? value) { if (value != null) { groupValue.value = value; } } // TODO get from theme final double fontSizeNote = 13.00; Widget OptionRequestPermissions = Obx( () => Row( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ Radio( visualDensity: VisualDensity(horizontal: -4, vertical: -4), value: '', groupValue: groupValue.value, onChanged: onRadioChanged, ).marginOnly(right: 10), Expanded( child: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ InkWell( hoverColor: Colors.transparent, onTap: () => groupValue.value = '', child: Text( translate('Ask the remote user for authentication'), ), ).marginOnly(bottom: 10), Text( translate('Choose this if the remote account is administrator'), style: TextStyle(fontSize: fontSizeNote), ), ], ).marginOnly(top: 3), ), ], ), ); Widget OptionCredentials = Obx( () => Row( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ Radio( visualDensity: VisualDensity(horizontal: -4, vertical: -4), value: 'logon', groupValue: groupValue.value, onChanged: onRadioChanged, ).marginOnly(right: 10), Expanded( child: InkWell( hoverColor: Colors.transparent, onTap: () => onRadioChanged('logon'), child: Text( translate('Transmit the username and password of administrator'), ), ).marginOnly(top: 4), ), ], ), ); Widget UacNote = Container( padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(10, 8, 8, 8), decoration: BoxDecoration( color: MyTheme.currentThemeMode() == ThemeMode.dark ? Color.fromARGB(135, 87, 87, 90) : Colors.grey[100], borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8), border: Border.all(color: Colors.grey), ), child: Row( children: [ Icon(Icons.info_outline_rounded, size: 20).marginOnly(right: 10), Expanded( child: Text( translate('still_click_uac_tip'), style: TextStyle( fontSize: fontSizeNote, fontWeight: FontWeight.normal), ), ) ], ), ); var content = Obx( () => Column( children: [ OptionRequestPermissions.marginOnly(bottom: 15), OptionCredentials, Offstage( offstage: 'logon' != groupValue.value, child: Column( children: [ UacNote.marginOnly(bottom: 10), DialogTextField( controller: userController, title: translate('Username'), hintText: translate('eg: admin'), prefixIcon: DialogTextField.kUsernameIcon, errorText: errUser.isEmpty ? null : errUser.value, ), PasswordWidget( controller: pwdController, autoFocus: false, errorText: errPwd.isEmpty ? null : errPwd.value, ), ], ).marginOnly(left: isDesktop ? 35 : 0), ).marginOnly(top: 10), ], ), ); dialogManager.dismissAll(); '$sessionId-request-elevation', (setState, close, context) { void submit() { if (groupValue.value == 'logon') { if (userController.text.isEmpty) { errUser.value = translate('Empty Username'); return; } if (pwdController.text.isEmpty) { errPwd.value = translate('Empty Password'); return; } bind.sessionElevateWithLogon( sessionId: sessionId, username: userController.text, password: pwdController.text); } else { bind.sessionElevateDirect(sessionId: sessionId); } } return CustomAlertDialog( title: Text(translate('Request Elevation')), content: content, actions: [ dialogButton( 'Cancel', icon: Icon(Icons.close_rounded), onPressed: close, isOutline: true, ), dialogButton( 'OK', icon: Icon(Icons.done_rounded), onPressed: submit, ) ], onSubmit: submit, onCancel: close, ); }); } void showOnBlockDialog( SessionID sessionId, String type, String title, String text, OverlayDialogManager dialogManager, ) { if (dialogManager.existing('$sessionId-wait-uac') || dialogManager.existing('$sessionId-request-elevation')) { return; } '$sessionId-$type', (setState, close, context) { void submit() { close(); showRequestElevationDialog(sessionId, dialogManager); } return CustomAlertDialog( title: null, content: msgboxContent(type, title, "${translate(text)}${type.contains('uac') ? '\n' : '\n\n'}${translate('request_elevation_tip')}"), actions: [ dialogButton('Wait', onPressed: close, isOutline: true), dialogButton('Request Elevation', onPressed: submit), ], onSubmit: submit, onCancel: close, ); }); } void showElevationError(SessionID sessionId, String type, String title, String text, OverlayDialogManager dialogManager) { '$sessionId-$type', (setState, close, context) { void submit() { close(); showRequestElevationDialog(sessionId, dialogManager); } return CustomAlertDialog( title: null, content: msgboxContent(type, title, text), actions: [ dialogButton('Cancel', onPressed: () { close(); }, isOutline: true), dialogButton('Retry', onPressed: submit), ], onSubmit: submit, onCancel: close, ); }); } void showWaitAcceptDialog(SessionID sessionId, String type, String title, String text, OverlayDialogManager dialogManager) { dialogManager.dismissAll();, close, context) { onCancel() { closeConnection(); } return CustomAlertDialog( title: null, content: msgboxContent(type, title, text), actions: [ dialogButton('Cancel', onPressed: onCancel, isOutline: true), ], onCancel: onCancel, ); }); } void showRestartRemoteDevice(PeerInfo pi, String id, SessionID sessionId, OverlayDialogManager dialogManager) async { final res = await dialogManager .show((setState, close, context) => CustomAlertDialog( title: Row(children: [ Icon(Icons.warning_rounded, color: Colors.redAccent, size: 28), Flexible( child: Text(translate("Restart Remote Device")) .paddingOnly(left: 10)), ]), content: Text( "${translate('Are you sure you want to restart')} \n${pi.username}@${pi.hostname}($id) ?"), actions: [ dialogButton( "Cancel", icon: Icon(Icons.close_rounded), onPressed: close, isOutline: true, ), dialogButton( "OK", icon: Icon(Icons.done_rounded), onPressed: () => close(true), ), ], onCancel: close, onSubmit: () => close(true), )); if (res == true) bind.sessionRestartRemoteDevice(sessionId: sessionId); } showSetOSPassword( SessionID sessionId, bool login, OverlayDialogManager dialogManager, ) async { final controller = TextEditingController(); var password = await bind.sessionGetOption(sessionId: sessionId, arg: 'os-password') ?? ''; var autoLogin = await bind.sessionGetOption(sessionId: sessionId, arg: 'auto-login') != ''; controller.text = password;, close, context) { submit() { var text = controller.text.trim(); bind.sessionPeerOption( sessionId: sessionId, name: 'os-password', value: text); bind.sessionPeerOption( sessionId: sessionId, name: 'auto-login', value: autoLogin ? 'Y' : ''); if (text != '' && login) { bind.sessionInputOsPassword(sessionId: sessionId, value: text); } close(); } return CustomAlertDialog( title: Row( mainAxisAlignment:, children: [ Icon(Icons.password_rounded, color: MyTheme.accent), Text(translate('OS Password')).paddingOnly(left: 10), ], ), content: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ PasswordWidget(controller: controller), CheckboxListTile( contentPadding: const EdgeInsets.all(0), dense: true, controlAffinity: ListTileControlAffinity.leading, title: Text( translate('Auto Login'), ), value: autoLogin, onChanged: (v) { if (v == null) return; setState(() => autoLogin = v); }, ), ], ), actions: [ dialogButton( "Cancel", icon: Icon(Icons.close_rounded), onPressed: close, isOutline: true, ), dialogButton( "OK", icon: Icon(Icons.done_rounded), onPressed: submit, ), ], onSubmit: submit, onCancel: close, ); }); } showSetOSAccount( SessionID sessionId, OverlayDialogManager dialogManager, ) async { final usernameController = TextEditingController(); final passwdController = TextEditingController(); var username = await bind.sessionGetOption(sessionId: sessionId, arg: 'os-username') ?? ''; var password = await bind.sessionGetOption(sessionId: sessionId, arg: 'os-password') ?? ''; usernameController.text = username; passwdController.text = password;, close, context) { submit() { final username = usernameController.text.trim(); final password = usernameController.text.trim(); bind.sessionPeerOption( sessionId: sessionId, name: 'os-username', value: username); bind.sessionPeerOption( sessionId: sessionId, name: 'os-password', value: password); close(); } descWidget(String text) { return Column( children: [ Align( alignment: Alignment.centerLeft, child: Text( text, maxLines: 3, softWrap: true, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, style: TextStyle(fontSize: 16), ), ), Container( height: 8, ), ], ); } return CustomAlertDialog( title: Row( mainAxisAlignment:, children: [ Icon(Icons.password_rounded, color: MyTheme.accent), Text(translate('OS Account')).paddingOnly(left: 10), ], ), content: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ descWidget(translate("os_account_desk_tip")), DialogTextField( title: translate(DialogTextField.kUsernameTitle), controller: usernameController, prefixIcon: DialogTextField.kUsernameIcon, errorText: null, ), PasswordWidget(controller: passwdController), ], ), actions: [ dialogButton( "Cancel", icon: Icon(Icons.close_rounded), onPressed: close, isOutline: true, ), dialogButton( "OK", icon: Icon(Icons.done_rounded), onPressed: submit, ), ], onSubmit: submit, onCancel: close, ); }); } showAuditDialog(FFI ffi) async { final controller = TextEditingController(text: ffi.auditNote);, close, context) { submit() { var text = controller.text; bind.sessionSendNote(sessionId: ffi.sessionId, note: text); ffi.auditNote = text; close(); } late final focusNode = FocusNode( onKey: (FocusNode node, RawKeyEvent evt) { if (evt.logicalKey.keyLabel == 'Enter') { if (evt is RawKeyDownEvent) { int pos = controller.selection.base.offset; controller.text = '${controller.text.substring(0, pos)}\n${controller.text.substring(pos)}'; controller.selection = TextSelection.fromPosition(TextPosition(offset: pos + 1)); } return KeyEventResult.handled; } if (evt.logicalKey.keyLabel == 'Esc') { if (evt is RawKeyDownEvent) { close(); } return KeyEventResult.handled; } else { return KeyEventResult.ignored; } }, ); return CustomAlertDialog( title: Text(translate('Note')), content: SizedBox( width: 250, height: 120, child: TextField( autofocus: true, keyboardType: TextInputType.multiline, textInputAction: TextInputAction.newline, decoration: const InputDecoration.collapsed( hintText: 'input note here', ), maxLines: null, maxLength: 256, controller: controller, focusNode: focusNode, )), actions: [ dialogButton('Cancel', onPressed: close, isOutline: true), dialogButton('OK', onPressed: submit) ], onSubmit: submit, onCancel: close, ); }); } void showConfirmSwitchSidesDialog( SessionID sessionId, String id, OverlayDialogManager dialogManager) async {, close, context) { submit() async { await bind.sessionSwitchSides(sessionId: sessionId); closeConnection(id: id); } return CustomAlertDialog( content: msgboxContent('info', 'Switch Sides', 'Please confirm if you want to share your desktop?'), actions: [ dialogButton('Cancel', onPressed: close, isOutline: true), dialogButton('OK', onPressed: submit), ], onSubmit: submit, onCancel: close, ); }); } customImageQualityDialog(SessionID sessionId, String id, FFI ffi) async { double qualityInitValue = 50; double fpsInitValue = 30; bool qualitySet = false; bool fpsSet = false; setCustomValues({double? quality, double? fps}) async { if (quality != null) { qualitySet = true; await bind.sessionSetCustomImageQuality( sessionId: sessionId, value: quality.toInt()); } if (fps != null) { fpsSet = true; await bind.sessionSetCustomFps(sessionId: sessionId, fps: fps.toInt()); } if (!qualitySet) { qualitySet = true; await bind.sessionSetCustomImageQuality( sessionId: sessionId, value: qualityInitValue.toInt()); } if (!fpsSet) { fpsSet = true; await bind.sessionSetCustomFps( sessionId: sessionId, fps: fpsInitValue.toInt()); } } final btnClose = dialogButton('Close', onPressed: () async { await setCustomValues(); ffi.dialogManager.dismissAll(); }); // quality final quality = await bind.sessionGetCustomImageQuality(sessionId: sessionId); qualityInitValue = quality != null && quality.isNotEmpty ? quality[0].toDouble() : 50.0; const qualityMinValue = 10.0; const qualityMaxValue = 100.0; if (qualityInitValue < qualityMinValue) { qualityInitValue = qualityMinValue; } if (qualityInitValue > qualityMaxValue) { qualityInitValue = qualityMaxValue; } final RxDouble qualitySliderValue = RxDouble(qualityInitValue); final debouncerQuality = Debouncer( Duration(milliseconds: 1000), onChanged: (double v) { setCustomValues(quality: v); }, initialValue: qualityInitValue, ); final qualitySlider = Obx(() => Row( children: [ Expanded( flex: 3, child: Slider( value: qualitySliderValue.value, min: qualityMinValue, max: qualityMaxValue, divisions: 18, onChanged: (double value) { qualitySliderValue.value = value; debouncerQuality.value = value; }, )), Expanded( flex: 1, child: Text( '${qualitySliderValue.value.round()}%', style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 15), )), Expanded( flex: 2, child: Text( translate('Bitrate'), style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 15), )), ], )); // fps final fpsOption = await bind.sessionGetOption(sessionId: sessionId, arg: 'custom-fps'); fpsInitValue = fpsOption == null ? 30 : double.tryParse(fpsOption) ?? 30; if (fpsInitValue < 5 || fpsInitValue > 120) { fpsInitValue = 30; } final RxDouble fpsSliderValue = RxDouble(fpsInitValue); final debouncerFps = Debouncer( Duration(milliseconds: 1000), onChanged: (double v) { setCustomValues(fps: v); }, initialValue: qualityInitValue, ); bool? direct; try { direct = ConnectionTypeState.find(id).direct.value == ConnectionType.strDirect; } catch (_) {} final fpsSlider = Offstage( offstage: (await bind.mainIsUsingPublicServer() && direct != true) || version_cmp(ffi.ffiModel.pi.version, '1.2.0') < 0, child: Row( children: [ Expanded( flex: 3, child: Obx((() => Slider( value: fpsSliderValue.value, min: 5, max: 120, divisions: 23, onChanged: (double value) { fpsSliderValue.value = value; debouncerFps.value = value; }, )))), Expanded( flex: 1, child: Obx(() => Text( '${fpsSliderValue.value.round()}', style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 15), ))), Expanded( flex: 2, child: Text( translate('FPS'), style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 15), )) ], ), ); final content = Column( children: [qualitySlider, fpsSlider], ); msgBoxCommon(ffi.dialogManager, 'Custom Image Quality', content, [btnClose]); }