import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:dash_chat/dash_chat.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import '../common.dart'; import '../pages/server_page.dart'; import 'model.dart'; final _emptyIdShow = translate("connecting_status"); class ServerModel with ChangeNotifier { Timer? _interval; bool _isStart = false; bool _mediaOk = false; bool _inputOk = false; late bool _audioOk; late bool _fileOk; final _serverId = TextEditingController(text: _emptyIdShow); final _serverPasswd = TextEditingController(text: ""); Map _clients = {}; bool get isStart => _isStart; bool get mediaOk => _mediaOk; bool get inputOk => _inputOk; bool get audioOk => _audioOk; bool get fileOk => _fileOk; TextEditingController get serverId => _serverId; TextEditingController get serverPasswd => _serverPasswd; Map get clients => _clients; ServerModel() { ()async{ await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2)); final audioOption = FFI.getByName('option', 'enable-audio'); _audioOk = audioOption.isEmpty; // audio true by default final fileOption = FFI.getByName('option', 'enable-file-transfer'); _fileOk = fileOption.isEmpty; Map res = Map() ..["name"] = "enable-keyboard" ..["value"] = 'N'; FFI.setByName('option', jsonEncode(res)); // input false by default }(); } toggleAudio(){ _audioOk = !_audioOk; Map res = Map() ..["name"] = "enable-audio" ..["value"] = _audioOk ? '' : 'N'; FFI.setByName('option', jsonEncode(res)); notifyListeners(); } toggleFile() { _fileOk = !_fileOk; Map res = Map() ..["name"] = "enable-file-transfer" ..["value"] = _fileOk ? '' : 'N'; FFI.setByName('option', jsonEncode(res)); notifyListeners(); } toggleInput(){ if(_inputOk){ FFI.invokeMethod("stop_input"); }else{ showInputWarnAlert(); } } toggleService() async { if(_isStart){ final res = await, close) => CustomAlertDialog( title: Text(translate("Warning")), content: Text(translate("android_stop_service_tip")), actions: [ TextButton(onPressed: ()=>close(), child: Text(translate("Cancel"))), ElevatedButton(onPressed: ()=>close(true), child: Text(translate("OK"))), ], )); if(res == true){ stopService(); } }else{ final res = await, close) => CustomAlertDialog( title: Text(translate("Warning")), content: Text(translate("android_service_will_start_tip")), actions: [ TextButton(onPressed: ()=>close(), child: Text(translate("Cancel"))), ElevatedButton(onPressed: ()=>close(true), child: Text(translate("OK"))), ], )); if(res == true){ startService(); } } } Future startService() async { _isStart = true; notifyListeners(); FFI.setByName("ensure_init_event_queue"); _interval = Timer.periodic(Duration(milliseconds: 30), (timer) { FFI.ffiModel.update("", (_, __) {}); }); await FFI.invokeMethod("init_service"); FFI.setByName("start_service"); getIDPasswd(); } Future stopService() async { _isStart = false; _interval?.cancel(); _interval = null; FFI.serverModel.closeAll(); await FFI.invokeMethod("stop_service"); FFI.setByName("stop_service"); notifyListeners(); } Future initInput() async { await FFI.invokeMethod("init_input"); } getIDPasswd() async { if (_serverId.text != _emptyIdShow && _serverPasswd.text != "") { return; } var count = 0; const maxCount = 10; while (count < maxCount) { await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1)); final id = FFI.getByName("server_id"); final passwd = FFI.getByName("server_password"); if (id.isEmpty) { continue; } else { _serverId.text = id; } if (passwd.isEmpty) { continue; } else { _serverPasswd.text = passwd; } debugPrint( "fetch id & passwd again at $count:id:${_serverId.text},passwd:${_serverPasswd.text}"); count++; if (_serverId.text != _emptyIdShow && _serverPasswd.text.isNotEmpty) { break; } } notifyListeners(); } changeStatue(String name, bool value) { debugPrint("changeStatue value $value"); switch (name) { case "media": _mediaOk = value; if(value && !_isStart){ startService(); } break; case "input": if(_inputOk!= value){ Map res = Map() ..["name"] = "enable-keyboard" ..["value"] = value ? '' : 'N'; FFI.setByName('option', jsonEncode(res)); } _inputOk = value; break; default: return; } notifyListeners(); } updateClientState() { var res = FFI.getByName("clients_state"); try { final List clientsJson = jsonDecode(res); for (var clientJson in clientsJson){ final client = Client.fromJson(jsonDecode(clientJson)); _clients[] = client; } notifyListeners(); } catch (e) {} } loginRequest(Map evt) { try { final client = Client.fromJson(jsonDecode(evt["client"])); final Map response = Map(); response["id"] =;, close) => CustomAlertDialog( title: Text(translate(client.isFileTransfer?"File Connection":"Screen Connection")), content: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, mainAxisAlignment:, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ Text(translate("Do you accept?")), SizedBox(height: 20), clientInfo(client), Text(translate("android_new_connection_tip")), ], ), actions: [ TextButton( child: Text(translate("Dismiss")), onPressed: () { response["res"] = false; FFI.setByName("login_res", jsonEncode(response)); close(); }), ElevatedButton( child: Text(translate("Accept")), onPressed: () async { response["res"] = true; FFI.setByName("login_res", jsonEncode(response)); if (!client.isFileTransfer) { bool res = await FFI.invokeMethod( "start_capture"); // to Android service debugPrint("_toAndroidStartCapture:$res"); } _clients[] = client; notifyListeners(); close(); }), ],onWillPop: ()async=>true,),barrierDismissible: true); } catch (e) { debugPrint("loginRequest failed,error:$e"); } } void onClientAuthorized(Map evt) { try{ final client = Client.fromJson(jsonDecode(evt['client'])); _clients[] = client; notifyListeners(); }catch(e){ } } void onClientRemove(Map evt) { try { final id = int.parse(evt['id'] as String); _clients.remove(id); notifyListeners(); } catch (e) { // singleWhere fail ,reset the login dialog DialogManager.reset(); debugPrint("onClientRemove failed,error:$e"); } } closeAll() { _clients.forEach((id,client) { FFI.setByName("close_conn", id.toString()); }); _clients.clear(); } } class Client { int id = 0; // client connections inner count id bool authorized = false; bool isFileTransfer = false; String name = ""; String peerId = ""; // peer user's id,show at app bool keyboard = false; bool clipboard = false; bool audio = false; late ChatUser chatUser; Client(this.authorized, this.isFileTransfer,, this.peerId,this.keyboard,this.clipboard,; Client.fromJson(Map json) { id = json['id']; authorized = json['authorized']; isFileTransfer = json['is_file_transfer']; name = json['name']; peerId = json['peer_id']; keyboard= json['keyboard']; clipboard= json['clipboard']; audio= json['audio']; chatUser = ChatUser( uid:peerId, name: name, ); } Map toJson() { final Map data = new Map(); data['id'] =; data['is_start'] = this.authorized; data['is_file_transfer'] = this.isFileTransfer; data['name'] =; data['peer_id'] = this.peerId; data['keyboard'] = this.keyboard; data['clipboard'] = this.clipboard; data['audio'] =; return data; } } showInputWarnAlert() async { if (globalKey.currentContext == null) return; DialogManager.reset(); await showDialog( context: globalKey.currentContext!, builder: (alertContext) { DialogManager.register(alertContext); return AlertDialog( title: Text(translate("How to get Android input permission?")), // content: TextStyle(), children: [ // // [已安装的服务] : [Installed Services] // // 请在接下来的系统设置页面里,找到并进入[Installed Services]页面,将[RustDesk Input]服务开启。 // TextSpan(text: "请在接下来的系统设置页\n进入"), // TextSpan(text: " [服务] ", style: TextStyle(color: MyTheme.accent)), // TextSpan(text: "配置页面\n将"), // TextSpan( // text: " [RustDesk Input] ", // style: TextStyle(color: MyTheme.accent)), // TextSpan(text: "服务开启") // ])), content: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ Text(translate(translate("android_input_permission_tip1"))), SizedBox(height: 10), Text(translate(translate("android_input_permission_tip2"))), ], ), actions: [ TextButton( child: Text(translate("Cancel")), onPressed: () { DialogManager.reset(); }), ElevatedButton( child: Text(translate("Open System Setting")), onPressed: () { FFI.serverModel.initInput(); DialogManager.reset(); }), ], ); }); DialogManager.drop(); }