use libc; use crate::{Key, KeyboardControllable, MouseButton, MouseControllable}; use self::libc::{c_char, c_int, c_void, useconds_t}; use std::{borrow::Cow, ffi::CString, io::prelude::*, ptr, sync::mpsc}; const CURRENT_WINDOW: c_int = 0; const DEFAULT_DELAY: u64 = 12000; type Window = c_int; type Xdo = *const c_void; #[link(name = "xdo")] extern "C" { fn xdo_free(xdo: Xdo); fn xdo_new(display: *const c_char) -> Xdo; fn xdo_click_window(xdo: Xdo, window: Window, button: c_int) -> c_int; fn xdo_mouse_down(xdo: Xdo, window: Window, button: c_int) -> c_int; fn xdo_mouse_up(xdo: Xdo, window: Window, button: c_int) -> c_int; fn xdo_move_mouse(xdo: Xdo, x: c_int, y: c_int, screen: c_int) -> c_int; fn xdo_move_mouse_relative(xdo: Xdo, x: c_int, y: c_int) -> c_int; fn xdo_enter_text_window( xdo: Xdo, window: Window, string: *const c_char, delay: useconds_t, ) -> c_int; fn xdo_send_keysequence_window( xdo: Xdo, window: Window, string: *const c_char, delay: useconds_t, ) -> c_int; fn xdo_send_keysequence_window_down( xdo: Xdo, window: Window, string: *const c_char, delay: useconds_t, ) -> c_int; fn xdo_send_keysequence_window_up( xdo: Xdo, window: Window, string: *const c_char, delay: useconds_t, ) -> c_int; fn xdo_get_input_state(xdo: Xdo) -> u32; } fn mousebutton(button: MouseButton) -> c_int { match button { MouseButton::Left => 1, MouseButton::Middle => 2, MouseButton::Right => 3, MouseButton::ScrollUp => 4, MouseButton::ScrollDown => 5, MouseButton::ScrollLeft => 6, MouseButton::ScrollRight => 7, } } enum PyMsg { Char(char), Str(&'static str), } /// The main struct for handling the event emitting pub struct Enigo { xdo: Xdo, delay: u64, tx: mpsc::Sender<(PyMsg, bool)>, } // This is safe, we have a unique pointer. // TODO: use Unique once stable. unsafe impl Send for Enigo {} impl Default for Enigo { /// Create a new Enigo instance fn default() -> Self { let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(); start_pynput_service(rx); Self { xdo: unsafe { xdo_new(ptr::null()) }, delay: DEFAULT_DELAY, tx, } } } impl Enigo { /// Get the delay per keypress. /// Default value is 12000. /// This is Linux-specific. pub fn delay(&self) -> u64 { self.delay } /// Set the delay per keypress. /// This is Linux-specific. pub fn set_delay(&mut self, delay: u64) { self.delay = delay; } /// pub fn reset(&mut self) { self.tx.send((PyMsg::Char('\0'), true)).ok(); } #[inline] fn send_pynput(&mut self, key: &Key, is_press: bool) -> bool { if unsafe { PYNPUT_EXIT || !PYNPUT_REDAY } { return false; } if let Key::Layout(c) = key { return self.tx.send((PyMsg::Char(*c), is_press)).is_ok(); } if let Key::Raw(_) = key { return false; } #[allow(deprecated)] let s = match key { Key::Alt => "Alt_L", Key::Backspace => "BackSpace", Key::CapsLock => "Caps_Lock", Key::Control => "Control_L", Key::Delete => "Delete", Key::DownArrow => "Down", Key::End => "End", Key::Escape => "Escape", Key::F1 => "F1", Key::F10 => "F10", Key::F11 => "F11", Key::F12 => "F12", Key::F2 => "F2", Key::F3 => "F3", Key::F4 => "F4", Key::F5 => "F5", Key::F6 => "F6", Key::F7 => "F7", Key::F8 => "F8", Key::F9 => "F9", Key::Home => "Home", Key::LeftArrow => "Left", Key::Option => "Option", Key::PageDown => "Page_Down", Key::PageUp => "Page_Up", Key::Return => "Return", Key::RightArrow => "Right", Key::Shift => "Shift_L", Key::Space => "space", Key::Tab => "Tab", Key::UpArrow => "Up", Key::Numpad0 => "0", Key::Numpad1 => "1", Key::Numpad2 => "2", Key::Numpad3 => "3", Key::Numpad4 => "4", Key::Numpad5 => "5", Key::Numpad6 => "6", Key::Numpad7 => "7", Key::Numpad8 => "8", Key::Numpad9 => "9", Key::Decimal => "KP_Decimal", Key::Cancel => "Cancel", Key::Clear => "Clear", Key::Pause => "Pause", Key::Kana => "Kana", Key::Hangul => "Hangul", Key::Hanja => "Hanja", Key::Kanji => "Kanji", Key::Select => "Select", Key::Print => "Print", Key::Execute => "Execute", Key::Snapshot => "3270_PrintScreen", Key::Insert => "Insert", Key::Help => "Help", Key::Separator => "KP_Separator", Key::Scroll => "Scroll_Lock", Key::NumLock => "Num_Lock", Key::RWin => "Super_R", Key::Apps => "Menu", Key::Multiply => "KP_Multiply", Key::Add => "KP_Add", Key::Subtract => "KP_Subtract", Key::Divide => "KP_Divide", Key::Equals => "KP_Equal", Key::NumpadEnter => "KP_Enter", Key::RightShift => "Shift_R", Key::RightControl => "Control_R", Key::RightAlt => "Mode_switch", Key::Command | Key::Super | Key::Windows | Key::Meta => "Super_L", _ => { return true; } }; return self.tx.send((PyMsg::Str(s), is_press)).is_ok(); } } impl Drop for Enigo { fn drop(&mut self) { if self.xdo.is_null() { return; } unsafe { xdo_free(self.xdo); } } } impl MouseControllable for Enigo { fn mouse_move_to(&mut self, x: i32, y: i32) { if self.xdo.is_null() { return; } unsafe { xdo_move_mouse(self.xdo, x as c_int, y as c_int, 0); } } fn mouse_move_relative(&mut self, x: i32, y: i32) { if self.xdo.is_null() { return; } unsafe { xdo_move_mouse_relative(self.xdo, x as c_int, y as c_int); } } fn mouse_down(&mut self, button: MouseButton) -> crate::ResultType { if self.xdo.is_null() { return Ok(()); } unsafe { xdo_mouse_down(self.xdo, CURRENT_WINDOW, mousebutton(button)); } Ok(()) } fn mouse_up(&mut self, button: MouseButton) { if self.xdo.is_null() { return; } unsafe { xdo_mouse_up(self.xdo, CURRENT_WINDOW, mousebutton(button)); } } fn mouse_click(&mut self, button: MouseButton) { if self.xdo.is_null() { return; } unsafe { xdo_click_window(self.xdo, CURRENT_WINDOW, mousebutton(button)); } } fn mouse_scroll_x(&mut self, length: i32) { let button; let mut length = length; if length < 0 { button = MouseButton::ScrollLeft; } else { button = MouseButton::ScrollRight; } if length < 0 { length = -length; } for _ in 0..length { self.mouse_click(button); } } fn mouse_scroll_y(&mut self, length: i32) { let button; let mut length = length; if length < 0 { button = MouseButton::ScrollUp; } else { button = MouseButton::ScrollDown; } if length < 0 { length = -length; } for _ in 0..length { self.mouse_click(button); } } } fn keysequence<'a>(key: Key) -> Cow<'a, str> { if let Key::Layout(c) = key { return Cow::Owned(format!("U{:X}", c as u32)); } if let Key::Raw(k) = key { return Cow::Owned(format!("{}", k as u16)); } #[allow(deprecated)] // I mean duh, we still need to support deprecated keys until they're removed // // Cow::Borrowed(match key { Key::Alt => "Alt", Key::Backspace => "BackSpace", Key::CapsLock => "Caps_Lock", Key::Control => "Control", Key::Delete => "Delete", Key::DownArrow => "Down", Key::End => "End", Key::Escape => "Escape", Key::F1 => "F1", Key::F10 => "F10", Key::F11 => "F11", Key::F12 => "F12", Key::F2 => "F2", Key::F3 => "F3", Key::F4 => "F4", Key::F5 => "F5", Key::F6 => "F6", Key::F7 => "F7", Key::F8 => "F8", Key::F9 => "F9", Key::Home => "Home", //Key::Layout(_) => unreachable!(), Key::LeftArrow => "Left", Key::Option => "Option", Key::PageDown => "Page_Down", Key::PageUp => "Page_Up", //Key::Raw(_) => unreachable!(), Key::Return => "Return", Key::RightArrow => "Right", Key::Shift => "Shift", Key::Space => "space", Key::Tab => "Tab", Key::UpArrow => "Up", Key::Numpad0 => "U30", //"KP_0", Key::Numpad1 => "U31", //"KP_1", Key::Numpad2 => "U32", //"KP_2", Key::Numpad3 => "U33", //"KP_3", Key::Numpad4 => "U34", //"KP_4", Key::Numpad5 => "U35", //"KP_5", Key::Numpad6 => "U36", //"KP_6", Key::Numpad7 => "U37", //"KP_7", Key::Numpad8 => "U38", //"KP_8", Key::Numpad9 => "U39", //"KP_9", Key::Decimal => "U2E", //"KP_Decimal", Key::Cancel => "Cancel", Key::Clear => "Clear", Key::Pause => "Pause", Key::Kana => "Kana", Key::Hangul => "Hangul", Key::Junja => "", Key::Final => "", Key::Hanja => "Hanja", Key::Kanji => "Kanji", Key::Convert => "", Key::Select => "Select", Key::Print => "Print", Key::Execute => "Execute", Key::Snapshot => "3270_PrintScreen", Key::Insert => "Insert", Key::Help => "Help", Key::Sleep => "", Key::Separator => "KP_Separator", Key::VolumeUp => "", Key::VolumeDown => "", Key::Mute => "", Key::Scroll => "Scroll_Lock", Key::NumLock => "Num_Lock", Key::RWin => "Super_R", Key::Apps => "Menu", Key::Multiply => "KP_Multiply", Key::Add => "KP_Add", Key::Subtract => "KP_Subtract", Key::Divide => "KP_Divide", Key::Equals => "KP_Equal", Key::NumpadEnter => "KP_Enter", Key::RightShift => "Shift_R", Key::RightControl => "Control_R", Key::RightAlt => "Alt_R", Key::Command | Key::Super | Key::Windows | Key::Meta => "Super", _ => "", }) } impl KeyboardControllable for Enigo { fn get_key_state(&mut self, key: Key) -> bool { if self.xdo.is_null() { return false; } /* // modifier keys mask pub const ShiftMask: c_uint = 0x01; pub const LockMask: c_uint = 0x02; pub const ControlMask: c_uint = 0x04; pub const Mod1Mask: c_uint = 0x08; pub const Mod2Mask: c_uint = 0x10; pub const Mod3Mask: c_uint = 0x20; pub const Mod4Mask: c_uint = 0x40; pub const Mod5Mask: c_uint = 0x80; */ let mod_shift = 1 << 0; let mod_lock = 1 << 1; let mod_control = 1 << 2; let mod_alt = 1 << 3; let mod_numlock = 1 << 4; let mod_meta = 1 << 6; let mask = unsafe { xdo_get_input_state(self.xdo) }; match key { Key::Shift => mask & mod_shift != 0, Key::CapsLock => mask & mod_lock != 0, Key::Control => mask & mod_control != 0, Key::Alt => mask & mod_alt != 0, Key::NumLock => mask & mod_numlock != 0, Key::Meta => mask & mod_meta != 0, _ => false, } } fn key_sequence(&mut self, sequence: &str) { if self.xdo.is_null() { return; } if let Ok(string) = CString::new(sequence) { unsafe { xdo_enter_text_window( self.xdo, CURRENT_WINDOW, string.as_ptr(), self.delay as useconds_t, ); } } } fn key_down(&mut self, key: Key) -> crate::ResultType { if self.xdo.is_null() { return Ok(()); } if self.send_pynput(&key, true) { return Ok(()); } let string = CString::new(&*keysequence(key))?; unsafe { xdo_send_keysequence_window_down( self.xdo, CURRENT_WINDOW, string.as_ptr(), self.delay as useconds_t, ); } Ok(()) } fn key_up(&mut self, key: Key) { if self.xdo.is_null() { return; } if self.send_pynput(&key, false) { return; } if let Ok(string) = CString::new(&*keysequence(key)) { unsafe { xdo_send_keysequence_window_up( self.xdo, CURRENT_WINDOW, string.as_ptr(), self.delay as useconds_t, ); } } } fn key_click(&mut self, key: Key) { if self.xdo.is_null() { return; } if let Ok(string) = CString::new(&*keysequence(key)) { unsafe { xdo_send_keysequence_window( self.xdo, CURRENT_WINDOW, string.as_ptr(), self.delay as useconds_t, ); } } } } static mut PYNPUT_EXIT: bool = false; static mut PYNPUT_REDAY: bool = false; static IPC_FILE: &'static str = "/tmp/RustDesk/pynput_service"; fn start_pynput_service(rx: mpsc::Receiver<(PyMsg, bool)>) { let mut py = "./".to_owned(); if !std::path::Path::new(&py).exists() { py = "/usr/share/rustdesk/files/".to_owned(); if !std::path::Path::new(&py).exists() { py = "/usr/lib/rustdesk/".to_owned(); if !std::path::Path::new(&py).exists() { // enigo libs, not rustdesk root project, so skip using appimage features py = std::env::var("APPDIR").unwrap_or("".to_string()) + "/usr/lib/rustdesk/"; if !std::path::Path::new(&py).exists() { log::error!("{} not exists", py); } } } } log::info!("pynput service: {}", py); std::thread::spawn(move || { let username = std::env::var("PYNPUT_USERNAME").unwrap_or("".to_owned()); let userid = std::env::var("PYNPUT_USERID").unwrap_or("".to_owned()); let status = if username.is_empty() { std::process::Command::new("python3") .arg(&py) .arg(IPC_FILE) .status() .map(|x| x.success()) } else { let mut status = Ok(true); for i in 0..100 { if i % 10 == 0 { log::info!("#{} try to start pynput server", i); } status = std::process::Command::new("sudo") .args(vec![ "-E", &format!("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/{}", userid) as &str, "-u", &username, "python3", &py, IPC_FILE, ]) .status() .map(|x| x.success()); match status { Ok(true) => break, _ => {} } std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(100)); } status }; log::info!( "pynput server exit with username/id {}/{}: {:?}", username, userid, status ); unsafe { PYNPUT_EXIT = true; } }); std::thread::spawn(move || { for i in 0..300 { std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(100)); let mut conn = match std::os::unix::net::UnixStream::connect(IPC_FILE) { Ok(conn) => conn, Err(err) => { if i % 15 == 0 { log::warn!("Failed to connect to {}: {}", IPC_FILE, err); } continue; } }; if let Err(err) = conn.set_nonblocking(true) { log::error!("Failed to set ipc nonblocking: {}", err); return; } log::info!("Conntected to pynput server"); let d = std::time::Duration::from_millis(30); unsafe { PYNPUT_REDAY = true; } let mut buf = [0u8; 1024]; loop { if unsafe { PYNPUT_EXIT } { break; } match rx.recv_timeout(d) { Ok((msg, is_press)) => { let msg = match msg { PyMsg::Char(chr) => { format!("{}{}", if is_press { 'p' } else { 'r' }, chr) } PyMsg::Str(s) => format!("{}{}", if is_press { 'p' } else { 'r' }, s), }; let n = msg.len(); buf[0] = n as _; buf[1..(n + 1)].copy_from_slice(msg.as_bytes()); if let Err(err) = conn.write_all(&buf[..n + 1]) { log::error!("Failed to write to ipc: {}", err); break; } } Err(err) => match err { mpsc::RecvTimeoutError::Disconnected => { log::error!("pynput sender disconnecte"); break; } _ => {} }, } } unsafe { PYNPUT_REDAY = false; } break; } }); }