pub use async_trait::async_trait; #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux")))] use cpal::{ traits::{DeviceTrait, HostTrait, StreamTrait}, Device, Host, StreamConfig, }; use magnum_opus::{Channels::*, Decoder as AudioDecoder}; use sha2::{Digest, Sha256}; use std::{ collections::HashMap, net::SocketAddr, ops::{Deref, Not}, sync::{atomic::AtomicBool, mpsc, Arc, Mutex, RwLock}, }; use uuid::Uuid; pub use file_trait::FileManager; use hbb_common::{ allow_err, anyhow::{anyhow, Context}, bail, config::{ Config, PeerConfig, PeerInfoSerde, CONNECT_TIMEOUT, READ_TIMEOUT, RELAY_PORT, RENDEZVOUS_TIMEOUT, }, log, message_proto::{option_message::BoolOption, *}, protobuf::Message as _, rand, rendezvous_proto::*, socket_client, sodiumoxide::crypto::{box_, secretbox, sign}, timeout, tokio::time::Duration, AddrMangle, ResultType, Stream, }; pub use helper::LatencyController; pub use helper::*; use scrap::{ codec::{Decoder, DecoderCfg}, record::{Recorder, RecorderContext}, VpxDecoderConfig, VpxVideoCodecId, }; pub use super::lang::*; pub mod file_trait; pub mod helper; pub mod io_loop; use crate::server::video_service::{SCRAP_X11_REF_URL, SCRAP_X11_REQUIRED}; pub static SERVER_KEYBOARD_ENABLED: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(true); pub static SERVER_FILE_TRANSFER_ENABLED: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(true); pub static SERVER_CLIPBOARD_ENABLED: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(true); pub const MILLI1: Duration = Duration::from_millis(1); pub const SEC30: Duration = Duration::from_secs(30); /// Client of the remote desktop. pub struct Client; #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux")))] lazy_static::lazy_static! { static ref AUDIO_HOST: Host = cpal::default_host(); } #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "ios")))] lazy_static::lazy_static! { static ref ENIGO: Arc> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(enigo::Enigo::new())); } #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "ios")))] pub fn get_key_state(key: enigo::Key) -> bool { use enigo::KeyboardControllable; #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] if key == enigo::Key::NumLock { return true; } ENIGO.lock().unwrap().get_key_state(key) } cfg_if::cfg_if! { if #[cfg(target_os = "android")] { use libc::{c_float, c_int, c_void}; type Oboe = *mut c_void; extern "C" { fn create_oboe_player(channels: c_int, sample_rate: c_int) -> Oboe; fn push_oboe_data(oboe: Oboe, d: *const c_float, n: c_int); fn destroy_oboe_player(oboe: Oboe); } struct OboePlayer { raw: Oboe, } impl Default for OboePlayer { fn default() -> Self { Self { raw: std::ptr::null_mut(), } } } impl OboePlayer { fn new(channels: i32, sample_rate: i32) -> Self { unsafe { Self { raw: create_oboe_player(channels, sample_rate), } } } fn is_null(&self) -> bool { self.raw.is_null() } fn push(&mut self, d: &[f32]) { if self.raw.is_null() { return; } unsafe { push_oboe_data(self.raw, d.as_ptr(), d.len() as _); } } } impl Drop for OboePlayer { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { if !self.raw.is_null() { destroy_oboe_player(self.raw); } } } } } } impl Client { /// Start a new connection. pub async fn start( peer: &str, key: &str, token: &str, conn_type: ConnType, interface: impl Interface, ) -> ResultType<(Stream, bool)> { match Self::_start(peer, key, token, conn_type, interface).await { Err(err) => { let err_str = err.to_string(); if err_str.starts_with("Failed") { bail!(err_str + ": Please try later"); } else { return Err(err); } } Ok(x) => Ok(x), } } /// Start a new connection. async fn _start( peer: &str, key: &str, token: &str, conn_type: ConnType, interface: impl Interface, ) -> ResultType<(Stream, bool)> { // to-do: remember the port for each peer, so that we can retry easier if hbb_common::is_ip_str(peer) { return Ok(( socket_client::connect_tcp( crate::check_port(peer, RELAY_PORT + 1), RENDEZVOUS_TIMEOUT, ) .await?, true, )); } let (mut rendezvous_server, servers, contained) = crate::get_rendezvous_server(1_000).await; let mut socket = socket_client::connect_tcp(&*rendezvous_server, RENDEZVOUS_TIMEOUT).await; debug_assert!(!servers.contains(&rendezvous_server)); if socket.is_err() && !servers.is_empty() { log::info!("try the other servers: {:?}", servers); for server in servers { socket = socket_client::connect_tcp(&*server, RENDEZVOUS_TIMEOUT).await; if socket.is_ok() { rendezvous_server = server; break; } } crate::refresh_rendezvous_server(); } else if !contained { crate::refresh_rendezvous_server(); } log::info!("rendezvous server: {}", rendezvous_server); let mut socket = socket?; let my_addr = socket.local_addr(); let mut signed_id_pk = Vec::new(); let mut relay_server = "".to_owned(); let start = std::time::Instant::now(); let mut peer_addr = Config::get_any_listen_addr(true); let mut peer_nat_type = NatType::UNKNOWN_NAT; let my_nat_type = crate::get_nat_type(100).await; let mut is_local = false; for i in 1..=3 { log::info!("#{} punch attempt with {}, id: {}", i, my_addr, peer); let mut msg_out = RendezvousMessage::new(); use hbb_common::protobuf::Enum; let nat_type = if interface.is_force_relay() { NatType::SYMMETRIC } else { NatType::from_i32(my_nat_type).unwrap_or(NatType::UNKNOWN_NAT) }; msg_out.set_punch_hole_request(PunchHoleRequest { id: peer.to_owned(), token: token.to_owned(), nat_type: nat_type.into(), licence_key: key.to_owned(), conn_type: conn_type.into(), ..Default::default() }); socket.send(&msg_out).await?; if let Some(Ok(bytes)) = socket.next_timeout(i * 6000).await { if let Ok(msg_in) = RendezvousMessage::parse_from_bytes(&bytes) { match msg_in.union { Some(rendezvous_message::Union::PunchHoleResponse(ph)) => { if ph.socket_addr.is_empty() { if !ph.other_failure.is_empty() { bail!(ph.other_failure); } match ph.failure.enum_value_or_default() { punch_hole_response::Failure::ID_NOT_EXIST => { bail!("ID does not exist"); } punch_hole_response::Failure::OFFLINE => { bail!("Remote desktop is offline"); } punch_hole_response::Failure::LICENSE_MISMATCH => { bail!("Key mismatch"); } punch_hole_response::Failure::LICENSE_OVERUSE => { bail!("Key overuse"); } } } else { peer_nat_type = ph.nat_type(); is_local = ph.is_local(); signed_id_pk =; relay_server = ph.relay_server; peer_addr = AddrMangle::decode(&ph.socket_addr); log::info!("Hole Punched {} = {}", peer, peer_addr); break; } } Some(rendezvous_message::Union::RelayResponse(rr)) => { log::info!( "relay requested from peer, time used: {:?}, relay_server: {}", start.elapsed(), rr.relay_server ); signed_id_pk =; let mut conn = Self::create_relay( peer, rr.uuid, rr.relay_server, key, conn_type, my_addr.is_ipv4(), ) .await?; Self::secure_connection( peer, signed_id_pk, key, &mut conn, false, interface, ) .await?; return Ok((conn, false)); } _ => { log::error!("Unexpected protobuf msg received: {:?}", msg_in); } } } else { log::error!("Non-protobuf message bytes received: {:?}", bytes); } } } drop(socket); if peer_addr.port() == 0 { bail!("Failed to connect via rendezvous server"); } let time_used = start.elapsed().as_millis() as u64; log::info!( "{} ms used to punch hole, relay_server: {}, {}", time_used, relay_server, if is_local { "is_local: true".to_owned() } else { format!("nat_type: {:?}", peer_nat_type) } ); Self::connect( my_addr, peer_addr, peer, signed_id_pk, &relay_server, &rendezvous_server, time_used, peer_nat_type, my_nat_type, is_local, key, token, conn_type, interface, ) .await } /// Connect to the peer. async fn connect( local_addr: SocketAddr, peer: SocketAddr, peer_id: &str, signed_id_pk: Vec, relay_server: &str, rendezvous_server: &str, punch_time_used: u64, peer_nat_type: NatType, my_nat_type: i32, is_local: bool, key: &str, token: &str, conn_type: ConnType, interface: impl Interface, ) -> ResultType<(Stream, bool)> { let direct_failures = PeerConfig::load(peer_id).direct_failures; let mut connect_timeout = 0; const MIN: u64 = 1000; if is_local || peer_nat_type == NatType::SYMMETRIC { connect_timeout = MIN; } else { if relay_server.is_empty() { connect_timeout = CONNECT_TIMEOUT; } else { if peer_nat_type == NatType::ASYMMETRIC { let mut my_nat_type = my_nat_type; if my_nat_type == NatType::UNKNOWN_NAT as i32 { my_nat_type = crate::get_nat_type(100).await; } if my_nat_type == NatType::ASYMMETRIC as i32 { connect_timeout = CONNECT_TIMEOUT; if direct_failures > 0 { connect_timeout = punch_time_used * 6; } } else if my_nat_type == NatType::SYMMETRIC as i32 { connect_timeout = MIN; } } if connect_timeout == 0 { let n = if direct_failures > 0 { 3 } else { 6 }; connect_timeout = punch_time_used * (n as u64); } } if connect_timeout < MIN { connect_timeout = MIN; } } log::info!("peer address: {}, timeout: {}", peer, connect_timeout); let start = std::time::Instant::now(); // NOTICE: Socks5 is be used event in intranet. Which may be not a good way. let mut conn = socket_client::connect_tcp_local(peer, Some(local_addr), connect_timeout).await; let mut direct = !conn.is_err(); if interface.is_force_relay() || conn.is_err() { if !relay_server.is_empty() { conn = Self::request_relay( peer_id, relay_server.to_owned(), rendezvous_server, !signed_id_pk.is_empty(), key, token, conn_type, ) .await; if conn.is_err() { bail!( "Failed to connect via relay server: {}", conn.err().unwrap() ); } direct = false; } else { bail!("Failed to make direct connection to remote desktop"); } } if !relay_server.is_empty() && (direct_failures == 0) != direct { let mut config = PeerConfig::load(peer_id); config.direct_failures = if direct { 0 } else { 1 }; log::info!("direct_failures updated to {}", config.direct_failures);; } let mut conn = conn?; log::info!("{:?} used to establish connection", start.elapsed()); Self::secure_connection(peer_id, signed_id_pk, key, &mut conn, direct, interface).await?; Ok((conn, direct)) } /// Establish secure connection with the server. async fn secure_connection( peer_id: &str, signed_id_pk: Vec, key: &str, conn: &mut Stream, direct: bool, interface: impl Interface, ) -> ResultType<()> { let rs_pk = get_rs_pk(if key.is_empty() { hbb_common::config::RS_PUB_KEY } else { key }); let mut sign_pk = None; if !signed_id_pk.is_empty() && rs_pk.is_some() { if let Ok((id, pk)) = decode_id_pk(&signed_id_pk, &rs_pk.unwrap()) { if id == peer_id { sign_pk = Some(sign::PublicKey(pk)); } } if sign_pk.is_none() { log::error!("Handshake failed: invalid public key from rendezvous server"); } } let sign_pk = match sign_pk { Some(v) => v, None => { // send an empty message out in case server is setting up secure and waiting for first message conn.send(&Message::new()).await?; return Ok(()); } }; match timeout(READ_TIMEOUT, { Some(res) => { let bytes = match res { Ok(bytes) => bytes, Err(err) => { interface.set_force_relay(direct, false); bail!("{}", err); } }; if let Ok(msg_in) = Message::parse_from_bytes(&bytes) { if let Some(message::Union::SignedId(si)) = msg_in.union { if let Ok((id, their_pk_b)) = decode_id_pk(&, &sign_pk) { if id == peer_id { let their_pk_b = box_::PublicKey(their_pk_b); let (our_pk_b, out_sk_b) = box_::gen_keypair(); let key = secretbox::gen_key(); let nonce = box_::Nonce([0u8; box_::NONCEBYTES]); let sealed_key = box_::seal(&key.0, &nonce, &their_pk_b, &out_sk_b); let mut msg_out = Message::new(); msg_out.set_public_key(PublicKey { asymmetric_value: Vec::from(our_pk_b.0).into(), symmetric_value: sealed_key.into(), ..Default::default() }); timeout(CONNECT_TIMEOUT, conn.send(&msg_out)).await??; conn.set_key(key); } else { log::error!("Handshake failed: sign failure"); conn.send(&Message::new()).await?; } } else { // fall back to non-secure connection in case pk mismatch log::info!("pk mismatch, fall back to non-secure"); let mut msg_out = Message::new(); msg_out.set_public_key(PublicKey::new()); conn.send(&msg_out).await?; } } else { log::error!("Handshake failed: invalid message type"); conn.send(&Message::new()).await?; } } else { log::error!("Handshake failed: invalid message format"); conn.send(&Message::new()).await?; } } None => { bail!("Reset by the peer"); } } Ok(()) } /// Request a relay connection to the server. async fn request_relay( peer: &str, relay_server: String, rendezvous_server: &str, secure: bool, key: &str, token: &str, conn_type: ConnType, ) -> ResultType { let mut succeed = false; let mut uuid = "".to_owned(); let mut ipv4 = true; for i in 1..=3 { // use different socket due to current hbbs implement requiring different nat address for each attempt let mut socket = socket_client::connect_tcp(rendezvous_server, RENDEZVOUS_TIMEOUT) .await .with_context(|| "Failed to connect to rendezvous server")?; ipv4 = socket.local_addr().is_ipv4(); let mut msg_out = RendezvousMessage::new(); uuid = Uuid::new_v4().to_string(); log::info!( "#{} request relay attempt, id: {}, uuid: {}, relay_server: {}, secure: {}", i, peer, uuid, relay_server, secure, ); msg_out.set_request_relay(RequestRelay { id: peer.to_owned(), token: token.to_owned(), uuid: uuid.clone(), relay_server: relay_server.clone(), secure, ..Default::default() }); socket.send(&msg_out).await?; if let Some(Ok(bytes)) = socket.next_timeout(CONNECT_TIMEOUT).await { if let Ok(msg_in) = RendezvousMessage::parse_from_bytes(&bytes) { if let Some(rendezvous_message::Union::RelayResponse(rs)) = msg_in.union { if !rs.refuse_reason.is_empty() { bail!(rs.refuse_reason); } succeed = true; break; } } } } if !succeed { bail!("Timeout"); } Self::create_relay(peer, uuid, relay_server, key, conn_type, ipv4).await } /// Create a relay connection to the server. async fn create_relay( peer: &str, uuid: String, relay_server: String, key: &str, conn_type: ConnType, ipv4: bool, ) -> ResultType { let mut conn = socket_client::connect_tcp( socket_client::ipv4_to_ipv6(crate::check_port(relay_server, RELAY_PORT), ipv4), CONNECT_TIMEOUT, ) .await .with_context(|| "Failed to connect to relay server")?; let mut msg_out = RendezvousMessage::new(); msg_out.set_request_relay(RequestRelay { licence_key: key.to_owned(), id: peer.to_owned(), uuid, conn_type: conn_type.into(), ..Default::default() }); conn.send(&msg_out).await?; Ok(conn) } } /// Audio handler for the [`Client`]. #[derive(Default)] pub struct AudioHandler { audio_decoder: Option<(AudioDecoder, Vec)>, #[cfg(target_os = "android")] oboe: Option, #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] simple: Option, #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux")))] audio_buffer: Arc>>, sample_rate: (u32, u32), #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux")))] audio_stream: Option>, channels: u16, latency_controller: Arc>, } impl AudioHandler { /// Create a new audio handler. pub fn new(latency_controller: Arc>) -> Self { AudioHandler { latency_controller, ..Default::default() } } /// Start the audio playback. #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] fn start_audio(&mut self, format0: AudioFormat) -> ResultType<()> { use psimple::Simple; use pulse::sample::{Format, Spec}; use pulse::stream::Direction; let spec = Spec { format: Format::F32le, channels: format0.channels as _, rate: format0.sample_rate as _, }; if !spec.is_valid() { bail!("Invalid audio format"); } self.simple = Some(Simple::new( None, // Use the default server &crate::get_app_name(), // Our application’s name Direction::Playback, // We want a playback stream None, // Use the default device "playback", // Description of our stream &spec, // Our sample format None, // Use default channel map None, // Use default buffering attributes )?); self.sample_rate = (format0.sample_rate, format0.sample_rate); Ok(()) } /// Start the audio playback. #[cfg(target_os = "android")] fn start_audio(&mut self, format0: AudioFormat) -> ResultType<()> { self.oboe = Some(OboePlayer::new( format0.channels as _, format0.sample_rate as _, )); self.sample_rate = (format0.sample_rate, format0.sample_rate); Ok(()) } /// Start the audio playback. #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux")))] fn start_audio(&mut self, format0: AudioFormat) -> ResultType<()> { let device = AUDIO_HOST .default_output_device() .with_context(|| "Failed to get default output device")?; log::info!( "Using default output device: \"{}\"","".to_owned()) ); let config = device.default_output_config().map_err(|e| anyhow!(e))?; let sample_format = config.sample_format(); log::info!("Default output format: {:?}", config); log::info!("Remote input format: {:?}", format0); let mut config: StreamConfig = config.into(); config.channels = format0.channels as _; match sample_format { cpal::SampleFormat::F32 => self.build_output_stream::(&config, &device)?, cpal::SampleFormat::I16 => self.build_output_stream::(&config, &device)?, cpal::SampleFormat::U16 => self.build_output_stream::(&config, &device)?, } self.sample_rate = (format0.sample_rate, config.sample_rate.0); Ok(()) } /// Handle audio format and create an audio decoder. pub fn handle_format(&mut self, f: AudioFormat) { match AudioDecoder::new(f.sample_rate, if f.channels > 1 { Stereo } else { Mono }) { Ok(d) => { let buffer = vec![0.; f.sample_rate as usize * f.channels as usize]; self.audio_decoder = Some((d, buffer)); self.channels = f.channels as _; allow_err!(self.start_audio(f)); } Err(err) => { log::error!("Failed to create audio decoder: {}", err); } } } /// Handle audio frame and play it. pub fn handle_frame(&mut self, frame: AudioFrame) { if frame.timestamp != 0 { if self .latency_controller .lock() .unwrap() .check_audio(frame.timestamp) .not() { return; } } #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux")))] if self.audio_stream.is_none() { return; } #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] if self.simple.is_none() { return; } #[cfg(target_os = "android")] if self.oboe.is_none() { return; } self.audio_decoder.as_mut().map(|(d, buffer)| { if let Ok(n) = d.decode_float(&, buffer, false) { let channels = self.channels; let n = n * (channels as usize); #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux")))] { let sample_rate0 = self.sample_rate.0; let sample_rate = self.sample_rate.1; let audio_buffer = self.audio_buffer.clone(); // avoiding memory overflow if audio_buffer consumer side has problem if audio_buffer.lock().unwrap().len() as u32 > sample_rate * 120 { *audio_buffer.lock().unwrap() = Default::default(); } if sample_rate != sample_rate0 { let buffer = crate::resample_channels( &buffer[0..n], sample_rate0, sample_rate, channels, ); audio_buffer.lock().unwrap().extend(buffer); } else { audio_buffer .lock() .unwrap() .extend(buffer[0..n].iter().cloned()); } } #[cfg(target_os = "android")] { self.oboe.as_mut().map(|x| x.push(&buffer[0..n])); } #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] { let data_u8 = unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts::(buffer.as_ptr() as _, n * 4) }; self.simple.as_mut().map(|x| x.write(data_u8)); } } }); } /// Build audio output stream for current device. #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux")))] fn build_output_stream( &mut self, config: &StreamConfig, device: &Device, ) -> ResultType<()> { let err_fn = move |err| { // too many errors, will improve later log::trace!("an error occurred on stream: {}", err); }; let audio_buffer = self.audio_buffer.clone(); let stream = device.build_output_stream( config, move |data: &mut [T], _: &_| { let mut lock = audio_buffer.lock().unwrap(); let mut n = data.len(); if lock.len() < n { n = lock.len(); } let mut input = lock.drain(0..n); for sample in data.iter_mut() { *sample = match { Some(x) => T::from(&x), _ => T::from(&0.), }; } }, err_fn, )?;; self.audio_stream = Some(Box::new(stream)); Ok(()) } } /// Video handler for the [`Client`]. pub struct VideoHandler { decoder: Decoder, latency_controller: Arc>, pub rgb: Vec, recorder: Arc>>, record: bool, } impl VideoHandler { /// Create a new video handler. pub fn new(latency_controller: Arc>) -> Self { VideoHandler { decoder: Decoder::new(DecoderCfg { vpx: VpxDecoderConfig { codec: VpxVideoCodecId::VP9, num_threads: (num_cpus::get() / 2) as _, }, }), latency_controller, rgb: Default::default(), recorder: Default::default(), record: false, } } /// Handle a new video frame. pub fn handle_frame(&mut self, vf: VideoFrame) -> ResultType { if vf.timestamp != 0 { // Update the lantency controller with the latest timestamp. self.latency_controller .lock() .unwrap() .update_video(vf.timestamp); } match &vf.union { Some(frame) => { let res = self.decoder.handle_video_frame(frame, &mut self.rgb); if self.record { self.recorder .lock() .unwrap() .as_mut() .map(|r| r.write_frame(frame)); } res } _ => Ok(false), } } /// Reset the decoder. pub fn reset(&mut self) { self.decoder = Decoder::new(DecoderCfg { vpx: VpxDecoderConfig { codec: VpxVideoCodecId::VP9, num_threads: 1, }, }); } /// Start or stop screen record. pub fn record_screen(&mut self, start: bool, w: i32, h: i32, id: String) { self.record = false; if start { self.recorder = Recorder::new(RecorderContext { server: false, id, default_dir: crate::ui_interface::default_video_save_directory(), filename: "".to_owned(), width: w as _, height: h as _, codec_id: scrap::record::RecordCodecID::VP9, tx: None, }) .map_or(Default::default(), |r| Arc::new(Mutex::new(Some(r)))); } else { self.recorder = Default::default(); } self.record = start; } } /// Login config handler for [`Client`]. #[derive(Default)] pub struct LoginConfigHandler { id: String, pub conn_type: ConnType, hash: Hash, password: Vec, // remember password for reconnect pub remember: bool, config: PeerConfig, pub port_forward: (String, i32), pub version: i64, pub conn_id: i32, features: Option, session_id: u64, pub supported_encoding: Option<(bool, bool)>, pub restarting_remote_device: bool, pub force_relay: bool, pub direct: Option, pub received: bool, } impl Deref for LoginConfigHandler { type Target = PeerConfig; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.config } } /// Load [`PeerConfig`] from id. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `id` - id of peer #[inline] pub fn load_config(id: &str) -> PeerConfig { PeerConfig::load(id) } impl LoginConfigHandler { /// Initialize the login config handler. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `id` - id of peer /// * `conn_type` - Connection type enum. pub fn initialize(&mut self, id: String, conn_type: ConnType) { = id; self.conn_type = conn_type; let config = self.load_config(); self.remember = !config.password.is_empty(); self.config = config; self.session_id = rand::random(); self.supported_encoding = None; self.restarting_remote_device = false; self.force_relay = !self.get_option("force-always-relay").is_empty(); = None; self.received = false; } /// Check if the client should auto login. /// Return password if the client should auto login, otherwise return empty string. pub fn should_auto_login(&self) -> String { let l = self.lock_after_session_end; let a = !self.get_option("auto-login").is_empty(); let p = self.get_option("os-password"); if !p.is_empty() && l && a { p } else { "".to_owned() } } /// Load [`PeerConfig`]. fn load_config(&self) -> PeerConfig { load_config(& } /// Save a [`PeerConfig`] into the handler. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `config` - [`PeerConfig`] to save. pub fn save_config(&mut self, config: PeerConfig) {; self.config = config; } /// Set an option for handler's [`PeerConfig`]. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `k` - key of option /// * `v` - value of option pub fn set_option(&mut self, k: String, v: String) { let mut config = self.load_config(); config.options.insert(k, v); self.save_config(config); } //to-do: too many dup code below. /// Save view style to the current config. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `value` - The view style to be saved. pub fn save_view_style(&mut self, value: String) { let mut config = self.load_config(); config.view_style = value; self.save_config(config); } /// Save keyboard mode to the current config. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `value` - The view style to be saved. pub fn save_keyboard_mode(&mut self, value: String) { let mut config = self.load_config(); config.keyboard_mode = value; self.save_config(config); } /// Save scroll style to the current config. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `value` - The view style to be saved. pub fn save_scroll_style(&mut self, value: String) { let mut config = self.load_config(); config.scroll_style = value; self.save_config(config); } /// Set a ui config of flutter for handler's [`PeerConfig`]. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `k` - key of option /// * `v` - value of option pub fn save_ui_flutter(&mut self, k: String, v: String) { let mut config = self.load_config(); config.ui_flutter.insert(k, v); self.save_config(config); } /// Get a ui config of flutter for handler's [`PeerConfig`]. /// Return String if the option is found, otherwise return "". /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `k` - key of option pub fn get_ui_flutter(&self, k: &str) -> String { if let Some(v) = self.config.ui_flutter.get(k) { v.clone() } else { "".to_owned() } } /// Toggle an option in the handler. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `name` - The name of the option to toggle. pub fn toggle_option(&mut self, name: String) -> Option { let mut option = OptionMessage::default(); let mut config = self.load_config(); if name == "show-remote-cursor" { config.show_remote_cursor = !config.show_remote_cursor; option.show_remote_cursor = (if config.show_remote_cursor { BoolOption::Yes } else { BoolOption::No }) .into(); } else if name == "disable-audio" { config.disable_audio = !config.disable_audio; option.disable_audio = (if config.disable_audio { BoolOption::Yes } else { BoolOption::No }) .into(); } else if name == "disable-clipboard" { config.disable_clipboard = !config.disable_clipboard; option.disable_clipboard = (if config.disable_clipboard { BoolOption::Yes } else { BoolOption::No }) .into(); } else if name == "lock-after-session-end" { config.lock_after_session_end = !config.lock_after_session_end; option.lock_after_session_end = (if config.lock_after_session_end { BoolOption::Yes } else { BoolOption::No }) .into(); } else if name == "privacy-mode" { // try toggle privacy mode option.privacy_mode = (if config.privacy_mode { BoolOption::No } else { BoolOption::Yes }) .into(); } else if name == "enable-file-transfer" { config.enable_file_transfer = !config.enable_file_transfer; option.enable_file_transfer = (if config.enable_file_transfer { BoolOption::Yes } else { BoolOption::No }) .into(); } else if name == "block-input" { option.block_input = BoolOption::Yes.into(); } else if name == "unblock-input" { option.block_input = BoolOption::No.into(); } else if name == "show-quality-monitor" { config.show_quality_monitor = !config.show_quality_monitor; } else { let v = self.options.get(&name).is_some(); if v { self.config.options.remove(&name); } else { self.config.options.insert(name, "Y".to_owned()); }; return None; } if !name.contains("block-input") { self.save_config(config); } let mut misc = Misc::new(); misc.set_option(option); let mut msg_out = Message::new(); msg_out.set_misc(misc); Some(msg_out) } /// Get [`PeerConfig`] of the current [`LoginConfigHandler`]. /// /// # Arguments pub fn get_config(&mut self) -> &mut PeerConfig { &mut self.config } /// Get [`OptionMessage`] of the current [`LoginConfigHandler`]. /// Return `None` if there's no option, for example, when the session is only for file transfer. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `ignore_default` - If `true`, ignore the default value of the option. fn get_option_message(&self, ignore_default: bool) -> Option { if self.conn_type.eq(&ConnType::FILE_TRANSFER) || self.conn_type.eq(&ConnType::PORT_FORWARD) { return None; } let mut n = 0; let mut msg = OptionMessage::new(); let q = self.image_quality.clone(); if let Some(q) = self.get_image_quality_enum(&q, ignore_default) { msg.image_quality = q.into(); n += 1; } else if q == "custom" { let config = PeerConfig::load(&; let quality = if config.custom_image_quality.is_empty() { 50 } else { config.custom_image_quality[0] }; msg.custom_image_quality = quality << 8; n += 1; } if let Some(custom_fps) = self.options.get("custom-fps") { msg.custom_fps = custom_fps.parse().unwrap_or(30); } if self.get_toggle_option("show-remote-cursor") { msg.show_remote_cursor = BoolOption::Yes.into(); n += 1; } if self.get_toggle_option("lock-after-session-end") { msg.lock_after_session_end = BoolOption::Yes.into(); n += 1; } if self.get_toggle_option("disable-audio") { msg.disable_audio = BoolOption::Yes.into(); n += 1; } if self.get_toggle_option("enable-file-transfer") { msg.enable_file_transfer = BoolOption::Yes.into(); n += 1; } if self.get_toggle_option("disable-clipboard") { msg.disable_clipboard = BoolOption::Yes.into(); n += 1; } let state = Decoder::video_codec_state(&; msg.video_codec_state = hbb_common::protobuf::MessageField::some(state); n += 1; if n > 0 { Some(msg) } else { None } } pub fn get_option_message_after_login(&self) -> Option { if self.conn_type.eq(&ConnType::FILE_TRANSFER) || self.conn_type.eq(&ConnType::PORT_FORWARD) { return None; } let mut n = 0; let mut msg = OptionMessage::new(); if self.get_toggle_option("privacy-mode") { msg.privacy_mode = BoolOption::Yes.into(); n += 1; } if n > 0 { Some(msg) } else { None } } /// Parse the image quality option. /// Return [`ImageQuality`] if the option is valid, otherwise return `None`. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `q` - The image quality option. /// * `ignore_default` - Ignore the default value. fn get_image_quality_enum(&self, q: &str, ignore_default: bool) -> Option { if q == "low" { Some(ImageQuality::Low) } else if q == "best" { Some(ImageQuality::Best) } else if q == "balanced" { if ignore_default { None } else { Some(ImageQuality::Balanced) } } else { None } } /// Get the status of a toggle option. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `name` - The name of the toggle option. pub fn get_toggle_option(&self, name: &str) -> bool { if name == "show-remote-cursor" { self.config.show_remote_cursor } else if name == "lock-after-session-end" { self.config.lock_after_session_end } else if name == "privacy-mode" { self.config.privacy_mode } else if name == "enable-file-transfer" { self.config.enable_file_transfer } else if name == "disable-audio" { self.config.disable_audio } else if name == "disable-clipboard" { self.config.disable_clipboard } else if name == "show-quality-monitor" { self.config.show_quality_monitor } else { !self.get_option(name).is_empty() } } pub fn is_privacy_mode_supported(&self) -> bool { if let Some(features) = &self.features { features.privacy_mode } else { false } } /// Create a [`Message`] for refreshing video. pub fn refresh() -> Message { let mut misc = Misc::new(); misc.set_refresh_video(true); let mut msg_out = Message::new(); msg_out.set_misc(misc); msg_out } /// Create a [`Message`] for saving custom image quality. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `bitrate` - The given bitrate. /// * `quantizer` - The given quantizer. pub fn save_custom_image_quality(&mut self, image_quality: i32) -> Message { let mut misc = Misc::new(); misc.set_option(OptionMessage { custom_image_quality: image_quality << 8, ..Default::default() }); let mut msg_out = Message::new(); msg_out.set_misc(misc); let mut config = self.load_config(); config.image_quality = "custom".to_owned(); config.custom_image_quality = vec![image_quality as _]; self.save_config(config); msg_out } /// Save the given image quality to the config. /// Return a [`Message`] that contains image quality, or `None` if the image quality is not valid. /// # Arguments /// /// * `value` - The image quality. pub fn save_image_quality(&mut self, value: String) -> Option { let mut res = None; if let Some(q) = self.get_image_quality_enum(&value, false) { let mut misc = Misc::new(); misc.set_option(OptionMessage { image_quality: q.into(), ..Default::default() }); let mut msg_out = Message::new(); msg_out.set_misc(misc); res = Some(msg_out); } let mut config = self.load_config(); config.image_quality = value; self.save_config(config); res } /// Create a [`Message`] for saving custom fps. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `fps` - The given fps. pub fn set_custom_fps(&mut self, fps: i32) -> Message { let mut misc = Misc::new(); misc.set_option(OptionMessage { custom_fps: fps, ..Default::default() }); let mut msg_out = Message::new(); msg_out.set_misc(misc); let mut config = self.load_config(); config .options .insert("custom-fps".to_owned(), fps.to_string()); self.save_config(config); msg_out } pub fn get_option(&self, k: &str) -> String { if let Some(v) = self.config.options.get(k) { v.clone() } else { "".to_owned() } } /// Get user name. /// Return the name of the given peer. If the peer has no name, return the name in the config. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `pi` - peer info. pub fn get_username(&self, pi: &PeerInfo) -> String { return if pi.username.is_empty() { } else { pi.username.clone() }; } /// Handle peer info. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `username` - The name of the peer. /// * `pi` - The peer info. pub fn handle_peer_info(&mut self, pi: &PeerInfo) { if !pi.version.is_empty() { self.version = hbb_common::get_version_number(&pi.version); } self.features = pi.features.clone().into_option(); let serde = PeerInfoSerde { username: pi.username.clone(), hostname: pi.hostname.clone(), platform: pi.platform.clone(), }; let mut config = self.load_config(); = serde; let password = self.password.clone(); let password0 = config.password.clone(); let remember = self.remember; if remember { if !password.is_empty() && password != password0 { config.password = password; log::debug!("remember password of {}",; } } else { if !password0.is_empty() { config.password = Default::default(); log::debug!("remove password of {}",; } } if config.keyboard_mode == "" { if hbb_common::get_version_number(&pi.version) < hbb_common::get_version_number("1.2.0") { config.keyboard_mode = "legacy".to_string(); } else { config.keyboard_mode = "map".to_string(); } } self.conn_id = pi.conn_id; // no matter if change, for update file time self.save_config(config); #[cfg(any(feature = "hwcodec", feature = "mediacodec"))] { self.supported_encoding = Some((pi.encoding.h264, pi.encoding.h265)); } } pub fn get_remote_dir(&self) -> String { serde_json::from_str::>(&self.get_option("remote_dir")) .unwrap_or_default() .remove(& .unwrap_or_default() } pub fn get_all_remote_dir(&self, path: String) -> String { let d = self.get_option("remote_dir"); let user =; let mut x = serde_json::from_str::>(&d).unwrap_or_default(); if path.is_empty() { x.remove(&user); } else { x.insert(user, path); } serde_json::to_string::>(&x).unwrap_or_default() } /// Create a [`Message`] for login. fn create_login_msg(&self, password: Vec) -> Message { #[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "ios"))] let my_id = Config::get_id_or(crate::common::DEVICE_ID.lock().unwrap().clone()); #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "ios")))] let my_id = Config::get_id(); let mut lr = LoginRequest { username:, password: password.into(), my_id, my_name: crate::username(), option: self.get_option_message(true).into(), session_id: self.session_id, version: crate::VERSION.to_string(), ..Default::default() }; match self.conn_type { ConnType::FILE_TRANSFER => lr.set_file_transfer(FileTransfer { dir: self.get_remote_dir(), show_hidden: !self.get_option("remote_show_hidden").is_empty(), ..Default::default() }), ConnType::PORT_FORWARD => lr.set_port_forward(PortForward { host: self.port_forward.0.clone(), port: self.port_forward.1, ..Default::default() }), _ => {} } let mut msg_out = Message::new(); msg_out.set_login_request(lr); msg_out } pub fn change_prefer_codec(&self) -> Message { let state = scrap::codec::Decoder::video_codec_state(&; let mut misc = Misc::new(); misc.set_option(OptionMessage { video_codec_state: hbb_common::protobuf::MessageField::some(state), ..Default::default() }); let mut msg_out = Message::new(); msg_out.set_misc(misc); msg_out } pub fn restart_remote_device(&self) -> Message { let mut misc = Misc::new(); misc.set_restart_remote_device(true); let mut msg_out = Message::new(); msg_out.set_misc(misc); msg_out } pub fn set_force_relay(&mut self, direct: bool, received: bool) { self.force_relay = false; if direct && !received { let errno = errno::errno().0; log::info!("errno is {}", errno); // TODO: check mac and ios if cfg!(windows) && errno == 10054 || !cfg!(windows) && errno == 104 { self.force_relay = true; self.set_option("force-always-relay".to_owned(), "Y".to_owned()); } } } } /// Media data. pub enum MediaData { VideoFrame(VideoFrame), AudioFrame(AudioFrame), AudioFormat(AudioFormat), Reset, RecordScreen(bool, i32, i32, String), } pub type MediaSender = mpsc::Sender; /// Start video and audio thread. /// Return two [`MediaSender`], they should be given to the media producer. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `video_callback` - The callback for video frame. Being called when a video frame is ready. pub fn start_video_audio_threads(video_callback: F) -> (MediaSender, MediaSender) where F: 'static + FnMut(&[u8]) + Send, { let (video_sender, video_receiver) = mpsc::channel::(); let (audio_sender, audio_receiver) = mpsc::channel::(); let mut video_callback = video_callback; let latency_controller = LatencyController::new(); let latency_controller_cl = latency_controller.clone(); std::thread::spawn(move || { let mut video_handler = VideoHandler::new(latency_controller); loop { if let Ok(data) = video_receiver.recv() { match data { MediaData::VideoFrame(vf) => { if let Ok(true) = video_handler.handle_frame(vf) { video_callback(&video_handler.rgb); } } MediaData::Reset => { video_handler.reset(); } MediaData::RecordScreen(start, w, h, id) => { video_handler.record_screen(start, w, h, id) } _ => {} } } else { break; } } log::info!("Video decoder loop exits"); }); std::thread::spawn(move || { let mut audio_handler = AudioHandler::new(latency_controller_cl); loop { if let Ok(data) = audio_receiver.recv() { match data { MediaData::AudioFrame(af) => { audio_handler.handle_frame(af); } MediaData::AudioFormat(f) => { audio_handler.handle_format(f); } _ => {} } } else { break; } } log::info!("Audio decoder loop exits"); }); return (video_sender, audio_sender); } /// Handle latency test. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `t` - The latency test message. /// * `peer` - The peer. pub async fn handle_test_delay(t: TestDelay, peer: &mut Stream) { if !t.from_client { let mut msg_out = Message::new(); msg_out.set_test_delay(t); allow_err!(peer.send(&msg_out).await); } } /// Whether is track pad scrolling. #[inline] #[cfg(all(target_os = "macos"))] fn check_scroll_on_mac(mask: i32, x: i32, y: i32) -> bool { // flutter version we set mask type bit to 4 when track pad scrolling. if mask & 7 == 4 { return true; } if mask & 3 != 3 { return false; } let btn = mask >> 3; if y == -1 { btn != 0xff88 && btn != -0x780000 } else if y == 1 { btn != 0x78 && btn != 0x780000 } else if x != 0 { // No mouse support horizontal scrolling. true } else { false } } /// Send mouse data. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `mask` - Mouse event. /// * mask = buttons << 3 | type /// * type, 1: down, 2: up, 3: wheel, 4: trackpad /// * buttons, 1: left, 2: right, 4: middle /// * `x` - X coordinate. /// * `y` - Y coordinate. /// * `alt` - Whether the alt key is pressed. /// * `ctrl` - Whether the ctrl key is pressed. /// * `shift` - Whether the shift key is pressed. /// * `command` - Whether the command key is pressed. /// * `interface` - The interface for sending data. #[inline] pub fn send_mouse( mask: i32, x: i32, y: i32, alt: bool, ctrl: bool, shift: bool, command: bool, interface: &impl Interface, ) { let mut msg_out = Message::new(); let mut mouse_event = MouseEvent { mask, x, y, ..Default::default() }; if alt { mouse_event.modifiers.push(ControlKey::Alt.into()); } if shift { mouse_event.modifiers.push(ControlKey::Shift.into()); } if ctrl { mouse_event.modifiers.push(ControlKey::Control.into()); } if command { mouse_event.modifiers.push(ControlKey::Meta.into()); } #[cfg(all(target_os = "macos"))] if check_scroll_on_mac(mask, x, y) { mouse_event.modifiers.push(ControlKey::Scroll.into()); } msg_out.set_mouse_event(mouse_event); interface.send(Data::Message(msg_out)); } /// Activate OS by sending mouse movement. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `interface` - The interface for sending data. fn activate_os(interface: &impl Interface) { send_mouse(0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, interface); std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(50)); send_mouse(0, 3, 3, false, false, false, false, interface); std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(50)); send_mouse(1 | 1 << 3, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, interface); send_mouse(2 | 1 << 3, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, interface); /* let mut key_event = KeyEvent::new(); // do not use Esc, which has problem with Linux key_event.set_control_key(ControlKey::RightArrow); = true; let mut msg_out = Message::new(); msg_out.set_key_event(key_event.clone()); interface.send(Data::Message(msg_out.clone())); */ } /// Input the OS's password. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `p` - The password. /// * `activate` - Whether to activate OS. /// * `interface` - The interface for sending data. pub fn input_os_password(p: String, activate: bool, interface: impl Interface) { std::thread::spawn(move || { _input_os_password(p, activate, interface); }); } /// Input the OS's password. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `p` - The password. /// * `activate` - Whether to activate OS. /// * `interface` - The interface for sending data. fn _input_os_password(p: String, activate: bool, interface: impl Interface) { if activate { activate_os(&interface); std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(1200)); } let mut key_event = KeyEvent::new(); = true; let mut msg_out = Message::new(); key_event.set_seq(p); msg_out.set_key_event(key_event.clone()); interface.send(Data::Message(msg_out.clone())); key_event.set_control_key(ControlKey::Return); msg_out.set_key_event(key_event); interface.send(Data::Message(msg_out)); } /// Handle login error. /// Return true if the password is wrong, return false if there's an actual error. pub fn handle_login_error( lc: Arc>, err: &str, interface: &impl Interface, ) -> bool { if err == "Wrong Password" { lc.write().unwrap().password = Default::default(); interface.msgbox("re-input-password", err, "Do you want to enter again?", ""); true } else if err == "No Password Access" { lc.write().unwrap().password = Default::default(); interface.msgbox( "wait-remote-accept-nook", "Prompt", "Please wait for the remote side to accept your session request...", "", ); true } else { if err.contains(SCRAP_X11_REQUIRED) { interface.msgbox("error", "Login Error", err, SCRAP_X11_REF_URL); } else { interface.msgbox("error", "Login Error", err, ""); } false } } /// Handle hash message sent by peer. /// Hash will be used for login. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `lc` - Login config. /// * `hash` - Hash sent by peer. /// * `interface` - [`Interface`] for sending data. /// * `peer` - [`Stream`] for communicating with peer. pub async fn handle_hash( lc: Arc>, password_preset: &str, hash: Hash, interface: &impl Interface, peer: &mut Stream, ) { let mut password =; if password.is_empty() { if !password_preset.is_empty() { let mut hasher = Sha256::new(); hasher.update(password_preset); hasher.update(&hash.salt); let res = hasher.finalize(); password = res[..].into(); } } if password.is_empty() { password =; } if password.is_empty() { // login without password, the remote side can click accept send_login(lc.clone(), Vec::new(), peer).await; interface.msgbox("input-password", "Password Required", "", ""); } else { let mut hasher = Sha256::new(); hasher.update(&password); hasher.update(&hash.challenge); send_login(lc.clone(), hasher.finalize()[..].into(), peer).await; } lc.write().unwrap().hash = hash; } /// Send login message to peer. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `lc` - Login config. /// * `password` - Password. /// * `peer` - [`Stream`] for communicating with peer. async fn send_login(lc: Arc>, password: Vec, peer: &mut Stream) { let msg_out =; allow_err!(peer.send(&msg_out).await); } /// Handle login request made from ui. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `lc` - Login config. /// * `password` - Password. /// * `remember` - Whether to remember password. /// * `peer` - [`Stream`] for communicating with peer. pub async fn handle_login_from_ui( lc: Arc>, password: String, remember: bool, peer: &mut Stream, ) { let mut hasher = Sha256::new(); hasher.update(password); hasher.update(&; let res = hasher.finalize(); lc.write().unwrap().remember = remember; lc.write().unwrap().password = res[..].into(); let mut hasher2 = Sha256::new(); hasher2.update(&res[..]); hasher2.update(&; send_login(lc.clone(), hasher2.finalize()[..].into(), peer).await; } /// Interface for client to send data and commands. #[async_trait] pub trait Interface: Send + Clone + 'static + Sized { /// Send message data to remote peer. fn send(&self, data: Data); fn msgbox(&self, msgtype: &str, title: &str, text: &str, link: &str); fn handle_login_error(&mut self, err: &str) -> bool; fn handle_peer_info(&mut self, pi: PeerInfo); fn on_error(&self, err: &str) { self.msgbox("error", "Error", err, ""); } async fn handle_hash(&mut self, pass: &str, hash: Hash, peer: &mut Stream); async fn handle_login_from_ui(&mut self, password: String, remember: bool, peer: &mut Stream); async fn handle_test_delay(&mut self, t: TestDelay, peer: &mut Stream); fn get_login_config_handler(&self) -> Arc>; fn set_force_relay(&self, direct: bool, received: bool) { self.get_login_config_handler() .write() .unwrap() .set_force_relay(direct, received); } fn is_force_relay(&self) -> bool { self.get_login_config_handler().read().unwrap().force_relay } } /// Data used by the client interface. #[derive(Clone)] pub enum Data { Close, Login((String, bool)), Message(Message), SendFiles((i32, String, String, i32, bool, bool)), RemoveDirAll((i32, String, bool, bool)), ConfirmDeleteFiles((i32, i32)), SetNoConfirm(i32), RemoveDir((i32, String)), RemoveFile((i32, String, i32, bool)), CreateDir((i32, String, bool)), CancelJob(i32), RemovePortForward(i32), AddPortForward((i32, String, i32)), ToggleClipboardFile, NewRDP, SetConfirmOverrideFile((i32, i32, bool, bool, bool)), AddJob((i32, String, String, i32, bool, bool)), ResumeJob((i32, bool)), RecordScreen(bool, i32, i32, String), } /// Keycode for key events. #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub enum Key { ControlKey(ControlKey), Chr(u32), _Raw(u32), } lazy_static::lazy_static! { pub static ref KEY_MAP: HashMap<&'static str, Key> = [ ("VK_A", Key::Chr('a' as _)), ("VK_B", Key::Chr('b' as _)), ("VK_C", Key::Chr('c' as _)), ("VK_D", Key::Chr('d' as _)), ("VK_E", Key::Chr('e' as _)), ("VK_F", Key::Chr('f' as _)), ("VK_G", Key::Chr('g' as _)), ("VK_H", Key::Chr('h' as _)), ("VK_I", Key::Chr('i' as _)), ("VK_J", Key::Chr('j' as _)), ("VK_K", Key::Chr('k' as _)), ("VK_L", Key::Chr('l' as _)), ("VK_M", Key::Chr('m' as _)), ("VK_N", Key::Chr('n' as _)), ("VK_O", Key::Chr('o' as _)), ("VK_P", Key::Chr('p' as _)), ("VK_Q", Key::Chr('q' as _)), ("VK_R", Key::Chr('r' as _)), ("VK_S", Key::Chr('s' as _)), ("VK_T", Key::Chr('t' as _)), ("VK_U", Key::Chr('u' as _)), ("VK_V", Key::Chr('v' as _)), ("VK_W", Key::Chr('w' as _)), ("VK_X", Key::Chr('x' as _)), ("VK_Y", Key::Chr('y' as _)), ("VK_Z", Key::Chr('z' as _)), ("VK_0", Key::Chr('0' as _)), ("VK_1", Key::Chr('1' as _)), ("VK_2", Key::Chr('2' as _)), ("VK_3", Key::Chr('3' as _)), ("VK_4", Key::Chr('4' as _)), ("VK_5", Key::Chr('5' as _)), ("VK_6", Key::Chr('6' as _)), ("VK_7", Key::Chr('7' as _)), ("VK_8", Key::Chr('8' as _)), ("VK_9", Key::Chr('9' as _)), ("VK_COMMA", Key::Chr(',' as _)), ("VK_SLASH", Key::Chr('/' as _)), ("VK_SEMICOLON", Key::Chr(';' as _)), ("VK_QUOTE", Key::Chr('\'' as _)), ("VK_LBRACKET", Key::Chr('[' as _)), ("VK_RBRACKET", Key::Chr(']' as _)), ("VK_BACKSLASH", Key::Chr('\\' as _)), ("VK_MINUS", Key::Chr('-' as _)), ("VK_PLUS", Key::Chr('=' as _)), // it is =, but sciter return VK_PLUS ("VK_DIVIDE", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Divide)), // numpad ("VK_MULTIPLY", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Multiply)), // numpad ("VK_SUBTRACT", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Subtract)), // numpad ("VK_ADD", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Add)), // numpad ("VK_DECIMAL", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Decimal)), // numpad ("VK_F1", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::F1)), ("VK_F2", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::F2)), ("VK_F3", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::F3)), ("VK_F4", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::F4)), ("VK_F5", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::F5)), ("VK_F6", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::F6)), ("VK_F7", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::F7)), ("VK_F8", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::F8)), ("VK_F9", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::F9)), ("VK_F10", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::F10)), ("VK_F11", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::F11)), ("VK_F12", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::F12)), ("VK_ENTER", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Return)), ("VK_CANCEL", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Cancel)), ("VK_BACK", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Backspace)), ("VK_TAB", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Tab)), ("VK_CLEAR", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Clear)), ("VK_RETURN", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Return)), ("VK_SHIFT", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Shift)), ("VK_CONTROL", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Control)), ("VK_MENU", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Alt)), ("VK_PAUSE", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Pause)), ("VK_CAPITAL", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::CapsLock)), ("VK_KANA", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Kana)), ("VK_HANGUL", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Hangul)), ("VK_JUNJA", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Junja)), ("VK_FINAL", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Final)), ("VK_HANJA", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Hanja)), ("VK_KANJI", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Kanji)), ("VK_ESCAPE", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Escape)), ("VK_CONVERT", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Convert)), ("VK_SPACE", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Space)), ("VK_PRIOR", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::PageUp)), ("VK_NEXT", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::PageDown)), ("VK_END", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::End)), ("VK_HOME", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Home)), ("VK_LEFT", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::LeftArrow)), ("VK_UP", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::UpArrow)), ("VK_RIGHT", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::RightArrow)), ("VK_DOWN", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::DownArrow)), ("VK_SELECT", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Select)), ("VK_PRINT", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Print)), ("VK_EXECUTE", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Execute)), ("VK_SNAPSHOT", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Snapshot)), ("VK_INSERT", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Insert)), ("VK_DELETE", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Delete)), ("VK_HELP", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Help)), ("VK_SLEEP", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Sleep)), ("VK_SEPARATOR", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Separator)), ("VK_NUMPAD0", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Numpad0)), ("VK_NUMPAD1", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Numpad1)), ("VK_NUMPAD2", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Numpad2)), ("VK_NUMPAD3", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Numpad3)), ("VK_NUMPAD4", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Numpad4)), ("VK_NUMPAD5", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Numpad5)), ("VK_NUMPAD6", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Numpad6)), ("VK_NUMPAD7", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Numpad7)), ("VK_NUMPAD8", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Numpad8)), ("VK_NUMPAD9", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Numpad9)), ("Apps", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Apps)), ("Meta", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::Meta)), ("RAlt", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::RAlt)), ("RWin", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::RWin)), ("RControl", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::RControl)), ("RShift", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::RShift)), ("CTRL_ALT_DEL", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::CtrlAltDel)), ("LOCK_SCREEN", Key::ControlKey(ControlKey::LockScreen)), ].iter().cloned().collect(); } /// Check if the given message is an error and can be retried. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `msgtype` - The message type. /// * `title` - The title of the message. /// * `text` - The text of the message. #[inline] pub fn check_if_retry(msgtype: &str, title: &str, text: &str, retry_for_relay: bool) -> bool { msgtype == "error" && title == "Connection Error" && ((text.contains("10054") || text.contains("104")) && retry_for_relay || (!text.to_lowercase().contains("offline") && !text.to_lowercase().contains("exist") && !text.to_lowercase().contains("handshake") && !text.to_lowercase().contains("failed") && !text.to_lowercase().contains("resolve") && !text.to_lowercase().contains("mismatch") && !text.to_lowercase().contains("manually") && !text.to_lowercase().contains("not allowed") && !text.to_lowercase().contains("reset by the peer"))) } #[inline] fn get_pk(pk: &[u8]) -> Option<[u8; 32]> { if pk.len() == 32 { let mut tmp = [0u8; 32]; tmp[..].copy_from_slice(&pk); Some(tmp) } else { None } } #[inline] fn get_rs_pk(str_base64: &str) -> Option { if let Ok(pk) = base64::decode(str_base64) { get_pk(&pk).map(|x| sign::PublicKey(x)) } else { None } } fn decode_id_pk(signed: &[u8], key: &sign::PublicKey) -> ResultType<(String, [u8; 32])> { let res = IdPk::parse_from_bytes( &sign::verify(signed, key).map_err(|_| anyhow!("Signature mismatch"))?, )?; if let Some(pk) = get_pk(& { Ok((, pk)) } else { bail!("Wrong public length"); } }