import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart'; import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart'; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:ffi'; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:flutter_easyloading/flutter_easyloading.dart'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'dart:ui' as ui; class RgbaFrame extends Struct { @Uint32() int len; Pointer data; } class HexColor extends Color { HexColor(final String hexColor) : super(_getColorFromHex(hexColor)); static int _getColorFromHex(String hexColor) { hexColor = hexColor.toUpperCase().replaceAll('#', ''); if (hexColor.length == 6) { hexColor = 'FF' + hexColor; } return int.parse(hexColor, radix: 16); } } class MyTheme { static const Color grayBg = Color(0xFFEEEEEE); static const Color white = Color(0xFFFFFFFF); static const Color accent = Color(0xFF0071FF); } typedef F1 = void Function(Pointer); typedef F2 = Pointer Function(Pointer, Pointer); typedef F3 = void Function(Pointer, Pointer); typedef F4 = void Function(Pointer); typedef F5 = Pointer Function(); // class FfiModel with ChangeNotifier { FfiModel() { init(); } Future init() async { await FFI.init(); notifyListeners(); } } class ImageModel with ChangeNotifier { ui.Image _image; ui.Image get image => _image; void update(ui.Image image) { _image = image; notifyListeners(); } } class CursorModel with ChangeNotifier { ui.Image _image; final _images = Map(); double _x = 0; double _y = 0; double _hotx = 0; double _hoty = 0; ui.Image get image => _image; double get x => _x; double get y => _y; void updateCursorData(Map evt) { var id = int.parse(evt['id']); _hotx = double.parse(evt['hotx']); _hoty = double.parse(evt['hoty']); var width = int.parse(evt['width']); var height = int.parse(evt['height']); List colors = json.decode(evt['colors']); final rgba = Uint8List.fromList( => s as int).toList()); ui.decodeImageFromPixels(rgba, width, height, ui.PixelFormat.rgba8888, (image) { _image = image; _images[id] = image; notifyListeners(); }); } void updateCursorId(Map evt) { final tmp = _images[int.parse(evt['id'])]; if (tmp != null) { _image = tmp; notifyListeners(); } } void updateCursorPosition(Map evt) { _x = double.parse(evt['x']); _y = double.parse(evt['y']); notifyListeners(); } void clear() { _image = null; _images.clear(); } } class FFI { static F1 _freeCString; static F2 _getByName; static F3 _setByName; static F4 _freeRgba; static F5 _getRgba; static Pointer _lastRgbaFrame; static final imageModel = ImageModel(); static final ffiModel = FfiModel(); static final cursorModel = CursorModel(); static String getId() { return getByName('remote_id'); } static List peers() { try { List peers = json.decode(getByName('peers')); return peers .map((s) => s as List) .map((s) => Peer.fromJson(s[0] as String, s[1] as Map)) .toList(); } catch (e) { print(e); } return []; } static void connect(String id) { setByName('connect', id); } static void clearRgbaFrame() { if (_lastRgbaFrame != null && _lastRgbaFrame != nullptr) _freeRgba(_lastRgbaFrame); } static Uint8List getRgba() { _lastRgbaFrame = _getRgba(); if (_lastRgbaFrame == null || _lastRgbaFrame == nullptr) return null; final ref = _lastRgbaFrame.ref; return Uint8List.sublistView(; } static Map popEvent() { var s = getByName('event'); if (s == '') return null; try { Map event = json.decode(s); return event; } catch (e) { print(e); } return null; } static void login(String password, bool remember) { setByName( 'login', json.encode({ 'password': password, 'remember': remember ? 'true' : 'false', })); } static void close() { setByName('close', ''); FFI.imageModel.update(null); FFI.cursorModel.clear(); } static void setByName(String name, String value) { _setByName(Utf8.toUtf8(name), Utf8.toUtf8(value)); } static String getByName(String name, {String arg = ''}) { var p = _getByName(Utf8.toUtf8(name), Utf8.toUtf8(arg)); assert(p != nullptr && p != null); var res = Utf8.fromUtf8(p); // _freeCString(p); return res; } static Future init() async { final dylib = Platform.isAndroid ?'') : DynamicLibrary.process(); _getByName = dylib.lookupFunction('get_by_name'); _setByName = dylib.lookupFunction, Pointer), F3>( 'set_by_name'); _freeCString = dylib .lookupFunction), F1>('rust_cstr_free'); _freeRgba = dylib .lookupFunction), F4>('free_rgba'); _getRgba = dylib.lookupFunction('get_rgba'); final dir = (await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory()).path; setByName('init', dir); } } class Peer { final String id; final String username; final String hostname; final String platform; Peer.fromJson(String id, Map json) : id = id, username = json['username'], hostname = json['hostname'], platform = json['platform']; } // void showLoading(String text) { dismissLoading(); text); } void dismissLoading() { EasyLoading.dismiss(); } void showSuccess(String text) { dismissLoading(); EasyLoading.showSuccess(text); } bool _hasDialog = false; // Future enterPasswordDialog(String id, BuildContext context) async { dismissLoading(); if (_hasDialog) { Navigator.pop(context); } _hasDialog = true; final controller = TextEditingController(); var remember = FFI.getByName('remember', arg: id) == 'true'; var dialog = StatefulBuilder(builder: (context, setState) { return AlertDialog( title: Text('Please enter your password'), contentPadding: const EdgeInsets.all(20.0), content: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ TextField( autofocus: true, obscureText: true, controller: controller, decoration: const InputDecoration( labelText: 'Password', ), ), ListTile( title: Text( 'Remember the password', ), leading: Checkbox( value: remember, onChanged: (v) { setState(() { remember = v; }); }, ), ), ], ), actions: [ FlatButton( textColor: MyTheme.accent, onPressed: () { Navigator.pop(context); Navigator.pop(context); }, child: Text('Cancel'), ), FlatButton( textColor: MyTheme.accent, onPressed: () { var text = controller.text.trim(); if (text == '') return; FFI.login(text, remember); showLoading('Logging in...'); Navigator.pop(context); }, child: Text('OK'), ), ], ); }); await showDialog( context: context, barrierDismissible: false, builder: (context) => dialog); _hasDialog = false; } Future wrongPasswordDialog(String id, BuildContext context) async { dismissLoading(); if (_hasDialog) { Navigator.pop(context); } _hasDialog = true; var dialog = AlertDialog( title: Text('Wrong Password'), contentPadding: const EdgeInsets.all(20.0), content: Text('Do you want to enter again?'), actions: [ FlatButton( textColor: MyTheme.accent, onPressed: () { Navigator.pop(context); Navigator.pop(context); }, child: Text('Cancel'), ), FlatButton( textColor: MyTheme.accent, onPressed: () { Navigator.pop(context); enterPasswordDialog(id, context); }, child: Text('Retry'), ), ], ); await showDialog( context: context, barrierDismissible: false, builder: (context) => dialog); _hasDialog = false; } Future msgbox( String type, String title, String text, BuildContext context) async { dismissLoading(); if (_hasDialog) { Navigator.pop(context); } _hasDialog = true; var dialog = AlertDialog( title: Text(title), contentPadding: const EdgeInsets.all(20.0), content: Text(text), actions: [ FlatButton( textColor: MyTheme.accent, onPressed: () { Navigator.pop(context); Navigator.pop(context); }, child: Text('OK'), ), ], ); await showDialog( context: context, barrierDismissible: false, builder: (context) => dialog); _hasDialog = false; }