use crate::ipc::Data; use bytes::Bytes; pub use connection::*; #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "ios")))] use hbb_common::config::Config2; use hbb_common::{ allow_err, anyhow::{anyhow, Context}, bail, config::{Config, CONNECT_TIMEOUT, RELAY_PORT}, log, message_proto::*, protobuf::{Enum, Message as _}, rendezvous_proto::*, socket_client, sodiumoxide::crypto::{box_, secretbox, sign}, timeout, tokio, ResultType, Stream, }; #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "ios")))] use service::ServiceTmpl; use service::{GenericService, Service, Subscriber}; use std::{ collections::HashMap, net::SocketAddr, sync::{Arc, Mutex, RwLock, Weak}, time::Duration, }; pub mod audio_service; cfg_if::cfg_if! { if #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "ios")))] { mod clipboard_service; #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] pub(crate) mod wayland; #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] pub mod uinput; #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] pub mod dbus; pub mod input_service; } else { mod clipboard_service { pub const NAME: &'static str = ""; } pub mod input_service { pub const NAME_CURSOR: &'static str = ""; pub const NAME_POS: &'static str = ""; } } } mod connection; #[cfg(windows)] pub mod portable_service; mod service; mod video_qos; pub mod video_service; use hbb_common::tcp::new_listener; pub type Childs = Arc>>; type ConnMap = HashMap; lazy_static::lazy_static! { pub static ref CHILD_PROCESS: Childs = Default::default(); pub static ref CONN_COUNT: Arc> = Default::default(); } pub struct Server { connections: ConnMap, services: HashMap<&'static str, Box>, id_count: i32, } pub type ServerPtr = Arc>; pub type ServerPtrWeak = Weak>; pub fn new() -> ServerPtr { let mut server = Server { connections: HashMap::new(), services: HashMap::new(), id_count: 0, }; server.add_service(Box::new(audio_service::new())); server.add_service(Box::new(video_service::new())); #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "ios")))] { server.add_service(Box::new(clipboard_service::new())); if !video_service::capture_cursor_embeded() { server.add_service(Box::new(input_service::new_cursor())); server.add_service(Box::new(input_service::new_pos())); } } Arc::new(RwLock::new(server)) } async fn accept_connection_(server: ServerPtr, socket: Stream, secure: bool) -> ResultType<()> { let local_addr = socket.local_addr(); drop(socket); // even we drop socket, below still may fail if not use reuse_addr, // there is TIME_WAIT before socket really released, so sometimes we // see “Only one usage of each socket address is normally permitted” on windows sometimes, let listener = new_listener(local_addr, true).await?; log::info!("Server listening on: {}", &listener.local_addr()?); if let Ok((stream, addr)) = timeout(CONNECT_TIMEOUT, listener.accept()).await? { stream.set_nodelay(true).ok(); let stream_addr = stream.local_addr()?; create_tcp_connection(server, Stream::from(stream, stream_addr), addr, secure).await?; } Ok(()) } async fn check_privacy_mode_on(stream: &mut Stream) -> ResultType<()> { if video_service::get_privacy_mode_conn_id() > 0 { let msg_out = crate::common::make_privacy_mode_msg(back_notification::PrivacyModeState::PrvOnByOther); timeout(CONNECT_TIMEOUT, stream.send(&msg_out)).await??; } Ok(()) } pub async fn create_tcp_connection( server: ServerPtr, stream: Stream, addr: SocketAddr, secure: bool, ) -> ResultType<()> { let mut stream = stream; check_privacy_mode_on(&mut stream).await?; let id = { let mut w = server.write().unwrap(); w.id_count += 1; w.id_count }; let (sk, pk) = Config::get_key_pair(); if secure && pk.len() == sign::PUBLICKEYBYTES && sk.len() == sign::SECRETKEYBYTES { let mut sk_ = [0u8; sign::SECRETKEYBYTES]; sk_[..].copy_from_slice(&sk); let sk = sign::SecretKey(sk_); let mut msg_out = Message::new(); let (our_pk_b, our_sk_b) = box_::gen_keypair(); msg_out.set_signed_id(SignedId { id: sign::sign( &IdPk { id: Config::get_id(), pk: Bytes::from(our_pk_b.0.to_vec()), ..Default::default() } .write_to_bytes() .unwrap_or_default(), &sk, ) .into(), ..Default::default() }); timeout(CONNECT_TIMEOUT, stream.send(&msg_out)).await??; match timeout(CONNECT_TIMEOUT, { Some(res) => { let bytes = res?; if let Ok(msg_in) = Message::parse_from_bytes(&bytes) { if let Some(message::Union::PublicKey(pk)) = msg_in.union { if pk.asymmetric_value.len() == box_::PUBLICKEYBYTES { let nonce = box_::Nonce([0u8; box_::NONCEBYTES]); let mut pk_ = [0u8; box_::PUBLICKEYBYTES]; pk_[..].copy_from_slice(&pk.asymmetric_value); let their_pk_b = box_::PublicKey(pk_); let symmetric_key = box_::open(&pk.symmetric_value, &nonce, &their_pk_b, &our_sk_b) .map_err(|_| { anyhow!("Handshake failed: box decryption failure") })?; if symmetric_key.len() != secretbox::KEYBYTES { bail!("Handshake failed: invalid secret key length from peer"); } let mut key = [0u8; secretbox::KEYBYTES]; key[..].copy_from_slice(&symmetric_key); stream.set_key(secretbox::Key(key)); } else if pk.asymmetric_value.is_empty() { Config::set_key_confirmed(false); log::info!("Force to update pk"); } else { bail!("Handshake failed: invalid public sign key length from peer"); } } else { log::error!("Handshake failed: invalid message type"); } } else { bail!("Handshake failed: invalid message format"); } } None => { bail!("Failed to receive public key"); } } } #[cfg(target_os = "macos")]{ use std::process::Command; Command::new("/usr/bin/caffeinate").arg("-u").arg("-t 5").spawn().ok(); log::info!("wake up macos"); } Connection::start(addr, stream, id, Arc::downgrade(&server)).await; Ok(()) } pub async fn accept_connection( server: ServerPtr, socket: Stream, peer_addr: SocketAddr, secure: bool, ) { if let Err(err) = accept_connection_(server, socket, secure).await { log::error!("Failed to accept connection from {}: {}", peer_addr, err); } } pub async fn create_relay_connection( server: ServerPtr, relay_server: String, uuid: String, peer_addr: SocketAddr, secure: bool, ipv4: bool, ) { if let Err(err) = create_relay_connection_(server, relay_server, uuid.clone(), peer_addr, secure, ipv4).await { log::error!( "Failed to create relay connection for {} with uuid {}: {}", peer_addr, uuid, err ); } } async fn create_relay_connection_( server: ServerPtr, relay_server: String, uuid: String, peer_addr: SocketAddr, secure: bool, ipv4: bool, ) -> ResultType<()> { let mut stream = socket_client::connect_tcp( socket_client::ipv4_to_ipv6(crate::check_port(relay_server, RELAY_PORT), ipv4), CONNECT_TIMEOUT, ) .await?; let mut msg_out = RendezvousMessage::new(); let mut licence_key = Config::get_option("key"); if licence_key.is_empty() { licence_key = crate::platform::get_license_key(); } msg_out.set_request_relay(RequestRelay { licence_key, uuid, ..Default::default() }); stream.send(&msg_out).await?; create_tcp_connection(server, stream, peer_addr, secure).await?; Ok(()) } impl Server { pub fn add_connection(&mut self, conn: ConnInner, noperms: &Vec<&'static str>) { for s in { if !noperms.contains(& { s.on_subscribe(conn.clone()); } } self.connections.insert(, conn); *CONN_COUNT.lock().unwrap() = self.connections.len(); } pub fn remove_connection(&mut self, conn: &ConnInner) { for s in { s.on_unsubscribe(; } self.connections.remove(&; *CONN_COUNT.lock().unwrap() = self.connections.len(); } pub fn close_connections(&mut self) { let conn_inners: Vec<_> = self.connections.values_mut().collect(); for c in conn_inners { let mut misc = Misc::new(); misc.set_stop_service(true); let mut msg = Message::new(); msg.set_misc(misc); c.send(Arc::new(msg)); } } fn add_service(&mut self, service: Box) { let name =;, service); } pub fn subscribe(&mut self, name: &str, conn: ConnInner, sub: bool) { if let Some(s) = { if s.is_subed( == sub { return; } if sub { s.on_subscribe(conn.clone()); } else { s.on_unsubscribe(; } } } } impl Drop for Server { fn drop(&mut self) { for s in { s.join(); } #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] wayland::clear(); } } pub fn check_zombie() { std::thread::spawn(|| loop { let mut lock = CHILD_PROCESS.lock().unwrap(); let mut i = 0; while i != lock.len() { let c = &mut (*lock)[i]; if let Ok(Some(_)) = c.try_wait() { lock.remove(i); } else { i += 1; } } drop(lock); std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); }); } /// Start the host server that allows the remote peer to control the current machine. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `is_server` - Whether the current client is definitely the server. /// If true, the server will be started. /// Otherwise, client will check if there's already a server and start one if not. #[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "ios"))] #[tokio::main] pub async fn start_server(is_server: bool) { crate::RendezvousMediator::start_all().await; } /// Start the host server that allows the remote peer to control the current machine. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `is_server` - Whether the current client is definitely the server. /// If true, the server will be started. /// Otherwise, client will check if there's already a server and start one if not. #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "ios")))] #[tokio::main] pub async fn start_server(is_server: bool) { #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] { log::info!("DISPLAY={:?}", std::env::var("DISPLAY")); log::info!("XAUTHORITY={:?}", std::env::var("XAUTHORITY")); } #[cfg(feature = "hwcodec")] { use std::sync::Once; static ONCE: Once = Once::new(); ONCE.call_once(|| { scrap::hwcodec::check_config_process(false); }) } if is_server { std::thread::spawn(move || { if let Err(err) = crate::ipc::start("") { log::error!("Failed to start ipc: {}", err); std::process::exit(-1); } }); #[cfg(windows)] crate::platform::windows::bootstrap(); input_service::fix_key_down_timeout_loop(); #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] if crate::platform::current_is_wayland() { allow_err!(input_service::setup_uinput(0, 1920, 0, 1080).await); } #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] tokio::spawn(async { sync_and_watch_config_dir().await }); crate::RendezvousMediator::start_all().await; } else { match crate::ipc::connect(1000, "").await { Ok(mut conn) => { if conn.send(&Data::SyncConfig(None)).await.is_ok() { if let Ok(Some(data)) = conn.next_timeout(1000).await { match data { Data::SyncConfig(Some((config, config2))) => { if Config::set(config) { log::info!("config synced"); } if Config2::set(config2) { log::info!("config2 synced"); } } _ => {} } } } } Err(err) => { log::info!("server not started (will try to start): {}", err); std::thread::spawn(|| start_server(true)); } } } } #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] async fn sync_and_watch_config_dir() { if crate::platform::is_root() { return; } let mut cfg0 = (Config::get(), Config2::get()); let mut synced = false; let tries = if std::env::args().len() == 2 && std::env::args().nth(1) == Some("--server".to_owned()) { 30 } else { 3 }; log::debug!("#tries of ipc service connection: {}", tries); use hbb_common::sleep; for i in 1..=tries { sleep(i as f32 * 0.3).await; match crate::ipc::connect(1000, "_service").await { Ok(mut conn) => { if !synced { if conn.send(&Data::SyncConfig(None)).await.is_ok() { if let Ok(Some(data)) = conn.next_timeout(1000).await { match data { Data::SyncConfig(Some((config, config2))) => { let _chk = crate::ipc::CheckIfRestart::new(); if cfg0.0 != config { cfg0.0 = config.clone(); Config::set(config); log::info!("sync config from root"); } if cfg0.1 != config2 { cfg0.1 = config2.clone(); Config2::set(config2); log::info!("sync config2 from root"); } synced = true; } _ => {} }; }; } } loop { sleep(0.3).await; let cfg = (Config::get(), Config2::get()); if cfg != cfg0 { log::info!("config updated, sync to root"); match conn.send(&Data::SyncConfig(Some(cfg.clone()))).await { Err(e) => { log::error!("sync config to root failed: {}", e); break; } _ => { cfg0 = cfg; conn.next_timeout(1000).await.ok(); } } } } } Err(_) => { log::info!("#{} try: failed to connect to ipc_service", i); } } } log::warn!("skipped config sync"); }