use super::*; #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] use crate::common::IS_X11; #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] use dispatch::Queue; use enigo::{Enigo, Key, KeyboardControllable, MouseButton, MouseControllable}; use hbb_common::{config::COMPRESS_LEVEL, get_time, protobuf::EnumOrUnknown}; use rdev::{simulate, EventType, Key as RdevKey}; use std::{ convert::TryFrom, ops::Sub, sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}, time::Instant, }; #[derive(Default)] struct StateCursor { hcursor: u64, cursor_data: Arc, cached_cursor_data: HashMap>, } impl super::service::Reset for StateCursor { fn reset(&mut self) { *self = Default::default(); crate::platform::reset_input_cache(); fix_key_down_timeout(true); } } #[derive(Default)] struct StatePos { cursor_pos: (i32, i32), } impl super::service::Reset for StatePos { fn reset(&mut self) { self.cursor_pos = (0, 0); } } #[derive(Default, Clone, Copy)] struct Input { conn: i32, time: i64, x: i32, y: i32, } const KEY_CHAR_START: u64 = 9999; #[derive(Clone, Default)] pub struct MouseCursorSub { inner: ConnInner, cached: HashMap>, } impl From for MouseCursorSub { fn from(inner: ConnInner) -> Self { Self { inner, cached: HashMap::new(), } } } impl Subscriber for MouseCursorSub { #[inline] fn id(&self) -> i32 { } #[inline] fn send(&mut self, msg: Arc) { if let Some(message::Union::CursorData(cd)) = &msg.union { if let Some(msg) = self.cached.get(& { self.inner.send(msg.clone()); } else { self.inner.send(msg.clone()); let mut tmp = Message::new(); // only send id out, require client side cache also tmp.set_cursor_id(; self.cached.insert(, Arc::new(tmp)); } } else { self.inner.send(msg); } } } pub const NAME_CURSOR: &'static str = "mouse_cursor"; pub const NAME_POS: &'static str = "mouse_pos"; pub type MouseCursorService = ServiceTmpl; pub fn new_cursor() -> MouseCursorService { let sp = MouseCursorService::new(NAME_CURSOR, true); sp.repeat::(33, run_cursor); sp } pub fn new_pos() -> GenericService { let sp = GenericService::new(NAME_POS, false); sp.repeat::(33, run_pos); sp } fn update_last_cursor_pos(x: i32, y: i32) { let mut lock = LATEST_CURSOR_POS.lock().unwrap(); if lock.1 .0 != x || lock.1 .1 != y { (lock.0, lock.1) = (Instant::now(), (x, y)) } } fn run_pos(sp: GenericService, state: &mut StatePos) -> ResultType<()> { if let Some((x, y)) = crate::get_cursor_pos() { update_last_cursor_pos(x, y); if state.cursor_pos.0 != x || state.cursor_pos.1 != y { state.cursor_pos = (x, y); let mut msg_out = Message::new(); msg_out.set_cursor_position(CursorPosition { x, y, ..Default::default() }); let exclude = { let now = get_time(); let lock = LATEST_INPUT_CURSOR.lock().unwrap(); if now - lock.time < 300 { lock.conn } else { 0 } }; sp.send_without(msg_out, exclude); } } sp.snapshot(|sps| { let mut msg_out = Message::new(); msg_out.set_cursor_position(CursorPosition { x: state.cursor_pos.0, y: state.cursor_pos.1, ..Default::default() }); sps.send(msg_out); Ok(()) })?; Ok(()) } fn run_cursor(sp: MouseCursorService, state: &mut StateCursor) -> ResultType<()> { if let Some(hcursor) = crate::get_cursor()? { if hcursor != state.hcursor { let msg; if let Some(cached) = state.cached_cursor_data.get(&hcursor) { super::log::trace!("Cursor data cached, hcursor: {}", hcursor); msg = cached.clone(); } else { let mut data = crate::get_cursor_data(hcursor)?; data.colors = hbb_common::compress::compress(&data.colors[..], COMPRESS_LEVEL).into(); let mut tmp = Message::new(); tmp.set_cursor_data(data); msg = Arc::new(tmp); state.cached_cursor_data.insert(hcursor, msg.clone()); super::log::trace!("Cursor data updated, hcursor: {}", hcursor); } state.hcursor = hcursor; sp.send_shared(msg.clone()); state.cursor_data = msg; } } sp.snapshot(|sps| { sps.send_shared(state.cursor_data.clone()); Ok(()) })?; Ok(()) } lazy_static::lazy_static! { static ref ENIGO: Arc> = { Arc::new(Mutex::new(Enigo::new())) }; static ref KEYS_DOWN: Arc>> = Default::default(); static ref LATEST_INPUT_CURSOR: Arc> = Default::default(); static ref LATEST_CURSOR_POS: Arc> = Arc::new(Mutex::new((Instant::now().sub(MOUSE_MOVE_PROTECTION_TIMEOUT), (0, 0)))); } static EXITING: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false); const MOUSE_MOVE_PROTECTION_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_millis(1_000); const MOUSE_ACTIVE_DISTANCE: i32 = 5; // mac key input must be run in main thread, otherwise crash on >= osx 10.15 #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] lazy_static::lazy_static! { static ref QUEUE: Queue = Queue::main(); static ref IS_SERVER: bool = std::env::args().nth(1) == Some("--server".to_owned()); } #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] pub async fn set_uinput() -> ResultType<()> { // Keyboard and mouse both open /dev/uinput // TODO: Make sure there's no race let keyboard = super::uinput::client::UInputKeyboard::new().await?; log::info!("UInput keyboard created"); let mouse = super::uinput::client::UInputMouse::new().await?; log::info!("UInput mouse created"); let xxx = ENIGO.lock(); let mut en = xxx.unwrap(); en.set_uinput_keyboard(Some(Box::new(keyboard))); en.set_uinput_mouse(Some(Box::new(mouse))); Ok(()) } #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] pub async fn set_uinput_resolution(minx: i32, maxx: i32, miny: i32, maxy: i32) -> ResultType<()> { super::uinput::client::set_resolution(minx, maxx, miny, maxy).await } pub fn is_left_up(evt: &MouseEvent) -> bool { let buttons = evt.mask >> 3; let evt_type = evt.mask & 0x7; return buttons == 1 && evt_type == 2; } #[cfg(windows)] pub fn mouse_move_relative(x: i32, y: i32) { crate::platform::windows::try_change_desktop(); let mut en = ENIGO.lock().unwrap(); en.mouse_move_relative(x, y); } #[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))] fn modifier_sleep() { // sleep for a while, this is only for keying in rdp in peer so far #[cfg(windows)] std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_nanos(1)); } #[inline] fn get_modifier_state(key: Key, en: &mut Enigo) -> bool { // // on Linux, if RightAlt is down, RightAlt status is false, Alt status is true // but on Windows, both are true let x = en.get_key_state(key.clone()); match key { Key::Shift => x || en.get_key_state(Key::RightShift), Key::Control => x || en.get_key_state(Key::RightControl), Key::Alt => x || en.get_key_state(Key::RightAlt), Key::Meta => x || en.get_key_state(Key::RWin), Key::RightShift => x || en.get_key_state(Key::Shift), Key::RightControl => x || en.get_key_state(Key::Control), Key::RightAlt => x || en.get_key_state(Key::Alt), Key::RWin => x || en.get_key_state(Key::Meta), _ => x, } } pub fn handle_mouse(evt: &MouseEvent, conn: i32) { #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] if !*IS_SERVER { // having GUI, run main GUI thread, otherwise crash let evt = evt.clone(); QUEUE.exec_async(move || handle_mouse_(&evt, conn)); return; } handle_mouse_(evt, conn); } pub fn fix_key_down_timeout_loop() { std::thread::spawn(move || loop { std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(1_000)); fix_key_down_timeout(false); }); if let Err(err) = ctrlc::set_handler(move || { fix_key_down_timeout_at_exit(); std::process::exit(0); // will call atexit on posix, but not on Windows }) { log::error!("Failed to set Ctrl-C handler: {}", err); } } pub fn fix_key_down_timeout_at_exit() { if EXITING.load(Ordering::SeqCst) { return; }, Ordering::SeqCst); fix_key_down_timeout(true); log::info!("fix_key_down_timeout_at_exit"); } #[inline] fn get_layout(key: u32) -> Key { Key::Layout(std::char::from_u32(key).unwrap_or('\0')) } fn fix_key_down_timeout(force: bool) { if KEYS_DOWN.lock().unwrap().is_empty() { return; } let cloned = (*KEYS_DOWN.lock().unwrap()).clone(); for (key, value) in cloned.into_iter() { if force || value.elapsed().as_millis() >= 360_000 { KEYS_DOWN.lock().unwrap().remove(&key); let key = if key < KEY_CHAR_START { if let Some(key) = KEY_MAP.get(&(key as _)) { Some(*key) } else { None } } else { Some(get_layout((key - KEY_CHAR_START) as _)) }; if let Some(key) = key { let func = move || { let mut en = ENIGO.lock().unwrap(); en.key_up(key); log::debug!("Fixed {:?} timeout", key); }; #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] QUEUE.exec_async(func); #[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))] func(); } } } } // e.g. current state of ctrl is down, but ctrl not in modifier, we should change ctrl to up, to make modifier state sync between remote and local #[inline] fn fix_modifier( modifiers: &[EnumOrUnknown], key0: ControlKey, key1: Key, en: &mut Enigo, ) { if get_modifier_state(key1, en) && !modifiers.contains(&EnumOrUnknown::new(key0)) { #[cfg(windows)] if key0 == ControlKey::Control && get_modifier_state(Key::Alt, en) { // AltGr case return; } en.key_up(key1); log::debug!("Fixed {:?}", key1); } } fn fix_modifiers(modifiers: &[EnumOrUnknown], en: &mut Enigo, ck: i32) { if ck != ControlKey::Shift.value() { fix_modifier(modifiers, ControlKey::Shift, Key::Shift, en); } if ck != ControlKey::RShift.value() { fix_modifier(modifiers, ControlKey::Shift, Key::RightShift, en); } if ck != ControlKey::Alt.value() { fix_modifier(modifiers, ControlKey::Alt, Key::Alt, en); } if ck != ControlKey::RAlt.value() { fix_modifier(modifiers, ControlKey::Alt, Key::RightAlt, en); } if ck != ControlKey::Control.value() { fix_modifier(modifiers, ControlKey::Control, Key::Control, en); } if ck != ControlKey::RControl.value() { fix_modifier(modifiers, ControlKey::Control, Key::RightControl, en); } if ck != ControlKey::Meta.value() { fix_modifier(modifiers, ControlKey::Meta, Key::Meta, en); } if ck != ControlKey::RWin.value() { fix_modifier(modifiers, ControlKey::Meta, Key::RWin, en); } } fn is_mouse_active_by_conn(conn: i32) -> bool { // out of time protection if LATEST_CURSOR_POS.lock().unwrap().0.elapsed() > MOUSE_MOVE_PROTECTION_TIMEOUT { return true; } let mut last_input = LATEST_INPUT_CURSOR.lock().unwrap(); // last conn input may be protected if last_input.conn != conn { return false; } // check if input is in valid range match crate::get_cursor_pos() { Some((x, y)) => { let is_same_input = (last_input.x - x).abs() < MOUSE_ACTIVE_DISTANCE && (last_input.y - y).abs() < MOUSE_ACTIVE_DISTANCE; if !is_same_input { last_input.x = -MOUSE_ACTIVE_DISTANCE * 2; last_input.y = -MOUSE_ACTIVE_DISTANCE * 2; } is_same_input } None => true, } } fn handle_mouse_(evt: &MouseEvent, conn: i32) { if EXITING.load(Ordering::SeqCst) { return; } if !is_mouse_active_by_conn(conn) { return; } #[cfg(windows)] crate::platform::windows::try_change_desktop(); let buttons = evt.mask >> 3; let evt_type = evt.mask & 0x7; if evt_type == 0 { let time = get_time(); *LATEST_INPUT_CURSOR.lock().unwrap() = Input { time, conn, x: evt.x, y: evt.y, }; } let mut en = ENIGO.lock().unwrap(); #[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))] let mut to_release = Vec::new(); if evt_type == 1 { fix_modifiers(&evt.modifiers[..], &mut en, 0); #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] en.reset_flag(); for ref ck in evt.modifiers.iter() { if let Some(key) = KEY_MAP.get(&ck.value()) { #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] en.add_flag(key); #[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))] if key != &Key::CapsLock && key != &Key::NumLock { if !get_modifier_state(key.clone(), &mut en) { en.key_down(key.clone()).ok(); modifier_sleep(); to_release.push(key); } } } } } match evt_type { 0 => { en.mouse_move_to(evt.x, evt.y); } 1 => match buttons { 1 => { allow_err!(en.mouse_down(MouseButton::Left)); } 2 => { allow_err!(en.mouse_down(MouseButton::Right)); } 4 => { allow_err!(en.mouse_down(MouseButton::Middle)); } _ => {} }, 2 => match buttons { 1 => { en.mouse_up(MouseButton::Left); } 2 => { en.mouse_up(MouseButton::Right); } 4 => { en.mouse_up(MouseButton::Middle); } _ => {} }, 3 => { #[allow(unused_mut)] let mut x = evt.x; #[allow(unused_mut)] let mut y = evt.y; #[cfg(not(windows))] { x = -x; y = -y; } // fix shift + scroll(down/up) #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] if evt .modifiers .contains(&EnumOrUnknown::new(ControlKey::Shift)) { x = y; y = 0; } if x != 0 { en.mouse_scroll_x(x); } if y != 0 { en.mouse_scroll_y(y); } } _ => {} } #[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))] for key in to_release { en.key_up(key.clone()); } } pub fn is_enter(evt: &KeyEvent) -> bool { if let Some(key_event::Union::ControlKey(ck)) = evt.union { if ck.value() == ControlKey::Return.value() || ck.value() == ControlKey::NumpadEnter.value() { return true; } } return false; } pub async fn lock_screen() { cfg_if::cfg_if! { if #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] { // xdg_screensaver lock not work on Linux from our service somehow // loginctl lock-session also not work, they both work run rustdesk from cmd std::thread::spawn(|| { let mut key_event = KeyEvent::new(); key_event.set_chr('l' as _); key_event.modifiers.push(ControlKey::Meta.into()); key_event.mode = KeyboardMode::Legacy.into(); key_event.down = true; handle_key(&key_event); key_event.down = false; handle_key(&key_event); }); } else if #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] { // CGSession -suspend not real lock screen, it is user switch std::thread::spawn(|| { let mut key_event = KeyEvent::new(); key_event.set_chr('q' as _); key_event.modifiers.push(ControlKey::Meta.into()); key_event.modifiers.push(ControlKey::Control.into()); key_event.mode = KeyboardMode::Legacy.into(); key_event.down = true; handle_key(&key_event); key_event.down = false; handle_key(&key_event); }); } else { crate::platform::lock_screen(); } } super::video_service::switch_to_primary().await; } lazy_static::lazy_static! { static ref KEY_MAP: HashMap = [ (ControlKey::Alt, Key::Alt), (ControlKey::Backspace, Key::Backspace), (ControlKey::CapsLock, Key::CapsLock), (ControlKey::Control, Key::Control), (ControlKey::Delete, Key::Delete), (ControlKey::DownArrow, Key::DownArrow), (ControlKey::End, Key::End), (ControlKey::Escape, Key::Escape), (ControlKey::F1, Key::F1), (ControlKey::F10, Key::F10), (ControlKey::F11, Key::F11), (ControlKey::F12, Key::F12), (ControlKey::F2, Key::F2), (ControlKey::F3, Key::F3), (ControlKey::F4, Key::F4), (ControlKey::F5, Key::F5), (ControlKey::F6, Key::F6), (ControlKey::F7, Key::F7), (ControlKey::F8, Key::F8), (ControlKey::F9, Key::F9), (ControlKey::Home, Key::Home), (ControlKey::LeftArrow, Key::LeftArrow), (ControlKey::Meta, Key::Meta), (ControlKey::Option, Key::Option), (ControlKey::PageDown, Key::PageDown), (ControlKey::PageUp, Key::PageUp), (ControlKey::Return, Key::Return), (ControlKey::RightArrow, Key::RightArrow), (ControlKey::Shift, Key::Shift), (ControlKey::Space, Key::Space), (ControlKey::Tab, Key::Tab), (ControlKey::UpArrow, Key::UpArrow), (ControlKey::Numpad0, Key::Numpad0), (ControlKey::Numpad1, Key::Numpad1), (ControlKey::Numpad2, Key::Numpad2), (ControlKey::Numpad3, Key::Numpad3), (ControlKey::Numpad4, Key::Numpad4), (ControlKey::Numpad5, Key::Numpad5), (ControlKey::Numpad6, Key::Numpad6), (ControlKey::Numpad7, Key::Numpad7), (ControlKey::Numpad8, Key::Numpad8), (ControlKey::Numpad9, Key::Numpad9), (ControlKey::Cancel, Key::Cancel), (ControlKey::Clear, Key::Clear), (ControlKey::Menu, Key::Alt), (ControlKey::Pause, Key::Pause), (ControlKey::Kana, Key::Kana), (ControlKey::Hangul, Key::Hangul), (ControlKey::Junja, Key::Junja), (ControlKey::Final, Key::Final), (ControlKey::Hanja, Key::Hanja), (ControlKey::Kanji, Key::Kanji), (ControlKey::Convert, Key::Convert), (ControlKey::Select, Key::Select), (ControlKey::Print, Key::Print), (ControlKey::Execute, Key::Execute), (ControlKey::Snapshot, Key::Snapshot), (ControlKey::Insert, Key::Insert), (ControlKey::Help, Key::Help), (ControlKey::Sleep, Key::Sleep), (ControlKey::Separator, Key::Separator), (ControlKey::Scroll, Key::Scroll), (ControlKey::NumLock, Key::NumLock), (ControlKey::RWin, Key::RWin), (ControlKey::Apps, Key::Apps), (ControlKey::Multiply, Key::Multiply), (ControlKey::Add, Key::Add), (ControlKey::Subtract, Key::Subtract), (ControlKey::Decimal, Key::Decimal), (ControlKey::Divide, Key::Divide), (ControlKey::Equals, Key::Equals), (ControlKey::NumpadEnter, Key::NumpadEnter), (ControlKey::RAlt, Key::RightAlt), (ControlKey::RControl, Key::RightControl), (ControlKey::RShift, Key::RightShift), ].iter().map(|(a, b)| (a.value(), b.clone())).collect(); static ref NUMPAD_KEY_MAP: HashMap = [ (ControlKey::Home, true), (ControlKey::UpArrow, true), (ControlKey::PageUp, true), (ControlKey::LeftArrow, true), (ControlKey::RightArrow, true), (ControlKey::End, true), (ControlKey::DownArrow, true), (ControlKey::PageDown, true), (ControlKey::Insert, true), (ControlKey::Delete, true), ].iter().map(|(a, b)| (a.value(), b.clone())).collect(); } pub fn handle_key(evt: &KeyEvent) { #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] if !*IS_SERVER { // having GUI, run main GUI thread, otherwise crash let evt = evt.clone(); QUEUE.exec_async(move || handle_key_(&evt)); return; } handle_key_(evt); } fn rdev_key_down_or_up(key: RdevKey, down_or_up: bool) { let event_type = match down_or_up { true => EventType::KeyPress(key), false => EventType::KeyRelease(key), }; let delay = std::time::Duration::from_millis(20); match simulate(&event_type) { Ok(()) => (), Err(_simulate_error) => { log::error!("Could not send {:?}", &event_type); } } // Let ths OS catchup (at least MacOS) std::thread::sleep(delay); } fn rdev_key_click(key: RdevKey) { rdev_key_down_or_up(key, true); rdev_key_down_or_up(key, false); } fn sync_status(evt: &KeyEvent) -> (bool, bool) { /* todo! Shift+delete */ let mut en = ENIGO.lock().unwrap(); // remote caps status let caps_locking = evt .modifiers .iter() .position(|&r| r == ControlKey::CapsLock.into()) .is_some(); // remote numpad status let num_locking = evt .modifiers .iter() .position(|&r| r == ControlKey::NumLock.into()) .is_some(); let click_capslock = (caps_locking && !en.get_key_state(enigo::Key::CapsLock)) || (!caps_locking && en.get_key_state(enigo::Key::CapsLock)); let click_numlock = (num_locking && !en.get_key_state(enigo::Key::NumLock)) || (!num_locking && en.get_key_state(enigo::Key::NumLock)); #[cfg(windows)] let click_numlock = { let code = evt.chr(); let key = rdev::get_win_key(code, 0); match key { RdevKey::Home | RdevKey::UpArrow | RdevKey::PageUp | RdevKey::LeftArrow | RdevKey::RightArrow | RdevKey::End | RdevKey::DownArrow | RdevKey::PageDown | RdevKey::Insert | RdevKey::Delete => en.get_key_state(enigo::Key::NumLock), _ => click_numlock, } }; return (click_capslock, click_numlock); } fn map_keyboard_mode(evt: &KeyEvent) { // map mode(1): Send keycode according to the peer platform. #[cfg(windows)] crate::platform::windows::try_change_desktop(); let (click_capslock, click_numlock) = sync_status(evt); // Wayland #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] if !*IS_X11.lock().unwrap() { let mut en = ENIGO.lock().unwrap(); let code = evt.chr() as u16; #[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))] if click_capslock { en.key_click(enigo::Key::CapsLock); } #[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))] if click_numlock { en.key_click(enigo::Key::NumLock); } #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] en.key_down(enigo::Key::CapsLock); if evt.down { en.key_down(enigo::Key::Raw(code)).ok(); } else { en.key_up(enigo::Key::Raw(code)); } return; } #[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))] if click_capslock { rdev_key_click(RdevKey::CapsLock); } #[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))] if click_numlock { rdev_key_click(RdevKey::NumLock); } #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] if evt.down && click_capslock { rdev_key_down_or_up(RdevKey::CapsLock, evt.down); } rdev_key_down_or_up(RdevKey::Unknown(evt.chr()), evt.down); return; } fn legacy_keyboard_mode(evt: &KeyEvent) { let (click_capslock, click_numlock) = sync_status(evt); #[cfg(windows)] crate::platform::windows::try_change_desktop(); let mut en = ENIGO.lock().unwrap(); if click_capslock { en.key_click(Key::CapsLock); } if click_numlock { en.key_click(Key::NumLock); } // disable numlock if press home etc when numlock is on, // because we will get numpad value (7,8,9 etc) if not #[cfg(windows)] let mut _disable_numlock = false; #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] en.reset_flag(); // When long-pressed the command key, then press and release // the Tab key, there should be CGEventFlagCommand in the flag. #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] for ck in evt.modifiers.iter() { if let Some(key) = KEY_MAP.get(&ck.value()) { en.add_flag(key); } } #[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))] let mut to_release = Vec::new(); if evt.down { let ck = if let Some(key_event::Union::ControlKey(ck)) = evt.union { ck.value() } else { -1 }; fix_modifiers(&evt.modifiers[..], &mut en, ck); for ref ck in evt.modifiers.iter() { if let Some(key) = KEY_MAP.get(&ck.value()) { #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] if key == &Key::Alt && !get_modifier_state(key.clone(), &mut en) { // for AltGr on Linux if KEYS_DOWN .lock() .unwrap() .get(&(ControlKey::RAlt.value() as _)) .is_some() { continue; } } #[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))] if !get_modifier_state(key.clone(), &mut en) { en.key_down(key.clone()).ok(); modifier_sleep(); to_release.push(key); } } } } match evt.union { Some(key_event::Union::ControlKey(ck)) => { if let Some(key) = KEY_MAP.get(&ck.value()) { #[cfg(windows)] if let Some(_) = NUMPAD_KEY_MAP.get(&ck.value()) { _disable_numlock = en.get_key_state(Key::NumLock); if _disable_numlock { en.key_down(Key::NumLock).ok(); en.key_up(Key::NumLock); } } if evt.down { en.key_down(key.clone()).ok(); KEYS_DOWN .lock() .unwrap() .insert(ck.value() as _, Instant::now()); } else { en.key_up(key.clone()); KEYS_DOWN.lock().unwrap().remove(&(ck.value() as _)); } } else if ck.value() == ControlKey::CtrlAltDel.value() { // have to spawn new thread because send_sas is tokio_main, the caller can not be tokio_main. std::thread::spawn(|| { allow_err!(send_sas()); }); } else if ck.value() == ControlKey::LockScreen.value() { lock_screen_2(); } } Some(key_event::Union::Chr(chr)) => { if evt.down { if en.key_down(get_layout(chr)).is_ok() { KEYS_DOWN .lock() .unwrap() .insert(chr as u64 + KEY_CHAR_START, Instant::now()); } else { if let Ok(chr) = char::try_from(chr) { let mut x = chr.to_string(); if get_modifier_state(Key::Shift, &mut en) || get_modifier_state(Key::CapsLock, &mut en) { x = x.to_uppercase(); } en.key_sequence(&x); } } KEYS_DOWN .lock() .unwrap() .insert(chr as u64 + KEY_CHAR_START, Instant::now()); } else { en.key_up(get_layout(chr)); KEYS_DOWN .lock() .unwrap() .remove(&(chr as u64 + KEY_CHAR_START)); } } Some(key_event::Union::Unicode(chr)) => { if let Ok(chr) = char::try_from(chr) { en.key_sequence(&chr.to_string()); } } Some(key_event::Union::Seq(ref seq)) => { en.key_sequence(&seq); } _ => {} } #[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))] for key in to_release { en.key_up(key.clone()); } } fn handle_key_(evt: &KeyEvent) { if EXITING.load(Ordering::SeqCst) { return; } match evt.mode.unwrap() { KeyboardMode::Legacy => { legacy_keyboard_mode(evt); } KeyboardMode::Map => { map_keyboard_mode(evt); } KeyboardMode::Translate => { legacy_keyboard_mode(evt); } _ => { legacy_keyboard_mode(evt); } } } #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn lock_screen_2() { lock_screen().await; } #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn send_sas() -> ResultType<()> { let mut stream = crate::ipc::connect(1000, crate::POSTFIX_SERVICE).await?; timeout(1000, stream.send(&crate::ipc::Data::SAS)).await??; Ok(()) } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; use rdev::{listen, Event, EventType, Key}; use std::sync::mpsc; #[test] fn test_handle_key() { // listen let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(); std::thread::spawn(move || { std::env::set_var("KEYBOARD_ONLY", "y"); let func = move |event: Event| { tx.send(event).ok(); }; if let Err(error) = listen(func) { println!("Error: {:?}", error); } }); // set key/char base on char let mut evt = KeyEvent::new(); evt.set_chr(66); evt.mode = KeyboardMode::Legacy.into(); evt.modifiers.push(ControlKey::CapsLock.into()); // press evt.down = true; handle_key(&evt); if let Ok(listen_evt) = rx.recv() { assert_eq!(listen_evt.event_type, EventType::KeyPress(Key::Num1)) } // release evt.down = false; handle_key(&evt); if let Ok(listen_evt) = rx.recv() { assert_eq!(listen_evt.event_type, EventType::KeyRelease(Key::Num1)) } } #[test] fn test_get_key_state() { let mut en = ENIGO.lock().unwrap(); println!( "[*] test_get_key_state: {:?}", en.get_key_state(enigo::Key::NumLock) ); } }