import 'dart:io'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/common.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/models/state_model.dart'; import 'package:get/get.dart'; const int kMaxVirtualDisplayCount = 4; const int kAllVirtualDisplay = -1; const double kDesktopRemoteTabBarHeight = 28.0; const int kInvalidWindowId = -1; const int kMainWindowId = 0; const kAllDisplayValue = -1; const kKeyLegacyMode = 'legacy'; const kKeyMapMode = 'map'; const kKeyTranslateMode = 'translate'; const String kPlatformAdditionsIsWayland = "is_wayland"; const String kPlatformAdditionsHeadless = "headless"; const String kPlatformAdditionsIsInstalled = "is_installed"; const String kPlatformAdditionsVirtualDisplays = "virtual_displays"; const String kPlatformAdditionsHasFileClipboard = "has_file_clipboard"; const String kPlatformAdditionsSupportedPrivacyModeImpl = "supported_privacy_mode_impl"; const String kPeerPlatformWindows = "Windows"; const String kPeerPlatformLinux = "Linux"; const String kPeerPlatformMacOS = "Mac OS"; const String kPeerPlatformAndroid = "Android"; const double kScrollbarThickness = 12.0; /// [kAppTypeMain] used by 'Desktop Main Page' , 'Mobile (Client and Server)', "Install Page" const String kAppTypeMain = "main"; /// [kAppTypeConnectionManager] only for 'Desktop CM Page' const String kAppTypeConnectionManager = "cm"; const String kAppTypeDesktopRemote = "remote"; const String kAppTypeDesktopFileTransfer = "file transfer"; const String kAppTypeDesktopPortForward = "port forward"; const String kWindowMainWindowOnTop = "main_window_on_top"; const String kWindowGetWindowInfo = "get_window_info"; const String kWindowGetScreenList = "get_screen_list"; // This method is not used, maybe it can be removed. const String kWindowDisableGrabKeyboard = "disable_grab_keyboard"; const String kWindowActionRebuild = "rebuild"; const String kWindowEventHide = "hide"; const String kWindowEventShow = "show"; const String kWindowConnect = "connect"; const String kWindowEventNewRemoteDesktop = "new_remote_desktop"; const String kWindowEventNewFileTransfer = "new_file_transfer"; const String kWindowEventNewPortForward = "new_port_forward"; const String kWindowEventActiveSession = "active_session"; const String kWindowEventActiveDisplaySession = "active_display_session"; const String kWindowEventGetRemoteList = "get_remote_list"; const String kWindowEventGetSessionIdList = "get_session_id_list"; const String kWindowEventMoveTabToNewWindow = "move_tab_to_new_window"; const String kWindowEventGetCachedSessionData = "get_cached_session_data"; const String kWindowEventOpenMonitorSession = "open_monitor_session"; const String kOptionOpenNewConnInTabs = "enable-open-new-connections-in-tabs"; const String kOptionOpenInTabs = "allow-open-in-tabs"; const String kOptionOpenInWindows = "allow-open-in-windows"; const String kOptionForceAlwaysRelay = "force-always-relay"; const String kOptionViewOnly = "view-only"; const String kUrlActionClose = "close"; const String kTabLabelHomePage = "Home"; const String kTabLabelSettingPage = "Settings"; const String kWindowPrefix = "wm_"; const int kWindowMainId = 0; const String kPointerEventKindTouch = "touch"; const String kPointerEventKindMouse = "mouse"; const String kKeyShowDisplaysAsIndividualWindows = 'displays_as_individual_windows'; const String kKeyUseAllMyDisplaysForTheRemoteSession = 'use_all_my_displays_for_the_remote_session'; const String kKeyShowMonitorsToolbar = 'show_monitors_toolbar'; const String kKeyReverseMouseWheel = "reverse_mouse_wheel"; // the executable name of the portable version const String kEnvPortableExecutable = "RUSTDESK_APPNAME"; const Color kColorWarn = Color.fromARGB(255, 245, 133, 59); const int kMobileDefaultDisplayWidth = 720; const int kMobileDefaultDisplayHeight = 1280; const int kDesktopDefaultDisplayWidth = 1080; const int kDesktopDefaultDisplayHeight = 720; const int kMobileMaxDisplaySize = 1280; const int kDesktopMaxDisplaySize = 3840; const double kDesktopFileTransferRowHeight = 30.0; const double kDesktopFileTransferHeaderHeight = 25.0; const double kMinFps = 5; const double kDefaultFps = 30; const double kMaxFps = 120; const double kMinQuality = 10; const double kDefaultQuality = 50; const double kMaxQuality = 100; const double kMaxMoreQuality = 2000; double kNewWindowOffset = isWindows ? 56.0 : isLinux ? 50.0 : isMacOS ? 30.0 : 50.0; EdgeInsets get kDragToResizeAreaPadding => !kUseCompatibleUiMode && isLinux ? stateGlobal.fullscreen.isTrue || stateGlobal.isMaximized.value ? : EdgeInsets.all(5.0) :; // const int $nbsp = 0x00A0; extension StringExtension on String { String get nonBreaking => replaceAll(' ', String.fromCharCode($nbsp)); } const Size kConnectionManagerWindowSizeClosedChat = Size(300, 490); const Size kConnectionManagerWindowSizeOpenChat = Size(700, 490); // Tabbar transition duration, now we remove the duration const Duration kTabTransitionDuration =; const double kEmptyMarginTop = 50; const double kDesktopIconButtonSplashRadius = 20; /// [kMinCursorSize] indicates min cursor (w, h) const int kMinCursorSize = 12; /// [kDefaultScrollAmountMultiplier] indicates how many rows can be scrolled after a minimum scroll action of mouse const kDefaultScrollAmountMultiplier = 5.0; const kDefaultScrollDuration = Duration(milliseconds: 50); const kDefaultMouseWheelThrottleDuration = Duration(milliseconds: 50); const kFullScreenEdgeSize = 0.0; const kMaximizeEdgeSize = 0.0; var kWindowEdgeSize = isWindows ? 1.0 : 5.0; const kWindowBorderWidth = 1.0; const kDesktopMenuPadding = EdgeInsets.only(left: 12.0, right: 3.0); const kInvalidValueStr = 'InvalidValueStr'; // Config key shared by flutter and other ui. const kCommConfKeyTheme = 'theme'; const kCommConfKeyLang = 'lang'; const kMobilePageConstraints = BoxConstraints(maxWidth: 600); /// [kMouseControlDistance] indicates the distance that self-side move to get control of mouse. const kMouseControlDistance = 12; /// [kMouseControlTimeoutMSec] indicates the timeout (in milliseconds) that self-side can get control of mouse. const kMouseControlTimeoutMSec = 1000; /// [kRemoteViewStyleOriginal] Show remote image without scaling. const kRemoteViewStyleOriginal = 'original'; /// [kRemoteViewStyleAdaptive] Show remote image scaling by ratio factor. const kRemoteViewStyleAdaptive = 'adaptive'; /// [kRemoteScrollStyleAuto] Scroll image auto by position. const kRemoteScrollStyleAuto = 'scrollauto'; /// [kRemoteScrollStyleBar] Scroll image with scroll bar. const kRemoteScrollStyleBar = 'scrollbar'; /// [kScrollModeDefault] Mouse or touchpad, the default scroll mode. const kScrollModeDefault = 'default'; /// [kScrollModeReverse] Mouse or touchpad, the reverse scroll mode. const kScrollModeReverse = 'reverse'; /// [kRemoteImageQualityBest] Best image quality. const kRemoteImageQualityBest = 'best'; /// [kRemoteImageQualityBalanced] Balanced image quality, mid performance. const kRemoteImageQualityBalanced = 'balanced'; /// [kRemoteImageQualityLow] Low image quality, better performance. const kRemoteImageQualityLow = 'low'; /// [kRemoteImageQualityCustom] Custom image quality. const kRemoteImageQualityCustom = 'custom'; /// [kRemoteAudioGuestToHost] Guest to host audio mode(default). const kRemoteAudioGuestToHost = 'guest-to-host'; /// [kRemoteAudioDualWay] dual-way audio mode(default). const kRemoteAudioDualWay = 'dual-way'; const kIgnoreDpi = true; // ================================ mobile ================================ // Magic numbers, maybe need to avoid it or use a better way to get them. const kMobileDelaySoftKeyboard = Duration(milliseconds: 30); const kMobileDelaySoftKeyboardFocus = Duration(milliseconds: 30); /// Android constants const kActionApplicationDetailsSettings = "android.settings.APPLICATION_DETAILS_SETTINGS"; const kActionAccessibilitySettings = "android.settings.ACCESSIBILITY_SETTINGS"; const kRecordAudio = "android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO"; const kManageExternalStorage = "android.permission.MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"; const kRequestIgnoreBatteryOptimizations = "android.permission.REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS"; const kSystemAlertWindow = "android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW"; /// Android channel invoke type key class AndroidChannel { static final kStartAction = "start_action"; static final kGetStartOnBootOpt = "get_start_on_boot_opt"; static final kSetStartOnBootOpt = "set_start_on_boot_opt"; static final kSyncAppDirConfigPath = "sync_app_dir"; } /// flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/services/keyboard_key.dart -> _keyLabels /// see [LogicalKeyboardKey.keyLabel] const Map logicalKeyMap = { 0x00000000020: 'VK_SPACE', 0x00000000022: 'VK_QUOTE', 0x0000000002c: 'VK_COMMA', 0x0000000002d: 'VK_MINUS', 0x0000000002f: 'VK_SLASH', 0x00000000030: 'VK_0', 0x00000000031: 'VK_1', 0x00000000032: 'VK_2', 0x00000000033: 'VK_3', 0x00000000034: 'VK_4', 0x00000000035: 'VK_5', 0x00000000036: 'VK_6', 0x00000000037: 'VK_7', 0x00000000038: 'VK_8', 0x00000000039: 'VK_9', 0x0000000003b: 'VK_SEMICOLON', 0x0000000003d: 'VK_PLUS', // it is = 0x0000000005b: 'VK_LBRACKET', 0x0000000005c: 'VK_BACKSLASH', 0x0000000005d: 'VK_RBRACKET', 0x00000000061: 'VK_A', 0x00000000062: 'VK_B', 0x00000000063: 'VK_C', 0x00000000064: 'VK_D', 0x00000000065: 'VK_E', 0x00000000066: 'VK_F', 0x00000000067: 'VK_G', 0x00000000068: 'VK_H', 0x00000000069: 'VK_I', 0x0000000006a: 'VK_J', 0x0000000006b: 'VK_K', 0x0000000006c: 'VK_L', 0x0000000006d: 'VK_M', 0x0000000006e: 'VK_N', 0x0000000006f: 'VK_O', 0x00000000070: 'VK_P', 0x00000000071: 'VK_Q', 0x00000000072: 'VK_R', 0x00000000073: 'VK_S', 0x00000000074: 'VK_T', 0x00000000075: 'VK_U', 0x00000000076: 'VK_V', 0x00000000077: 'VK_W', 0x00000000078: 'VK_X', 0x00000000079: 'VK_Y', 0x0000000007a: 'VK_Z', 0x00100000008: 'VK_BACK', 0x00100000009: 'VK_TAB', 0x0010000000d: 'VK_ENTER', 0x0010000001b: 'VK_ESCAPE', 0x0010000007f: 'VK_DELETE', 0x00100000104: 'VK_CAPITAL', 0x00100000301: 'VK_DOWN', 0x00100000302: 'VK_LEFT', 0x00100000303: 'VK_RIGHT', 0x00100000304: 'VK_UP', 0x00100000305: 'VK_END', 0x00100000306: 'VK_HOME', 0x00100000307: 'VK_NEXT', 0x00100000308: 'VK_PRIOR', 0x00100000401: 'VK_CLEAR', 0x00100000407: 'VK_INSERT', 0x00100000504: 'VK_CANCEL', 0x00100000506: 'VK_EXECUTE', 0x00100000508: 'VK_HELP', 0x00100000509: 'VK_PAUSE', 0x0010000050c: 'VK_SELECT', 0x00100000608: 'VK_PRINT', 0x00100000705: 'VK_CONVERT', 0x00100000706: 'VK_FINAL', 0x00100000711: 'VK_HANGUL', 0x00100000712: 'VK_HANJA', 0x00100000713: 'VK_JUNJA', 0x00100000718: 'VK_KANA', 0x00100000719: 'VK_KANJI', 0x00100000801: 'VK_F1', 0x00100000802: 'VK_F2', 0x00100000803: 'VK_F3', 0x00100000804: 'VK_F4', 0x00100000805: 'VK_F5', 0x00100000806: 'VK_F6', 0x00100000807: 'VK_F7', 0x00100000808: 'VK_F8', 0x00100000809: 'VK_F9', 0x0010000080a: 'VK_F10', 0x0010000080b: 'VK_F11', 0x0010000080c: 'VK_F12', 0x00100000d2b: 'Apps', 0x00200000002: 'VK_SLEEP', 0x00200000100: 'VK_CONTROL', 0x00200000101: 'RControl', 0x00200000102: 'VK_SHIFT', 0x00200000103: 'RShift', 0x00200000104: 'VK_MENU', 0x00200000105: 'RAlt', 0x002000001f0: 'VK_CONTROL', 0x002000001f2: 'VK_SHIFT', 0x002000001f4: 'VK_MENU', 0x002000001f6: 'Meta', 0x0020000022a: 'VK_MULTIPLY', 0x0020000022b: 'VK_ADD', 0x0020000022d: 'VK_SUBTRACT', 0x0020000022e: 'VK_DECIMAL', 0x0020000022f: 'VK_DIVIDE', 0x00200000230: 'VK_NUMPAD0', 0x00200000231: 'VK_NUMPAD1', 0x00200000232: 'VK_NUMPAD2', 0x00200000233: 'VK_NUMPAD3', 0x00200000234: 'VK_NUMPAD4', 0x00200000235: 'VK_NUMPAD5', 0x00200000236: 'VK_NUMPAD6', 0x00200000237: 'VK_NUMPAD7', 0x00200000238: 'VK_NUMPAD8', 0x00200000239: 'VK_NUMPAD9', }; /// flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/services/keyboard_key.dart -> _debugName /// see [PhysicalKeyboardKey.debugName] -> _debugName const Map physicalKeyMap = { 0x00010082: 'VK_SLEEP', 0x00070004: 'VK_A', 0x00070005: 'VK_B', 0x00070006: 'VK_C', 0x00070007: 'VK_D', 0x00070008: 'VK_E', 0x00070009: 'VK_F', 0x0007000a: 'VK_G', 0x0007000b: 'VK_H', 0x0007000c: 'VK_I', 0x0007000d: 'VK_J', 0x0007000e: 'VK_K', 0x0007000f: 'VK_L', 0x00070010: 'VK_M', 0x00070011: 'VK_N', 0x00070012: 'VK_O', 0x00070013: 'VK_P', 0x00070014: 'VK_Q', 0x00070015: 'VK_R', 0x00070016: 'VK_S', 0x00070017: 'VK_T', 0x00070018: 'VK_U', 0x00070019: 'VK_V', 0x0007001a: 'VK_W', 0x0007001b: 'VK_X', 0x0007001c: 'VK_Y', 0x0007001d: 'VK_Z', 0x0007001e: 'VK_1', 0x0007001f: 'VK_2', 0x00070020: 'VK_3', 0x00070021: 'VK_4', 0x00070022: 'VK_5', 0x00070023: 'VK_6', 0x00070024: 'VK_7', 0x00070025: 'VK_8', 0x00070026: 'VK_9', 0x00070027: 'VK_0', 0x00070028: 'VK_ENTER', 0x00070029: 'VK_ESCAPE', 0x0007002a: 'VK_BACK', 0x0007002b: 'VK_TAB', 0x0007002c: 'VK_SPACE', 0x0007002d: 'VK_MINUS', 0x0007002e: 'VK_PLUS', // it is = 0x0007002f: 'VK_LBRACKET', 0x00070030: 'VK_RBRACKET', 0x00070033: 'VK_SEMICOLON', 0x00070034: 'VK_QUOTE', 0x00070036: 'VK_COMMA', 0x00070038: 'VK_SLASH', 0x00070039: 'VK_CAPITAL', 0x0007003a: 'VK_F1', 0x0007003b: 'VK_F2', 0x0007003c: 'VK_F3', 0x0007003d: 'VK_F4', 0x0007003e: 'VK_F5', 0x0007003f: 'VK_F6', 0x00070040: 'VK_F7', 0x00070041: 'VK_F8', 0x00070042: 'VK_F9', 0x00070043: 'VK_F10', 0x00070044: 'VK_F11', 0x00070045: 'VK_F12', 0x00070049: 'VK_INSERT', 0x0007004a: 'VK_HOME', 0x0007004b: 'VK_PRIOR', // Page Up 0x0007004c: 'VK_DELETE', 0x0007004d: 'VK_END', 0x0007004e: 'VK_NEXT', // Page Down 0x0007004f: 'VK_RIGHT', 0x00070050: 'VK_LEFT', 0x00070051: 'VK_DOWN', 0x00070052: 'VK_UP', 0x00070053: 'Num Lock', // TODO rust not impl 0x00070054: 'VK_DIVIDE', // numpad 0x00070055: 'VK_MULTIPLY', 0x00070056: 'VK_SUBTRACT', 0x00070057: 'VK_ADD', 0x00070058: 'VK_ENTER', // num enter 0x00070059: 'VK_NUMPAD1', 0x0007005a: 'VK_NUMPAD2', 0x0007005b: 'VK_NUMPAD3', 0x0007005c: 'VK_NUMPAD4', 0x0007005d: 'VK_NUMPAD5', 0x0007005e: 'VK_NUMPAD6', 0x0007005f: 'VK_NUMPAD7', 0x00070060: 'VK_NUMPAD8', 0x00070061: 'VK_NUMPAD9', 0x00070062: 'VK_NUMPAD0', 0x00070063: 'VK_DECIMAL', 0x00070075: 'VK_HELP', 0x00070077: 'VK_SELECT', 0x00070088: 'VK_KANA', 0x0007008a: 'VK_CONVERT', 0x000700e0: 'VK_CONTROL', 0x000700e1: 'VK_SHIFT', 0x000700e2: 'VK_MENU', 0x000700e3: 'Meta', 0x000700e4: 'RControl', 0x000700e5: 'RShift', 0x000700e6: 'RAlt', 0x000700e7: 'RWin', 0x000c00b1: 'VK_PAUSE', 0x000c00cd: 'VK_PAUSE', 0x000c019e: 'LOCK_SCREEN', 0x000c0208: 'VK_PRINT', }; /// The windows targets in the publish time order. enum WindowsTarget { naw, // not a windows target xp, vista, w7, w8, w8_1, w10, w11 } /// A convenient method to transform a build number to the corresponding windows version. extension WindowsTargetExt on int { WindowsTarget get windowsVersion => getWindowsTarget(this); }