use super::{CursorData, ResultType}; use crate::common::PORTABLE_APPNAME_RUNTIME_ENV_KEY; use crate::{ ipc, license::*, privacy_win_mag::{self, WIN_MAG_INJECTED_PROCESS_EXE}, }; use hbb_common::{ allow_err, bail, config::{self, Config}, log, message_proto::Resolution, sleep, timeout, tokio, }; use std::{ collections::HashMap, ffi::OsString, fs, io, io::prelude::*, mem, os::windows::process::CommandExt, path::*, ptr::null_mut, sync::{atomic::Ordering, Arc, Mutex}, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; use winapi::{ ctypes::c_void, shared::{minwindef::*, ntdef::NULL, windef::*, winerror::*}, um::{ errhandlingapi::GetLastError, handleapi::CloseHandle, minwinbase::STILL_ACTIVE, processthreadsapi::{ GetCurrentProcess, GetCurrentProcessId, GetExitCodeProcess, OpenProcess, OpenProcessToken, PROCESS_INFORMATION, STARTUPINFOW, }, securitybaseapi::GetTokenInformation, shellapi::ShellExecuteW, winbase::*, wingdi::*, winnt::{ TokenElevation, ES_AWAYMODE_REQUIRED, ES_CONTINUOUS, ES_DISPLAY_REQUIRED, ES_SYSTEM_REQUIRED, HANDLE, PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION, TOKEN_ELEVATION, TOKEN_QUERY, }, winreg::HKEY_CURRENT_USER, winuser::*, }, }; use windows_service::{ define_windows_service, service::{ ServiceControl, ServiceControlAccept, ServiceExitCode, ServiceState, ServiceStatus, ServiceType, }, service_control_handler::{self, ServiceControlHandlerResult}, }; use winreg::enums::*; use winreg::RegKey; pub fn get_cursor_pos() -> Option<(i32, i32)> { unsafe { #[allow(invalid_value)] let mut out = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init(); if GetCursorPos(&mut out) == FALSE { return None; } return Some((out.x, out.y)); } } pub fn reset_input_cache() {} pub fn get_cursor() -> ResultType> { unsafe { #[allow(invalid_value)] let mut ci: CURSORINFO = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init(); ci.cbSize = std::mem::size_of::() as _; if crate::portable_service::client::get_cursor_info(&mut ci) == FALSE { return Err(io::Error::last_os_error().into()); } if ci.flags & CURSOR_SHOWING == 0 { Ok(None) } else { Ok(Some(ci.hCursor as _)) } } } struct IconInfo(ICONINFO); impl IconInfo { fn new(icon: HICON) -> ResultType { unsafe { #[allow(invalid_value)] let mut ii = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init(); if GetIconInfo(icon, &mut ii) == FALSE { Err(io::Error::last_os_error().into()) } else { let ii = Self(ii); if ii.0.hbmMask.is_null() { bail!("Cursor bitmap handle is NULL"); } return Ok(ii); } } } fn is_color(&self) -> bool { !self.0.hbmColor.is_null() } } impl Drop for IconInfo { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { if !self.0.hbmColor.is_null() { DeleteObject(self.0.hbmColor as _); } if !self.0.hbmMask.is_null() { DeleteObject(self.0.hbmMask as _); } } } } // // pub fn get_cursor_data(hcursor: u64) -> ResultType { unsafe { let mut ii = IconInfo::new(hcursor as _)?; let bm_mask = get_bitmap(ii.0.hbmMask)?; let mut width = bm_mask.bmWidth; let mut height = if ii.is_color() { bm_mask.bmHeight } else { bm_mask.bmHeight / 2 }; let cbits_size = width * height * 4; if cbits_size < 16 { bail!("Invalid icon: too small"); // solve some crash } let mut cbits: Vec = Vec::new(); cbits.resize(cbits_size as _, 0); let mut mbits: Vec = Vec::new(); mbits.resize((bm_mask.bmWidthBytes * bm_mask.bmHeight) as _, 0); let r = GetBitmapBits(ii.0.hbmMask, mbits.len() as _, mbits.as_mut_ptr() as _); if r == 0 { bail!("Failed to copy bitmap data"); } if r != (mbits.len() as i32) { bail!( "Invalid mask cursor buffer size, got {} bytes, expected {}", r, mbits.len() ); } let do_outline; if ii.is_color() { get_rich_cursor_data(ii.0.hbmColor, width, height, &mut cbits)?; do_outline = fix_cursor_mask( &mut mbits, &mut cbits, width as _, height as _, bm_mask.bmWidthBytes as _, ); } else { do_outline = handleMask( cbits.as_mut_ptr(), mbits.as_ptr(), width, height, bm_mask.bmWidthBytes, bm_mask.bmHeight, ) > 0; } if do_outline { let mut outline = Vec::new(); outline.resize(((width + 2) * (height + 2) * 4) as _, 0); drawOutline( outline.as_mut_ptr(), cbits.as_ptr(), width, height, outline.len() as _, ); cbits = outline; width += 2; height += 2; ii.0.xHotspot += 1; ii.0.yHotspot += 1; } Ok(CursorData { id: hcursor, colors: cbits.into(), hotx: ii.0.xHotspot as _, hoty: ii.0.yHotspot as _, width: width as _, height: height as _, ..Default::default() }) } } #[inline] fn get_bitmap(handle: HBITMAP) -> ResultType { unsafe { let mut bm: BITMAP = mem::zeroed(); if GetObjectA( handle as _, std::mem::size_of::() as _, &mut bm as *mut BITMAP as *mut _, ) == FALSE { return Err(io::Error::last_os_error().into()); } if bm.bmPlanes != 1 { bail!("Unsupported multi-plane cursor"); } if bm.bmBitsPixel != 1 { bail!("Unsupported cursor mask format"); } Ok(bm) } } struct DC(HDC); impl DC { fn new() -> ResultType { unsafe { let dc = GetDC(0 as _); if dc.is_null() { bail!("Failed to get a drawing context"); } Ok(Self(dc)) } } } impl Drop for DC { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { if !self.0.is_null() { ReleaseDC(0 as _, self.0); } } } } struct CompatibleDC(HDC); impl CompatibleDC { fn new(existing: HDC) -> ResultType { unsafe { let dc = CreateCompatibleDC(existing); if dc.is_null() { bail!("Failed to get a compatible drawing context"); } Ok(Self(dc)) } } } impl Drop for CompatibleDC { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { if !self.0.is_null() { DeleteDC(self.0); } } } } struct BitmapDC(CompatibleDC, HBITMAP); impl BitmapDC { fn new(hdc: HDC, hbitmap: HBITMAP) -> ResultType { unsafe { let dc = CompatibleDC::new(hdc)?; let oldbitmap = SelectObject(dc.0, hbitmap as _) as HBITMAP; if oldbitmap.is_null() { bail!("Failed to select CompatibleDC"); } Ok(Self(dc, oldbitmap)) } } fn dc(&self) -> HDC { (self.0).0 } } impl Drop for BitmapDC { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { if !self.1.is_null() { SelectObject((self.0).0, self.1 as _); } } } } #[inline] fn get_rich_cursor_data( hbm_color: HBITMAP, width: i32, height: i32, out: &mut Vec, ) -> ResultType<()> { unsafe { let dc = DC::new()?; let bitmap_dc = BitmapDC::new(dc.0, hbm_color)?; if get_di_bits(out.as_mut_ptr(), bitmap_dc.dc(), hbm_color, width, height) > 0 { bail!("Failed to get di bits: {}", get_error()); } } Ok(()) } fn fix_cursor_mask( mbits: &mut Vec, cbits: &mut Vec, width: usize, height: usize, bm_width_bytes: usize, ) -> bool { let mut pix_idx = 0; for _ in 0..height { for _ in 0..width { if cbits[pix_idx + 3] != 0 { return false; } pix_idx += 4; } } let packed_width_bytes = (width + 7) >> 3; let bm_size = mbits.len(); let c_size = cbits.len(); // Pack and invert bitmap data (mbits) // borrow from tigervnc for y in 0..height { for x in 0..packed_width_bytes { let a = y * packed_width_bytes + x; let b = y * bm_width_bytes + x; if a < bm_size && b < bm_size { mbits[a] = !mbits[b]; } } } // Replace "inverted background" bits with black color to ensure // cross-platform interoperability. Not beautiful but necessary code. // borrow from tigervnc let bytes_row = width << 2; for y in 0..height { let mut bitmask: u8 = 0x80; for x in 0..width { let mask_idx = y * packed_width_bytes + (x >> 3); if mask_idx < bm_size { let pix_idx = y * bytes_row + (x << 2); if (mbits[mask_idx] & bitmask) == 0 { for b1 in 0..4 { let a = pix_idx + b1; if a < c_size { if cbits[a] != 0 { mbits[mask_idx] ^= bitmask; for b2 in b1..4 { let b = pix_idx + b2; if b < c_size { cbits[b] = 0x00; } } break; } } } } } bitmask >>= 1; if bitmask == 0 { bitmask = 0x80; } } } // borrow from noVNC let mut pix_idx = 0; for y in 0..height { for x in 0..width { let mask_idx = y * packed_width_bytes + (x >> 3); let mut alpha = 255; if mask_idx < bm_size { if (mbits[mask_idx] << (x & 0x7)) & 0x80 == 0 { alpha = 0; } } let a = cbits[pix_idx + 2]; let b = cbits[pix_idx + 1]; let c = cbits[pix_idx]; cbits[pix_idx] = a; cbits[pix_idx + 1] = b; cbits[pix_idx + 2] = c; cbits[pix_idx + 3] = alpha; pix_idx += 4; } } return true; } define_windows_service!(ffi_service_main, service_main); fn service_main(arguments: Vec) { if let Err(e) = run_service(arguments) { log::error!("run_service failed: {}", e); } } pub fn start_os_service() { if let Err(e) = windows_service::service_dispatcher::start(crate::get_app_name(), ffi_service_main) { log::error!("start_service failed: {}", e); } } const SERVICE_TYPE: ServiceType = ServiceType::OWN_PROCESS; extern "C" { fn has_rdp_service() -> BOOL; fn get_current_session(rdp: BOOL) -> DWORD; fn LaunchProcessWin(cmd: *const u16, session_id: DWORD, as_user: BOOL) -> HANDLE; fn GetSessionUserTokenWin(lphUserToken: LPHANDLE, dwSessionId: DWORD, as_user: BOOL) -> BOOL; fn selectInputDesktop() -> BOOL; fn inputDesktopSelected() -> BOOL; fn is_windows_server() -> BOOL; fn handleMask( out: *mut u8, mask: *const u8, width: i32, height: i32, bmWidthBytes: i32, bmHeight: i32, ) -> i32; fn drawOutline(out: *mut u8, in_: *const u8, width: i32, height: i32, out_size: i32); fn get_di_bits(out: *mut u8, dc: HDC, hbmColor: HBITMAP, width: i32, height: i32) -> i32; fn blank_screen(v: BOOL); fn win32_enable_lowlevel_keyboard(hwnd: HWND) -> i32; fn win32_disable_lowlevel_keyboard(hwnd: HWND); fn win_stop_system_key_propagate(v: BOOL); fn is_win_down() -> BOOL; fn is_local_system() -> BOOL; fn alloc_console_and_redirect(); } extern "system" { fn BlockInput(v: BOOL) -> BOOL; } #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn run_service(_arguments: Vec) -> ResultType<()> { let event_handler = move |control_event| -> ServiceControlHandlerResult { log::info!("Got service control event: {:?}", control_event); match control_event { ServiceControl::Interrogate => ServiceControlHandlerResult::NoError, ServiceControl::Stop => { send_close(crate::POSTFIX_SERVICE).ok(); ServiceControlHandlerResult::NoError } _ => ServiceControlHandlerResult::NotImplemented, } }; // Register system service event handler let status_handle = service_control_handler::register(crate::get_app_name(), event_handler)?; let next_status = ServiceStatus { // Should match the one from system service registry service_type: SERVICE_TYPE, // The new state current_state: ServiceState::Running, // Accept stop events when running controls_accepted: ServiceControlAccept::STOP, // Used to report an error when starting or stopping only, otherwise must be zero exit_code: ServiceExitCode::Win32(0), // Only used for pending states, otherwise must be zero checkpoint: 0, // Only used for pending states, otherwise must be zero wait_hint: Duration::default(), process_id: None, }; // Tell the system that the service is running now status_handle.set_service_status(next_status)?; let mut session_id = unsafe { get_current_session(share_rdp()) }; log::info!("session id {}", session_id); let mut h_process = launch_server(session_id, true).await.unwrap_or(NULL); let mut incoming = ipc::new_listener(crate::POSTFIX_SERVICE).await?; loop { let res = timeout(super::SERVICE_INTERVAL,; match res { Ok(res) => match res { Some(Ok(stream)) => { let mut stream = ipc::Connection::new(stream); if let Ok(Some(data)) = stream.next_timeout(1000).await { match data { ipc::Data::Close => { log::info!("close received"); break; } ipc::Data::SAS => { send_sas(); } _ => {} } } } _ => {} }, Err(_) => { // timeout unsafe { let tmp = get_current_session(share_rdp()); if tmp == 0xFFFFFFFF { continue; } let mut close_sent = false; if tmp != session_id { log::info!("session changed from {} to {}", session_id, tmp); session_id = tmp; send_close_async("").await.ok(); close_sent = true; } let mut exit_code: DWORD = 0; if h_process.is_null() || (GetExitCodeProcess(h_process, &mut exit_code) == TRUE && exit_code != STILL_ACTIVE && CloseHandle(h_process) == TRUE) { match launch_server(session_id, !close_sent).await { Ok(ptr) => { h_process = ptr; } Err(err) => { log::error!("Failed to launch server: {}", err); } } } } } } } if !h_process.is_null() { send_close_async("").await.ok(); unsafe { CloseHandle(h_process) }; } status_handle.set_service_status(ServiceStatus { service_type: SERVICE_TYPE, current_state: ServiceState::Stopped, controls_accepted: ServiceControlAccept::empty(), exit_code: ServiceExitCode::Win32(0), checkpoint: 0, wait_hint: Duration::default(), process_id: None, })?; Ok(()) } async fn launch_server(session_id: DWORD, close_first: bool) -> ResultType { if close_first { // in case started some elsewhere send_close_async("").await.ok(); } let cmd = format!( "\"{}\" --server", std::env::current_exe()?.to_str().unwrap_or("") ); use std::os::windows::ffi::OsStrExt; let wstr: Vec = std::ffi::OsStr::new(&cmd) .encode_wide() .chain(Some(0).into_iter()) .collect(); let wstr = wstr.as_ptr(); let h = unsafe { LaunchProcessWin(wstr, session_id, FALSE) }; if h.is_null() { log::error!("Failed to launch server: {}", get_error()); } Ok(h) } pub fn run_as_user(arg: Vec<&str>) -> ResultType> { let cmd = format!( "\"{}\" {}", std::env::current_exe()?.to_str().unwrap_or(""), arg.join(" "), ); let session_id = unsafe { get_current_session(share_rdp()) }; use std::os::windows::ffi::OsStrExt; let wstr: Vec = std::ffi::OsStr::new(&cmd) .encode_wide() .chain(Some(0).into_iter()) .collect(); let wstr = wstr.as_ptr(); let h = unsafe { LaunchProcessWin(wstr, session_id, TRUE) }; if h.is_null() { bail!( "Failed to launch {:?} with session id {}: {}", arg, session_id, get_error() ); } Ok(None) } #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn send_close(postfix: &str) -> ResultType<()> { send_close_async(postfix).await } async fn send_close_async(postfix: &str) -> ResultType<()> { ipc::connect(1000, postfix) .await? .send(&ipc::Data::Close) .await?; // sleep a while to wait for closing and exit sleep(0.1).await; Ok(()) } // // fn send_sas() { #[link(name = "sas")] extern "system" { pub fn SendSAS(AsUser: BOOL); } unsafe { log::info!("SAS received"); SendSAS(FALSE); } } lazy_static::lazy_static! { static ref SUPPRESS: Arc> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Instant::now())); } pub fn desktop_changed() -> bool { unsafe { inputDesktopSelected() == FALSE } } pub fn try_change_desktop() -> bool { unsafe { if inputDesktopSelected() == FALSE { let res = selectInputDesktop() == TRUE; if !res { let mut s = SUPPRESS.lock().unwrap(); if s.elapsed() > std::time::Duration::from_secs(3) { log::error!("Failed to switch desktop: {}", get_error()); *s = Instant::now(); } } else { log::info!("Desktop switched"); } return res; } } return false; } fn get_error() -> String { unsafe { let buff_size = 256; let mut buff: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(buff_size); buff.resize(buff_size, 0); let errno = GetLastError(); let chars_copied = FormatMessageW( FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, std::ptr::null(), errno, 0, buff.as_mut_ptr(), (buff_size + 1) as u32, std::ptr::null_mut(), ); if chars_copied == 0 { return "".to_owned(); } let mut curr_char: usize = chars_copied as usize; while curr_char > 0 { let ch = buff[curr_char]; if ch >= ' ' as u16 { break; } curr_char -= 1; } let sl = std::slice::from_raw_parts(buff.as_ptr(), curr_char); let err_msg = String::from_utf16(sl); return err_msg.unwrap_or("".to_owned()); } } fn share_rdp() -> BOOL { if get_reg("share_rdp") != "true" { FALSE } else { TRUE } } pub fn is_share_rdp() -> bool { share_rdp() == TRUE } pub fn set_share_rdp(enable: bool) { let (subkey, _, _, _) = get_install_info(); let cmd = format!( "reg add {} /f /v share_rdp /t REG_SZ /d \"{}\"", subkey, if enable { "true" } else { "false" } ); run_cmds(cmd, false, "share_rdp").ok(); } pub fn get_active_username() -> String { if !is_root() { return crate::username(); } extern "C" { fn get_active_user(path: *mut u16, n: u32, rdp: BOOL) -> u32; } let buff_size = 256; let mut buff: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(buff_size); buff.resize(buff_size, 0); let n = unsafe { get_active_user(buff.as_mut_ptr(), buff_size as _, share_rdp()) }; if n == 0 { return "".to_owned(); } let sl = unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(buff.as_ptr(), n as _) }; String::from_utf16(sl) .unwrap_or("??".to_owned()) .trim_end_matches('\0') .to_owned() } pub fn get_active_user_home() -> Option { let username = get_active_username(); if !username.is_empty() { let drive = std::env::var("SystemDrive").unwrap_or("C:".to_owned()); let home = PathBuf::from(format!("{}\\Users\\{}", drive, username)); if home.exists() { return Some(home); } } None } pub fn is_prelogin() -> bool { let username = get_active_username(); username.is_empty() || username == "SYSTEM" } pub fn is_root() -> bool { // unsafe { is_local_system() == TRUE } } pub fn lock_screen() { extern "system" { pub fn LockWorkStation() -> BOOL; } unsafe { LockWorkStation(); } } const IS1: &str = "{54E86BC2-6C85-41F3-A9EB-1A94AC9B1F93}_is1"; fn get_subkey(name: &str, wow: bool) -> String { let tmp = format!( "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\{}", name ); if wow { tmp.replace("Microsoft", "Wow6432Node\\Microsoft") } else { tmp } } fn get_valid_subkey() -> String { let subkey = get_subkey(IS1, false); if !get_reg_of(&subkey, "InstallLocation").is_empty() { return subkey; } let subkey = get_subkey(IS1, true); if !get_reg_of(&subkey, "InstallLocation").is_empty() { return subkey; } let app_name = crate::get_app_name(); let subkey = get_subkey(&app_name, true); if !get_reg_of(&subkey, "InstallLocation").is_empty() { return subkey; } return get_subkey(&app_name, false); } pub fn get_install_info() -> (String, String, String, String) { get_install_info_with_subkey(get_valid_subkey()) } fn get_default_install_info() -> (String, String, String, String) { get_install_info_with_subkey(get_subkey(&crate::get_app_name(), false)) } fn get_default_install_path() -> String { let mut pf = "C:\\Program Files".to_owned(); if let Ok(x) = std::env::var("ProgramFiles") { if std::path::Path::new(&x).exists() { pf = x; } } #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")] { let tmp = pf.replace("Program Files", "Program Files (x86)"); if std::path::Path::new(&tmp).exists() { pf = tmp; } } format!("{}\\{}", pf, crate::get_app_name()) } pub fn check_update_broker_process() -> ResultType<()> { let process_exe = privacy_win_mag::INJECTED_PROCESS_EXE; let origin_process_exe = privacy_win_mag::ORIGIN_PROCESS_EXE; let exe_file = std::env::current_exe()?; if exe_file.parent().is_none() { bail!("Cannot get parent of current exe file"); } let cur_dir = exe_file.parent().unwrap(); let cur_exe = cur_dir.join(process_exe); if !std::path::Path::new(&cur_exe).exists() { std::fs::copy(origin_process_exe, cur_exe)?; return Ok(()); } let ori_modified = fs::metadata(origin_process_exe)?.modified()?; if let Ok(metadata) = fs::metadata(&cur_exe) { if let Ok(cur_modified) = metadata.modified() { if cur_modified == ori_modified { return Ok(()); } else { log::info!( "broker process updated, modify time from {:?} to {:?}", cur_modified, ori_modified ); } } } // Force update broker exe if failed to check modified time. let cmds = format!( " chcp 65001 taskkill /F /IM {process_exe} copy /Y \"{origin_process_exe}\" \"{cur_exe}\" ", cur_exe = cur_exe.to_string_lossy(), ); run_cmds(cmds, false, "update_broker")?; Ok(()) } fn get_install_info_with_subkey(subkey: String) -> (String, String, String, String) { let mut path = get_reg_of(&subkey, "InstallLocation"); if path.is_empty() { path = get_default_install_path(); } path = path.trim_end_matches('\\').to_owned(); let start_menu = format!( "%ProgramData%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\{}", crate::get_app_name() ); let exe = format!("{}\\{}.exe", path, crate::get_app_name()); (subkey, path, start_menu, exe) } pub fn copy_raw_cmd(src_raw: &str, _raw: &str, _path: &str) -> String { let main_raw = format!( "XCOPY \"{}\" \"{}\" /Y /E /H /C /I /K /R /Z", PathBuf::from(src_raw) .parent() .unwrap() .to_string_lossy() .to_string(), _path ); return main_raw; } pub fn copy_exe_cmd(src_exe: &str, exe: &str, path: &str) -> String { let main_exe = copy_raw_cmd(src_exe, exe, path); format!( " {main_exe} copy /Y \"{ORIGIN_PROCESS_EXE}\" \"{path}\\{broker_exe}\" ", ORIGIN_PROCESS_EXE = privacy_win_mag::ORIGIN_PROCESS_EXE, broker_exe = privacy_win_mag::INJECTED_PROCESS_EXE, ) } fn get_after_install(exe: &str) -> String { let app_name = crate::get_app_name(); let ext = app_name.to_lowercase(); // reg delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes for // // and let hcu = winreg::RegKey::predef(HKEY_CURRENT_USER); hcu.delete_subkey_all(format!("Software\\Classes\\{}", exe)) .ok(); format!(" chcp 65001 reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\.{ext} /f reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\.{ext}\\DefaultIcon /f reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\.{ext}\\DefaultIcon /f /ve /t REG_SZ /d \"\\\"{exe}\\\",0\" reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\.{ext}\\shell /f reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\.{ext}\\shell\\open /f reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\.{ext}\\shell\\open\\command /f reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\.{ext}\\shell\\open\\command /f /ve /t REG_SZ /d \"\\\"{exe}\\\" --play \\\"%%1\\\"\" reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\{ext} /f reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\{ext} /f /v \"URL Protocol\" /t REG_SZ /d \"\" reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\{ext}\\shell /f reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\{ext}\\shell\\open /f reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\{ext}\\shell\\open\\command /f reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\{ext}\\shell\\open\\command /f /ve /t REG_SZ /d \"\\\"{exe}\\\" \\\"%%1\\\"\" netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=\"{app_name} Service\" dir=in action=allow program=\"{exe}\" enable=yes {create_service} reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System /f /v SoftwareSASGeneration /t REG_DWORD /d 1 ", create_service=get_create_service(&exe)) } pub fn install_me(options: &str, path: String, silent: bool, debug: bool) -> ResultType<()> { let uninstall_str = get_uninstall(false); let mut path = path.trim_end_matches('\\').to_owned(); let (subkey, _path, start_menu, exe) = get_default_install_info(); let mut exe = exe; if path.is_empty() { path = _path; } else { exe = exe.replace(&_path, &path); } let mut version_major = "0"; let mut version_minor = "0"; let mut version_build = "0"; let versions: Vec<&str> = crate::VERSION.split(".").collect(); if versions.len() > 0 { version_major = versions[0]; } if versions.len() > 1 { version_minor = versions[1]; } if versions.len() > 2 { version_build = versions[2]; } let app_name = crate::get_app_name(); let tmp_path = std::env::temp_dir().to_string_lossy().to_string(); let mk_shortcut = write_cmds( format!( " Set oWS = WScript.CreateObject(\"WScript.Shell\") sLinkFile = \"{tmp_path}\\{app_name}.lnk\" Set oLink = oWS.CreateShortcut(sLinkFile) oLink.TargetPath = \"{exe}\" oLink.Save " ), "vbs", "mk_shortcut", )? .to_str() .unwrap_or("") .to_owned(); // let uninstall_shortcut = write_cmds( format!( " Set oWS = WScript.CreateObject(\"WScript.Shell\") sLinkFile = \"{tmp_path}\\Uninstall {app_name}.lnk\" Set oLink = oWS.CreateShortcut(sLinkFile) oLink.TargetPath = \"{exe}\" oLink.Arguments = \"--uninstall\" oLink.IconLocation = \"msiexec.exe\" oLink.Save " ), "vbs", "uninstall_shortcut", )? .to_str() .unwrap_or("") .to_owned(); let tray_shortcut = get_tray_shortcut(&exe, &tmp_path)?; let mut shortcuts = Default::default(); if options.contains("desktopicon") { shortcuts = format!( "copy /Y \"{}\\{}.lnk\" \"%PUBLIC%\\Desktop\\\"", tmp_path, crate::get_app_name() ); } if options.contains("startmenu") { shortcuts = format!( "{shortcuts} md \"{start_menu}\" copy /Y \"{tmp_path}\\{app_name}.lnk\" \"{start_menu}\\\" copy /Y \"{tmp_path}\\Uninstall {app_name}.lnk\" \"{start_menu}\\\" " ); } let meta = std::fs::symlink_metadata(std::env::current_exe()?)?; let size = meta.len() / 1024; // // // // Note: without if exist, the bat may exit in advance on some Windows7 let dels = format!( " if exist \"{mk_shortcut}\" del /f /q \"{mk_shortcut}\" if exist \"{uninstall_shortcut}\" del /f /q \"{uninstall_shortcut}\" if exist \"{tray_shortcut}\" del /f /q \"{tray_shortcut}\" if exist \"{tmp_path}\\{app_name}.lnk\" del /f /q \"{tmp_path}\\{app_name}.lnk\" if exist \"{tmp_path}\\Uninstall {app_name}.lnk\" del /f /q \"{tmp_path}\\Uninstall {app_name}.lnk\" if exist \"{tmp_path}\\{app_name} Tray.lnk\" del /f /q \"{tmp_path}\\{app_name} Tray.lnk\" " ); let src_exe = std::env::current_exe()?.to_str().unwrap_or("").to_string(); let install_cert = if options.contains("driverCert") { format!("\"{}\" --install-cert \"RustDeskIddDriver.cer\"", src_exe) } else { "".to_owned() }; // potential bug here: if run_cmd cancelled, but config file is changed. if let Ok(lic) = crate::platform::windows::get_license_from_exe_name() { if ! { Config::set_option("key".into(), lic.key); Config::set_option("custom-rendezvous-server".into(),; Config::set_option("api-server".into(), lic.api); } } let cmds = format!( " {uninstall_str} chcp 65001 md \"{path}\" {copy_exe} reg add {subkey} /f reg add {subkey} /f /v DisplayIcon /t REG_SZ /d \"{exe}\" reg add {subkey} /f /v DisplayName /t REG_SZ /d \"{app_name}\" reg add {subkey} /f /v DisplayVersion /t REG_SZ /d \"{version}\" reg add {subkey} /f /v Version /t REG_SZ /d \"{version}\" reg add {subkey} /f /v BuildDate /t REG_SZ /d \"{build_date}\" reg add {subkey} /f /v InstallLocation /t REG_SZ /d \"{path}\" reg add {subkey} /f /v Publisher /t REG_SZ /d \"{app_name}\" reg add {subkey} /f /v VersionMajor /t REG_DWORD /d {version_major} reg add {subkey} /f /v VersionMinor /t REG_DWORD /d {version_minor} reg add {subkey} /f /v VersionBuild /t REG_DWORD /d {version_build} reg add {subkey} /f /v UninstallString /t REG_SZ /d \"\\\"{exe}\\\" --uninstall\" reg add {subkey} /f /v EstimatedSize /t REG_DWORD /d {size} reg add {subkey} /f /v WindowsInstaller /t REG_DWORD /d 0 cscript \"{mk_shortcut}\" cscript \"{uninstall_shortcut}\" cscript \"{tray_shortcut}\" copy /Y \"{tmp_path}\\{app_name} Tray.lnk\" \"%PROGRAMDATA%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup\\\" {shortcuts} copy /Y \"{tmp_path}\\Uninstall {app_name}.lnk\" \"{path}\\\" {dels} {import_config} {install_cert} {after_install} {sleep} ", version=crate::VERSION, build_date=crate::BUILD_DATE, after_install=get_after_install(&exe), sleep=if debug { "timeout 300" } else { "" }, dels=if debug { "" } else { &dels }, copy_exe = copy_exe_cmd(&src_exe, &exe, &path), import_config = get_import_config(&exe), ); run_cmds(cmds, debug, "install")?; run_after_run_cmds(silent); Ok(()) } pub fn run_after_install() -> ResultType<()> { let (_, _, _, exe) = get_install_info(); run_cmds(get_after_install(&exe), true, "after_install") } pub fn run_before_uninstall() -> ResultType<()> { run_cmds(get_before_uninstall(true), true, "before_install") } fn get_before_uninstall(kill_self: bool) -> String { let app_name = crate::get_app_name(); let ext = app_name.to_lowercase(); let filter = if kill_self { "".to_string() } else { format!(" /FI \"PID ne {}\"", get_current_pid()) }; format!( " chcp 65001 sc stop {app_name} sc delete {app_name} taskkill /F /IM {broker_exe} taskkill /F /IM {app_name}.exe{filter} reg delete HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\.{ext} /f reg delete HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\{ext} /f netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name=\"{app_name} Service\" ", broker_exe = WIN_MAG_INJECTED_PROCESS_EXE, ) } fn get_uninstall(kill_self: bool) -> String { let mut uninstall_cert_cmd = "".to_string(); if let Ok(exe) = std::env::current_exe() { if let Some(exe_path) = exe.to_str() { uninstall_cert_cmd = format!("\"{}\" --uninstall-cert", exe_path); } } let (subkey, path, start_menu, _) = get_install_info(); format!( " {before_uninstall} {uninstall_cert_cmd} reg delete {subkey} /f if exist \"{path}\" rd /s /q \"{path}\" if exist \"{start_menu}\" rd /s /q \"{start_menu}\" if exist \"%PUBLIC%\\Desktop\\{app_name}.lnk\" del /f /q \"%PUBLIC%\\Desktop\\{app_name}.lnk\" if exist \"%PROGRAMDATA%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup\\{app_name} Tray.lnk\" del /f /q \"%PROGRAMDATA%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup\\{app_name} Tray.lnk\" ", before_uninstall=get_before_uninstall(kill_self), app_name = crate::get_app_name(), ) } pub fn uninstall_me(kill_self: bool) -> ResultType<()> { run_cmds(get_uninstall(kill_self), true, "uninstall") } fn write_cmds(cmds: String, ext: &str, tip: &str) -> ResultType { let mut cmds = cmds; let mut tmp = std::env::temp_dir(); // When dir contains these characters, the bat file will not execute in elevated mode. if vec!["&", "@", "^"] .drain(..) .any(|s| tmp.to_string_lossy().to_string().contains(s)) { if let Ok(dir) = user_accessible_folder() { tmp = dir; } } tmp.push(format!("{}_{}.{}", crate::get_app_name(), tip, ext)); let mut file = std::fs::File::create(&tmp)?; if ext == "bat" { let tmp2 = get_undone_file(&tmp); std::fs::File::create(&tmp2).ok(); cmds = format!( " {cmds} if exist \"{path}\" del /f /q \"{path}\" ", path = tmp2.to_string_lossy() ); } // in case cmds mixed with \r\n and \n, make sure all ending with \r\n // in some windows, \r\n required for cmd file to run cmds = cmds.replace("\r\n", "\n").replace("\n", "\r\n"); if ext == "vbs" { let mut v: Vec = cmds.encode_utf16().collect(); // utf8 -> utf16le which vbs support it only file.write_all(to_le(&mut v))?; } else { file.write_all(cmds.as_bytes())?; } file.sync_all()?; return Ok(tmp); } fn to_le(v: &mut [u16]) -> &[u8] { for b in v.iter_mut() { *b = b.to_le() } unsafe { v.align_to().1 } } fn get_undone_file(tmp: &PathBuf) -> PathBuf { let mut tmp1 = tmp.clone(); tmp1.set_file_name(format!( "{}.undone", tmp.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy() )); tmp1 } fn run_cmds(cmds: String, show: bool, tip: &str) -> ResultType<()> { let tmp = write_cmds(cmds, "bat", tip)?; let tmp2 = get_undone_file(&tmp); let tmp_fn = tmp.to_str().unwrap_or(""); let res = runas::Command::new("cmd") .args(&["/C", &tmp_fn]) .show(show) .force_prompt(true) .status(); if !show { allow_err!(std::fs::remove_file(tmp)); } let _ = res?; if tmp2.exists() { allow_err!(std::fs::remove_file(tmp2)); bail!("{} failed", tip); } Ok(()) } pub fn toggle_blank_screen(v: bool) { let v = if v { TRUE } else { FALSE }; unsafe { blank_screen(v); } } pub fn block_input(v: bool) -> bool { let v = if v { TRUE } else { FALSE }; unsafe { BlockInput(v) == TRUE } } pub fn add_recent_document(path: &str) { extern "C" { fn AddRecentDocument(path: *const u16); } use std::os::windows::ffi::OsStrExt; let wstr: Vec = std::ffi::OsStr::new(path) .encode_wide() .chain(Some(0).into_iter()) .collect(); let wstr = wstr.as_ptr(); unsafe { AddRecentDocument(wstr); } } pub fn is_installed() -> bool { let (_, _, _, exe) = get_install_info(); std::fs::metadata(exe).is_ok() /* use windows_service::{ service::ServiceAccess, service_manager::{ServiceManager, ServiceManagerAccess}, }; if !std::fs::metadata(exe).is_ok() { return false; } let manager_access = ServiceManagerAccess::CONNECT; if let Ok(service_manager) = ServiceManager::local_computer(None::<&str>, manager_access) { if let Ok(_) = service_manager.open_service(crate::get_app_name(), ServiceAccess::QUERY_CONFIG) { return true; } } return false; */ } pub fn get_reg(name: &str) -> String { let (subkey, _, _, _) = get_install_info(); get_reg_of(&subkey, name) } fn get_reg_of(subkey: &str, name: &str) -> String { let hklm = RegKey::predef(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); if let Ok(tmp) = hklm.open_subkey(subkey.replace("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\", "")) { if let Ok(v) = tmp.get_value(name) { return v; } } "".to_owned() } pub fn get_license_from_exe_name() -> ResultType { let mut exe = std::env::current_exe()?.to_str().unwrap_or("").to_owned(); // if defined portable appname entry, replace original executable name with it. if let Ok(portable_exe) = std::env::var(PORTABLE_APPNAME_RUNTIME_ENV_KEY) { exe = portable_exe; log::debug!("update portable executable name to {}", exe); } get_license_from_string(&exe) } #[inline] pub fn is_win_server() -> bool { unsafe { is_windows_server() > 0 } } pub fn bootstrap() { if let Ok(lic) = get_license_from_exe_name() { *config::EXE_RENDEZVOUS_SERVER.write().unwrap() =; } } pub fn is_rdp_service_open() -> bool { unsafe { has_rdp_service() == TRUE } } pub fn create_shortcut(id: &str) -> ResultType<()> { let exe = std::env::current_exe()?.to_str().unwrap_or("").to_owned(); let shortcut = write_cmds( format!( " Set oWS = WScript.CreateObject(\"WScript.Shell\") strDesktop = oWS.SpecialFolders(\"Desktop\") Set objFSO = CreateObject(\"Scripting.FileSystemObject\") sLinkFile = objFSO.BuildPath(strDesktop, \"{id}.lnk\") Set oLink = oWS.CreateShortcut(sLinkFile) oLink.TargetPath = \"{exe}\" oLink.Arguments = \"--connect {id}\" oLink.Save " ), "vbs", "connect_shortcut", )? .to_str() .unwrap_or("") .to_owned(); std::process::Command::new("cscript") .arg(&shortcut) .output()?; allow_err!(std::fs::remove_file(shortcut)); Ok(()) } pub fn enable_lowlevel_keyboard(hwnd: HWND) { let ret = unsafe { win32_enable_lowlevel_keyboard(hwnd) }; if ret != 0 { log::error!("Failure grabbing keyboard"); return; } } pub fn disable_lowlevel_keyboard(hwnd: HWND) { unsafe { win32_disable_lowlevel_keyboard(hwnd) }; } pub fn stop_system_key_propagate(v: bool) { unsafe { win_stop_system_key_propagate(if v { TRUE } else { FALSE }) }; } pub fn get_win_key_state() -> bool { unsafe { is_win_down() == TRUE } } pub fn quit_gui() { std::process::exit(0); // unsafe { PostQuitMessage(0) }; // some how not work } pub fn get_user_token(session_id: u32, as_user: bool) -> HANDLE { let mut token = NULL as HANDLE; unsafe { if FALSE == GetSessionUserTokenWin( &mut token as _, session_id, if as_user { TRUE } else { FALSE }, ) { NULL as _ } else { token } } } pub fn run_background(exe: &str, arg: &str) -> ResultType { let wexe = wide_string(exe); let warg; unsafe { let ret = ShellExecuteW( NULL as _, NULL as _, wexe.as_ptr() as _, if arg.is_empty() { NULL as _ } else { warg = wide_string(arg); warg.as_ptr() as _ }, NULL as _, SW_HIDE, ); return Ok(ret as i32 > 32); } } pub fn run_uac(exe: &str, arg: &str) -> ResultType { let wop = wide_string("runas"); let wexe = wide_string(exe); let warg; unsafe { let ret = ShellExecuteW( NULL as _, wop.as_ptr() as _, wexe.as_ptr() as _, if arg.is_empty() { NULL as _ } else { warg = wide_string(arg); warg.as_ptr() as _ }, NULL as _, SW_SHOWNORMAL, ); return Ok(ret as i32 > 32); } } pub fn check_super_user_permission() -> ResultType { run_uac( std::env::current_exe()? .to_string_lossy() .to_string() .as_str(), "--version", ) } pub fn elevate(arg: &str) -> ResultType { run_uac( std::env::current_exe()? .to_string_lossy() .to_string() .as_str(), arg, ) } pub fn run_as_system(arg: &str) -> ResultType<()> { let exe = std::env::current_exe()?.to_string_lossy().to_string(); if impersonate_system::run_as_system(&exe, arg).is_err() { bail!(format!("Failed to run {} as system", exe)); } Ok(()) } pub fn elevate_or_run_as_system(is_setup: bool, is_elevate: bool, is_run_as_system: bool) { // avoid possible run recursively due to failed run. log::info!( "elevate:{}->{:?}, run_as_system:{}->{}", is_elevate, is_elevated(None), is_run_as_system, crate::username(), ); let arg_elevate = if is_setup { "--noinstall --elevate" } else { "--elevate" }; let arg_run_as_system = if is_setup { "--noinstall --run-as-system" } else { "--run-as-system" }; if is_root() { if is_run_as_system { log::info!("run portable service"); crate::portable_service::server::run_portable_service(); } } else { match is_elevated(None) { Ok(elevated) => { if elevated { if !is_run_as_system { if run_as_system(arg_run_as_system).is_ok() { std::process::exit(0); } else { unsafe { log::error!("Failed to run as system, errno={}", GetLastError()); } } } } else { if !is_elevate { if let Ok(true) = elevate(arg_elevate) { std::process::exit(0); } else { unsafe { log::error!("Failed to elevate, errno={}", GetLastError()); } } } } } Err(_) => unsafe { log::error!("Failed to get elevation status, errno={}", GetLastError()); }, } } } pub fn is_elevated(process_id: Option) -> ResultType { use hbb_common::platform::windows::RAIIHandle; unsafe { let handle: HANDLE = match process_id { Some(process_id) => OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION, FALSE, process_id), None => GetCurrentProcess(), }; if handle == NULL { bail!("Failed to open process, errno {}", GetLastError()) } let _handle = RAIIHandle(handle); let mut token: HANDLE = mem::zeroed(); if OpenProcessToken(handle, TOKEN_QUERY, &mut token) == FALSE { bail!("Failed to open process token, errno {}", GetLastError()) } let _token = RAIIHandle(token); let mut token_elevation: TOKEN_ELEVATION = mem::zeroed(); let mut size: DWORD = 0; if GetTokenInformation( token, TokenElevation, (&mut token_elevation) as *mut _ as *mut c_void, mem::size_of::() as _, &mut size, ) == FALSE { bail!("Failed to get token information, errno {}", GetLastError()) } Ok(token_elevation.TokenIsElevated != 0) } } #[inline] fn filter_foreground_window(process_id: DWORD) -> ResultType { if let Ok(output) = std::process::Command::new("tasklist") .args(vec![ "/SVC", "/NH", "/FI", &format!("PID eq {}", process_id), ]) .creation_flags(CREATE_NO_WINDOW) .output() { let s = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout) .to_string() .to_lowercase(); Ok(["Taskmgr", "mmc", "regedit"] .iter() .any(|name| s.contains(&name.to_string().to_lowercase()))) } else { bail!("run tasklist failed"); } } pub fn is_foreground_window_elevated() -> ResultType { unsafe { let mut process_id: DWORD = 0; GetWindowThreadProcessId(GetForegroundWindow(), &mut process_id); if process_id == 0 { bail!("Failed to get processId, errno {}", GetLastError()) } let elevated = is_elevated(Some(process_id))?; if elevated { filter_foreground_window(process_id) } else { Ok(false) } } } fn get_current_pid() -> u32 { unsafe { GetCurrentProcessId() } } pub fn get_double_click_time() -> u32 { unsafe { GetDoubleClickTime() } } fn wide_string(s: &str) -> Vec { use std::os::windows::prelude::OsStrExt; std::ffi::OsStr::new(s) .encode_wide() .chain(Some(0).into_iter()) .collect() } /// send message to currently shown window pub fn send_message_to_hnwd( class_name: &str, window_name: &str, dw_data: usize, data: &str, show_window: bool, ) -> bool { unsafe { let class_name_utf16 = wide_string(class_name); let window_name_utf16 = wide_string(window_name); let window = FindWindowW(class_name_utf16.as_ptr(), window_name_utf16.as_ptr()); if window.is_null() { log::warn!("no such window {}:{}", class_name, window_name); return false; } let mut data_struct = COPYDATASTRUCT::default(); data_struct.dwData = dw_data; let mut data_zero: String = data.chars().chain(Some('\0').into_iter()).collect(); println!("send {:?}", data_zero); data_struct.cbData = data_zero.len() as _; data_struct.lpData = data_zero.as_mut_ptr() as _; SendMessageW( window, WM_COPYDATA, 0, &data_struct as *const COPYDATASTRUCT as _, ); if show_window { ShowWindow(window, SW_NORMAL); SetForegroundWindow(window); } } return true; } pub fn create_process_with_logon(user: &str, pwd: &str, exe: &str, arg: &str) -> ResultType<()> { let last_error_table = HashMap::from([ ( ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE, "The user name or password is incorrect.", ), (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, "Access is denied."), ]); unsafe { let user_split = user.split("\\").collect::>(); let wuser = wide_string(user_split.get(1).unwrap_or(&user)); let wpc = wide_string(user_split.get(0).unwrap_or(&"")); let wpwd = wide_string(pwd); let cmd = if arg.is_empty() { format!("\"{}\"", exe) } else { format!("\"{}\" {}", exe, arg) }; let mut wcmd = wide_string(&cmd); let mut si: STARTUPINFOW = mem::zeroed(); si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE as _; si.lpDesktop = NULL as _; si.cb = std::mem::size_of::() as _; si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; let mut pi: PROCESS_INFORMATION = mem::zeroed(); let wexe = wide_string(exe); if FALSE == CreateProcessWithLogonW( wuser.as_ptr(), wpc.as_ptr(), wpwd.as_ptr(), LOGON_WITH_PROFILE, wexe.as_ptr(), wcmd.as_mut_ptr(), CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT, NULL, NULL as _, &mut si as *mut STARTUPINFOW, &mut pi as *mut PROCESS_INFORMATION, ) { let last_error = GetLastError(); bail!( "CreateProcessWithLogonW failed : \"{}\", errno={}", last_error_table .get(&last_error) .unwrap_or(&"Unknown error"), last_error ); } } return Ok(()); } pub fn set_path_permission(dir: &PathBuf, permission: &str) -> ResultType<()> { std::process::Command::new("icacls") .arg(dir.as_os_str()) .arg("/grant") .arg(format!("*S-1-1-0:(OI)(CI){}", permission)) .arg("/T") .spawn()?; Ok(()) } #[inline] fn str_to_device_name(name: &str) -> [u16; 32] { let mut device_name: Vec = wide_string(name); if device_name.len() < 32 { device_name.resize(32, 0); } let mut result = [0; 32]; result.copy_from_slice(&device_name[..32]); result } pub fn resolutions(name: &str) -> Vec { unsafe { let mut dm: DEVMODEW = std::mem::zeroed(); let mut v = vec![]; let mut num = 0; let device_name = str_to_device_name(name); loop { if EnumDisplaySettingsW(device_name.as_ptr(), num, &mut dm) == 0 { break; } let r = Resolution { width: dm.dmPelsWidth as _, height: dm.dmPelsHeight as _, ..Default::default() }; if !v.contains(&r) { v.push(r); } num += 1; } v } } pub fn current_resolution(name: &str) -> ResultType { let device_name = str_to_device_name(name); unsafe { let mut dm: DEVMODEW = std::mem::zeroed(); dm.dmSize = std::mem::size_of::() as _; if EnumDisplaySettingsW(device_name.as_ptr(), ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &mut dm) == 0 { bail!( "failed to get currrent resolution, errno={}", GetLastError() ); } let r = Resolution { width: dm.dmPelsWidth as _, height: dm.dmPelsHeight as _, ..Default::default() }; Ok(r) } } pub(super) fn change_resolution_directly( name: &str, width: usize, height: usize, ) -> ResultType<()> { let device_name = str_to_device_name(name); unsafe { let mut dm: DEVMODEW = std::mem::zeroed(); dm.dmSize = std::mem::size_of::() as _; dm.dmPelsWidth = width as _; dm.dmPelsHeight = height as _; dm.dmFields = DM_PELSHEIGHT | DM_PELSWIDTH; let res = ChangeDisplaySettingsExW( device_name.as_ptr(), &mut dm, NULL as _, CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY | CDS_GLOBAL | CDS_RESET, NULL, ); if res != DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL { bail!( "ChangeDisplaySettingsExW failed, res={}, errno={}", res, GetLastError() ); } Ok(()) } } pub fn user_accessible_folder() -> ResultType { let disk = std::env::var("SystemDrive").unwrap_or("C:".to_string()); let dir1 = PathBuf::from(format!("{}\\ProgramData", disk)); // NOTICE: "C:\Windows\Temp" requires permanent authorization. let dir2 = PathBuf::from(format!("{}\\Windows\\Temp", disk)); let dir; if dir1.exists() { dir = dir1; } else if dir2.exists() { dir = dir2; } else { bail!("no vaild user accessible folder"); } Ok(dir) } #[inline] pub fn install_cert(cert_file: &str) -> ResultType<()> { let exe_file = std::env::current_exe()?; if let Some(cur_dir) = exe_file.parent() { allow_err!(cert::install_cert(cur_dir.join(cert_file))); } else { bail!( "Invalid exe parent for {}", exe_file.to_string_lossy().as_ref() ); } Ok(()) } #[inline] pub fn uninstall_cert() -> ResultType<()> { cert::uninstall_cert() } mod cert { use hbb_common::{allow_err, bail, log, ResultType}; use std::{path::Path, str::from_utf8}; use winapi::{ shared::{ minwindef::{BYTE, DWORD, FALSE, TRUE}, ntdef::NULL, }, um::{ errhandlingapi::GetLastError, wincrypt::{ CertAddEncodedCertificateToStore, CertCloseStore, CertDeleteCertificateFromStore, CertEnumCertificatesInStore, CertNameToStrA, CertOpenSystemStoreW, CryptHashCertificate, ALG_ID, CALG_SHA1, CERT_ID_SHA1_HASH, CERT_STORE_ADD_REPLACE_EXISTING, CERT_X500_NAME_STR, PCCERT_CONTEXT, X509_ASN_ENCODING, }, winreg::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, }, }; use winreg::{ enums::{KEY_WRITE, REG_BINARY}, RegKey, }; const ROOT_CERT_STORE_PATH: &str = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\SystemCertificates\\ROOT\\Certificates\\"; const THUMBPRINT_ALG: ALG_ID = CALG_SHA1; const THUMBPRINT_LEN: DWORD = 20; const CERT_ISSUER_1: &str = "CN=\"WDKTestCert admin,133225435702113567\"\0"; #[inline] unsafe fn compute_thumbprint(pb_encoded: *const BYTE, cb_encoded: DWORD) -> (Vec, String) { let mut size = THUMBPRINT_LEN; let mut thumbprint = [0u8; THUMBPRINT_LEN as usize]; if CryptHashCertificate( 0, THUMBPRINT_ALG, 0, pb_encoded, cb_encoded, thumbprint.as_mut_ptr(), &mut size, ) == TRUE { ( thumbprint.to_vec(), hex::encode(thumbprint).to_ascii_uppercase(), ) } else { (thumbprint.to_vec(), "".to_owned()) } } #[inline] unsafe fn open_reg_cert_store() -> ResultType { let hklm = winreg::RegKey::predef(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); Ok(hklm.open_subkey_with_flags(ROOT_CERT_STORE_PATH, KEY_WRITE)?) } // fn create_cert_blob(thumbprint: Vec, encoded: Vec) -> Vec { let mut blob = Vec::new(); let mut property_id = (CERT_ID_SHA1_HASH as u32).to_le_bytes().to_vec(); let mut pro_reserved = [0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00].to_vec(); let mut pro_length = (THUMBPRINT_LEN as u32).to_le_bytes().to_vec(); let mut pro_val = thumbprint; blob.append(&mut property_id); blob.append(&mut pro_reserved); blob.append(&mut pro_length); blob.append(&mut pro_val); let mut blob_reserved = [0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00].to_vec(); let mut blob_length = (encoded.len() as u32).to_le_bytes().to_vec(); let mut blob_val = encoded; blob.append(&mut blob_reserved); blob.append(&mut blob_length); blob.append(&mut blob_val); blob } pub fn install_cert>(path: P) -> ResultType<()> { let mut cert_bytes = std::fs::read(path)?; install_cert_reg(&mut cert_bytes)?; install_cert_add_cert_store(&mut cert_bytes)?; Ok(()) } fn install_cert_reg(cert_bytes: &mut [u8]) -> ResultType<()> { unsafe { let thumbprint = compute_thumbprint(cert_bytes.as_mut_ptr(), cert_bytes.len() as _); log::debug!("Thumbprint of cert {}", &thumbprint.1); let reg_cert_key = open_reg_cert_store()?; let (cert_key, _) = reg_cert_key.create_subkey(&thumbprint.1)?; let data = winreg::RegValue { vtype: REG_BINARY, bytes: create_cert_blob(thumbprint.0, cert_bytes.to_vec()), }; cert_key.set_raw_value("Blob", &data)?; } Ok(()) } fn install_cert_add_cert_store(cert_bytes: &mut [u8]) -> ResultType<()> { unsafe { let store_handle = CertOpenSystemStoreW(0 as _, "ROOT\0".as_ptr() as _); if store_handle.is_null() { bail!("Error opening certificate store: {}", GetLastError()); } let mut cert_ctx: PCCERT_CONTEXT = std::ptr::null_mut(); if FALSE == CertAddEncodedCertificateToStore( store_handle, X509_ASN_ENCODING, cert_bytes.as_mut_ptr(), cert_bytes.len() as _, CERT_STORE_ADD_REPLACE_EXISTING, &mut cert_ctx as _, ) { log::error!( "Failed to call CertAddEncodedCertificateToStore: {}", GetLastError() ); } else { log::info!("Add cert to store successfully"); } CertCloseStore(store_handle, 0); } Ok(()) } fn get_thumbprints_to_rm() -> ResultType> { let issuers_to_rm = [CERT_ISSUER_1]; let mut thumbprints = Vec::new(); let mut buf = [0u8; 1024]; unsafe { let store_handle = CertOpenSystemStoreW(0 as _, "ROOT\0".as_ptr() as _); if store_handle.is_null() { bail!("Error opening certificate store: {}", GetLastError()); } let mut vec_ctx = Vec::new(); let mut cert_ctx: PCCERT_CONTEXT = CertEnumCertificatesInStore(store_handle, NULL as _); while !cert_ctx.is_null() { // let cb_size = CertNameToStrA( (*cert_ctx).dwCertEncodingType, &mut ((*(*cert_ctx).pCertInfo).Issuer) as _, CERT_X500_NAME_STR, buf.as_mut_ptr() as _, buf.len() as _, ); if cb_size != 1 { let mut add_ctx = false; if let Ok(issuer) = from_utf8(&buf[..cb_size as _]) { for iss in issuers_to_rm.iter() { if issuer == *iss { add_ctx = true; let (_, thumbprint) = compute_thumbprint( (*cert_ctx).pbCertEncoded, (*cert_ctx).cbCertEncoded, ); if !thumbprint.is_empty() { thumbprints.push(thumbprint); } } } } if add_ctx { vec_ctx.push(cert_ctx); } } cert_ctx = CertEnumCertificatesInStore(store_handle, cert_ctx); } for ctx in vec_ctx { CertDeleteCertificateFromStore(ctx); } CertCloseStore(store_handle, 0); } Ok(thumbprints) } pub fn uninstall_cert() -> ResultType<()> { let thumbprints = get_thumbprints_to_rm()?; let reg_cert_key = unsafe { open_reg_cert_store()? }; log::info!("Found {} certs to remove", thumbprints.len()); for thumbprint in thumbprints.iter() { allow_err!(reg_cert_key.delete_subkey(thumbprint)); } Ok(()) } } #[inline] pub fn get_char_from_vk(vk: u32) -> Option { get_char_from_unicode(get_unicode_from_vk(vk)?) } pub fn get_char_from_unicode(unicode: u16) -> Option { let buff = [unicode]; if let Some(chr) = String::from_utf16(&buff[..1]).ok()?.chars().next() { if chr.is_control() { return None; } else { Some(chr) } } else { None } } pub fn get_unicode_from_vk(vk: u32) -> Option { const BUF_LEN: i32 = 32; let mut buff = [0_u16; BUF_LEN as usize]; let buff_ptr = buff.as_mut_ptr(); let len = unsafe { let current_window_thread_id = GetWindowThreadProcessId(GetForegroundWindow(), null_mut()); let layout = GetKeyboardLayout(current_window_thread_id); // refs: let press_state = 129; let mut state: [BYTE; 256] = [0; 256]; let shift_left = rdev::get_modifier(rdev::Key::ShiftLeft); let shift_right = rdev::get_modifier(rdev::Key::ShiftRight); if shift_left { state[VK_LSHIFT as usize] = press_state; } if shift_right { state[VK_RSHIFT as usize] = press_state; } if shift_left || shift_right { state[VK_SHIFT as usize] = press_state; } ToUnicodeEx(vk, 0x00, &state as _, buff_ptr, BUF_LEN, 0, layout) }; if len == 1 { Some(buff[0]) } else { None } } pub fn is_process_consent_running() -> ResultType { let output = std::process::Command::new("cmd") .args(&["/C", "tasklist | findstr consent.exe"]) .creation_flags(CREATE_NO_WINDOW) .output()?; Ok(output.status.success() && !output.stdout.is_empty()) } pub struct WakeLock; // Failed to compile keepawake-rs on i686 impl WakeLock { pub fn new(display: bool, idle: bool, sleep: bool) -> Self { let mut flag = ES_CONTINUOUS; if display { flag |= ES_DISPLAY_REQUIRED; } if idle { flag |= ES_SYSTEM_REQUIRED; } if sleep { flag |= ES_AWAYMODE_REQUIRED; } unsafe { SetThreadExecutionState(flag) }; WakeLock {} } } impl Drop for WakeLock { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { SetThreadExecutionState(ES_CONTINUOUS) }; } } pub fn uninstall_service(show_new_window: bool) -> bool { log::info!("Uninstalling service..."); let filter = format!(" /FI \"PID ne {}\"", get_current_pid()); Config::set_option("stop-service".into(), "Y".into()); let cmds = format!( " chcp 65001 sc stop {app_name} sc delete {app_name} if exist \"%PROGRAMDATA%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup\\{app_name} Tray.lnk\" del /f /q \"%PROGRAMDATA%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup\\{app_name} Tray.lnk\" taskkill /F /IM {broker_exe} taskkill /F /IM {app_name}.exe{filter} ", app_name = crate::get_app_name(), broker_exe = WIN_MAG_INJECTED_PROCESS_EXE, ); if let Err(err) = run_cmds(cmds, false, "uninstall") { Config::set_option("stop-service".into(), "".into()); log::debug!("{err}"); return true; } run_after_run_cmds(!show_new_window); std::process::exit(0); } pub fn install_service() -> bool { log::info!("Installing service..."); let (_, _, _, exe) = get_install_info(); let tmp_path = std::env::temp_dir().to_string_lossy().to_string(); let tray_shortcut = get_tray_shortcut(&exe, &tmp_path).unwrap_or_default(); let filter = format!(" /FI \"PID ne {}\"", get_current_pid()); Config::set_option("stop-service".into(), "".into());, Ordering::Relaxed); let cmds = format!( " chcp 65001 taskkill /F /IM {app_name}.exe{filter} cscript \"{tray_shortcut}\" copy /Y \"{tmp_path}\\{app_name} Tray.lnk\" \"%PROGRAMDATA%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup\\\" {import_config} {create_service} if exist \"{tray_shortcut}\" del /f /q \"{tray_shortcut}\" ", app_name = crate::get_app_name(), import_config = get_import_config(&exe), create_service = get_create_service(&exe), ); if let Err(err) = run_cmds(cmds, false, "install") { Config::set_option("stop-service".into(), "Y".into());, Ordering::Relaxed); log::debug!("{err}"); return true; } run_after_run_cmds(false); std::process::exit(0); } pub fn get_tray_shortcut(exe: &str, tmp_path: &str) -> ResultType { Ok(write_cmds( format!( " Set oWS = WScript.CreateObject(\"WScript.Shell\") sLinkFile = \"{tmp_path}\\{app_name} Tray.lnk\" Set oLink = oWS.CreateShortcut(sLinkFile) oLink.TargetPath = \"{exe}\" oLink.Arguments = \"--tray\" oLink.Save ", app_name = crate::get_app_name(), ), "vbs", "tray_shortcut", )? .to_str() .unwrap_or("") .to_owned()) } fn get_import_config(exe: &str) -> String { format!(" sc stop {app_name} sc delete {app_name} sc create {app_name} binpath= \"\\\"{exe}\\\" --import-config \\\"{config_path}\\\"\" start= auto DisplayName= \"{app_name} Service\" sc start {app_name} sc stop {app_name} sc delete {app_name} ", app_name = crate::get_app_name(), config_path=Config::file().to_str().unwrap_or(""), ) } fn get_create_service(exe: &str) -> String { let stop = Config::get_option("stop-service") == "Y"; if stop { format!(" if exist \"%PROGRAMDATA%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup\\{app_name} Tray.lnk\" del /f /q \"%PROGRAMDATA%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup\\{app_name} Tray.lnk\" ", app_name = crate::get_app_name()) } else { format!(" sc create {app_name} binpath= \"\\\"{exe}\\\" --service\" start= auto DisplayName= \"{app_name} Service\" sc start {app_name} ", app_name = crate::get_app_name()) } } fn run_after_run_cmds(silent: bool) { let (_, _, _, exe) = get_install_info(); if !silent { log::debug!("Spawn new window"); allow_err!(std::process::Command::new("cmd") .arg("/c") .arg("timeout /t 2 & start rustdesk://") .creation_flags(winapi::um::winbase::CREATE_NO_WINDOW) .spawn()); } if Config::get_option("stop-service") != "Y" { allow_err!(std::process::Command::new(&exe).arg("--tray").spawn()); } std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(300)); } #[inline] pub fn try_kill_broker() { allow_err!(std::process::Command::new("cmd") .arg("/c") .arg(&format!("taskkill /F /IM {}", WIN_MAG_INJECTED_PROCESS_EXE)) .creation_flags(winapi::um::winbase::CREATE_NO_WINDOW) .spawn()); } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_install_cert() { println!( "install driver cert: {:?}", cert::install_cert("RustDeskIddDriver.cer") ); } #[test] fn test_uninstall_cert() { println!("uninstall driver certs: {:?}", cert::uninstall_cert()); } #[test] fn test_get_unicode_char_by_vk() { let chr = get_char_from_vk(0x41); // VK_A assert_eq!(chr, Some('a')); let chr = get_char_from_vk(VK_ESCAPE as u32); // VK_ESC assert_eq!(chr, None) } } pub fn message_box(text: &str) { let mut text = text.to_owned(); if !text.ends_with("!") { use arboard::Clipboard as ClipboardContext; match ClipboardContext::new() { Ok(mut ctx) => { ctx.set_text(&text).ok(); text = format!("{}\n\nAbove text has been copied to clipboard", &text); } _ => {} } } let text = text .encode_utf16() .chain(std::iter::once(0)) .collect::>(); let caption = "RustDesk Output" .encode_utf16() .chain(std::iter::once(0)) .collect::>(); unsafe { MessageBoxW(std::ptr::null_mut(), text.as_ptr(), caption.as_ptr(), MB_OK) }; } pub fn alloc_console() { unsafe { alloc_console_and_redirect(); } }