import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:ui'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/common.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/desktop/pages/desktop_home_page.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/models/platform_model.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/models/server_model.dart'; import 'package:get/get.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart'; import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher_string.dart'; const double _kTabWidth = 235; const double _kTabHeight = 42; const double _kCardFixedWidth = 560; const double _kCardLeftMargin = 15; const double _kContentHMargin = 15; const double _kContentHSubMargin = _kContentHMargin + 33; const double _kCheckBoxLeftMargin = 10; const double _kRadioLeftMargin = 10; const double _kListViewBottomMargin = 15; const double _kTitleFontSize = 20; const double _kContentFontSize = 15; const Color _accentColor = MyTheme.accent; class _TabInfo { late final String label; late final IconData unselected; late final IconData selected; _TabInfo(this.label, this.unselected, this.selected); } class DesktopSettingPage extends StatefulWidget { DesktopSettingPage({Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override State createState() => _DesktopSettingPageState(); } class _DesktopSettingPageState extends State with TickerProviderStateMixin, AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin { final List<_TabInfo> _setting_tabs = <_TabInfo>[ _TabInfo('User Interface', Icons.language_outlined, Icons.language_sharp), _TabInfo('Security', Icons.enhanced_encryption_outlined, Icons.enhanced_encryption_sharp), _TabInfo( 'Display', Icons.desktop_windows_outlined, Icons.desktop_windows_sharp), _TabInfo('Audio', Icons.volume_up_outlined, Icons.volume_up_sharp), _TabInfo('Connection', Icons.link_outlined, Icons.link_sharp), _TabInfo('About RustDesk', Icons.info_outline, Icons.info_sharp) ]; late PageController controller; RxInt _selectedIndex = 0.obs; @override bool get wantKeepAlive => true; @override void initState() { super.initState(); controller = PageController(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) {; return Scaffold( backgroundColor: MyTheme.color(context).bg, body: Row( children: [ Container( width: _kTabWidth, child: Column( children: [ _header(), Flexible(child: _listView(tabs: _setting_tabs)), ], ), ), const VerticalDivider(thickness: 1, width: 1), Expanded( child: Container( color: MyTheme.color(context).grayBg, child: PageView( controller: controller, children: [ _UserInterface(), _Safety(), _Display(), _Audio(), _Connection(), _About(), ], ), ), ) ], ), ); } Widget _header() { return Row( children: [ SizedBox( height: 62, child: Text( translate('Settings'), textAlign: TextAlign.left, style: TextStyle( color: _accentColor, fontSize: _kTitleFontSize, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, ), ), ).marginOnly(left: 20, top: 10), Spacer(), ], ); } Widget _listView({required List<_TabInfo> tabs}) { return ListView( children: tabs .asMap() .entries .map((tab) => _listItem(tab: tab.value, index: tab.key)) .toList(), ); } Widget _listItem({required _TabInfo tab, required int index}) { return Obx(() { bool selected = index == _selectedIndex.value; return Container( width: _kTabWidth, height: _kTabHeight, child: InkWell( onTap: () { if (_selectedIndex.value != index) { controller.jumpToPage(index); } _selectedIndex.value = index; }, child: Row(children: [ Container( width: 4, height: _kTabHeight * 0.7, color: selected ? _accentColor : null, ), Icon( selected ? tab.selected : tab.unselected, color: selected ? _accentColor : null, size: 20, ).marginOnly(left: 13, right: 10), Text( translate(tab.label), style: TextStyle( color: selected ? _accentColor : null, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400, fontSize: _kContentFontSize), ), ]), ), ); }); } } //#region pages class _UserInterface extends StatefulWidget { _UserInterface({Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override State<_UserInterface> createState() => _UserInterfaceState(); } class _UserInterfaceState extends State<_UserInterface> with AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin { @override bool get wantKeepAlive => true; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) {; return ListView( children: [ _Card(title: 'Language', children: [language()]), _Card(title: 'Theme', children: [theme()]), ], ).marginOnly(bottom: _kListViewBottomMargin); } Widget language() { return _futureBuilder(future: () async { String langs = await bind.mainGetLangs(); String lang = await bind.mainGetLocalOption(key: "lang"); return {"langs": langs, "lang": lang}; }(), hasData: (res) { Map data = res as Map; List langsList = jsonDecode(data["langs"]!); Map langsMap = {for (var v in langsList) v[0]: v[1]}; List keys = langsMap.keys.toList(); List values = langsMap.values.toList(); keys.insert(0, "default"); values.insert(0, "Default"); String currentKey = data["lang"]!; if (!keys.contains(currentKey)) { currentKey = "default"; } return _ComboBox( keys: keys, values: values, initialKey: currentKey, onChanged: (key) async { await bind.mainSetLocalOption(key: "lang", value: key); Get.forceAppUpdate(); }, ).marginOnly(left: _kContentHMargin); }); } Widget theme() { var change = () { bool dark = !isDarkTheme(); Get.changeTheme(dark ? MyTheme.darkTheme : MyTheme.lightTheme); Get.find().setString("darkTheme", dark ? "Y" : ""); Get.forceAppUpdate(); }; return GestureDetector( child: Row( children: [ Checkbox(value: isDarkTheme(), onChanged: (_) => change()), Expanded(child: Text(translate('Dark Theme'))), ], ).marginOnly(left: _kCheckBoxLeftMargin), onTap: change, ); } } class _Safety extends StatefulWidget { const _Safety({Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override State<_Safety> createState() => _SafetyState(); } class _SafetyState extends State<_Safety> with AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin { @override bool get wantKeepAlive => true; bool locked = true; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) {; return ListView( children: [ Column( children: [ _lock(locked, 'Unlock Security Settings', () { locked = false; setState(() => {}); }), AbsorbPointer( absorbing: locked, child: Column(children: [ permissions(context), password(context), whitelist(), ]), ), ], ) ], ).marginOnly(bottom: _kListViewBottomMargin); } Widget permissions(context) { bool enabled = !locked; return _Card(title: 'Permissions', children: [ _OptionCheckBox(context, 'Enable Keyboard/Mouse', 'enable-keyboard', enabled: enabled), _OptionCheckBox(context, 'Enable Clipboard', 'enable-clipboard', enabled: enabled), _OptionCheckBox(context, 'Enable File Transfer', 'enable-file-transfer', enabled: enabled), _OptionCheckBox(context, 'Enable Audio', 'enable-audio', enabled: enabled), _OptionCheckBox(context, 'Enable Remote Restart', 'enable-remote-restart', enabled: enabled), _OptionCheckBox(context, 'Enable remote configuration modification', 'allow-remote-config-modification', enabled: enabled), ]); } Widget password(BuildContext context) { return ChangeNotifierProvider.value( value: gFFI.serverModel, child: Consumer(builder: ((context, model, child) { List keys = [ kUseTemporaryPassword, kUsePermanentPassword, kUseBothPasswords, ]; List values = [ translate("Use temporary password"), translate("Use permanent password"), translate("Use both passwords"), ]; bool tmp_enabled = model.verificationMethod != kUsePermanentPassword; bool perm_enabled = model.verificationMethod != kUseTemporaryPassword; String currentValue = values[keys.indexOf(model.verificationMethod)]; List radios = values .map((value) => _Radio( context, value: value, groupValue: currentValue, label: value, onChanged: ((value) { model.verificationMethod = keys[values.indexOf(value)]; }), enabled: !locked, )) .toList(); var onChanged = tmp_enabled && !locked ? (value) { if (value != null) model.temporaryPasswordLength = value.toString(); } : null; List lengthRadios = ['6', '8', '10'] .map((value) => GestureDetector( child: Row( children: [ Radio( value: value, groupValue: model.temporaryPasswordLength, onChanged: onChanged), Text( value, style: TextStyle( color: _disabledTextColor( context, onChanged != null)), ), ], ).paddingSymmetric(horizontal: 10), onTap: () => onChanged?.call(value), )) .toList(); return _Card(title: 'Password', children: [ radios[0], _SubLabeledWidget( 'Temporary Password Length', Row( children: [ ...lengthRadios, ], ), enabled: tmp_enabled && !locked), radios[1], _SubButton('Set permanent password', setPasswordDialog, perm_enabled && !locked), radios[2], ]); }))); } Widget whitelist() { return _Card(title: 'IP Whitelisting', children: [ _Button('IP Whitelisting', changeWhiteList, tip: 'whitelist_tip', enabled: !locked) ]); } } class _Connection extends StatefulWidget { const _Connection({Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override State<_Connection> createState() => _ConnectionState(); } class _ConnectionState extends State<_Connection> with AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin { @override bool get wantKeepAlive => true; bool locked = true; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) {; bool enabled = !locked; return ListView(children: [ Column( children: [ _lock(locked, 'Unlock Connection Settings', () { locked = false; setState(() => {}); }), AbsorbPointer( absorbing: locked, child: Column(children: [ _Card(title: 'Server', children: [ _Button('ID/Relay Server', changeServer, enabled: enabled), ]), _Card(title: 'Service', children: [ _OptionCheckBox(context, 'Enable Service', 'stop-service', reverse: true, enabled: enabled), // TODO: Not implemented // _option_check('Always connected via relay', 'allow-always-relay', enabled: enabled), // _option_check('Start ID/relay service', 'stop-rendezvous-service', // reverse: true, enabled: enabled), ]), _Card(title: 'TCP Tunneling', children: [ _OptionCheckBox( context, 'Enable TCP Tunneling', 'enable-tunnel', enabled: enabled), ]), direct_ip(context), _Card(title: 'Proxy', children: [ _Button('Socks5 Proxy', changeSocks5Proxy, enabled: enabled), ]), ]), ), ], ) ]).marginOnly(bottom: _kListViewBottomMargin); } Widget direct_ip(BuildContext context) { TextEditingController controller = TextEditingController(); var update = () => setState(() {}); RxBool apply_enabled = false.obs; return _Card(title: 'Direct IP Access', children: [ _OptionCheckBox(context, 'Enable Direct IP Access', 'direct-server', update: update, enabled: !locked), _futureBuilder( future: () async { String enabled = await bind.mainGetOption(key: 'direct-server'); String port = await bind.mainGetOption(key: 'direct-access-port'); return {'enabled': enabled, 'port': port}; }(), hasData: (data) { bool enabled = option2bool('direct-server', data['enabled'].toString()); if (!enabled) apply_enabled.value = false; controller.text = data['port'].toString(); return Row(children: [ _SubLabeledWidget( 'Port', Container( width: 80, child: TextField( controller: controller, enabled: enabled && !locked, onChanged: (_) => apply_enabled.value = true, inputFormatters: [ FilteringTextInputFormatter.allow(RegExp( '\^([0-9]|[1-9]\\d|[1-9]\\d{2}|[1-9]\\d{3}|[1-5]\\d{4}|6[0-4]\\d{3}|65[0-4]\\d{2}|655[0-2]\\d|6553[0-5])\$')), ], textAlign: TextAlign.end, decoration: InputDecoration( hintText: '21118', border: InputBorder.none, contentPadding: EdgeInsets.only(right: 5), isCollapsed: true, ), ), ), enabled: enabled && !locked, ).marginOnly(left: 5), Obx(() => ElevatedButton( onPressed: apply_enabled.value && enabled && !locked ? () async { apply_enabled.value = false; await bind.mainSetOption( key: 'direct-access-port', value: controller.text); } : null, child: Text( translate('Apply'), ), ).marginOnly(left: 20)) ]); }, ), ]); } } class _Display extends StatefulWidget { const _Display({Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override State<_Display> createState() => _DisplayState(); } class _DisplayState extends State<_Display> with AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin { @override bool get wantKeepAlive => true; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) {; return ListView( children: [ _Card(title: 'Adaptive Bitrate', children: [ _OptionCheckBox(context, 'Adaptive Bitrate', 'enable-abr'), ]), hwcodec(), ], ).marginOnly(bottom: _kListViewBottomMargin); } Widget hwcodec() { return _futureBuilder( future: bind.mainHasHwcodec(), hasData: (data) { return Offstage( offstage: !(data as bool), child: _Card(title: 'Hardware Codec', children: [ _OptionCheckBox( context, 'Enable hardware codec', 'enable-hwcodec'), ]), ); }); } } class _Audio extends StatefulWidget { const _Audio({Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override State<_Audio> createState() => _AudioState(); } enum _AudioInputType { Mute, Standard, Specify, } class _AudioState extends State<_Audio> with AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin { @override bool get wantKeepAlive => true; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) {; var update = () => setState(() {}); var set_enabled = (bool enabled) => bind.mainSetOption( key: 'enable-audio', value: bool2option('enable-audio', enabled)); var set_device = (String device) => bind.mainSetOption(key: 'audio-input', value: device); return ListView(children: [ _Card( title: 'Audio Input', children: [ _futureBuilder(future: () async { List devices = await bind.mainGetSoundInputs(); String current = await bind.mainGetOption(key: 'audio-input'); String enabled = await bind.mainGetOption(key: 'enable-audio'); return {'devices': devices, 'current': current, 'enabled': enabled}; }(), hasData: (data) { bool mute = !option2bool('enable-audio', data['enabled'].toString()); String currentDevice = data['current']; List devices = (data['devices'] as List).toList(); _AudioInputType groupValue; if (mute) { groupValue = _AudioInputType.Mute; } else if (devices.contains(currentDevice)) { groupValue = _AudioInputType.Specify; } else { groupValue = _AudioInputType.Standard; } List deviceWidget = [].toList(); if (devices.isNotEmpty) { var combo = _ComboBox( keys: devices, values: devices, initialKey: devices.contains(currentDevice) ? currentDevice : devices[0], onChanged: (key) { set_device(key); }, enabled: groupValue == _AudioInputType.Specify, ); deviceWidget.addAll([ _Radio<_AudioInputType>( context, value: _AudioInputType.Specify, groupValue: groupValue, label: 'Specify device', onChanged: (value) { set_device(combo.current); set_enabled(true); update(); }, ), combo.marginOnly(left: _kContentHSubMargin, top: 5), ]); } return Column(children: [ _Radio<_AudioInputType>( context, value: _AudioInputType.Mute, groupValue: groupValue, label: 'Mute', onChanged: (value) { set_enabled(false); update(); }, ), _Radio( context, value: _AudioInputType.Standard, groupValue: groupValue, label: 'Use standard device', onChanged: (value) { set_device(''); set_enabled(true); update(); }, ), ...deviceWidget, ]); }), ], ) ]).marginOnly(bottom: _kListViewBottomMargin); } } class _About extends StatefulWidget { const _About({Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override State<_About> createState() => _AboutState(); } class _AboutState extends State<_About> { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return _futureBuilder(future: () async { final license = await bind.mainGetLicense(); final version = await bind.mainGetVersion(); return {'license': license, 'version': version}; }(), hasData: (data) { final license = data['license'].toString(); final version = data['version'].toString(); final linkStyle = TextStyle(decoration: TextDecoration.underline); return ListView(children: [ _Card(title: "About RustDesk", children: [ Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ SizedBox( height: 8.0, ), Text("Version: $version").marginSymmetric(vertical: 4.0), InkWell( onTap: () { launchUrlString(""); }, child: Text( "Privacy Statement", style: linkStyle, ).marginSymmetric(vertical: 4.0)), InkWell( onTap: () { launchUrlString(""); }, child: Text( "Website", style: linkStyle, ).marginSymmetric(vertical: 4.0)), Container( decoration: BoxDecoration(color: Color(0xFF2c8cff)), padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 24, horizontal: 8), child: Row( children: [ Expanded( child: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ Text( "Copyright © 2022 Purslane Ltd.\n$license", style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white), ), Text( "Made with heart in this chaotic world!", style: TextStyle( fontWeight: FontWeight.w800, color: Colors.white), ) ], ), ), ], ), ).marginSymmetric(vertical: 4.0) ], ).marginOnly(left: _kContentHMargin) ]), ]).marginOnly(left: _kCardLeftMargin); }); } } //#endregion //#region components Widget _Card({required String title, required List children}) { return Row( children: [ Container( width: _kCardFixedWidth, child: Card( child: Column( children: [ Row( children: [ Text( translate(title), textAlign: TextAlign.start, style: TextStyle( fontSize: _kTitleFontSize, ), ), Spacer(), ], ).marginOnly(left: _kContentHMargin, top: 10, bottom: 10), ...children .map((e) => e.marginOnly(top: 4, right: _kContentHMargin)), ], ).marginOnly(bottom: 10), ).marginOnly(left: _kCardLeftMargin, top: 15), ), ], ); } Color? _disabledTextColor(BuildContext context, bool enabled) { return enabled ? null : MyTheme.color(context).lighterText; } Widget _OptionCheckBox(BuildContext context, String label, String key, {Function()? update = null, bool reverse = false, bool enabled = true}) { return _futureBuilder( future: bind.mainGetOption(key: key), hasData: (data) { bool value = option2bool(key, data.toString()); if (reverse) value = !value; var ref = value.obs; var onChanged = (option) async { if (option != null) { ref.value = option; if (reverse) option = !option; String value = bool2option(key, option); bind.mainSetOption(key: key, value: value); update?.call(); } }; return GestureDetector( child: Obx( () => Row( children: [ Checkbox( value: ref.value, onChanged: enabled ? onChanged : null) .marginOnly(right: 10), Expanded( child: Text( translate(label), style: TextStyle(color: _disabledTextColor(context, enabled)), )) ], ), ).marginOnly(left: _kCheckBoxLeftMargin), onTap: () { onChanged(!ref.value); }, ); }); } Widget _Radio(BuildContext context, {required T value, required T groupValue, required String label, required Function(T value) onChanged, bool enabled = true}) { var on_change = enabled ? (T? value) { if (value != null) { onChanged(value); } } : null; return GestureDetector( child: Row( children: [ Radio(value: value, groupValue: groupValue, onChanged: on_change), Expanded( child: Text(translate(label), style: TextStyle( fontSize: _kContentFontSize, color: _disabledTextColor(context, enabled))) .marginOnly(left: 5), ), ], ).marginOnly(left: _kRadioLeftMargin), onTap: () => on_change?.call(value), ); } Widget _Button(String label, Function() onPressed, {bool enabled = true, String? tip}) { var button = ElevatedButton( onPressed: enabled ? onPressed : null, child: Container( child: Text( translate(label), ).marginSymmetric(horizontal: 15), )); var child; if (tip == null) { child = button; } else { child = Tooltip(message: translate(tip), child: button); } return Row(children: [ child, ]).marginOnly(left: _kContentHMargin); } Widget _SubButton(String label, Function() onPressed, [bool enabled = true]) { return Row( children: [ ElevatedButton( onPressed: enabled ? onPressed : null, child: Container( child: Text( translate(label), ).marginSymmetric(horizontal: 15), )), ], ).marginOnly(left: _kContentHSubMargin); } Widget _SubLabeledWidget(String label, Widget child, {bool enabled = true}) { RxBool hover = false.obs; return Row( children: [ MouseRegion( onEnter: (_) => hover.value = true, onExit: (_) => hover.value = false, child: Obx( () { return Container( height: 32, decoration: BoxDecoration( border: Border.all( color: hover.value && enabled ? Color(0xFFD7D7D7) : Color(0xFFCBCBCB), width: hover.value && enabled ? 2 : 1)), child: Row( children: [ Container( height: 28, color: (hover.value && enabled) ? Color(0xFFD7D7D7) : Color(0xFFCBCBCB), child: Text( label + ': ', style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.w300), ), alignment:, padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 5, vertical: 2), ).paddingAll(2), child, ], )); }, )), ], ).marginOnly(left: _kContentHSubMargin); } Widget _futureBuilder( {required Future? future, required Widget Function(dynamic data) hasData}) { return FutureBuilder( future: future, builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot snapshot) { if (snapshot.hasData) { return hasData(!); } else { if (snapshot.hasError) { print(snapshot.error.toString()); } return Container(); } }); } Widget _lock( bool locked, String label, Function() onUnlock, ) { return Offstage( offstage: !locked, child: Row( children: [ Container( width: _kCardFixedWidth, child: Card( child: ElevatedButton( child: Container( height: 25, child: Row( mainAxisAlignment:, children: [ Icon( Icons.security_sharp, size: 20, ), Text(translate(label)).marginOnly(left: 5), ]).marginSymmetric(vertical: 2)), onPressed: () async { bool checked = await bind.mainCheckSuperUserPermission(); if (checked) { onUnlock(); } }, ).marginSymmetric(horizontal: 2, vertical: 4), ).marginOnly(left: _kCardLeftMargin), ).marginOnly(top: 10), ], )); } // ignore: must_be_immutable class _ComboBox extends StatelessWidget { late final List keys; late final List values; late final String initialKey; late final Function(String key) onChanged; late final bool enabled; late String current; _ComboBox({ Key? key, required this.keys, required this.values, required this.initialKey, required this.onChanged, this.enabled = true, }) : super(key: key); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { var index = keys.indexOf(initialKey); if (index < 0) { assert(false); index = 0; } var ref = values[index].obs; current = keys[index]; return Container( decoration: BoxDecoration(border: Border.all(color: MyTheme.border)), height: 30, child: Obx(() => DropdownButton( isExpanded: true, value: ref.value, elevation: 16, underline: Container( height: 25, ), icon: Icon( Icons.expand_more_sharp, size: 20, ), onChanged: enabled ? (String? newValue) { if (newValue != null && newValue != ref.value) { ref.value = newValue; current = newValue; onChanged(keys[values.indexOf(newValue)]); } } : null, items:>((String value) { return DropdownMenuItem( value: value, child: Text( value, style: TextStyle(fontSize: _kContentFontSize), overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, ).marginOnly(left: 5), ); }).toList(), )), ); } } //#endregion //#region dialogs void changeServer() async { Map oldOptions = jsonDecode(await bind.mainGetOptions()); String idServer = oldOptions['custom-rendezvous-server'] ?? ""; var idServerMsg = ""; String relayServer = oldOptions['relay-server'] ?? ""; var relayServerMsg = ""; String apiServer = oldOptions['api-server'] ?? ""; var apiServerMsg = ""; var key = oldOptions['key'] ?? ""; var idController = TextEditingController(text: idServer); var relayController = TextEditingController(text: relayServer); var apiController = TextEditingController(text: apiServer); var keyController = TextEditingController(text: key); var isInProgress = false;, close) { return CustomAlertDialog( title: Text(translate("ID/Relay Server")), content: ConstrainedBox( constraints: BoxConstraints(minWidth: 500), child: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ SizedBox( height: 8.0, ), Row( children: [ ConstrainedBox( constraints: BoxConstraints(minWidth: 100), child: Text("${translate('ID Server')}:") .marginOnly(bottom: 16.0)), SizedBox( width: 24.0, ), Expanded( child: TextField( decoration: InputDecoration( border: OutlineInputBorder(), errorText: idServerMsg.isNotEmpty ? idServerMsg : null), controller: idController, ), ), ], ), SizedBox( height: 8.0, ), Row( children: [ ConstrainedBox( constraints: BoxConstraints(minWidth: 100), child: Text("${translate('Relay Server')}:") .marginOnly(bottom: 16.0)), SizedBox( width: 24.0, ), Expanded( child: TextField( decoration: InputDecoration( border: OutlineInputBorder(), errorText: relayServerMsg.isNotEmpty ? relayServerMsg : null), controller: relayController, ), ), ], ), SizedBox( height: 8.0, ), Row( children: [ ConstrainedBox( constraints: BoxConstraints(minWidth: 100), child: Text("${translate('API Server')}:") .marginOnly(bottom: 16.0)), SizedBox( width: 24.0, ), Expanded( child: TextField( decoration: InputDecoration( border: OutlineInputBorder(), errorText: apiServerMsg.isNotEmpty ? apiServerMsg : null), controller: apiController, ), ), ], ), SizedBox( height: 8.0, ), Row( children: [ ConstrainedBox( constraints: BoxConstraints(minWidth: 100), child: Text("${translate('Key')}:").marginOnly(bottom: 16.0)), SizedBox( width: 24.0, ), Expanded( child: TextField( decoration: InputDecoration( border: OutlineInputBorder(), ), controller: keyController, ), ), ], ), SizedBox( height: 4.0, ), Offstage(offstage: !isInProgress, child: LinearProgressIndicator()) ], ), ), actions: [ TextButton( onPressed: () { close(); }, child: Text(translate("Cancel"))), TextButton( onPressed: () async { setState(() { [idServerMsg, relayServerMsg, apiServerMsg].forEach((element) { element = ""; }); isInProgress = true; }); final cancel = () { setState(() { isInProgress = false; }); }; idServer = idController.text.trim(); relayServer = relayController.text.trim(); apiServer = apiController.text.trim().toLowerCase(); key = keyController.text.trim(); if (idServer.isNotEmpty) { idServerMsg = translate( await bind.mainTestIfValidServer(server: idServer)); if (idServerMsg.isEmpty) { oldOptions['custom-rendezvous-server'] = idServer; } else { cancel(); return; } } else { oldOptions['custom-rendezvous-server'] = ""; } if (relayServer.isNotEmpty) { relayServerMsg = translate( await bind.mainTestIfValidServer(server: relayServer)); if (relayServerMsg.isEmpty) { oldOptions['relay-server'] = relayServer; } else { cancel(); return; } } else { oldOptions['relay-server'] = ""; } if (apiServer.isNotEmpty) { if (apiServer.startsWith('http://') || apiServer.startsWith("https://")) { oldOptions['api-server'] = apiServer; return; } else { apiServerMsg = translate("invalid_http"); cancel(); return; } } else { oldOptions['api-server'] = ""; } // ok oldOptions['key'] = key; await bind.mainSetOptions(json: jsonEncode(oldOptions)); close(); }, child: Text(translate("OK"))), ], ); }); } void changeWhiteList() async { Map oldOptions = jsonDecode(await bind.mainGetOptions()); var newWhiteList = ((oldOptions['whitelist'] ?? "") as String).split(','); var newWhiteListField = newWhiteList.join('\n'); var controller = TextEditingController(text: newWhiteListField); var msg = ""; var isInProgress = false;, close) { return CustomAlertDialog( title: Text(translate("IP Whitelisting")), content: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ Text(translate("whitelist_sep")), SizedBox( height: 8.0, ), Row( children: [ Expanded( child: TextField( maxLines: null, decoration: InputDecoration( border: OutlineInputBorder(), errorText: msg.isEmpty ? null : translate(msg), ), controller: controller, ), ), ], ), SizedBox( height: 4.0, ), Offstage(offstage: !isInProgress, child: LinearProgressIndicator()) ], ), actions: [ TextButton( onPressed: () { close(); }, child: Text(translate("Cancel"))), TextButton( onPressed: () async { setState(() { msg = ""; isInProgress = true; }); newWhiteListField = controller.text.trim(); var newWhiteList = ""; if (newWhiteListField.isEmpty) { // pass } else { final ips = newWhiteListField.trim().split(RegExp(r"[\s,;\n]+")); // test ip final ipMatch = RegExp(r"^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$"); for (final ip in ips) { if (!ipMatch.hasMatch(ip)) { msg = translate("Invalid IP") + " $ip"; setState(() { isInProgress = false; }); return; } } newWhiteList = ips.join(','); } oldOptions['whitelist'] = newWhiteList; await bind.mainSetOptions(json: jsonEncode(oldOptions)); close(); }, child: Text(translate("OK"))), ], ); }); } void changeSocks5Proxy() async { var socks = await bind.mainGetSocks(); String proxy = ""; String proxyMsg = ""; String username = ""; String password = ""; if (socks.length == 3) { proxy = socks[0]; username = socks[1]; password = socks[2]; } var proxyController = TextEditingController(text: proxy); var userController = TextEditingController(text: username); var pwdController = TextEditingController(text: password); var isInProgress = false;, close) { return CustomAlertDialog( title: Text(translate("Socks5 Proxy")), content: ConstrainedBox( constraints: BoxConstraints(minWidth: 500), child: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ SizedBox( height: 8.0, ), Row( children: [ ConstrainedBox( constraints: BoxConstraints(minWidth: 100), child: Text("${translate('Hostname')}:") .marginOnly(bottom: 16.0)), SizedBox( width: 24.0, ), Expanded( child: TextField( decoration: InputDecoration( border: OutlineInputBorder(), errorText: proxyMsg.isNotEmpty ? proxyMsg : null), controller: proxyController, ), ), ], ), SizedBox( height: 8.0, ), Row( children: [ ConstrainedBox( constraints: BoxConstraints(minWidth: 100), child: Text("${translate('Username')}:") .marginOnly(bottom: 16.0)), SizedBox( width: 24.0, ), Expanded( child: TextField( decoration: InputDecoration( border: OutlineInputBorder(), ), controller: userController, ), ), ], ), SizedBox( height: 8.0, ), Row( children: [ ConstrainedBox( constraints: BoxConstraints(minWidth: 100), child: Text("${translate('Password')}:") .marginOnly(bottom: 16.0)), SizedBox( width: 24.0, ), Expanded( child: TextField( decoration: InputDecoration( border: OutlineInputBorder(), ), controller: pwdController, ), ), ], ), SizedBox( height: 8.0, ), Offstage(offstage: !isInProgress, child: LinearProgressIndicator()) ], ), ), actions: [ TextButton( onPressed: () { close(); }, child: Text(translate("Cancel"))), TextButton( onPressed: () async { setState(() { proxyMsg = ""; isInProgress = true; }); final cancel = () { setState(() { isInProgress = false; }); }; proxy = proxyController.text.trim(); username = userController.text.trim(); password = pwdController.text.trim(); if (proxy.isNotEmpty) { proxyMsg = translate(await bind.mainTestIfValidServer(server: proxy)); if (proxyMsg.isEmpty) { // ignore } else { cancel(); return; } } await bind.mainSetSocks( proxy: proxy, username: username, password: password); close(); }, child: Text(translate("OK"))), ], ); }); } //#endregion