use crate::{ ipc::{connect, Data, PrivacyModeState}, platform::windows::get_user_token, }; use hbb_common::{allow_err, bail, lazy_static, log, tokio, ResultType}; use std::{ ffi::CString, sync::Mutex, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; use winapi::{ ctypes::c_int, shared::{ minwindef::{DWORD, FALSE, HMODULE, LOBYTE, LPARAM, LRESULT, UINT, WPARAM}, ntdef::{HANDLE, NULL}, windef::{HHOOK, HWND, POINT}, }, um::{ errhandlingapi::GetLastError, handleapi::CloseHandle, libloaderapi::{GetModuleHandleA, GetModuleHandleExA, GetProcAddress}, memoryapi::{VirtualAllocEx, WriteProcessMemory}, processthreadsapi::{ CreateProcessAsUserW, GetCurrentThreadId, QueueUserAPC, ResumeThread, PROCESS_INFORMATION, STARTUPINFOW, }, winbase::{WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId, CREATE_SUSPENDED, DETACHED_PROCESS}, winnt::{MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE}, winuser::*, }, }; pub const ORIGIN_PROCESS_EXE: &'static str = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\RuntimeBroker.exe"; pub const WIN_MAG_INJECTED_PROCESS_EXE: &'static str = "RuntimeBroker_rustdesk.exe"; pub const INJECTED_PROCESS_EXE: &'static str = WIN_MAG_INJECTED_PROCESS_EXE; pub const PRIVACY_WINDOW_NAME: &'static str = "RustDeskPrivacyWindow"; pub const OCCUPIED: &'static str = "Privacy occupied by another one"; pub const TURN_OFF_OTHER_ID: &'static str = "Failed to turn off privacy mode that belongs to someone else"; pub const NO_DISPLAYS: &'static str = "No displays"; pub const GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_UNCHANGED_REFCOUNT: u32 = 2; pub const GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_FROM_ADDRESS: u32 = 4; const WM_USER_EXIT_HOOK: u32 = WM_USER + 1; lazy_static::lazy_static! { static ref DLL_FOUND: Mutex = Mutex::new(false); static ref CONN_ID: Mutex = Mutex::new(0); static ref CUR_HOOK_THREAD_ID: Mutex = Mutex::new(0); static ref WND_HANDLERS: Mutex = Mutex::new(WindowHandlers{hthread: 0, hprocess: 0}); } struct WindowHandlers { hthread: u64, hprocess: u64, } impl Drop for WindowHandlers { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { if self.hthread != 0 { CloseHandle(self.hthread as _); } self.hthread = 0; if self.hprocess != 0 { CloseHandle(self.hprocess as _); } self.hprocess = 0; } } } pub fn turn_on_privacy(conn_id: i32) -> ResultType { let exe_file = std::env::current_exe()?; if let Some(cur_dir) = exe_file.parent() { if !cur_dir.join("WindowInjection.dll").exists() { return Ok(false); } } else { bail!( "Invalid exe parent for {}", exe_file.to_string_lossy().as_ref() ); } if !*DLL_FOUND.lock().unwrap() { log::info!("turn_on_privacy, dll not found when started, try start"); start()?; std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(1_000)); } let pre_conn_id = *CONN_ID.lock().unwrap(); if pre_conn_id == conn_id { return Ok(true); } if pre_conn_id != 0 { bail!("Privacy occupied by another one"); } let hwnd = wait_find_privacy_hwnd(0)?; if hwnd.is_null() { bail!("No privacy window created"); } privacy_hook::hook()?; unsafe { ShowWindow(hwnd as _, SW_SHOW); } *CONN_ID.lock().unwrap() = conn_id; Ok(true) } pub fn turn_off_privacy(conn_id: i32, state: Option) -> ResultType<()> { let pre_conn_id = *CONN_ID.lock().unwrap(); if pre_conn_id != 0 && conn_id != 0 && pre_conn_id != conn_id { bail!("Failed to turn off privacy mode that belongs to someone else") } privacy_hook::unhook()?; unsafe { let hwnd = wait_find_privacy_hwnd(0)?; if !hwnd.is_null() { ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_HIDE); } } if pre_conn_id != 0 { if let Some(state) = state { allow_err!(set_privacy_mode_state(pre_conn_id, state, 1_000)); } *CONN_ID.lock().unwrap() = 0; } Ok(()) } pub fn start() -> ResultType<()> { let mut wnd_handlers = WND_HANDLERS.lock().unwrap(); if wnd_handlers.hprocess != 0 { return Ok(()); } let exe_file = std::env::current_exe()?; if exe_file.parent().is_none() { bail!("Cannot get parent of current exe file"); } let cur_dir = exe_file.parent().unwrap(); let dll_file = cur_dir.join("WindowInjection.dll"); if !dll_file.exists() { bail!( "Failed to find required file {}", dll_file.to_string_lossy().as_ref() ); } *DLL_FOUND.lock().unwrap() = true; let hwnd = wait_find_privacy_hwnd(1_000)?; if !hwnd.is_null() { log::info!("Privacy window is ready"); return Ok(()); } // let cmdline = cur_dir.join("MiniBroker.exe").to_string_lossy().to_string(); let cmdline = cur_dir .join(INJECTED_PROCESS_EXE) .to_string_lossy() .to_string(); unsafe { let cmd_utf16: Vec = cmdline.encode_utf16().chain(Some(0).into_iter()).collect(); let mut start_info = STARTUPINFOW { cb: 0, lpReserved: NULL as _, lpDesktop: NULL as _, lpTitle: NULL as _, dwX: 0, dwY: 0, dwXSize: 0, dwYSize: 0, dwXCountChars: 0, dwYCountChars: 0, dwFillAttribute: 0, dwFlags: 0, wShowWindow: 0, cbReserved2: 0, lpReserved2: NULL as _, hStdInput: NULL as _, hStdOutput: NULL as _, hStdError: NULL as _, }; let mut proc_info = PROCESS_INFORMATION { hProcess: NULL as _, hThread: NULL as _, dwProcessId: 0, dwThreadId: 0, }; let session_id = WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId(); let token = get_user_token(session_id, true); if token.is_null() { bail!("Failed to get token of current user"); } let create_res = CreateProcessAsUserW( token, NULL as _, cmd_utf16.as_ptr() as _, NULL as _, NULL as _, FALSE, CREATE_SUSPENDED | DETACHED_PROCESS, NULL, NULL as _, &mut start_info, &mut proc_info, ); CloseHandle(token); if 0 == create_res { bail!( "Failed to create privacy window process {}, code {}", cmdline, GetLastError() ); }; inject_dll( proc_info.hProcess, proc_info.hThread, dll_file.to_string_lossy().as_ref(), )?; if 0xffffffff == ResumeThread(proc_info.hThread) { // CloseHandle CloseHandle(proc_info.hThread); CloseHandle(proc_info.hProcess); bail!( "Failed to create privacy window process, {}", GetLastError() ); } wnd_handlers.hthread = proc_info.hThread as _; wnd_handlers.hprocess = proc_info.hProcess as _; let hwnd = wait_find_privacy_hwnd(1_000)?; if hwnd.is_null() { bail!("Failed to get hwnd after started"); } } Ok(()) } unsafe fn inject_dll<'a>(hproc: HANDLE, hthread: HANDLE, dll_file: &'a str) -> ResultType<()> { let dll_file_utf16: Vec = dll_file.encode_utf16().chain(Some(0).into_iter()).collect(); let buf = VirtualAllocEx( hproc, NULL as _, dll_file_utf16.len() * 2, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE, ); if buf.is_null() { bail!("Failed VirtualAllocEx"); } let mut written: usize = 0; if 0 == WriteProcessMemory( hproc, buf, dll_file_utf16.as_ptr() as _, dll_file_utf16.len() * 2, &mut written, ) { bail!("Failed WriteProcessMemory"); } let kernel32_modulename = CString::new("kernel32")?; let hmodule = GetModuleHandleA(kernel32_modulename.as_ptr() as _); if hmodule.is_null() { bail!("Failed GetModuleHandleA"); } let load_librarya_name = CString::new("LoadLibraryW")?; let load_librarya = GetProcAddress(hmodule, load_librarya_name.as_ptr() as _); if load_librarya.is_null() { bail!("Failed GetProcAddress of LoadLibraryW"); } if 0 == QueueUserAPC(Some(std::mem::transmute(load_librarya)), hthread, buf as _) { bail!("Failed QueueUserAPC"); } Ok(()) } fn wait_find_privacy_hwnd(msecs: u128) -> ResultType { let tm_begin = Instant::now(); let wndname = CString::new(PRIVACY_WINDOW_NAME)?; loop { unsafe { let hwnd = FindWindowA(NULL as _, wndname.as_ptr() as _); if !hwnd.is_null() { return Ok(hwnd); } } if msecs == 0 || tm_begin.elapsed().as_millis() > msecs { return Ok(NULL as _); } std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); } } #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn set_privacy_mode_state( conn_id: i32, state: PrivacyModeState, ms_timeout: u64, ) -> ResultType<()> { let mut c = connect(ms_timeout, "_cm").await?; c.send(&Data::PrivacyModeState((conn_id, state))).await } pub(super) mod privacy_hook { use super::*; use std::sync::mpsc::{channel, Sender}; fn do_hook(tx: Sender) -> ResultType<(HHOOK, HHOOK)> { let invalid_ret = (0 as HHOOK, 0 as HHOOK); let mut cur_hook_thread_id = CUR_HOOK_THREAD_ID.lock().unwrap(); if *cur_hook_thread_id != 0 { // unreachable! tx.send("Already hooked".to_owned())?; return Ok(invalid_ret); } unsafe { let mut hm_keyboard = 0 as HMODULE; if 0 == GetModuleHandleExA( GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_FROM_ADDRESS | GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_UNCHANGED_REFCOUNT, DefWindowProcA as _, &mut hm_keyboard as _, ) { tx.send(format!( "Failed to GetModuleHandleExA, error: {}", GetLastError() ))?; return Ok(invalid_ret); } let mut hm_mouse = 0 as HMODULE; if 0 == GetModuleHandleExA( GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_FROM_ADDRESS | GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_UNCHANGED_REFCOUNT, DefWindowProcA as _, &mut hm_mouse as _, ) { tx.send(format!( "Failed to GetModuleHandleExA, error: {}", GetLastError() ))?; return Ok(invalid_ret); } let hook_keyboard = SetWindowsHookExA( WH_KEYBOARD_LL, Some(privacy_mode_hook_keyboard), hm_keyboard, 0, ); if hook_keyboard.is_null() { tx.send(format!(" SetWindowsHookExA keyboard {}", GetLastError()))?; return Ok(invalid_ret); } let hook_mouse = SetWindowsHookExA(WH_MOUSE_LL, Some(privacy_mode_hook_mouse), hm_mouse, 0); if hook_mouse.is_null() { if FALSE == UnhookWindowsHookEx(hook_keyboard) { // Fatal error log::error!(" UnhookWindowsHookEx keyboard {}", GetLastError()); } tx.send(format!(" SetWindowsHookExA mouse {}", GetLastError()))?; return Ok(invalid_ret); } *cur_hook_thread_id = GetCurrentThreadId(); tx.send("".to_owned())?; return Ok((hook_keyboard, hook_mouse)); } } pub fn hook() -> ResultType<()> { let (tx, rx) = channel(); std::thread::spawn(move || { let hook_keyboard; let hook_mouse; unsafe { match do_hook(tx.clone()) { Ok(hooks) => { hook_keyboard = hooks.0; hook_mouse = hooks.1; } Err(e) => { // Fatal error tx.send(format!("Unexpected err when hook {}", e)).unwrap(); return; } } if hook_keyboard.is_null() { return; } let mut msg = MSG { hwnd: NULL as _, message: 0 as _, wParam: 0 as _, lParam: 0 as _, time: 0 as _, pt: POINT { x: 0 as _, y: 0 as _, }, }; while FALSE != GetMessageA(&mut msg, NULL as _, 0, 0) { if msg.message == WM_USER_EXIT_HOOK { break; } TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessageA(&msg); } if FALSE == UnhookWindowsHookEx(hook_keyboard as _) { // Fatal error log::error!("Failed UnhookWindowsHookEx keyboard {}", GetLastError()); } if FALSE == UnhookWindowsHookEx(hook_mouse as _) { // Fatal error log::error!("Failed UnhookWindowsHookEx mouse {}", GetLastError()); } *CUR_HOOK_THREAD_ID.lock().unwrap() = 0; } }); match rx.recv() { Ok(msg) => { if msg == "" { Ok(()) } else { bail!(msg) } } Err(e) => { bail!("Failed to wait hook result {}", e) } } } pub fn unhook() -> ResultType<()> { unsafe { let cur_hook_thread_id = CUR_HOOK_THREAD_ID.lock().unwrap(); if *cur_hook_thread_id != 0 { if FALSE == PostThreadMessageA(*cur_hook_thread_id, WM_USER_EXIT_HOOK, 0, 0) { bail!("Failed to post message to exit hook, {}", GetLastError()); } } } Ok(()) } #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn privacy_mode_hook_keyboard( code: c_int, w_param: WPARAM, l_param: LPARAM, ) -> LRESULT { if code < 0 { unsafe { return CallNextHookEx(NULL as _, code, w_param, l_param); } } let ks = l_param as PKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT; let w_param2 = w_param as UINT; unsafe { if (*ks).dwExtraInfo != enigo::ENIGO_INPUT_EXTRA_VALUE { // Disable alt key. Alt + Tab will switch windows. if (*ks).flags & LLKHF_ALTDOWN == LLKHF_ALTDOWN { return 1; } match w_param2 { WM_KEYDOWN => { // Disable all keys other than P and Ctrl. if ![80, 162, 163].contains(&(*ks).vkCode) { return 1; } // NOTE: GetKeyboardState may not work well... // Check if Ctrl + P is pressed let cltr_down = (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) as u16) & (0x8000 as u16) > 0; let key = LOBYTE((*ks).vkCode as _); if cltr_down && (key == 'p' as u8 || key == 'P' as u8) { // Ctrl + P is pressed, turn off privacy mode if let Err(e) = turn_off_privacy(0, Some(crate::ipc::PrivacyModeState::OffByPeer)) { log::error!("Failed to off_privacy {}", e); } } } WM_KEYUP => { log::trace!("WM_KEYUP {}", (*ks).vkCode); } _ => { log::trace!("KEYBOARD OTHER {} {}", w_param2, (*ks).vkCode); } } } } unsafe { CallNextHookEx(NULL as _, code, w_param, l_param) } } #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn privacy_mode_hook_mouse( code: c_int, w_param: WPARAM, l_param: LPARAM, ) -> LRESULT { if code < 0 { unsafe { return CallNextHookEx(NULL as _, code, w_param, l_param); } } let ms = l_param as PMOUSEHOOKSTRUCT; unsafe { if (*ms).dwExtraInfo != enigo::ENIGO_INPUT_EXTRA_VALUE { return 1; } } unsafe { CallNextHookEx(NULL as _, code, w_param, l_param) } } } mod test { #[test] fn privacy_hook() { //use super::*; // privacy_hook::hook().unwrap(); // std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(50)); // privacy_hook::unhook().unwrap(); } }