import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:math'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'dart:ui' as ui; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/generated_bridge.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/models/ab_model.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/models/chat_model.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/models/file_model.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/models/server_model.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/models/user_model.dart'; import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart'; import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart'; import '../common.dart'; import '../common/shared_state.dart'; import '../mobile/widgets/dialog.dart'; import '../mobile/widgets/overlay.dart'; import 'peer_model.dart'; import 'platform_model.dart'; typedef HandleMsgBox = void Function(Map evt, String id); bool _waitForImage = false; class FfiModel with ChangeNotifier { PeerInfo _pi = PeerInfo(); Display _display = Display(); var _inputBlocked = false; final _permissions = Map(); bool? _secure; bool? _direct; bool _touchMode = false; Timer? _timer; var _reconnects = 1; WeakReference parent; Map get permissions => _permissions; Display get display => _display; bool? get secure => _secure; bool? get direct => _direct; PeerInfo get pi => _pi; bool get inputBlocked => _inputBlocked; bool get touchMode => _touchMode; bool get isPeerAndroid => _pi.platform == "Android"; set inputBlocked(v) { _inputBlocked = v; } FfiModel(this.parent) { clear(); } void toggleTouchMode() { if (!isPeerAndroid) { _touchMode = !_touchMode; notifyListeners(); } } void updatePermission(Map evt) { evt.forEach((k, v) { if (k == 'name' || k.isEmpty) return; _permissions[k] = v == 'true'; }); print('$_permissions'); notifyListeners(); } void updateUser() { notifyListeners(); } bool keyboard() => _permissions['keyboard'] != false; void clear() { _pi = PeerInfo(); _display = Display(); _waitForImage = false; _secure = null; _direct = null; _inputBlocked = false; _timer?.cancel(); _timer = null; clearPermissions(); } void setConnectionType(String peerId, bool secure, bool direct) { _secure = secure; _direct = direct; try { var connectionType = ConnectionTypeState.find(peerId); connectionType.setSecure(secure); connectionType.setDirect(direct); } catch (e) { // } } Image? getConnectionImage() { if (secure == null || direct == null) { return null; } else { final icon = '${secure == true ? "secure" : "insecure"}${direct == true ? "" : "_relay"}'; return Image.asset('assets/$icon.png', width: 48, height: 48); } } void clearPermissions() { _inputBlocked = false; _permissions.clear(); } void Function(Map) startEventListener(String peerId) { return (evt) { var name = evt['name']; if (name == 'msgbox') { handleMsgBox(evt, peerId); } else if (name == 'peer_info') { handlePeerInfo(evt, peerId); } else if (name == 'connection_ready') { setConnectionType( peerId, evt['secure'] == 'true', evt['direct'] == 'true'); } else if (name == 'switch_display') { handleSwitchDisplay(evt); } else if (name == 'cursor_data') {; } else if (name == 'cursor_id') {; } else if (name == 'cursor_position') {; } else if (name == 'clipboard') { Clipboard.setData(ClipboardData(text: evt['content'])); } else if (name == 'permission') {; } else if (name == 'chat_client_mode') { .receive(ChatModel.clientModeID, evt['text'] ?? ""); } else if (name == 'chat_server_mode') { .receive(int.parse(evt['id'] as String), evt['text'] ?? ""); } else if (name == 'file_dir') {; } else if (name == 'job_progress') {; } else if (name == 'job_done') {; } else if (name == 'job_error') {; } else if (name == 'override_file_confirm') {; } else if (name == 'load_last_job') {; } else if (name == 'update_folder_files') {; } else if (name == 'try_start_without_auth') {; } else if (name == 'on_client_authorized') {; } else if (name == 'on_client_remove') {; } else if (name == 'update_quality_status') {; } else if (name == 'update_block_input_state') { updateBlockInputState(evt, peerId); } else if (name == 'update_privacy_mode') { updatePrivacyMode(evt, peerId); } }; } /// Bind the event listener to receive events from the Rust core. void updateEventListener(String peerId) { final void Function(Map) cb = (evt) { var name = evt['name']; if (name == 'msgbox') { handleMsgBox(evt, peerId); } else if (name == 'peer_info') { handlePeerInfo(evt, peerId); } else if (name == 'connection_ready') { peerId, evt['secure'] == 'true', evt['direct'] == 'true'); } else if (name == 'switch_display') { handleSwitchDisplay(evt); } else if (name == 'cursor_data') {; } else if (name == 'cursor_id') {; } else if (name == 'cursor_position') {; } else if (name == 'clipboard') { Clipboard.setData(ClipboardData(text: evt['content'])); } else if (name == 'permission') {; } else if (name == 'chat_client_mode') { .receive(ChatModel.clientModeID, evt['text'] ?? ""); } else if (name == 'chat_server_mode') { .receive(int.parse(evt['id'] as String), evt['text'] ?? ""); } else if (name == 'file_dir') {; } else if (name == 'job_progress') {; } else if (name == 'job_done') {; } else if (name == 'job_error') {; } else if (name == 'override_file_confirm') {; } else if (name == 'load_last_job') {; } else if (name == 'update_folder_files') {; } else if (name == 'try_start_without_auth') {; } else if (name == 'on_client_authorized') {; } else if (name == 'on_client_remove') {; } else if (name == 'update_quality_status') {; } else if (name == 'update_block_input_state') { updateBlockInputState(evt, peerId); } else if (name == 'update_privacy_mode') { updatePrivacyMode(evt, peerId); } }; platformFFI.setEventCallback(cb); } void handleSwitchDisplay(Map evt) { final oldOrientation = _display.width > _display.height; var old = _pi.currentDisplay; _pi.currentDisplay = int.parse(evt['display']); _display.x = double.parse(evt['x']); _display.y = double.parse(evt['y']); _display.width = int.parse(evt['width']); _display.height = int.parse(evt['height']); if (old != _pi.currentDisplay), _display.y); // remote is mobile, and orientation changed if ((_display.width > _display.height) != oldOrientation) { gFFI.canvasModel.updateViewStyle(); } notifyListeners(); } /// Handle the message box event based on [evt] and [id]. void handleMsgBox(Map evt, String id) { if ( == null) return; final dialogManager =!.dialogManager; var type = evt['type']; var title = evt['title']; var text = evt['text']; if (type == 're-input-password') { wrongPasswordDialog(id, dialogManager); } else if (type == 'input-password') { enterPasswordDialog(id, dialogManager); } else if (type == 'restarting') { showMsgBox(id, type, title, text, false, dialogManager, hasCancel: false); } else { var hasRetry = evt['hasRetry'] == 'true'; showMsgBox(id, type, title, text, hasRetry, dialogManager); } } /// Show a message box with [type], [title] and [text]. void showMsgBox(String id, String type, String title, String text, bool hasRetry, OverlayDialogManager dialogManager, {bool? hasCancel}) { msgBox(type, title, text, dialogManager, hasCancel: hasCancel); _timer?.cancel(); if (hasRetry) { _timer = Timer(Duration(seconds: _reconnects), () { bind.sessionReconnect(id: id); clearPermissions(); dialogManager.showLoading(translate('Connecting...'), onCancel: closeConnection); }); _reconnects *= 2; } else { _reconnects = 1; } } /// Handle the peer info event based on [evt]. void handlePeerInfo(Map evt, String peerId) async {; _pi.version = evt['version']; _pi.username = evt['username']; _pi.hostname = evt['hostname']; _pi.platform = evt['platform']; _pi.sasEnabled = evt['sas_enabled'] == "true"; _pi.currentDisplay = int.parse(evt['current_display']); try { CurrentDisplayState.find(peerId).value = _pi.currentDisplay; } catch (e) { // } if (isPeerAndroid) { _touchMode = true; if (['keyboard'] != false) { Timer(Duration(milliseconds: 100), showMobileActionsOverlay); } } else { _touchMode = await bind.sessionGetOption(id: peerId, arg: "touch-mode") != ''; } if (evt['is_file_transfer'] == "true") {; } else { _pi.displays = []; List displays = json.decode(evt['displays']); for (int i = 0; i < displays.length; ++i) { Map d0 = displays[i]; var d = Display(); d.x = d0['x'].toDouble(); d.y = d0['y'].toDouble(); d.width = d0['width']; d.height = d0['height']; _pi.displays.add(d); } if (_pi.currentDisplay < _pi.displays.length) { _display = _pi.displays[_pi.currentDisplay]; } if (displays.length > 0) { translate('Connected, waiting for image...'), onCancel: closeConnection); _waitForImage = true; _reconnects = 1; } } notifyListeners(); } updateBlockInputState(Map evt, String peerId) { _inputBlocked = evt['input_state'] == 'on'; notifyListeners(); try { BlockInputState.find(peerId).value = evt['input_state'] == 'on'; } catch (e) { // } } updatePrivacyMode(Map evt, String peerId) { notifyListeners(); try { PrivacyModeState.find(peerId).value = bind.sessionGetToggleOptionSync(id: peerId, arg: 'privacy-mode'); } catch (e) { // } } } class ImageModel with ChangeNotifier { ui.Image? _image; ui.Image? get image => _image; String _id = ""; WeakReference parent; ImageModel(this.parent); void onRgba(Uint8List rgba, double tabBarHeight) { if (_waitForImage) { _waitForImage = false;; } final pid =; ui.decodeImageFromPixels( rgba, ?? 0, ?? 0, isWeb ? ui.PixelFormat.rgba8888 : ui.PixelFormat.bgra8888, (image) { if ( != pid) return; try { // my throw exception, because the listener maybe already dispose update(image, tabBarHeight); } catch (e) { print('update image: $e'); } }); } void update(ui.Image? image, double tabBarHeight) { if (_image == null && image != null) { if (isWebDesktop || isDesktop) {;; } else { final size = MediaQueryData.fromWindow(ui.window).size; final canvasWidth = size.width; final canvasHeight = size.height - tabBarHeight; final xscale = canvasWidth / image.width; final yscale = canvasHeight / image.height; = min(xscale, yscale); } if ( != null) { initializeCursorAndCanvas(!); } Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 1), () { if ( ?? false) { bind.sessionPeerOption(id: _id, name: "view-style", value: "shrink");; } }); } _image = image; if (image != null) notifyListeners(); } // mobile only // for desktop, height should minus tabbar height double get maxScale { if (_image == null) return 1.5; final size = MediaQueryData.fromWindow(ui.window).size; final xscale = size.width / _image!.width; final yscale = size.height / _image!.height; return max(1.5, max(xscale, yscale)); } // mobile only // for desktop, height should minus tabbar height double get minScale { if (_image == null) return 1.5; final size = MediaQueryData.fromWindow(ui.window).size; final xscale = size.width / _image!.width; final yscale = size.height / _image!.height; return min(xscale, yscale) / 1.5; } } enum ScrollStyle { scrollbar, scrollauto, } class CanvasModel with ChangeNotifier { // scroll offset x percent double _scrollX = 0.0; // scroll offset y percent double _scrollY = 0.0; double _x = 0; double _y = 0; double _scale = 1.0; double _tabBarHeight = 0.0; String id = ""; // TODO multi canvas model ScrollStyle _scrollStyle = ScrollStyle.scrollauto; WeakReference parent; CanvasModel(this.parent); double get x => _x; double get y => _y; double get scale => _scale; ScrollStyle get scrollStyle => _scrollStyle; setScrollPercent(double x, double y) { _scrollX = x; _scrollY = y; } double get scrollX => _scrollX; double get scrollY => _scrollY; set tabBarHeight(double h) => _tabBarHeight = h; double get tabBarHeight => _tabBarHeight; void updateViewStyle() async { final style = await bind.sessionGetOption(id: id, arg: 'view-style'); if (style == null) { return; } final s1 = size.width / ( ?? 720); final s2 = size.height / ( ?? 1280); // Closure to perform shrink operation. final shrinkOp = () { final s = s1 < s2 ? s1 : s2; if (s < 1) { _scale = s; } }; // Closure to perform stretch operation. final stretchOp = () { final s = s1 < s2 ? s1 : s2; if (s > 1) { _scale = s; } }; // Closure to perform default operation(set the scale to 1.0). final defaultOp = () { _scale = 1.0; }; // // On desktop, shrink is the default behavior. // if (isDesktop) { // shrinkOp(); // } else { defaultOp(); // } if (style == 'shrink') { shrinkOp(); } else if (style == 'stretch') { stretchOp(); } _x = (size.width - getDisplayWidth() * _scale) / 2; _y = (size.height - getDisplayHeight() * _scale) / 2; notifyListeners(); } updateScrollStyle() async { final style = await bind.sessionGetOption(id: id, arg: 'scroll-style'); if (style == 'scrollbar') { _scrollStyle = ScrollStyle.scrollbar; _scrollX = 0.0; _scrollY = 0.0; } else { _scrollStyle = ScrollStyle.scrollauto; } notifyListeners(); } void update(double x, double y, double scale) { _x = x; _y = y; _scale = scale; notifyListeners(); } int getDisplayWidth() { return ?? 1080; } int getDisplayHeight() { return ?? 720; } Size get size { final size = MediaQueryData.fromWindow(ui.window).size; return Size(size.width, size.height - _tabBarHeight); } void moveDesktopMouse(double x, double y) { // On mobile platforms, move the canvas with the cursor. //if (!isDesktop) { final dw = getDisplayWidth() * _scale; final dh = getDisplayHeight() * _scale; var dxOffset = 0; var dyOffset = 0; if (dw > size.width) { dxOffset = (x - dw * (x / size.width) - _x).toInt(); } if (dh > size.height) { dyOffset = (y - dh * (y / size.height) - _y).toInt(); } _x += dxOffset; _y += dyOffset; if (dxOffset != 0 || dyOffset != 0) { notifyListeners(); } //}, y); } set scale(v) { _scale = v; notifyListeners(); } void panX(double dx) { _x += dx; notifyListeners(); } void resetOffset() { if (isWebDesktop) { updateViewStyle(); } else { final size = MediaQueryData.fromWindow(ui.window).size; final canvasWidth = size.width; final canvasHeight = size.height - _tabBarHeight; _x = (canvasWidth - getDisplayWidth() * _scale) / 2; _y = (canvasHeight - getDisplayHeight() * _scale) / 2; } notifyListeners(); } void panY(double dy) { _y += dy; notifyListeners(); } void updateScale(double v) { if ( == null) return; final offset = ?? Offset(0, 0); var r = ??; final px0 = (offset.dx - r.left) * _scale; final py0 = (offset.dy - * _scale; _scale *= v; final maxs = ?? 1; final mins = ?? 1; if (_scale > maxs) _scale = maxs; if (_scale < mins) _scale = mins; r = ??; final px1 = (offset.dx - r.left) * _scale; final py1 = (offset.dy - * _scale; _x -= px1 - px0; _y -= py1 - py0; notifyListeners(); } void clear([bool notify = false]) { _x = 0; _y = 0; _scale = 1.0; if (notify) notifyListeners(); } } class CursorModel with ChangeNotifier { ui.Image? _image; final _images = Map>(); double _x = -10000; double _y = -10000; double _hotx = 0; double _hoty = 0; double _displayOriginX = 0; double _displayOriginY = 0; String id = ""; // TODO multi cursor model WeakReference parent; ui.Image? get image => _image; double get x => _x - _displayOriginX; double get y => _y - _displayOriginY; Offset get offset => Offset(_x, _y); double get hotx => _hotx; double get hoty => _hoty; CursorModel(this.parent); // remote physical display coordinate Rect getVisibleRect() { final size = MediaQueryData.fromWindow(ui.window).size; final xoffset = ?? 0; final yoffset = ?? 0; final scale = ?? 1; final x0 = _displayOriginX - xoffset / scale; final y0 = _displayOriginY - yoffset / scale; return Rect.fromLTWH(x0, y0, size.width / scale, size.height / scale); } double adjustForKeyboard() { final m = MediaQueryData.fromWindow(ui.window); var keyboardHeight = m.viewInsets.bottom; final size = m.size; if (keyboardHeight < 100) return 0; final s = ?? 1.0; final thresh = (size.height - keyboardHeight) / 2; var h = (_y - getVisibleRect().top) * s; // local physical display height return h - thresh; } void touch(double x, double y, MouseButtons button) { moveLocal(x, y);, _y);; } void move(double x, double y) { moveLocal(x, y);, _y); } void moveLocal(double x, double y) { final scale = ?? 1.0; final xoffset = ?? 0; final yoffset = ?? 0; _x = (x - xoffset) / scale + _displayOriginX; _y = (y - yoffset) / scale + _displayOriginY; notifyListeners(); } void reset() { _x = _displayOriginX; _y = _displayOriginY;, _y);; notifyListeners(); } void updatePan(double dx, double dy, bool touchMode) { if ( == null) return; if (touchMode) { final scale = ?? 1.0; _x += dx / scale; _y += dy / scale;, _y); notifyListeners(); return; } final scale = ?? 1.0; dx /= scale; dy /= scale; final r = getVisibleRect(); var cx =; var cy =; var tryMoveCanvasX = false; if (dx > 0) { final maxCanvasCanMove = _displayOriginX + (!.width ?? 1280) - r.right.roundToDouble(); tryMoveCanvasX = _x + dx > cx && maxCanvasCanMove > 0; if (tryMoveCanvasX) { dx = min(dx, maxCanvasCanMove); } else { final maxCursorCanMove = r.right - _x; dx = min(dx, maxCursorCanMove); } } else if (dx < 0) { final maxCanvasCanMove = _displayOriginX - r.left.roundToDouble(); tryMoveCanvasX = _x + dx < cx && maxCanvasCanMove < 0; if (tryMoveCanvasX) { dx = max(dx, maxCanvasCanMove); } else { final maxCursorCanMove = r.left - _x; dx = max(dx, maxCursorCanMove); } } var tryMoveCanvasY = false; if (dy > 0) { final mayCanvasCanMove = _displayOriginY + (!.height ?? 720) - r.bottom.roundToDouble(); tryMoveCanvasY = _y + dy > cy && mayCanvasCanMove > 0; if (tryMoveCanvasY) { dy = min(dy, mayCanvasCanMove); } else { final mayCursorCanMove = r.bottom - _y; dy = min(dy, mayCursorCanMove); } } else if (dy < 0) { final mayCanvasCanMove = _displayOriginY -; tryMoveCanvasY = _y + dy < cy && mayCanvasCanMove < 0; if (tryMoveCanvasY) { dy = max(dy, mayCanvasCanMove); } else { final mayCursorCanMove = - _y; dy = max(dy, mayCursorCanMove); } } if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) return; _x += dx; _y += dy; if (tryMoveCanvasX && dx != 0) {; } if (tryMoveCanvasY && dy != 0) {; }, _y); notifyListeners(); } void updateCursorData(Map evt) { var id = int.parse(evt['id']); _hotx = double.parse(evt['hotx']); _hoty = double.parse(evt['hoty']); var width = int.parse(evt['width']); var height = int.parse(evt['height']); List colors = json.decode(evt['colors']); final rgba = Uint8List.fromList( => s as int).toList()); var pid =; ui.decodeImageFromPixels(rgba, width, height, ui.PixelFormat.rgba8888, (image) { if ( != pid) return; _image = image; _images[id] = Tuple3(image, _hotx, _hoty); try { // my throw exception, because the listener maybe already dispose notifyListeners(); } catch (e) { print('notify cursor: $e'); } }); } void updateCursorId(Map evt) { final tmp = _images[int.parse(evt['id'])]; if (tmp != null) { _image = tmp.item1; _hotx = tmp.item2; _hoty = tmp.item3; notifyListeners(); } } /// Update the cursor position. void updateCursorPosition(Map evt) { _x = double.parse(evt['x']); _y = double.parse(evt['y']); notifyListeners(); } void updateDisplayOrigin(double x, double y) { _displayOriginX = x; _displayOriginY = y; _x = x + 1; _y = y + 1;, y);; notifyListeners(); } void updateDisplayOriginWithCursor( double x, double y, double xCursor, double yCursor) { _displayOriginX = x; _displayOriginY = y; _x = xCursor; _y = yCursor;, y); notifyListeners(); } void clear() { _x = -10000; _x = -10000; _image = null; _images.clear(); } } class QualityMonitorData { String? speed; String? fps; String? delay; String? targetBitrate; String? codecFormat; } class QualityMonitorModel with ChangeNotifier { WeakReference parent; QualityMonitorModel(this.parent); var _show = false; final _data = QualityMonitorData(); bool get show => _show; QualityMonitorData get data => _data; checkShowQualityMonitor(String id) async { final show = await bind.sessionGetToggleOption( id: id, arg: 'show-quality-monitor') == true; if (_show != show) { _show = show; notifyListeners(); } } updateQualityStatus(Map evt) { try { if ((evt["speed"] as String).isNotEmpty) _data.speed = evt["speed"]; if ((evt["fps"] as String).isNotEmpty) _data.fps = evt["fps"]; if ((evt["delay"] as String).isNotEmpty) _data.delay = evt["delay"]; if ((evt["target_bitrate"] as String).isNotEmpty) _data.targetBitrate = evt["target_bitrate"]; if ((evt["codec_format"] as String).isNotEmpty) _data.codecFormat = evt["codec_format"]; notifyListeners(); } catch (e) {} } } /// Mouse button enum. enum MouseButtons { left, right, wheel } extension ToString on MouseButtons { String get value { switch (this) { case MouseButtons.left: return "left"; case MouseButtons.right: return "right"; case MouseButtons.wheel: return "wheel"; } } } /// FFI class for communicating with the Rust core. class FFI { var id = ""; var shift = false; var ctrl = false; var alt = false; var command = false; var version = ""; /// dialogManager use late to ensure init after main page binding [globalKey] late final dialogManager = OverlayDialogManager(); late final ImageModel imageModel; // session late final FfiModel ffiModel; // session late final CursorModel cursorModel; // session late final CanvasModel canvasModel; // session late final ServerModel serverModel; // global late final ChatModel chatModel; // session late final FileModel fileModel; // session late final AbModel abModel; // global late final UserModel userModel; // global late final QualityMonitorModel qualityMonitorModel; // session FFI() { this.imageModel = ImageModel(WeakReference(this)); this.ffiModel = FfiModel(WeakReference(this)); this.cursorModel = CursorModel(WeakReference(this)); this.canvasModel = CanvasModel(WeakReference(this)); this.serverModel = ServerModel(WeakReference(this)); // use global FFI this.chatModel = ChatModel(WeakReference(this)); this.fileModel = FileModel(WeakReference(this)); this.abModel = AbModel(WeakReference(this)); this.userModel = UserModel(WeakReference(this)); this.qualityMonitorModel = QualityMonitorModel(WeakReference(this)); } /// Send a mouse tap event(down and up). void tap(MouseButtons button) { sendMouse('down', button); sendMouse('up', button); } /// Send scroll event with scroll distance [y]. void scroll(int y) { bind.sessionSendMouse( id: id, msg: json .encode(modify({'id': id, 'type': 'wheel', 'y': y.toString()}))); } /// Reconnect to the remote peer. // static void reconnect() { // setByName('reconnect'); //; // } /// Reset key modifiers to false, including [shift], [ctrl], [alt] and [command]. void resetModifiers() { shift = ctrl = alt = command = false; } /// Modify the given modifier map [evt] based on current modifier key status. Map modify(Map evt) { if (ctrl) evt['ctrl'] = 'true'; if (shift) evt['shift'] = 'true'; if (alt) evt['alt'] = 'true'; if (command) evt['command'] = 'true'; return evt; } /// Send mouse press event. void sendMouse(String type, MouseButtons button) { if (!ffiModel.keyboard()) return; bind.sessionSendMouse( id: id, msg: json.encode(modify({'type': type, 'buttons': button.value}))); } /// Send key stroke event. /// [down] indicates the key's state(down or up). /// [press] indicates a click event(down and up). void inputKey(String name, {bool? down, bool? press}) { if (!ffiModel.keyboard()) return; // final Map out = Map(); // out['name'] = name; // // default: down = false // if (down == true) { // out['down'] = "true"; // } // // default: press = true // if (press != false) { // out['press'] = "true"; // } // setByName('input_key', json.encode(modify(out))); // TODO id bind.sessionInputKey( id: id, name: name, down: down ?? false, press: press ?? true, alt: alt, ctrl: ctrl, shift: shift, command: command); } /// Send mouse movement event with distance in [x] and [y]. void moveMouse(double x, double y) { if (!ffiModel.keyboard()) return; var x2 = x.toInt(); var y2 = y.toInt(); bind.sessionSendMouse( id: id, msg: json.encode(modify({'x': '$x2', 'y': '$y2'}))); } /// List the saved peers. Future> peers() async { try { var str = await bind.mainGetRecentPeers(); if (str == "") return []; List peers = json.decode(str); return peers .map((s) => s as List) .map((s) => Peer.fromJson(s[0] as String, s[1] as Map)) .toList(); } catch (e) { print('peers(): $e'); } return []; } /// Connect with the given [id]. Only transfer file if [isFileTransfer], only port forward if [isPortForward]. void connect(String id, {bool isFileTransfer = false, bool isPortForward = false, double tabBarHeight = 0.0}) { assert(!(isFileTransfer && isPortForward), "more than one connect type"); if (isFileTransfer) { id = 'ft_${id}'; } else if (isPortForward) { id = 'pf_${id}'; } else { chatModel.resetClientMode(); = id; imageModel._id = id; = id; } // ignore: unused_local_variable final addRes = bind.sessionAddSync( id: id, isFileTransfer: isFileTransfer, isPortForward: isPortForward); final stream = bind.sessionStart(id: id); final cb = ffiModel.startEventListener(id); () async { await for (final message in stream) { if (message is Event) { try { Map event = json.decode(message.field0); cb(event); } catch (e) { print('json.decode fail(): $e'); } } else if (message is Rgba) { imageModel.onRgba(message.field0, tabBarHeight); } } }(); // every instance will bind a stream = id; if (isFileTransfer) { this.fileModel.initFileFetcher(); } } /// Login with [password], choose if the client should [remember] it. void login(String id, String password, bool remember) { bind.sessionLogin(id: id, password: password, remember: remember); } /// Close the remote session. Future close() async { chatModel.close(); if (imageModel.image != null && !isWebDesktop) { await savePreference(id, cursorModel.x, cursorModel.y, canvasModel.x, canvasModel.y, canvasModel.scale, ffiModel.pi.currentDisplay); } bind.sessionClose(id: id); id = ""; imageModel.update(null, 0.0); cursorModel.clear(); ffiModel.clear(); canvasModel.clear(); resetModifiers(); debugPrint("model $id closed"); } /// Send **get** command to the Rust core based on [name] and [arg]. /// Return the result as a string. // String getByName(String name, [String arg = '']) { // return platformFFI.getByName(name, arg); // } /// Send **set** command to the Rust core based on [name] and [value]. // void setByName(String name, [String value = '']) { // platformFFI.setByName(name, value); // } handleMouse(Map evt, {double tabBarHeight = 0.0}) { var type = ''; var isMove = false; switch (evt['type']) { case 'mousedown': type = 'down'; break; case 'mouseup': type = 'up'; break; case 'mousemove': isMove = true; break; default: return; } evt['type'] = type; var x = evt['x']; var y = max(0.0, (evt['y'] as double) - tabBarHeight); if (isMove) { canvasModel.moveDesktopMouse(x, y); } final d = ffiModel.display; if (canvasModel.scrollStyle == ScrollStyle.scrollbar) { final imageWidth = d.width * canvasModel.scale; final imageHeight = d.height * canvasModel.scale; x += imageWidth * canvasModel.scrollX; y += imageHeight * canvasModel.scrollY; // boxed size is a center widget if (canvasModel.size.width > imageWidth) { x -= ((canvasModel.size.width - imageWidth) / 2); } if (canvasModel.size.height > imageHeight) { y -= ((canvasModel.size.height - imageHeight) / 2); } } else { x -= canvasModel.x; y -= canvasModel.y; } if (!isMove && (x < 0 || x > d.width || y < 0 || y > d.height)) { return; } x /= canvasModel.scale; y /= canvasModel.scale; x += d.x; y += d.y; if (type != '') { x = 0; y = 0; } evt['x'] = '${x.round()}'; evt['y'] = '${y.round()}'; var buttons = ''; switch (evt['buttons']) { case 1: buttons = 'left'; break; case 2: buttons = 'right'; break; case 4: buttons = 'wheel'; break; } evt['buttons'] = buttons; bind.sessionSendMouse(id: id, msg: json.encode(evt)); } listenToMouse(bool yesOrNo) { if (yesOrNo) { platformFFI.startDesktopWebListener(); } else { platformFFI.stopDesktopWebListener(); } } void setMethodCallHandler(FMethod callback) { platformFFI.setMethodCallHandler(callback); } Future invokeMethod(String method, [dynamic arguments]) async { return await platformFFI.invokeMethod(method, arguments); } Future> getAudioInputs() async { return await bind.mainGetSoundInputs(); } Future getDefaultAudioInput() async { final input = await bind.mainGetOption(key: 'audio-input'); if (input.isEmpty && Platform.isWindows) { return "System Sound"; } return input; } void setDefaultAudioInput(String input) { bind.mainSetOption(key: 'audio-input', value: input); } Future> getHttpHeaders() async { return { "Authorization": "Bearer " + await bind.mainGetLocalOption(key: "access_token") }; } } class Display { double x = 0; double y = 0; int width = 0; int height = 0; } class PeerInfo { String version = ""; String username = ""; String hostname = ""; String platform = ""; bool sasEnabled = false; int currentDisplay = 0; List displays = []; } Future savePreference(String id, double xCursor, double yCursor, double xCanvas, double yCanvas, double scale, int currentDisplay) async { SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); final p = Map(); p['xCursor'] = xCursor; p['yCursor'] = yCursor; p['xCanvas'] = xCanvas; p['yCanvas'] = yCanvas; p['scale'] = scale; p['currentDisplay'] = currentDisplay; prefs.setString('peer' + id, json.encode(p)); } Future?> getPreference(String id) async { if (!isWebDesktop) return null; SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); var p = prefs.getString('peer' + id); if (p == null) return null; Map m = json.decode(p); return m; } void removePreference(String id) async { SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); prefs.remove('peer' + id); } void initializeCursorAndCanvas(FFI ffi) async { var p = await getPreference(; int currentDisplay = 0; if (p != null) { currentDisplay = p['currentDisplay']; } if (p == null || currentDisplay != ffi.ffiModel.pi.currentDisplay) { ffi.cursorModel .updateDisplayOrigin(ffi.ffiModel.display.x, ffi.ffiModel.display.y); return; } double xCursor = p['xCursor']; double yCursor = p['yCursor']; double xCanvas = p['xCanvas']; double yCanvas = p['yCanvas']; double scale = p['scale']; ffi.cursorModel.updateDisplayOriginWithCursor( ffi.ffiModel.display.x, ffi.ffiModel.display.y, xCursor, yCursor); ffi.canvasModel.update(xCanvas, yCanvas, scale); } /// Translate text based on the pre-defined dictionary. /// note: params [FFI?] can be used to replace global FFI implementation /// for example: during global initialization, gFFI not exists yet. // String translate(String name, {FFI? ffi}) { // if (name.startsWith('Failed to') && name.contains(': ')) { // return name.split(': ').map((x) => translate(x)).join(': '); // } // var a = 'translate'; // var b = '{"locale": "$localeName", "text": "$name"}'; // // return (ffi ?? gFFI).getByName(a, b); // }