#[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "ios", feature = "flutter"))] use std::iter::FromIterator; #[cfg(windows)] use std::sync::Arc; use std::{ collections::HashMap, ops::{Deref, DerefMut}, sync::{ atomic::{AtomicI64, Ordering}, RwLock, }, }; #[cfg(windows)] use clipboard::{cliprdr::CliprdrClientContext, empty_clipboard, set_conn_enabled, ContextSend}; use serde_derive::Serialize; #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "ios")))] use crate::ipc::Connection; #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "ios")))] use crate::ipc::{self, Data}; #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "ios")))] use hbb_common::tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel; #[cfg(windows)] use hbb_common::tokio::sync::Mutex as TokioMutex; use hbb_common::{ allow_err, config::Config, fs::is_write_need_confirmation, fs::{self, get_string, new_send_confirm, DigestCheckResult}, log, message_proto::*, protobuf::Message as _, tokio::{ self, sync::mpsc::{self, UnboundedSender}, task::spawn_blocking, }, }; #[derive(Serialize, Clone)] pub struct Client { pub id: i32, pub authorized: bool, pub disconnected: bool, pub is_file_transfer: bool, pub port_forward: String, pub name: String, pub peer_id: String, pub keyboard: bool, pub clipboard: bool, pub audio: bool, pub file: bool, pub restart: bool, pub recording: bool, pub from_switch: bool, pub in_voice_call: bool, pub incoming_voice_call: bool, #[serde(skip)] #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "ios")))] tx: UnboundedSender, } #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "ios")))] struct IpcTaskRunner { stream: Connection, cm: ConnectionManager, tx: mpsc::UnboundedSender, rx: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, close: bool, running: bool, authorized: bool, conn_id: i32, #[cfg(windows)] file_transfer_enabled: bool, } lazy_static::lazy_static! { static ref CLIENTS: RwLock> = Default::default(); static ref CLICK_TIME: AtomicI64 = AtomicI64::new(0); } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct ConnectionManager { pub ui_handler: T, } pub trait InvokeUiCM: Send + Clone + 'static + Sized { fn add_connection(&self, client: &Client); fn remove_connection(&self, id: i32, close: bool); fn new_message(&self, id: i32, text: String); fn change_theme(&self, dark: String); fn change_language(&self); fn show_elevation(&self, show: bool); fn update_voice_call_state(&self, client: &Client); } impl Deref for ConnectionManager { type Target = T; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.ui_handler } } impl DerefMut for ConnectionManager { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut self.ui_handler } } impl ConnectionManager { fn add_connection( &self, id: i32, is_file_transfer: bool, port_forward: String, peer_id: String, name: String, authorized: bool, keyboard: bool, clipboard: bool, audio: bool, file: bool, restart: bool, recording: bool, from_switch: bool, #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "ios")))] tx: mpsc::UnboundedSender, ) { let client = Client { id, authorized, disconnected: false, is_file_transfer, port_forward, name: name.clone(), peer_id: peer_id.clone(), keyboard, clipboard, audio, file, restart, recording, from_switch, #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "ios")))] tx, in_voice_call: false, incoming_voice_call: false, }; CLIENTS .write() .unwrap() .retain(|_, c| !(c.disconnected && c.peer_id == client.peer_id)); CLIENTS.write().unwrap().insert(id, client.clone()); self.ui_handler.add_connection(&client); } fn remove_connection(&self, id: i32, close: bool) { if close { CLIENTS.write().unwrap().remove(&id); } else { CLIENTS .write() .unwrap() .get_mut(&id) .map(|c| c.disconnected = true); } #[cfg(any(target_os = "android"))] if CLIENTS .read() .unwrap() .iter() .filter(|(_k, v)| !v.is_file_transfer) .next() .is_none() { if let Err(e) = scrap::android::call_main_service_set_by_name("stop_capture", None, None) { log::debug!("stop_capture err:{}", e); } } self.ui_handler.remove_connection(id, close); } #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "ios")))] fn show_elevation(&self, show: bool) { self.ui_handler.show_elevation(show); } #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "ios")))] fn voice_call_started(&self, id: i32) { if let Some(client) = CLIENTS.write().unwrap().get_mut(&id) { client.incoming_voice_call = false; client.in_voice_call = true; self.ui_handler.update_voice_call_state(client); } } #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "ios")))] fn voice_call_incoming(&self, id: i32) { if let Some(client) = CLIENTS.write().unwrap().get_mut(&id) { client.incoming_voice_call = true; client.in_voice_call = false; self.ui_handler.update_voice_call_state(client); } } #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "ios")))] fn voice_call_closed(&self, id: i32, _reason: &str) { if let Some(client) = CLIENTS.write().unwrap().get_mut(&id) { client.incoming_voice_call = false; client.in_voice_call = false; self.ui_handler.update_voice_call_state(client); } } } #[inline] #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "ios")))] pub fn check_click_time(id: i32) { if let Some(client) = CLIENTS.read().unwrap().get(&id) { allow_err!(client.tx.send(Data::ClickTime(0))); }; } #[inline] pub fn get_click_time() -> i64 { CLICK_TIME.load(Ordering::SeqCst) } #[inline] #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "ios")))] pub fn authorize(id: i32) { if let Some(client) = CLIENTS.write().unwrap().get_mut(&id) { client.authorized = true; allow_err!(client.tx.send(Data::Authorize)); }; } #[inline] #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "ios")))] pub fn close(id: i32) { if let Some(client) = CLIENTS.read().unwrap().get(&id) { allow_err!(client.tx.send(Data::Close)); }; } #[inline] pub fn remove(id: i32) { CLIENTS.write().unwrap().remove(&id); } // server mode send chat to peer #[inline] #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "ios")))] pub fn send_chat(id: i32, text: String) { let clients = CLIENTS.read().unwrap(); if let Some(client) = clients.get(&id) { allow_err!(client.tx.send(Data::ChatMessage { text })); } } #[inline] #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "ios")))] pub fn switch_permission(id: i32, name: String, enabled: bool) { if let Some(client) = CLIENTS.read().unwrap().get(&id) { allow_err!(client.tx.send(Data::SwitchPermission { name, enabled })); }; } #[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "ios", feature = "flutter"))] #[inline] pub fn get_clients_state() -> String { let clients = CLIENTS.read().unwrap(); let res = Vec::from_iter(clients.values().cloned()); serde_json::to_string(&res).unwrap_or("".into()) } #[inline] pub fn get_clients_length() -> usize { let clients = CLIENTS.read().unwrap(); clients.len() } #[inline] #[cfg(feature = "flutter")] #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "ios")))] pub fn switch_back(id: i32) { if let Some(client) = CLIENTS.read().unwrap().get(&id) { allow_err!(client.tx.send(Data::SwitchSidesBack)); }; } #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "ios")))] impl IpcTaskRunner { #[cfg(windows)] async fn enable_cliprdr_file_context(&mut self, conn_id: i32, enabled: bool) { if conn_id == 0 { return; } let pre_enabled = ContextSend::is_enabled(); ContextSend::enable(enabled); if !pre_enabled && ContextSend::is_enabled() { allow_err!( self.stream .send(&Data::ClipboardFile(clipboard::ClipboardFile::MonitorReady)) .await ); } set_conn_enabled(conn_id, enabled); if !enabled { ContextSend::proc(|context: &mut Box| -> u32 { empty_clipboard(context, conn_id); 0 }); } } async fn run(&mut self) { use hbb_common::config::LocalConfig; // for tmp use, without real conn id let mut write_jobs: Vec = Vec::new(); #[cfg(windows)] if self.conn_id > 0 { self.enable_cliprdr_file_context(self.conn_id, self.file_transfer_enabled) .await; } #[cfg(windows)] let rx_clip1; let mut rx_clip; let _tx_clip; #[cfg(windows)] if self.conn_id > 0 && self.authorized { rx_clip1 = clipboard::get_rx_cliprdr_server(self.conn_id); rx_clip = rx_clip1.lock().await; } else { let rx_clip2; (_tx_clip, rx_clip2) = unbounded_channel::(); rx_clip1 = Arc::new(TokioMutex::new(rx_clip2)); rx_clip = rx_clip1.lock().await; } #[cfg(not(windows))] { (_tx_clip, rx_clip) = unbounded_channel::(); } self.running = false; loop { tokio::select! { res = self.stream.next() => { match res { Err(err) => { log::info!("cm ipc connection closed: {}", err); break; } Ok(Some(data)) => { match data { Data::Login{id, is_file_transfer, port_forward, peer_id, name, authorized, keyboard, clipboard, audio, file, file_transfer_enabled: _file_transfer_enabled, restart, recording, from_switch} => { log::debug!("conn_id: {}", id); self.cm.add_connection(id, is_file_transfer, port_forward, peer_id, name, authorized, keyboard, clipboard, audio, file, restart, recording, from_switch,self.tx.clone()); self.authorized = authorized; self.conn_id = id; #[cfg(windows)] { self.file_transfer_enabled = _file_transfer_enabled; } self.running = true; break; } Data::Close => { #[cfg(windows)] self.enable_cliprdr_file_context(self.conn_id, false).await; log::info!("cm ipc connection closed from connection request"); break; } Data::Disconnected => { self.close = false; #[cfg(windows)] self.enable_cliprdr_file_context(self.conn_id, false).await; log::info!("cm ipc connection disconnect"); break; } Data::PrivacyModeState((_id, _)) => { #[cfg(windows)] cm_inner_send(_id, data); } Data::ClickTime(ms) => { CLICK_TIME.store(ms, Ordering::SeqCst); } Data::ChatMessage { text } => { self.cm.new_message(self.conn_id, text); } Data::FS(mut fs) => { if let ipc::FS::WriteBlock { id, file_num, data: _, compressed } = fs { if let Ok(bytes) = self.stream.next_raw().await { fs = ipc::FS::WriteBlock{id, file_num, data:bytes.into(), compressed}; handle_fs(fs, &mut write_jobs, &self.tx).await; } } else { handle_fs(fs, &mut write_jobs, &self.tx).await; } } #[cfg(windows)] Data::ClipboardFile(_clip) => { #[cfg(windows)] { let conn_id = self.conn_id; ContextSend::proc(|context: &mut Box| -> u32 { clipboard::server_clip_file(context, conn_id, _clip) }); } } #[cfg(windows)] Data::ClipboardFileEnabled(_enabled) => { #[cfg(windows)] self.enable_cliprdr_file_context(self.conn_id, _enabled).await; } Data::Theme(dark) => { self.cm.change_theme(dark); } Data::Language(lang) => { LocalConfig::set_option("lang".to_owned(), lang); self.cm.change_language(); } Data::DataPortableService(ipc::DataPortableService::CmShowElevation(show)) => { self.cm.show_elevation(show); } Data::StartVoiceCall => { self.cm.voice_call_started(self.conn_id); } Data::VoiceCallIncoming => { self.cm.voice_call_incoming(self.conn_id); } Data::CloseVoiceCall(reason) => { self.cm.voice_call_closed(self.conn_id, reason.as_str()); } _ => { } } } _ => {} } } Some(data) = self.rx.recv() => { if self.stream.send(&data).await.is_err() { break; } } clip_file = rx_clip.recv() => match clip_file { Some(_clip) => { #[cfg(windows)] allow_err!(self.tx.send(Data::ClipboardFile(_clip))); } None => { // } }, } } } async fn ipc_task(stream: Connection, cm: ConnectionManager) { log::debug!("ipc task begin"); let (tx, rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel::(); let mut task_runner = Self { stream, cm, tx, rx, close: true, running: true, authorized: false, conn_id: 0, #[cfg(windows)] file_transfer_enabled: false, }; while task_runner.running { task_runner.run().await; } if task_runner.conn_id > 0 { task_runner .cm .remove_connection(task_runner.conn_id, task_runner.close); } log::debug!("ipc task end"); } } #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "ios")))] #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")] pub async fn start_ipc(cm: ConnectionManager) { #[cfg(windows)] std::thread::spawn(move || { log::info!("try create privacy mode window"); if let Err(e) = crate::platform::windows::check_update_broker_process() { log::warn!( "Failed to check update broker process. Privacy mode may not work properly. {}", e ); } allow_err!(crate::privacy_win_mag::start()); }); match ipc::new_listener("_cm").await { Ok(mut incoming) => { while let Some(result) = incoming.next().await { match result { Ok(stream) => { log::debug!("Got new connection"); tokio::spawn(IpcTaskRunner::::ipc_task( Connection::new(stream), cm.clone(), )); } Err(err) => { log::error!("Couldn't get cm client: {:?}", err); } } } } Err(err) => { log::error!("Failed to start cm ipc server: {}", err); } } crate::platform::quit_gui(); } #[cfg(target_os = "android")] #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")] pub async fn start_listen( cm: ConnectionManager, mut rx: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, tx: mpsc::UnboundedSender, ) { let mut current_id = 0; let mut write_jobs: Vec = Vec::new(); loop { match rx.recv().await { Some(Data::Login { id, is_file_transfer, port_forward, peer_id, name, authorized, keyboard, clipboard, audio, file, restart, recording, from_switch, .. }) => { current_id = id; cm.add_connection( id, is_file_transfer, port_forward, peer_id, name, authorized, keyboard, clipboard, audio, file, restart, recording, from_switch, tx.clone(), ); } Some(Data::ChatMessage { text }) => { cm.new_message(current_id, text); } Some(Data::FS(fs)) => { handle_fs(fs, &mut write_jobs, &tx).await; } Some(Data::Close) => { break; } None => { break; } _ => {} } } cm.remove_connection(current_id, true); } #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "ios")))] async fn handle_fs(fs: ipc::FS, write_jobs: &mut Vec, tx: &UnboundedSender) { match fs { ipc::FS::ReadDir { dir, include_hidden, } => { read_dir(&dir, include_hidden, tx).await; } ipc::FS::RemoveDir { path, id, recursive, } => { remove_dir(path, id, recursive, tx).await; } ipc::FS::RemoveFile { path, id, file_num } => { remove_file(path, id, file_num, tx).await; } ipc::FS::CreateDir { path, id } => { create_dir(path, id, tx).await; } ipc::FS::NewWrite { path, id, file_num, mut files, overwrite_detection, } => { // cm has no show_hidden context // dummy remote, show_hidden, is_remote write_jobs.push(fs::TransferJob::new_write( id, "".to_string(), path, file_num, false, false, files .drain(..) .map(|f| FileEntry { name: f.0, modified_time: f.1, ..Default::default() }) .collect(), overwrite_detection, )); } ipc::FS::CancelWrite { id } => { if let Some(job) = fs::get_job(id, write_jobs) { job.remove_download_file(); fs::remove_job(id, write_jobs); } } ipc::FS::WriteDone { id, file_num } => { if let Some(job) = fs::get_job(id, write_jobs) { job.modify_time(); send_raw(fs::new_done(id, file_num), tx); fs::remove_job(id, write_jobs); } } ipc::FS::WriteError { id, file_num, err } => { if let Some(job) = fs::get_job(id, write_jobs) { send_raw(fs::new_error(job.id(), err, file_num), tx); fs::remove_job(job.id(), write_jobs); } } ipc::FS::WriteBlock { id, file_num, data, compressed, } => { if let Some(job) = fs::get_job(id, write_jobs) { if let Err(err) = job .write(FileTransferBlock { id, file_num, data, compressed, ..Default::default() }) .await { send_raw(fs::new_error(id, err, file_num), &tx); } } } ipc::FS::CheckDigest { id, file_num, file_size, last_modified, is_upload, } => { if let Some(job) = fs::get_job(id, write_jobs) { let mut req = FileTransferSendConfirmRequest { id, file_num, union: Some(file_transfer_send_confirm_request::Union::OffsetBlk(0)), ..Default::default() }; let digest = FileTransferDigest { id, file_num, last_modified, file_size, ..Default::default() }; if let Some(file) = job.files().get(file_num as usize) { let path = get_string(&job.join(&file.name)); match is_write_need_confirmation(&path, &digest) { Ok(digest_result) => { match digest_result { DigestCheckResult::IsSame => { req.set_skip(true); let msg_out = new_send_confirm(req); send_raw(msg_out, &tx); } DigestCheckResult::NeedConfirm(mut digest) => { // upload to server, but server has the same file, request digest.is_upload = is_upload; let mut msg_out = Message::new(); let mut fr = FileResponse::new(); fr.set_digest(digest); msg_out.set_file_response(fr); send_raw(msg_out, &tx); } DigestCheckResult::NoSuchFile => { let msg_out = new_send_confirm(req); send_raw(msg_out, &tx); } } } Err(err) => { send_raw(fs::new_error(id, err, file_num), &tx); } } } } } _ => {} } } #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "ios")))] async fn read_dir(dir: &str, include_hidden: bool, tx: &UnboundedSender) { let path = { if dir.is_empty() { Config::get_home() } else { fs::get_path(dir) } }; if let Ok(Ok(fd)) = spawn_blocking(move || fs::read_dir(&path, include_hidden)).await { let mut msg_out = Message::new(); let mut file_response = FileResponse::new(); file_response.set_dir(fd); msg_out.set_file_response(file_response); send_raw(msg_out, tx); } } #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "ios")))] async fn handle_result( res: std::result::Result, S>, id: i32, file_num: i32, tx: &UnboundedSender, ) { match res { Err(err) => { send_raw(fs::new_error(id, err, file_num), tx); } Ok(Err(err)) => { send_raw(fs::new_error(id, err, file_num), tx); } Ok(Ok(())) => { send_raw(fs::new_done(id, file_num), tx); } } } #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "ios")))] async fn remove_file(path: String, id: i32, file_num: i32, tx: &UnboundedSender) { handle_result( spawn_blocking(move || fs::remove_file(&path)).await, id, file_num, tx, ) .await; } #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "ios")))] async fn create_dir(path: String, id: i32, tx: &UnboundedSender) { handle_result( spawn_blocking(move || fs::create_dir(&path)).await, id, 0, tx, ) .await; } #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "ios")))] async fn remove_dir(path: String, id: i32, recursive: bool, tx: &UnboundedSender) { let path = fs::get_path(&path); handle_result( spawn_blocking(move || { if recursive { fs::remove_all_empty_dir(&path) } else { std::fs::remove_dir(&path).map_err(|err| err.into()) } }) .await, id, 0, tx, ) .await; } #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "ios")))] fn send_raw(msg: Message, tx: &UnboundedSender) { match msg.write_to_bytes() { Ok(bytes) => { allow_err!(tx.send(Data::RawMessage(bytes))); } err => allow_err!(err), } } #[cfg(windows)] fn cm_inner_send(id: i32, data: Data) { let lock = CLIENTS.read().unwrap(); if id != 0 { if let Some(s) = lock.get(&id) { allow_err!(s.tx.send(data)); } } else { for s in lock.values() { allow_err!(s.tx.send(data.clone())); } } } pub fn can_elevate() -> bool { #[cfg(windows)] return !crate::platform::is_installed(); #[cfg(not(windows))] return false; } pub fn elevate_portable(_id: i32) { #[cfg(windows)] { let lock = CLIENTS.read().unwrap(); if let Some(s) = lock.get(&_id) { allow_err!(s.tx.send(ipc::Data::DataPortableService( ipc::DataPortableService::RequestStart ))); } } } #[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "ios", feature = "flutter"))] #[inline] pub fn handle_incoming_voice_call(id: i32, accept: bool) { if let Some(client) = CLIENTS.read().unwrap().get(&id) { // Not handled in iOS yet. #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "ios")))] allow_err!(client.tx.send(Data::VoiceCallResponse(accept))); }; } #[cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "ios", feature = "flutter"))] #[inline] pub fn close_voice_call(id: i32) { if let Some(client) = CLIENTS.read().unwrap().get(&id) { // Not handled in iOS yet. #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "ios")))] allow_err!(client.tx.send(Data::CloseVoiceCall("".to_owned()))); }; }