import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/common.dart'; import 'package:toggle_switch/toggle_switch.dart'; class GestureIcons { static const String _family = 'gestureicons'; GestureIcons._(); static const IconData iconMouse = IconData(0xe65c, fontFamily: _family); static const IconData iconTabletTouch = IconData(0xe9ce, fontFamily: _family); static const IconData iconGestureFDrag = IconData(0xe686, fontFamily: _family); static const IconData iconMobileTouch = IconData(0xe9cd, fontFamily: _family); static const IconData iconGesturePress = IconData(0xe66c, fontFamily: _family); static const IconData iconGestureTap = IconData(0xe66f, fontFamily: _family); static const IconData iconGesturePinch = IconData(0xe66a, fontFamily: _family); static const IconData iconGesturePressHold = IconData(0xe66b, fontFamily: _family); static const IconData iconGestureFDragUpDown_ = IconData(0xe685, fontFamily: _family); static const IconData iconGestureFTap_ = IconData(0xe68e, fontFamily: _family); static const IconData iconGestureFSwipeRight = IconData(0xe68f, fontFamily: _family); static const IconData iconGestureFdoubleTap = IconData(0xe691, fontFamily: _family); static const IconData iconGestureFThreeFingers = IconData(0xe687, fontFamily: _family); } typedef OnTouchModeChange = void Function(bool); class GestureHelp extends StatefulWidget { GestureHelp( {Key? key, required this.touchMode, required this.onTouchModeChange}) : super(key: key); final bool touchMode; final OnTouchModeChange onTouchModeChange; @override State createState() => _GestureHelpState(touchMode); } class _GestureHelpState extends State { late int _selectedIndex; late bool _touchMode; _GestureHelpState(bool touchMode) { _touchMode = touchMode; _selectedIndex = _touchMode ? 1 : 0; } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final size = MediaQuery.of(context).size; final space = 12.0; var width = size.width - 2 * space; final minWidth = 90; if (size.width > minWidth + 2 * space) { final n = (size.width / (minWidth + 2 * space)).floor(); width = size.width / n - 2 * space; } return Center( child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 12.0), child: Column( mainAxisAlignment:, crossAxisAlignment:, children: [ ToggleSwitch( initialLabelIndex: _selectedIndex, activeFgColor: Colors.white, inactiveFgColor: Colors.white60, activeBgColor: [MyTheme.accent], inactiveBgColor: Theme.of(context).hintColor, totalSwitches: 2, minWidth: 150, fontSize: 15, iconSize: 18, labels: [translate("Mouse mode"), translate("Touch mode")], icons: [Icons.mouse, Icons.touch_app], onToggle: (index) { setState(() { if (_selectedIndex != index) { _selectedIndex = index ?? 0; _touchMode = index == 0 ? false : true; widget.onTouchModeChange(_touchMode); } }); }, ), const SizedBox(height: 30), Container( child: Wrap( spacing: space, runSpacing: 2 * space, children: _touchMode ? [ GestureInfo( width, GestureIcons.iconMobileTouch, translate("One-Finger Tap"), translate("Left Mouse")), GestureInfo( width, GestureIcons.iconGesturePressHold, translate("One-Long Tap"), translate("Right Mouse")), GestureInfo( width, GestureIcons.iconGestureFSwipeRight, translate("One-Finger Move"), translate("Mouse Drag")), GestureInfo( width, GestureIcons.iconGestureFThreeFingers, translate("Three-Finger vertically"), translate("Mouse Wheel")), GestureInfo( width, GestureIcons.iconGestureFDrag, translate("Two-Finger Move"), translate("Canvas Move")), GestureInfo( width, GestureIcons.iconGesturePinch, translate("Pinch to Zoom"), translate("Canvas Zoom")), ] : [ GestureInfo( width, GestureIcons.iconMobileTouch, translate("One-Finger Tap"), translate("Left Mouse")), GestureInfo( width, GestureIcons.iconGesturePressHold, translate("One-Long Tap"), translate("Right Mouse")), GestureInfo( width, GestureIcons.iconGestureFSwipeRight, translate("Double Tap & Move"), translate("Mouse Drag")), GestureInfo( width, GestureIcons.iconGestureFThreeFingers, translate("Three-Finger vertically"), translate("Mouse Wheel")), GestureInfo( width, GestureIcons.iconGestureFDrag, translate("Two-Finger Move"), translate("Canvas Move")), GestureInfo( width, GestureIcons.iconGesturePinch, translate("Pinch to Zoom"), translate("Canvas Zoom")), ], )), ], ))); } } class GestureInfo extends StatelessWidget { const GestureInfo(this.width, this.icon, this.fromText, this.toText, {Key? key}) : super(key: key); final String fromText; final String toText; final IconData icon; final double width; final iconSize = 35.0; final iconColor = MyTheme.accent; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Container( width: width, child: Column( children: [ Icon( icon, size: iconSize, color: iconColor, ), SizedBox(height: 6), Text(fromText, textAlign:, style: TextStyle(fontSize: 9, color: Theme.of(context).hintColor)), SizedBox(height: 3), Text(toText, textAlign:, style: TextStyle( fontSize: 12, color: Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodySmall?.color)) ], )); } }