#![allow(dead_code)] pub const ERR_SUCCESS: i32 = 0; // ====================================================== // errors that will be handled by RustDesk pub const ERR_RUSTDESK_HANDLE_BASE: i32 = 10000; // not loaded pub const ERR_PLUGIN_LOAD: i32 = 10001; // not initialized pub const ERR_PLUGIN_MSG_CB: i32 = 10101; // invalid pub const ERR_CALL_INVALID_METHOD: i32 = 10201; pub const ERR_CALL_NOT_SUPPORTED_METHOD: i32 = 10202; // failed on calling pub const ERR_CALL_INVALID_ARGS: i32 = 10301; pub const ERR_PEER_ID_MISMATCH: i32 = 10302; // ====================================================== // errors that should be handled by the plugin pub const ERR_PLUGIN_HANDLE_BASE: i32 = 20000; pub const EER_CALL_FAILED: i32 = 200021; pub const ERR_PEER_ON_FAILED: i32 = 30012; pub const ERR_PEER_OFF_FAILED: i32 = 30012;