import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/models/platform_model.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/common.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/consts.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/models/model.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/models/input_model.dart'; import './gestures.dart'; class RawKeyFocusScope extends StatelessWidget { final FocusNode? focusNode; final ValueChanged? onFocusChange; final InputModel inputModel; final Widget child; RawKeyFocusScope({ this.focusNode, this.onFocusChange, required this.inputModel, required this.child, }); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return FocusScope( autofocus: true, child: Focus( autofocus: true, canRequestFocus: true, focusNode: focusNode, onFocusChange: onFocusChange, onKey: (FocusNode data, RawKeyEvent e) => inputModel.handleRawKeyEvent(e), child: child)); } } class RawTouchGestureDetectorRegion extends StatefulWidget { final Widget child; final FFI ffi; late final InputModel inputModel = ffi.inputModel; late final FfiModel ffiModel = ffi.ffiModel; RawTouchGestureDetectorRegion({ required this.child, required this.ffi, }); @override State createState() => _RawTouchGestureDetectorRegionState(); } /// touchMode only: /// LongPress -> right click /// OneFingerPan -> start/end -> left down start/end /// onDoubleTapDown -> move to /// onLongPressDown => move to /// /// mouseMode only: /// DoubleFiner -> right click /// HoldDrag -> left drag class _RawTouchGestureDetectorRegionState extends State { Offset _cacheLongPressPosition = Offset(0, 0); // Timestamp of the last long press event. int _cacheLongPressPositionTs = 0; double _mouseScrollIntegral = 0; // mouse scroll speed controller double _scale = 1; PointerDeviceKind? lastDeviceKind; FFI get ffi => widget.ffi; FfiModel get ffiModel => widget.ffiModel; InputModel get inputModel => widget.inputModel; bool get handleTouch => (isDesktop || isWebDesktop) || ffiModel.touchMode; SessionID get sessionId => ffi.sessionId; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return RawGestureDetector( child: widget.child, gestures: makeGestures(context), ); } onTapDown(TapDownDetails d) { lastDeviceKind = d.kind; if (lastDeviceKind != PointerDeviceKind.touch) { return; } if (handleTouch) { // Desktop or mobile "Touch mode" if (ffi.cursorModel.move(d.localPosition.dx, d.localPosition.dy)) { inputModel.tapDown(MouseButtons.left); } } } onTapUp(TapUpDetails d) { if (lastDeviceKind != PointerDeviceKind.touch) { return; } if (handleTouch) { if (ffi.cursorModel.move(d.localPosition.dx, d.localPosition.dy)) { inputModel.tapUp(MouseButtons.left); } } } onTap() { if (lastDeviceKind != PointerDeviceKind.touch) { return; } if (!handleTouch) { // Mobile, "Mouse mode" inputModel.tap(MouseButtons.left); } } onDoubleTapDown(TapDownDetails d) { lastDeviceKind = d.kind; if (lastDeviceKind != PointerDeviceKind.touch) { return; } if (handleTouch) { ffi.cursorModel.move(d.localPosition.dx, d.localPosition.dy); } } onDoubleTap() { if (lastDeviceKind != PointerDeviceKind.touch) { return; } if (ffiModel.touchMode && ffi.cursorModel.lastIsBlocked) { return; } inputModel.tap(MouseButtons.left); inputModel.tap(MouseButtons.left); } onLongPressDown(LongPressDownDetails d) { lastDeviceKind = d.kind; if (lastDeviceKind != PointerDeviceKind.touch) { return; } if (handleTouch) { ffi.cursorModel.move(d.localPosition.dx, d.localPosition.dy); _cacheLongPressPosition = d.localPosition; _cacheLongPressPositionTs =; } } onLongPressUp() { if (lastDeviceKind != PointerDeviceKind.touch) { return; } if (handleTouch) { inputModel.tapUp(MouseButtons.left); } } // for mobiles onLongPress() { if (lastDeviceKind != PointerDeviceKind.touch) { return; } if (handleTouch) { ffi.cursorModel .move(_cacheLongPressPosition.dx, _cacheLongPressPosition.dy); } inputModel.tap(MouseButtons.right); } onDoubleFinerTapDown(TapDownDetails d) { lastDeviceKind = d.kind; if (lastDeviceKind != PointerDeviceKind.touch) { return; } // ignore for desktop and mobile } onDoubleFinerTap(TapDownDetails d) { lastDeviceKind = d.kind; if (lastDeviceKind != PointerDeviceKind.touch) { return; } if ((isDesktop || isWebDesktop) || !ffiModel.touchMode) { inputModel.tap(MouseButtons.right); } } onHoldDragStart(DragStartDetails d) { lastDeviceKind = d.kind; if (lastDeviceKind != PointerDeviceKind.touch) { return; } if (!handleTouch) { inputModel.sendMouse('down', MouseButtons.left); } } onHoldDragUpdate(DragUpdateDetails d) { if (lastDeviceKind != PointerDeviceKind.touch) { return; } if (!handleTouch) { ffi.cursorModel.updatePan(, d.localPosition, handleTouch); } } onHoldDragEnd(DragEndDetails d) { if (lastDeviceKind != PointerDeviceKind.touch) { return; } if (!handleTouch) { inputModel.sendMouse('up', MouseButtons.left); } } onOneFingerPanStart(BuildContext context, DragStartDetails d) { lastDeviceKind = d.kind ?? lastDeviceKind; if (lastDeviceKind != PointerDeviceKind.touch) { return; } if (handleTouch) { if (ffi.cursorModel.shouldBlock(d.localPosition.dx, d.localPosition.dy)) { return; } if (isDesktop) { ffi.cursorModel.trySetRemoteWindowCoords(); } // Workaround for the issue that the first pan event is sent a long time after the start event. // If the time interval between the start event and the first pan event is less than 500ms, // we consider to use the long press position as the start position. // // TODO: We should find a better way to send the first pan event as soon as possible. if ( - _cacheLongPressPositionTs < 500) { ffi.cursorModel .move(_cacheLongPressPosition.dx, _cacheLongPressPosition.dy); } inputModel.sendMouse('down', MouseButtons.left); ffi.cursorModel.move(d.localPosition.dx, d.localPosition.dy); } else { final offset = ffi.cursorModel.offset; final cursorX = offset.dx; final cursorY = offset.dy; final visible = ffi.cursorModel.getVisibleRect().inflate(1); // extend edges final size = MediaQueryData.fromView(View.of(context)).size; if (!visible.contains(Offset(cursorX, cursorY))) { ffi.cursorModel.move(size.width / 2, size.height / 2); } } } onOneFingerPanUpdate(DragUpdateDetails d) { if (lastDeviceKind != PointerDeviceKind.touch) { return; } if (ffi.cursorModel.shouldBlock(d.localPosition.dx, d.localPosition.dy)) { return; } ffi.cursorModel.updatePan(, d.localPosition, handleTouch); } onOneFingerPanEnd(DragEndDetails d) { if (lastDeviceKind != PointerDeviceKind.touch) { return; } if (isDesktop) { ffi.cursorModel.clearRemoteWindowCoords(); } inputModel.sendMouse('up', MouseButtons.left); } // scale + pan event onTwoFingerScaleStart(ScaleStartDetails d) { if (lastDeviceKind != PointerDeviceKind.touch) { return; } } onTwoFingerScaleUpdate(ScaleUpdateDetails d) { if (lastDeviceKind != PointerDeviceKind.touch) { return; } if ((isDesktop || isWebDesktop)) { final scale = ((d.scale - _scale) * 1000).toInt(); _scale = d.scale; if (scale != 0) { bind.sessionSendPointer( sessionId: sessionId, msg: json.encode( PointerEventToRust(kPointerEventKindTouch, 'scale', scale) .toJson())); } } else { // mobile ffi.canvasModel.updateScale(d.scale / _scale); _scale = d.scale; ffi.canvasModel.panX(d.focalPointDelta.dx); ffi.canvasModel.panY(d.focalPointDelta.dy); } } onTwoFingerScaleEnd(ScaleEndDetails d) { if (lastDeviceKind != PointerDeviceKind.touch) { return; } if ((isDesktop || isWebDesktop)) { bind.sessionSendPointer( sessionId: sessionId, msg: json.encode( PointerEventToRust(kPointerEventKindTouch, 'scale', 0).toJson())); } else { // mobile _scale = 1; bind.sessionSetViewStyle(sessionId: sessionId, value: ""); } inputModel.sendMouse('up', MouseButtons.left); } get onHoldDragCancel => null; get onThreeFingerVerticalDragUpdate => ffi.ffiModel.isPeerAndroid ? null : (d) { _mouseScrollIntegral += / 4; if (_mouseScrollIntegral > 1) { inputModel.scroll(1); _mouseScrollIntegral = 0; } else if (_mouseScrollIntegral < -1) { inputModel.scroll(-1); _mouseScrollIntegral = 0; } }; makeGestures(BuildContext context) { return { // Official TapGestureRecognizer: GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers( () => TapGestureRecognizer(), (instance) { instance ..onTapDown = onTapDown ..onTapUp = onTapUp ..onTap = onTap; }), DoubleTapGestureRecognizer: GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers( () => DoubleTapGestureRecognizer(), (instance) { instance ..onDoubleTapDown = onDoubleTapDown ..onDoubleTap = onDoubleTap; }), LongPressGestureRecognizer: GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers( () => LongPressGestureRecognizer(), (instance) { instance ..onLongPressDown = onLongPressDown ..onLongPressUp = onLongPressUp ..onLongPress = onLongPress; }), // Customized HoldTapMoveGestureRecognizer: GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers( () => HoldTapMoveGestureRecognizer(), (instance) => instance ..onHoldDragStart = onHoldDragStart ..onHoldDragUpdate = onHoldDragUpdate ..onHoldDragCancel = onHoldDragCancel ..onHoldDragEnd = onHoldDragEnd), DoubleFinerTapGestureRecognizer: GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers( () => DoubleFinerTapGestureRecognizer(), (instance) { instance ..onDoubleFinerTap = onDoubleFinerTap ..onDoubleFinerTapDown = onDoubleFinerTapDown; }), CustomTouchGestureRecognizer: GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers( () => CustomTouchGestureRecognizer(), (instance) { instance.onOneFingerPanStart = (DragStartDetails d) => onOneFingerPanStart(context, d); instance ..onOneFingerPanUpdate = onOneFingerPanUpdate ..onOneFingerPanEnd = onOneFingerPanEnd ..onTwoFingerScaleStart = onTwoFingerScaleStart ..onTwoFingerScaleUpdate = onTwoFingerScaleUpdate ..onTwoFingerScaleEnd = onTwoFingerScaleEnd ..onThreeFingerVerticalDragUpdate = onThreeFingerVerticalDragUpdate; }), }; } } class RawPointerMouseRegion extends StatelessWidget { final InputModel inputModel; final Widget child; final MouseCursor? cursor; final PointerEnterEventListener? onEnter; final PointerExitEventListener? onExit; final PointerDownEventListener? onPointerDown; final PointerUpEventListener? onPointerUp; RawPointerMouseRegion({ this.onEnter, this.onExit, this.cursor, this.onPointerDown, this.onPointerUp, required this.inputModel, required this.child, }); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Listener( onPointerHover: inputModel.onPointHoverImage, onPointerDown: (evt) { onPointerDown?.call(evt); inputModel.onPointDownImage(evt); }, onPointerUp: (evt) { onPointerUp?.call(evt); inputModel.onPointUpImage(evt); }, onPointerMove: inputModel.onPointMoveImage, onPointerSignal: inputModel.onPointerSignalImage, onPointerPanZoomStart: inputModel.onPointerPanZoomStart, onPointerPanZoomUpdate: inputModel.onPointerPanZoomUpdate, onPointerPanZoomEnd: inputModel.onPointerPanZoomEnd, child: MouseRegion( cursor: inputModel.isViewOnly ? MouseCursor.defer : (cursor ?? MouseCursor.defer), onEnter: onEnter, onExit: onExit, child: child, ), ); } }