#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import glob from tabnanny import check def main(): print('export const LANGS = {') for fn in glob.glob('../hbb/src/lang/*'): lang = os.path.basename(fn)[:-3] print(' %s: {'%lang) for ln in open(fn): ln = ln.strip() if ln.startswith('("'): toks = ln.split('", "') assert(len(toks) == 2) a = toks[0][2:] b = toks[1][:-3] print(' "%s": "%s",'%(a, b)) print(' },') print('}') check_if_retry = ['', False] KEY_MAP = ['', False] for ln in open('../hbb/src/client.rs'): ln = ln.strip() if 'check_if_retry' in ln: check_if_retry[1] = True continue if ln.startswith('}') and check_if_retry[1]: check_if_retry[1] = False continue if check_if_retry[1]: check_if_retry[0] += ln + '\n' if 'KEY_MAP' in ln: KEY_MAP[1] = True continue if '.collect' in ln and KEY_MAP[1]: KEY_MAP[1] = False continue if KEY_MAP[1] and ln.startswith('('): toks = ln.split('", Key::') assert(len(toks) == 2) a = toks[0][2:] b = toks[1].replace('ControlKey(ControlKey::', '').replace("Chr('", '').replace("' as _)),", '').replace(')),', '') KEY_MAP[0] += ' "%s": "%s",\n'%(a, b) print() print('export function checkIfRetry(msgtype: string, title: string, text: string) {') print(' return %s'%check_if_retry[0].replace('to_lowercase', 'toLowerCase').replace('contains', 'indexOf').replace('!', '').replace('")', '") < 0')) print(';}') print() print('export const KEY_MAP: any = {') print(KEY_MAP[0]) print('}') for ln in open('../hbb/Cargo.toml'): if ln.startswith('version ='): print('export const ' + ln) main()