import 'dart:io'; import 'package:file_picker/file_picker.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/common.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/desktop/widgets/tabbar_widget.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/models/platform_model.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/models/state_model.dart'; import 'package:get/get.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart'; import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher_string.dart'; import 'package:window_manager/window_manager.dart'; class InstallPage extends StatefulWidget { const InstallPage({Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override State createState() => _InstallPageState(); } class _InstallPageState extends State { final tabController = DesktopTabController(tabType: DesktopTabType.main); @override void initState() { super.initState(); Get.put(tabController); const label = "install"; tabController.add(TabInfo( key: label, label: label, closable: false, page: _InstallPageBody( key: const ValueKey(label), ))); } @override void dispose() { super.dispose(); Get.delete(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return DragToResizeArea( resizeEdgeSize: stateGlobal.resizeEdgeSize.value, child: Container( child: Scaffold( backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.background, body: DesktopTab(controller: tabController)), ), ); } } class _InstallPageBody extends StatefulWidget { const _InstallPageBody({Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override State<_InstallPageBody> createState() => _InstallPageBodyState(); } class _InstallPageBodyState extends State<_InstallPageBody> with WindowListener { late final TextEditingController controller; final RxBool startmenu = true.obs; final RxBool desktopicon = true.obs; final RxBool driverCert = true.obs; final RxBool showProgress = false.obs; final RxBool btnEnabled = true.obs; @override void initState() { windowManager.addListener(this); controller = TextEditingController(text: bind.installInstallPath()); super.initState(); } @override void dispose() { windowManager.removeListener(this); super.dispose(); } @override void onWindowClose() { gFFI.close(); super.onWindowClose(); windowManager.setPreventClose(false); windowManager.close(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final double em = 13; final btnFontSize = 0.9 * em; final double button_radius = 6; final isDarkTheme = MyTheme.currentThemeMode() == ThemeMode.dark; final buttonStyle = OutlinedButton.styleFrom( shape: RoundedRectangleBorder( borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(button_radius)), )); final inputBorder = OutlineInputBorder( borderRadius:, borderSide: BorderSide(color: isDarkTheme ? Colors.white70 : Colors.black12)); final textColor = isDarkTheme ? null : Colors.black87; final dividerColor = isDarkTheme ? Colors.white70 : Colors.black87; return Scaffold( backgroundColor: null, body: SingleChildScrollView( child: Column( children: [ Row( children: [ Text( translate('Installation'), style: TextStyle( fontSize: 2 * em, fontWeight: FontWeight.w500), ), ], ), Row( children: [ Text('${translate('Installation Path')}: '), Expanded( child: TextField( controller: controller, readOnly: true, style: TextStyle( fontSize: 1.5 * em, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400), decoration: InputDecoration( isDense: true, contentPadding: EdgeInsets.all(0.75 * em), enabledBorder: inputBorder, border: inputBorder, focusedBorder: inputBorder, constraints: BoxConstraints(maxHeight: 3 * em), ), )), Obx(() => OutlinedButton( onPressed: btnEnabled.value ? selectInstallPath : null, style: buttonStyle, child: Text(translate('Change Path'), style: TextStyle( color: textColor, fontSize: btnFontSize))) .marginOnly(left: em)) ], ).marginSymmetric(vertical: 2 * em), InkWell( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(6), onTap: () => startmenu.value = !startmenu.value, child: Row( children: [ Obx(() => Checkbox( visualDensity: VisualDensity(horizontal: -4, vertical: -4), value: startmenu.value, onChanged: (b) { if (b != null) startmenu.value = b; }).marginOnly(right: 8)), Expanded( child: Text(translate('Create start menu shortcuts'))), ], ), ).marginOnly(bottom: 7), InkWell( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(6), onTap: () => desktopicon.value = !desktopicon.value, child: Row( children: [ Obx(() => Checkbox( visualDensity: VisualDensity(horizontal: -4, vertical: -4), value: desktopicon.value, onChanged: (b) { if (b != null) desktopicon.value = b; }).marginOnly(right: 8)), Expanded(child: Text(translate('Create desktop icon'))), ], ), ), Offstage( offstage: !Platform.isWindows, child: InkWell( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(6), onTap: () => driverCert.value = !driverCert.value, child: Row( children: [ Obx(() => Checkbox( visualDensity: VisualDensity(horizontal: -4, vertical: -4), value: driverCert.value, onChanged: (b) { if (b != null) driverCert.value = b; }).marginOnly(right: 8)), Expanded( child: Text(translate('idd_driver_tip')), ), ], ), ).marginOnly(top: 7), ), InkWell( hoverColor: Colors.transparent, onTap: () => launchUrlString(''), child: Tooltip( message: '', child: Row(children: [ Icon(Icons.launch_outlined, size: 16) .marginOnly(right: 5), Text( translate('End-user license agreement'), style: const TextStyle( decoration: TextDecoration.underline), ) ]), )).marginOnly(top: 2 * em), Row(children: [Text(translate('agreement_tip'))]) .marginOnly(top: em), Divider(color: dividerColor).marginSymmetric(vertical: 0.5 * em), Row( children: [ Expanded( child: Obx(() => Offstage( offstage: !showProgress.value, child: LinearProgressIndicator(), ))), Obx(() => OutlinedButton( onPressed: btnEnabled.value ? () => windowManager.close() : null, style: buttonStyle, child: Text(translate('Cancel'), style: TextStyle( color: textColor, fontSize: btnFontSize))) .marginSymmetric(horizontal: 2 * em)), Obx(() => ElevatedButton( onPressed: btnEnabled.value ? install : null, style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom( primary: MyTheme.button, shape: RoundedRectangleBorder( borderRadius: BorderRadius.all( Radius.circular(button_radius)), )), child: Text( translate('Accept and Install'), style: TextStyle(fontSize: btnFontSize), ))), Offstage( offstage: bind.installShowRunWithoutInstall(), child: Obx(() => OutlinedButton( onPressed: btnEnabled.value ? () => bind.installRunWithoutInstall() : null, style: buttonStyle, child: Text(translate('Run without install'), style: TextStyle( color: textColor, fontSize: btnFontSize))) .marginOnly(left: 2 * em)), ), ], ) ], ).paddingSymmetric(horizontal: 8 * em, vertical: 2 * em), )); } void install() { do_install() { btnEnabled.value = false; showProgress.value = true; String args = ''; if (startmenu.value) args += ' startmenu'; if (desktopicon.value) args += ' desktopicon'; if (driverCert.value) args += ' driverCert'; bind.installInstallMe(options: args, path: controller.text); } if (driverCert.isTrue) { final tag = 'install-info-install-cert-confirm'; final btns = [ dialogButton( 'Cancel', icon: Icon(Icons.close_rounded), onPressed: () => gFFI.dialogManager.dismissByTag(tag), isOutline: true, ), dialogButton( 'OK', icon: Icon(Icons.done_rounded), onPressed: () { gFFI.dialogManager.dismissByTag(tag); do_install(); }, isOutline: false, ), ]; (setState, close, context) => CustomAlertDialog( title: null, content: SelectionArea( child: msgboxContent('info', 'Warning', 'confirm_idd_driver_tip')), actions: btns, onCancel: close, ), tag: tag, ); } else { do_install(); } } void selectInstallPath() async { String? install_path = await FilePicker.platform .getDirectoryPath(initialDirectory: controller.text); if (install_path != null) { controller.text = join(install_path, await bind.mainGetAppName()); } } }