syntax = "proto3"; package hbb; message EncodedVideoFrame { bytes data = 1; bool key = 2; int64 pts = 3; } message EncodedVideoFrames { repeated EncodedVideoFrame frames = 1; } message RGB { bool compress = 1; } // planes data send directly in binary for better use arraybuffer on web message YUV { bool compress = 1; int32 stride = 2; } message VideoFrame { oneof union { EncodedVideoFrames vp9s = 6; RGB rgb = 7; YUV yuv = 8; EncodedVideoFrames h264s = 10; EncodedVideoFrames h265s = 11; EncodedVideoFrames vp8s = 12; EncodedVideoFrames av1s = 13; } } message IdPk { string id = 1; bytes pk = 2; } message DisplayInfo { sint32 x = 1; sint32 y = 2; int32 width = 3; int32 height = 4; string name = 5; bool online = 6; bool cursor_embedded = 7; Resolution original_resolution = 8; } message PortForward { string host = 1; int32 port = 2; } message FileTransfer { string dir = 1; bool show_hidden = 2; } message OSLogin { string username = 1; string password = 2; } message LoginRequest { string username = 1; bytes password = 2; string my_id = 4; string my_name = 5; OptionMessage option = 6; oneof union { FileTransfer file_transfer = 7; PortForward port_forward = 8; } bool video_ack_required = 9; uint64 session_id = 10; string version = 11; OSLogin os_login = 12; } message ChatMessage { string text = 1; } message Features { bool privacy_mode = 1; } message SupportedEncoding { bool h264 = 1; bool h265 = 2; bool vp8 = 3; bool av1 = 4; } message PeerInfo { string username = 1; string hostname = 2; string platform = 3; repeated DisplayInfo displays = 4; int32 current_display = 5; bool sas_enabled = 6; string version = 7; Features features = 9; SupportedEncoding encoding = 10; SupportedResolutions resolutions = 11; // Use JSON's key-value format which is friendly for peer to handle. string platform_additions = 12; } message LoginResponse { oneof union { string error = 1; PeerInfo peer_info = 2; } } message TouchScaleUpdate { // The delta scale factor relative to the previous scale. // delta * 1000 // 0 means scale end int32 scale = 1; } message TouchEvent { oneof union { TouchScaleUpdate scale_update = 1; } } message PointerDeviceEvent { oneof union { TouchEvent touch_event = 1; } repeated ControlKey modifiers = 2; } message MouseEvent { int32 mask = 1; sint32 x = 2; sint32 y = 3; repeated ControlKey modifiers = 4; } enum KeyboardMode{ Legacy = 0; Map = 1; Translate = 2; Auto = 3; } enum ControlKey { Unknown = 0; Alt = 1; Backspace = 2; CapsLock = 3; Control = 4; Delete = 5; DownArrow = 6; End = 7; Escape = 8; F1 = 9; F10 = 10; F11 = 11; F12 = 12; F2 = 13; F3 = 14; F4 = 15; F5 = 16; F6 = 17; F7 = 18; F8 = 19; F9 = 20; Home = 21; LeftArrow = 22; /// meta key (also known as "windows"; "super"; and "command") Meta = 23; /// option key on macOS (alt key on Linux and Windows) Option = 24; // deprecated, use Alt instead PageDown = 25; PageUp = 26; Return = 27; RightArrow = 28; Shift = 29; Space = 30; Tab = 31; UpArrow = 32; Numpad0 = 33; Numpad1 = 34; Numpad2 = 35; Numpad3 = 36; Numpad4 = 37; Numpad5 = 38; Numpad6 = 39; Numpad7 = 40; Numpad8 = 41; Numpad9 = 42; Cancel = 43; Clear = 44; Menu = 45; // deprecated, use Alt instead Pause = 46; Kana = 47; Hangul = 48; Junja = 49; Final = 50; Hanja = 51; Kanji = 52; Convert = 53; Select = 54; Print = 55; Execute = 56; Snapshot = 57; Insert = 58; Help = 59; Sleep = 60; Separator = 61; Scroll = 62; NumLock = 63; RWin = 64; Apps = 65; Multiply = 66; Add = 67; Subtract = 68; Decimal = 69; Divide = 70; Equals = 71; NumpadEnter = 72; RShift = 73; RControl = 74; RAlt = 75; CtrlAltDel = 100; LockScreen = 101; } message KeyEvent { bool down = 1; bool press = 2; oneof union { ControlKey control_key = 3; // position key code. win: scancode, linux: key code, macos: key code uint32 chr = 4; uint32 unicode = 5; string seq = 6; // high word. virtual keycode // low word. unicode uint32 win2win_hotkey = 7; } repeated ControlKey modifiers = 8; KeyboardMode mode = 9; } message CursorData { uint64 id = 1; sint32 hotx = 2; sint32 hoty = 3; int32 width = 4; int32 height = 5; bytes colors = 6; } message CursorPosition { sint32 x = 1; sint32 y = 2; } message Hash { string salt = 1; string challenge = 2; } message Clipboard { bool compress = 1; bytes content = 2; } enum FileType { Dir = 0; DirLink = 2; DirDrive = 3; File = 4; FileLink = 5; } message FileEntry { FileType entry_type = 1; string name = 2; bool is_hidden = 3; uint64 size = 4; uint64 modified_time = 5; } message FileDirectory { int32 id = 1; string path = 2; repeated FileEntry entries = 3; } message ReadDir { string path = 1; bool include_hidden = 2; } message ReadAllFiles { int32 id = 1; string path = 2; bool include_hidden = 3; } message FileAction { oneof union { ReadDir read_dir = 1; FileTransferSendRequest send = 2; FileTransferReceiveRequest receive = 3; FileDirCreate create = 4; FileRemoveDir remove_dir = 5; FileRemoveFile remove_file = 6; ReadAllFiles all_files = 7; FileTransferCancel cancel = 8; FileTransferSendConfirmRequest send_confirm = 9; } } message FileTransferCancel { int32 id = 1; } message FileResponse { oneof union { FileDirectory dir = 1; FileTransferBlock block = 2; FileTransferError error = 3; FileTransferDone done = 4; FileTransferDigest digest = 5; } } message FileTransferDigest { int32 id = 1; sint32 file_num = 2; uint64 last_modified = 3; uint64 file_size = 4; bool is_upload = 5; bool is_identical = 6; } message FileTransferBlock { int32 id = 1; sint32 file_num = 2; bytes data = 3; bool compressed = 4; uint32 blk_id = 5; } message FileTransferError { int32 id = 1; string error = 2; sint32 file_num = 3; } message FileTransferSendRequest { int32 id = 1; string path = 2; bool include_hidden = 3; int32 file_num = 4; } message FileTransferSendConfirmRequest { int32 id = 1; sint32 file_num = 2; oneof union { bool skip = 3; uint32 offset_blk = 4; } } message FileTransferDone { int32 id = 1; sint32 file_num = 2; } message FileTransferReceiveRequest { int32 id = 1; string path = 2; // path written to repeated FileEntry files = 3; int32 file_num = 4; } message FileRemoveDir { int32 id = 1; string path = 2; bool recursive = 3; } message FileRemoveFile { int32 id = 1; string path = 2; sint32 file_num = 3; } message FileDirCreate { int32 id = 1; string path = 2; } // main logic from freeRDP message CliprdrMonitorReady { } message CliprdrFormat { int32 id = 2; string format = 3; } message CliprdrServerFormatList { repeated CliprdrFormat formats = 2; } message CliprdrServerFormatListResponse { int32 msg_flags = 2; } message CliprdrServerFormatDataRequest { int32 requested_format_id = 2; } message CliprdrServerFormatDataResponse { int32 msg_flags = 2; bytes format_data = 3; } message CliprdrFileContentsRequest { int32 stream_id = 2; int32 list_index = 3; int32 dw_flags = 4; int32 n_position_low = 5; int32 n_position_high = 6; int32 cb_requested = 7; bool have_clip_data_id = 8; int32 clip_data_id = 9; } message CliprdrFileContentsResponse { int32 msg_flags = 3; int32 stream_id = 4; bytes requested_data = 5; } message Cliprdr { oneof union { CliprdrMonitorReady ready = 1; CliprdrServerFormatList format_list = 2; CliprdrServerFormatListResponse format_list_response = 3; CliprdrServerFormatDataRequest format_data_request = 4; CliprdrServerFormatDataResponse format_data_response = 5; CliprdrFileContentsRequest file_contents_request = 6; CliprdrFileContentsResponse file_contents_response = 7; } } message Resolution { int32 width = 1; int32 height = 2; } message SupportedResolutions { repeated Resolution resolutions = 1; } message SwitchDisplay { int32 display = 1; sint32 x = 2; sint32 y = 3; int32 width = 4; int32 height = 5; bool cursor_embedded = 6; SupportedResolutions resolutions = 7; // Do not care about the origin point for now. Resolution original_resolution = 8; } message PermissionInfo { enum Permission { Keyboard = 0; Clipboard = 2; Audio = 3; File = 4; Restart = 5; Recording = 6; } Permission permission = 1; bool enabled = 2; } enum ImageQuality { NotSet = 0; Low = 2; Balanced = 3; Best = 4; } message SupportedDecoding { enum PreferCodec { Auto = 0; VP9 = 1; H264 = 2; H265 = 3; VP8 = 4; AV1 = 5; } int32 ability_vp9 = 1; int32 ability_h264 = 2; int32 ability_h265 = 3; PreferCodec prefer = 4; int32 ability_vp8 = 5; int32 ability_av1 = 6; } message OptionMessage { enum BoolOption { NotSet = 0; No = 1; Yes = 2; } ImageQuality image_quality = 1; BoolOption lock_after_session_end = 2; BoolOption show_remote_cursor = 3; BoolOption privacy_mode = 4; BoolOption block_input = 5; int32 custom_image_quality = 6; BoolOption disable_audio = 7; BoolOption disable_clipboard = 8; BoolOption enable_file_transfer = 9; SupportedDecoding supported_decoding = 10; int32 custom_fps = 11; BoolOption disable_keyboard = 12; // Position 13 is used for Resolution. Remove later. // Resolution custom_resolution = 13; } message TestDelay { int64 time = 1; bool from_client = 2; uint32 last_delay = 3; uint32 target_bitrate = 4; } message PublicKey { bytes asymmetric_value = 1; bytes symmetric_value = 2; } message SignedId { bytes id = 1; } message AudioFormat { uint32 sample_rate = 1; uint32 channels = 2; } message AudioFrame { bytes data = 1; } // Notify peer to show message box. message MessageBox { // Message type. Refer to flutter/lib/common.dart/msgBox(). string msgtype = 1; string title = 2; // English string text = 3; // If not empty, msgbox provides a button to following the link. // The link here can't be directly http url. // It must be the key of http url configed in peer side or "rustdesk://*" (jump in app). string link = 4; } message BackNotification { // no need to consider block input by someone else enum BlockInputState { BlkStateUnknown = 0; BlkOnSucceeded = 2; BlkOnFailed = 3; BlkOffSucceeded = 4; BlkOffFailed = 5; } enum PrivacyModeState { PrvStateUnknown = 0; // Privacy mode on by someone else PrvOnByOther = 2; // Privacy mode is not supported on the remote side PrvNotSupported = 3; // Privacy mode on by self PrvOnSucceeded = 4; // Privacy mode on by self, but denied PrvOnFailedDenied = 5; // Some plugins are not found PrvOnFailedPlugin = 6; // Privacy mode on by self, but failed PrvOnFailed = 7; // Privacy mode off by self PrvOffSucceeded = 8; // Ctrl + P PrvOffByPeer = 9; // Privacy mode off by self, but failed PrvOffFailed = 10; PrvOffUnknown = 11; } oneof union { PrivacyModeState privacy_mode_state = 1; BlockInputState block_input_state = 2; } } message ElevationRequestWithLogon { string username = 1; string password = 2; } message ElevationRequest { oneof union { bool direct = 1; ElevationRequestWithLogon logon = 2; } } message SwitchSidesRequest { bytes uuid = 1; } message SwitchSidesResponse { bytes uuid = 1; LoginRequest lr = 2; } message SwitchBack {} message PluginRequest { string id = 1; bytes content = 2; } message PluginFailure { string id = 1; string name = 2; string msg = 3; } message Misc { oneof union { ChatMessage chat_message = 4; SwitchDisplay switch_display = 5; PermissionInfo permission_info = 6; OptionMessage option = 7; AudioFormat audio_format = 8; string close_reason = 9; bool refresh_video = 10; bool video_received = 12; BackNotification back_notification = 13; bool restart_remote_device = 14; bool uac = 15; bool foreground_window_elevated = 16; bool stop_service = 17; ElevationRequest elevation_request = 18; string elevation_response = 19; bool portable_service_running = 20; SwitchSidesRequest switch_sides_request = 21; SwitchBack switch_back = 22; Resolution change_resolution = 24; PluginRequest plugin_request = 25; PluginFailure plugin_failure = 26; uint32 full_speed_fps = 27; uint32 auto_adjust_fps = 28; } } message VoiceCallRequest { int64 req_timestamp = 1; // Indicates whether the request is a connect action or a disconnect action. bool is_connect = 2; } message VoiceCallResponse { bool accepted = 1; int64 req_timestamp = 2; // Should copy from [VoiceCallRequest::req_timestamp]. int64 ack_timestamp = 3; } message Message { oneof union { SignedId signed_id = 3; PublicKey public_key = 4; TestDelay test_delay = 5; VideoFrame video_frame = 6; LoginRequest login_request = 7; LoginResponse login_response = 8; Hash hash = 9; MouseEvent mouse_event = 10; AudioFrame audio_frame = 11; CursorData cursor_data = 12; CursorPosition cursor_position = 13; uint64 cursor_id = 14; KeyEvent key_event = 15; Clipboard clipboard = 16; FileAction file_action = 17; FileResponse file_response = 18; Misc misc = 19; Cliprdr cliprdr = 20; MessageBox message_box = 21; SwitchSidesResponse switch_sides_response = 22; VoiceCallRequest voice_call_request = 23; VoiceCallResponse voice_call_response = 24; PeerInfo peer_info = 25; PointerDeviceEvent pointer_device_event = 26; } }