use super::*; use hbb_common::{allow_err, platform::linux::DISTRO}; use scrap::{is_cursor_embedded, set_map_err, Capturer, Display, Frame, TraitCapturer}; use std::io; use std::process::{Command, Output}; use crate::client::{ SCRAP_OTHER_VERSION_OR_X11_REQUIRED, SCRAP_UBUNTU_HIGHER_REQUIRED, SCRAP_X11_REQUIRED, }; lazy_static::lazy_static! { static ref CAP_DISPLAY_INFO: RwLock = RwLock::new(0); static ref LOG_SCRAP_COUNT: Mutex = Mutex::new(0); } pub fn init() { set_map_err(map_err_scrap); } fn map_err_scrap(err: String) -> io::Error { // to-do: Remove this the following log log::error!( "REMOVE ME ===================================== wayland scrap error {}", &err ); // to-do: Handle error better, do not restart server if err.starts_with("Did not receive a reply") { log::error!("Fatal pipewire error, {}", &err); std::process::exit(-1); } if == "Ubuntu".to_uppercase() { if DISTRO.version_id < "21".to_owned() { io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, SCRAP_UBUNTU_HIGHER_REQUIRED) } else { try_log(&err); io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, err) } } else { try_log(&err); if err.contains("org.freedesktop.portal") || err.contains("pipewire") || err.contains("dbus") { io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, SCRAP_OTHER_VERSION_OR_X11_REQUIRED) } else { io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, SCRAP_X11_REQUIRED) } } } fn try_log(err: &String) { let mut lock_count = LOG_SCRAP_COUNT.lock().unwrap(); if *lock_count >= 1000000 { return; } if *lock_count % 10000 == 0 { log::error!("Failed scrap {}", err); } *lock_count += 1; } struct CapturerPtr(*mut Capturer); impl Clone for CapturerPtr { fn clone(&self) -> Self { Self(self.0) } } impl TraitCapturer for CapturerPtr { fn frame<'a>(&'a mut self, timeout: Duration) -> io::Result> { unsafe { (*self.0).frame(timeout) } } fn set_use_yuv(&mut self, use_yuv: bool) { unsafe { (*self.0).set_use_yuv(use_yuv); } } } struct CapDisplayInfo { rects: Vec<((i32, i32), usize, usize)>, displays: Vec, num: usize, primary: usize, current: usize, capturer: CapturerPtr, } #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")] pub(super) async fn ensure_inited() -> ResultType<()> { check_init().await } pub(super) fn is_inited() -> Option { if scrap::is_x11() { None } else { if * == 0 { let mut msg_out = Message::new(); let res = MessageBox { msgtype: "nook-nocancel-hasclose".to_owned(), title: "Wayland".to_owned(), text: "Please Select the screen to be shared(Operate on the peer side).".to_owned(), link: "".to_owned(), ..Default::default() }; msg_out.set_message_box(res); Some(msg_out) } else { None } } } fn get_max_desktop_resolution() -> Option { // works with Xwayland let output: Output = Command::new("sh") .arg("-c") .arg("xrandr | awk '/current/ { print $8,$9,$10 }'") .output() .ok()?; if output.status.success() { let result = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout); Some(result.trim().to_string()) } else { None } } pub(super) async fn check_init() -> ResultType<()> { if !scrap::is_x11() { let mut minx = 0; let mut maxx = 0; let mut miny = 0; let mut maxy = 0; if * == 0 { let mut lock = CAP_DISPLAY_INFO.write().unwrap(); if *lock == 0 { let mut all = Display::all()?; let num = all.len(); let primary = super::display_service::get_primary_2(&all); let current = primary; let mut displays = super::display_service::to_display_info(&all); for display in displays.iter_mut() { display.cursor_embedded = is_cursor_embedded(); } let mut rects: Vec<((i32, i32), usize, usize)> = Vec::new(); for d in &all { rects.push((d.origin(), d.width(), d.height())); } let display = all.remove(current); let (origin, width, height) = (display.origin(), display.width(), display.height()); log::debug!( "#displays={}, current={}, origin: {:?}, width={}, height={}, cpus={}/{}", num, current, &origin, width, height, num_cpus::get_physical(), num_cpus::get(), ); let (max_width, max_height) = match get_max_desktop_resolution() { Some(result) if !result.is_empty() => { let resolution: Vec<&str> = result.split(" ").collect(); let w: i32 = resolution[0].parse().unwrap_or(origin.0 + width as i32); let h: i32 = resolution[2].trim_end_matches(",").parse().unwrap_or(origin.1 + height as i32); (w, h) } _ => (origin.0 + width as i32, origin.1 + height as i32) }; minx = 0; maxx = max_width; miny = 0; maxy = max_height; let capturer = Box::into_raw(Box::new( Capturer::new(display, true).with_context(|| "Failed to create capturer")?, )); let capturer = CapturerPtr(capturer); let cap_display_info = Box::into_raw(Box::new(CapDisplayInfo { rects, displays, num, primary, current, capturer, })); *lock = cap_display_info as _; } } if minx != maxx && miny != maxy { log::info!( "update mouse resolution: ({}, {}), ({}, {})", minx, maxx, miny, maxy ); allow_err!(input_service::update_mouse_resolution(minx, maxx, miny, maxy).await); } } Ok(()) } pub(super) async fn get_displays() -> ResultType> { check_init().await?; let addr = *; if addr != 0 { let cap_display_info: *const CapDisplayInfo = addr as _; unsafe { let cap_display_info = &*cap_display_info; Ok(cap_display_info.displays.clone()) } } else { bail!("Failed to get capturer display info"); } } pub(super) fn get_primary() -> ResultType { let addr = *; if addr != 0 { let cap_display_info: *const CapDisplayInfo = addr as _; unsafe { let cap_display_info = &*cap_display_info; Ok(cap_display_info.primary) } } else { bail!("Failed to get capturer display info"); } } pub fn clear() { if scrap::is_x11() { return; } let mut write_lock = CAP_DISPLAY_INFO.write().unwrap(); if *write_lock != 0 { let cap_display_info: *mut CapDisplayInfo = *write_lock as _; unsafe { let _box_capturer = Box::from_raw((*cap_display_info).capturer.0); let _box_cap_display_info = Box::from_raw(cap_display_info); *write_lock = 0; } } } pub(super) fn get_capturer() -> ResultType { if scrap::is_x11() { bail!("Do not call this function if not wayland"); } let addr = *; if addr != 0 { let cap_display_info: *const CapDisplayInfo = addr as _; unsafe { let cap_display_info = &*cap_display_info; let rect = cap_display_info.rects[cap_display_info.current]; Ok(super::video_service::CapturerInfo { name: cap_display_info.displays[cap_display_info.current] .name .clone(), origin: rect.0, width: rect.1, height: rect.2, ndisplay: cap_display_info.num, current: cap_display_info.current, privacy_mode_id: 0, _capturer_privacy_mode_id: 0, capturer: Box::new(cap_display_info.capturer.clone()), }) } } else { bail!("Failed to get capturer display info"); } } pub fn common_get_error() -> String { if == "Ubuntu".to_uppercase() { if DISTRO.version_id < "21".to_owned() { return "".to_owned(); } } else { // to-do: check other distros } return "".to_owned(); }