import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:ui' as ui; import 'package:desktop_multi_window/desktop_multi_window.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/common.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/common/shared_state.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/consts.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/models/state_model.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/desktop/pages/remote_page.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/desktop/widgets/remote_menubar.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/desktop/widgets/tabbar_widget.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/desktop/widgets/material_mod_popup_menu.dart' as mod_menu; import 'package:flutter_hbb/desktop/widgets/popup_menu.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/utils/multi_window_manager.dart'; import 'package:flutter_svg/flutter_svg.dart'; import 'package:get/get.dart'; import 'package:bot_toast/bot_toast.dart'; import '../../models/platform_model.dart'; class _MenuTheme { static const Color commonColor = MyTheme.accent; // kMinInteractiveDimension static const double height = 20.0; static const double dividerHeight = 12.0; } class ConnectionTabPage extends StatefulWidget { final Map params; const ConnectionTabPage({Key? key, required this.params}) : super(key: key); @override State createState() => _ConnectionTabPageState(params); } class _ConnectionTabPageState extends State { final tabController = Get.put(DesktopTabController( tabType: DesktopTabType.remoteScreen, onSelected: (_, id) => bind.setCurSessionId(id: id))); static const IconData selectedIcon = Icons.desktop_windows_sharp; static const IconData unselectedIcon = Icons.desktop_windows_outlined; late MenubarState _menubarState; var connectionMap = RxList.empty(growable: true); _ConnectionTabPageState(Map params) { _menubarState = MenubarState(); RemoteCountState.init(); final peerId = params['id']; if (peerId != null) { ConnectionTypeState.init(peerId); tabController.add(TabInfo( key: peerId, label: peerId, selectedIcon: selectedIcon, unselectedIcon: unselectedIcon, onTabCloseButton: () => tabController.closeBy(peerId), page: RemotePage( key: ValueKey(peerId), id: peerId, menubarState: _menubarState, ), )); _update_remote_count(); } } @override void initState() { super.initState(); tabController.onRemoved = (_, id) => onRemoveId(id); rustDeskWinManager.setMethodHandler((call, fromWindowId) async { print( "[Remote Page] call ${call.method} with args ${call.arguments} from window $fromWindowId"); // for simplify, just replace connectionId if (call.method == "new_remote_desktop") { final args = jsonDecode(call.arguments); final id = args['id']; window_on_top(windowId()); ConnectionTypeState.init(id); tabController.add(TabInfo( key: id, label: id, selectedIcon: selectedIcon, unselectedIcon: unselectedIcon, onTabCloseButton: () => tabController.closeBy(id), page: RemotePage( key: ValueKey(id), id: id, menubarState: _menubarState, ), )); } else if (call.method == "onDestroy") { tabController.clear(); } else if (call.method == kWindowActionRebuild) { reloadCurrentWindow(); } _update_remote_count(); }); } @override void dispose() { super.dispose();; } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final tabWidget = Obx( () => Container( decoration: BoxDecoration( border: Border.all( color: MyTheme.color(context).border!, width: stateGlobal.windowBorderWidth.value), ), child: Scaffold( backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).backgroundColor, body: DesktopTab( controller: tabController, onWindowCloseButton: handleWindowCloseButton, tail: const AddButton().paddingOnly(left: 10), pageViewBuilder: (pageView) => pageView, labelGetter: DesktopTab.labelGetterAlias, tabBuilder: (key, icon, label, themeConf) => Obx(() { final connectionType = ConnectionTypeState.find(key); if (!connectionType.isValid()) { return Row( mainAxisAlignment:, children: [ icon, label, ], ); } else { final msgDirect = translate( == ConnectionType.strDirect ? 'Direct Connection' : 'Relay Connection'); final msgSecure = translate( == ConnectionType.strSecure ? 'Secure Connection' : 'Insecure Connection'); final tab = Row( mainAxisAlignment:, children: [ icon, Tooltip( message: '$msgDirect\n$msgSecure', child: SvgPicture.asset( 'assets/${}${}.svg', width: themeConf.iconSize, height: themeConf.iconSize, ).paddingOnly(right: 5), ), label, ], ); return Listener( onPointerDown: (e) { if (e.kind != ui.PointerDeviceKind.mouse) { return; } if (e.buttons == 2) { showRightMenu( (CancelFunc cancelFunc) { return _tabMenuBuilder(key, cancelFunc); }, target: e.position, ); } }, child: tab, ); } }), ), ), ), ); return Platform.isMacOS ? tabWidget : SubWindowDragToResizeArea( child: tabWidget, resizeEdgeSize: stateGlobal.resizeEdgeSize.value, windowId: stateGlobal.windowId, ); } // Note: Some dup code to ../widgets/remote_menubar Widget _tabMenuBuilder(String key, CancelFunc cancelFunc) { final List> menu = []; const EdgeInsets padding = EdgeInsets.only(left: 8.0, right: 5.0); final remotePage = tabController.state.value.tabs .firstWhere((tab) => tab.key == key) .page as RemotePage; final ffi = remotePage.ffi; final pi = ffi.ffiModel.pi; final perms = ffi.ffiModel.permissions; menu.addAll([ MenuEntryButton( childBuilder: (TextStyle? style) => Text( translate('Close'), style: style, ), proc: () { tabController.closeBy(key); cancelFunc(); }, padding: padding, ), MenuEntryButton( childBuilder: (TextStyle? style) => Obx(() => Text( translate( ? 'Hide Menubar' : 'Show Menubar'), style: style, )), proc: () { _menubarState.switchShow(); cancelFunc(); }, padding: padding, ), MenuEntryDivider(), MenuEntryRadios( text: translate('Ratio'), optionsGetter: () => [ MenuEntryRadioOption( text: translate('Scale original'), value: kRemoteViewStyleOriginal, dismissOnClicked: true, ), MenuEntryRadioOption( text: translate('Scale adaptive'), value: kRemoteViewStyleAdaptive, dismissOnClicked: true, ), ], curOptionGetter: () async => // null means peer id is not found, which there's no need to care about await bind.sessionGetViewStyle(id: key) ?? '', optionSetter: (String oldValue, String newValue) async { await bind.sessionSetViewStyle(id: key, value: newValue); ffi.canvasModel.updateViewStyle(); cancelFunc(); }, padding: padding, ), ]); if (!ffi.canvasModel.cursorEmbeded) { menu.add(MenuEntryDivider()); menu.add(() { final state = ShowRemoteCursorState.find(key); return MenuEntrySwitch2( switchType: SwitchType.scheckbox, text: translate('Show remote cursor'), getter: () { return state; }, setter: (bool v) async { state.value = v; await bind.sessionToggleOption( id: key, value: 'show-remote-cursor'); cancelFunc(); }, padding: padding, ); }()); } if (perms['keyboard'] != false) { if (perms['clipboard'] != false) { menu.add(MenuEntrySwitch( switchType: SwitchType.scheckbox, text: translate('Disable clipboard'), getter: () async { return bind.sessionGetToggleOptionSync( id: key, arg: 'disable-clipboard'); }, setter: (bool v) async { await bind.sessionToggleOption(id: key, value: 'disable-clipboard'); cancelFunc(); }, padding: padding, )); } menu.add(MenuEntryButton( childBuilder: (TextStyle? style) => Text( translate('Insert Lock'), style: style, ), proc: () { bind.sessionLockScreen(id: key); cancelFunc(); }, padding: padding, dismissOnClicked: true, )); if (pi.platform == 'Linux' || pi.sasEnabled) { menu.add(MenuEntryButton( childBuilder: (TextStyle? style) => Text( '${translate("Insert")} Ctrl + Alt + Del', style: style, ), proc: () { bind.sessionCtrlAltDel(id: key); cancelFunc(); }, padding: padding, dismissOnClicked: true, )); } } return mod_menu.PopupMenu( items: menu .map((entry) => context, const MenuConfig( commonColor: _MenuTheme.commonColor, height: _MenuTheme.height, dividerHeight: _MenuTheme.dividerHeight, ))) .expand((i) => i) .toList(), ); } void onRemoveId(String id) async { if (tabController.state.value.tabs.isEmpty) { await WindowController.fromWindowId(windowId()).close(); } ConnectionTypeState.delete(id); _update_remote_count(); } int windowId() { return widget.params["windowId"]; } Future handleWindowCloseButton() async { final connLength = tabController.length; if (connLength <= 1) { tabController.clear(); return true; } else { final opt = "enable-confirm-closing-tabs"; final bool res; if (!option2bool(opt, await bind.mainGetOption(key: opt))) { res = true; } else { res = await closeConfirmDialog(); } if (res) { tabController.clear(); } return res; } } _update_remote_count() => RemoteCountState.find().value = tabController.length; }