import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/models/model.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; // to-do: do not depend on desktop import 'package:flutter_hbb/desktop/widgets/remote_toolbar.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/models/platform_model.dart'; import './desc.dart'; import './model.dart'; import './common.dart'; class LocationItem extends StatelessWidget { final String peerId; final FFI ffi; final String location; final LocationModel locationModel; LocationItem({ Key? key, required this.peerId, required this.ffi, required this.location, required this.locationModel, }) : super(key: key); bool get isEmpty => locationModel.isEmpty; static LocationItem createLocationItem( String peerId, FFI ffi, String location) { final model = addLocation(location); return LocationItem( peerId: peerId, ffi: ffi, location: location, locationModel: model, ); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return ChangeNotifierProvider.value( value: locationModel, child: Consumer(builder: (context, model, child) { return Column( children: model.pluginModels.entries .map((entry) => _buildPluginItem(entry.key, entry.value)) .toList(), ); }), ); } Widget _buildPluginItem(PluginId id, PluginModel model) => PluginItem( pluginId: id, peerId: peerId, ffi: ffi, location: location, pluginModel: model, ); } class PluginItem extends StatelessWidget { final PluginId pluginId; final String peerId; final FFI ffi; final String location; final PluginModel pluginModel; PluginItem({ Key? key, required this.pluginId, required this.peerId, required this.ffi, required this.location, required this.pluginModel, }) : super(key: key); bool get isEmpty => pluginModel.isEmpty; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return ChangeNotifierProvider.value( value: pluginModel, child: Consumer( builder: (context, pluginModel, child) { return Column( children: => _buildItem(ui)).toList(), ); }, ), ); } Widget _buildItem(UiType ui) { late Widget child; switch (ui.runtimeType) { case UiButton: child = _buildMenuButton(ui as UiButton); break; case UiCheckbox: child = _buildCheckboxMenuButton(ui as UiCheckbox); break; default: child = Container(); } // to-do: add plugin icon and tooltip return child; } Uint8List _makeEvent( String key, { bool? v, }) { final event = MsgFromUi( id: pluginId, name: getDesc(pluginId)?.name ?? '', location: location, key: key, value: v != null ? (v ? ConfigItem.trueValue : ConfigItem.falseValue) : '', action: '', ); return Uint8List.fromList(event.toString().codeUnits); } Widget _buildMenuButton(UiButton ui) { return MenuButton( onPressed: () => bind.pluginEvent( id: pluginId, peer: peerId, event: _makeEvent(ui.key), ), // to-do: support trailing icon, but it will cause tree shake error. // ``` // This application cannot tree shake icons fonts. It has non-constant instances of IconData at the following locations: // Target release_macos_bundle_flutter_assets failed: Exception: Avoid non-constant invocations of IconData or try to build again with --no-tree-shake-icons. // ``` // // trailingIcon: Icon( // IconData(int.parse(ui.icon, radix: 16), fontFamily: 'MaterialIcons')), // // to-do: RustDesk translate or plugin translate ? child: Text(ui.text), ffi: ffi, ); } String? getOption(OptionModel model, String key) { var v = model.value; if (v == null) { if (peerId.isEmpty) { v = bind.pluginGetSharedOption(id: pluginId, key: key); } else { v = bind.pluginGetSessionOption(id: pluginId, peer: peerId, key: key); } } return v; } Widget _buildCheckboxMenuButton(UiCheckbox ui) { getChild(OptionModel model) { final v = getOption(model, ui.key); if (v == null) { // session or plugin not found return Container(); } return CkbMenuButton( value: ConfigItem.isTrue(v), onChanged: (v) { if (v != null) { bind.pluginEvent( id: pluginId, peer: peerId, event: _makeEvent(ui.key, v: v), ); } }, // to-do: RustDesk translate or plugin translate ? child: Text(ui.text), ffi: ffi, ); } final optionModel = addOptionModel(location, pluginId, peerId, ui.key); return ChangeNotifierProvider.value( value: optionModel, child: Consumer( builder: (context, model, child) { return getChild(model); }, ), ); } } void handleReloading(Map evt, String peer) { if (evt['id'] == null || evt['location'] == null) { return; } try { final ui = UiType.create(json.decode(evt['ui'] as String)); if (ui != null) { addLocationUi(evt['location']!, evt['id']!, ui); } } catch (e) { debugPrint('Failed handleReloading, json decode of ui, $e '); } } void handleOption(Map evt, String peer) { updateOption( evt['location'], evt['id'], evt['peer'] ?? '', evt['key'], evt['value']); }