name: Build the flutter version of the RustDesk on: workflow_call: inputs: upload-artifact: type: boolean default: true env: LLVM_VERSION: "15.0.6" FLUTTER_VERSION: "3.7.0" TAG_NAME: "nightly" # vcpkg version: 2022.05.10 # for multiarch gcc compatibility VCPKG_COMMIT_ID: "14e7bb4ae24616ec54ff6b2f6ef4e8659434ea44" VERSION: "1.2.0" NDK_VERSION: "r23" #signing keys env variable checks ANDROID_SIGNING_KEY: '${{ secrets.ANDROID_SIGNING_KEY }}' MACOS_P12_BASE64: '${{ secrets.MACOS_P12_BASE64 }}' # To make a custom build with your own servers set the below secret values RS_PUB_KEY: '${{ secrets.RS_PUB_KEY }}' RENDEZVOUS_SERVER: '${{ secrets.RENDEZVOUS_SERVER }}' UPLOAD_ARTIFACT: "${{ inputs.upload-artifact }}" jobs: build-for-windows-flutter: name: ${{ }} (${{ matrix.job.os }}) runs-on: ${{ matrix.job.os }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: job: # - { target: i686-pc-windows-msvc , os: windows-2019 } # - { target: x86_64-pc-windows-gnu , os: windows-2019 } - { target: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc, os: windows-2019, arch: x86_64 } # - { target: aarch64-pc-windows-msvc, os: windows-2019, arch: aarch64 } steps: - name: Checkout source code uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Install LLVM and Clang uses: KyleMayes/install-llvm-action@v1 with: version: ${{ env.LLVM_VERSION }} - name: Install flutter uses: subosito/flutter-action@v2 with: channel: "stable" flutter-version: ${{ env.FLUTTER_VERSION }} cache: true - name: Replace engine with rustdesk custom flutter engine run: | flutter doctor -v flutter precache --windows Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile Expand-Archive -DestinationPath engine mv -Force engine/* C:/hostedtoolcache/windows/flutter/stable-${{ env.FLUTTER_VERSION }}-x64/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/windows-x64-release/ - name: Install Rust toolchain uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: toolchain: stable target: ${{ }} override: true profile: minimal # minimal component installation (ie, no documentation) - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2 with: prefix-key: ${{ matrix.job.os }} - name: Install flutter rust bridge deps run: | cargo install flutter_rust_bridge_codegen Push-Location flutter ; flutter pub get ; Pop-Location ~/.cargo/bin/flutter_rust_bridge_codegen --rust-input ./src/ --dart-output ./flutter/lib/generated_bridge.dart - name: Install vcpkg dependencies run: | cd C:\ git clone --depth=1 - name: Build rustdesk env: VCPKG_ROOT: C:\rustdesk_thirdpary_lib\vcpkg run: python3 .\ --portable --hwcodec --flutter --feature IddDriver - name: Sign rustdesk files uses: GermanBluefox/code-sign-action@v7 if: env.UPLOAD_ARTIFACT == 'true' with: certificate: '${{ secrets.WINDOWS_PFX_BASE64 }}' password: '${{ secrets.WINDOWS_PFX_PASSWORD }}' certificatesha1: '${{ secrets.WINDOWS_PFX_SHA1_THUMBPRINT }}' # certificatename: '${{ secrets.CERTNAME }}' folder: './flutter/build/windows/runner/Release/' recursive: true - name: Build self-extracted executable shell: bash if: env.UPLOAD_ARTIFACT == 'true' run: | pushd ./libs/portable python3 ./ -f ../../flutter/build/windows/runner/Release/ -o . -e ../../flutter/build/windows/runner/Release/rustdesk.exe popd mkdir -p ./SignOutput mv ./target/release/rustdesk-portable-packer.exe ./SignOutput/rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}-${{ matrix.job.arch }}.exe - name: Sign rustdesk self-extracted file uses: GermanBluefox/code-sign-action@v7 if: env.UPLOAD_ARTIFACT == 'true' with: certificate: '${{ secrets.WINDOWS_PFX_BASE64 }}' password: '${{ secrets.WINDOWS_PFX_PASSWORD }}' certificatesha1: '${{ secrets.WINDOWS_PFX_SHA1_THUMBPRINT }}' # certificatename: '${{ secrets.WINDOWS_PFX_NAME }}' folder: './SignOutput' recursive: false - name: Publish Release uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 if: env.UPLOAD_ARTIFACT == 'true' with: prerelease: true tag_name: ${{ env.TAG_NAME }} files: | ./SignOutput/rustdesk-*.exe # The fallback for the flutter version, we use Sciter for 32bit Windows. build-for-windows-sciter: name: ${{ }} (${{ matrix.job.os }}) runs-on: ${{ matrix.job.os }} # Temporarily disable this action due to additional test is needed. # if: false strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: job: # - { target: i686-pc-windows-msvc , os: windows-2019 } # - { target: x86_64-pc-windows-gnu , os: windows-2019 } - { target: i686-pc-windows-msvc, os: windows-2019, arch: x86 } # - { target: aarch64-pc-windows-msvc, os: windows-2019 } steps: - name: Checkout source code uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Install LLVM and Clang uses: Kingtous/install-llvm-action-32bit@master with: version: ${{ env.LLVM_VERSION }} - name: Install Rust toolchain uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: toolchain: nightly-${{ }} target: ${{ }} override: true profile: minimal # minimal component installation (ie, no documentation) - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2 with: prefix-key: ${{ matrix.job.os }}-sciter - name: Restore from cache and install vcpkg uses: lukka/run-vcpkg@v7 with: setupOnly: true vcpkgGitCommitId: ${{ env.VCPKG_COMMIT_ID }} - name: Install vcpkg dependencies run: | cd C:\ git clone --depth=1 - name: Build rustdesk id: build shell: bash env: VCPKG_ROOT: C:\rustdesk_thirdpary_lib\vcpkg run: | python3 res/ # Patch sciter x86 sed -i 's/branch = "dyn"/branch = "dyn_x86"/g' ./Cargo.toml # Replace the link for the ico. rm res/icon.ico && cp flutter/windows/runner/resources/app_icon.ico res/icon.ico cargo build --features inline --release --bins mkdir -p ./Release mv ./target/release/rustdesk.exe ./Release/rustdesk.exe curl -LJ -o ./Release/sciter.dll echo "output_folder=./Release" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Sign rustdesk files uses: GermanBluefox/code-sign-action@v7 if: env.UPLOAD_ARTIFACT == 'true' with: certificate: '${{ secrets.WINDOWS_PFX_BASE64 }}' password: '${{ secrets.WINDOWS_PFX_PASSWORD }}' certificatesha1: '${{ secrets.WINDOWS_PFX_SHA1_THUMBPRINT }}' # certificatename: '${{ secrets.CERTNAME }}' folder: './Release/' recursive: true - name: Build self-extracted executable shell: bash run: | pushd ./libs/portable pip3 install -r requirements.txt python3 ./ -f ../../Release/ -o . -e ../../Release/rustdesk.exe popd mkdir -p ./SignOutput mv ./target/release/rustdesk-portable-packer.exe ./SignOutput/rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}-${{ matrix.job.arch }}-sciter.exe - name: Sign rustdesk self-extracted file uses: GermanBluefox/code-sign-action@v7 with: certificate: '${{ secrets.WINDOWS_PFX_BASE64 }}' password: '${{ secrets.WINDOWS_PFX_PASSWORD }}' certificatesha1: '${{ secrets.WINDOWS_PFX_SHA1_THUMBPRINT }}' # certificatename: '${{ secrets.WINDOWS_PFX_NAME }}' folder: './SignOutput' recursive: false - name: Publish Release uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 if: env.UPLOAD_ARTIFACT == 'true' with: prerelease: true tag_name: ${{ env.TAG_NAME }} files: | ./SignOutput/rustdesk-*.exe build-for-macOS: name: ${{ }} (${{ matrix.job.os }}) [${{ matrix.job.extra-build-args }}] runs-on: ${{ matrix.job.os }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: job: - { target: x86_64-apple-darwin, os: macos-latest, extra-build-args: "", arch: x86_64 } steps: - name: Checkout source code uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Import the codesign cert if: env.MACOS_P12_BASE64 != null uses: apple-actions/import-codesign-certs@v1 with: p12-file-base64: ${{ secrets.MACOS_P12_BASE64 }} p12-password: ${{ secrets.MACOS_P12_PASSWORD }} keychain: rustdesk - name: Check sign and import sign key if: env.MACOS_P12_BASE64 != null run: | security default-keychain -s rustdesk.keychain security find-identity -v - name: Import notarize key if: env.MACOS_P12_BASE64 != null uses: timheuer/base64-to-file@v1.2 with: # fileName: rustdesk.json fileDir: ${{ github.workspace }} encodedString: ${{ secrets.MACOS_NOTARIZE_JSON }} - name: Install rcodesign tool if: env.MACOS_P12_BASE64 != null shell: bash run: | pushd /tmp wget tar -zxvf apple-codesign-0.22.0-macos-universal.tar.gz mv apple-codesign-0.22.0-macos-universal/rcodesign /usr/local/bin popd - name: Install build runtime run: | brew install llvm create-dmg nasm yasm cmake gcc wget ninja pkg-config - name: Install flutter uses: subosito/flutter-action@v2 with: channel: "stable" flutter-version: ${{ env.FLUTTER_VERSION }} - name: Install Rust toolchain uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: toolchain: stable target: ${{ }} override: true profile: minimal # minimal component installation (ie, no documentation) - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2 with: prefix-key: ${{ matrix.job.os }} - name: Install flutter rust bridge deps shell: bash run: | cargo install flutter_rust_bridge_codegen pushd flutter && flutter pub get && popd ~/.cargo/bin/flutter_rust_bridge_codegen --rust-input ./src/ --dart-output ./flutter/lib/generated_bridge.dart - name: Restore from cache and install vcpkg uses: lukka/run-vcpkg@v7 with: setupOnly: true vcpkgGitCommitId: ${{ env.VCPKG_COMMIT_ID }} - name: Install vcpkg dependencies run: | $VCPKG_ROOT/vcpkg install libvpx libyuv opus - name: Show version information (Rust, cargo, Clang) shell: bash run: | clang --version || true rustup -V rustup toolchain list rustup default cargo -V rustc -V - name: Build rustdesk run: | # --hwcodec not supported on macos yet ./ --flutter ${{ matrix.job.extra-build-args }} - name: Codesign app and create signed dmg if: env.MACOS_P12_BASE64 != null run: | security default-keychain -s rustdesk.keychain security unlock-keychain -p ${{ secrets.MACOS_P12_PASSWORD }} rustdesk.keychain # start sign the and dmg rm rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}.dmg || true codesign --force --options runtime -s ${{ secrets.MACOS_CODESIGN_IDENTITY }} --deep --strict ./flutter/build/macos/Build/Products/Release/ -vvv create-dmg --icon "" 200 190 --hide-extension "" --window-size 800 400 --app-drop-link 600 185 rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}.dmg ./flutter/build/macos/Build/Products/Release/ codesign --force --options runtime -s ${{ secrets.MACOS_CODESIGN_IDENTITY }} --deep --strict rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}.dmg -vvv # notarize the rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}.dmg rcodesign notary-submit --api-key-path ${{ github.workspace }}/rustdesk.json --staple rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}.dmg - name: Rename rustdesk run: | for name in rustdesk*??.dmg; do mv "$name" "${name%%.dmg}-${{ matrix.job.arch }}.dmg" done - name: Publish DMG package if: env.UPLOAD_ARTIFACT == 'true' uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 with: prerelease: true tag_name: ${{ env.TAG_NAME }} files: | rustdesk*-${{ matrix.job.arch }}.dmg build-vcpkg-deps-linux: uses: ./.github/workflows/vcpkg-deps-linux.yml generate-bridge-linux: uses: ./.github/workflows/bridge.yml build-rustdesk-ios: needs: [generate-bridge-linux] name: build rustdesk ios ipa ${{ }} (${{ matrix.job.os }}) [${{ matrix.job.extra-build-features }}] runs-on: ${{ matrix.job.os }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: job: - { arch: aarch64, target: aarch64-apple-ios, os: macos-latest, extra-build-features: "", } steps: - name: Install dependencies run: | brew install nasm yasm - name: Checkout source code uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Install flutter uses: subosito/flutter-action@v2 with: channel: "stable" flutter-version: ${{ env.FLUTTER_VERSION }} - name: Clone deps shell: bash run: | pushd /opt sudo git clone --depth=1 - name: Restore bridge files uses: actions/download-artifact@master with: name: bridge-artifact path: ./ - name: Install Rust toolchain uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: toolchain: stable target: ${{ }} override: true profile: minimal # minimal component installation (ie, no documentation) - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2 with: prefix-key: rustdesk-lib-cache key: ${{ }}-${{ matrix.job.extra-build-features }} - name: Disable rust bridge build shell: bash run: | sed -i "s/gen_flutter_rust_bridge();/\/\//g" - name: Build rustdesk lib env: VCPKG_ROOT: /opt/rustdesk_thirdparty_lib/vcpkg run: | rustup target add ${{ }} cargo build --features flutter --release --target aarch64-apple-ios --lib - name: Build rustdesk shell: bash run: | pushd flutter flutter build ipa --release --obfuscate --split-debug-info=./split-debug-info --no-codesign # - name: Upload Artifacts # # if: env.ANDROID_SIGNING_KEY != null && env.UPLOAD_ARTIFACT == 'true' # uses: actions/upload-artifact@master # with: # name: rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}-${{ matrix.job.arch }}.apk # path: flutter/build/ios/ipa/*.ipa # - name: Publish ipa package # # if: env.ANDROID_SIGNING_KEY != null && env.UPLOAD_ARTIFACT == 'true' # uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 # with: # prerelease: true # tag_name: ${{ env.TAG_NAME }} # files: | # flutter/build/ios/ipa/*.ipa build-rustdesk-android: needs: [generate-bridge-linux] name: build rustdesk android apk ${{ }} (${{ matrix.job.os }}) [${{ matrix.job.extra-build-features }}] runs-on: ${{ matrix.job.os }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: job: - { arch: aarch64, target: aarch64-linux-android, os: ubuntu-20.04, extra-build-features: "", openssl-arch: android-arm64 } - { arch: armv7, target: armv7-linux-androideabi, os: ubuntu-20.04, extra-build-features: "", openssl-arch: android-arm } steps: - name: Install dependencies run: | sudo apt update sudo apt-get -qq install -y git curl wget nasm yasm libgtk-3-dev clang libxcb-randr0-dev libxdo-dev libxfixes-dev libxcb-shape0-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev libasound2-dev libpulse-dev cmake libclang-dev ninja-build libappindicator3-dev libgstreamer1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev libvdpau-dev libva-dev libpam0g-dev libclang-dev llvm-dev libclang-10-dev llvm-10-dev pkg-config tree g++ libc6-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib openjdk-11-jdk-headless - name: Checkout source code uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Install flutter uses: subosito/flutter-action@v2 with: channel: "stable" flutter-version: ${{ env.FLUTTER_VERSION }} - uses: nttld/setup-ndk@v1 id: setup-ndk with: ndk-version: ${{ env.NDK_VERSION }} add-to-path: true - name: Clone deps shell: bash run: | pushd /opt git clone --depth=1 - name: Restore bridge files uses: actions/download-artifact@master with: name: bridge-artifact path: ./ - name: Install Rust toolchain uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: toolchain: stable override: true profile: minimal # minimal component installation (ie, no documentation) - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2 with: prefix-key: rustdesk-lib-cache key: ${{ }}-${{ matrix.job.extra-build-features }} - name: Disable rust bridge build run: | sed -i "s/gen_flutter_rust_bridge();/\/\//g" - name: Build rustdesk lib env: ANDROID_NDK_HOME: ${{ steps.setup-ndk.outputs.ndk-path }} ANDROID_NDK_ROOT: ${{ steps.setup-ndk.outputs.ndk-path }} VCPKG_ROOT: /opt/rustdesk_thirdparty_lib/vcpkg run: | rustup target add ${{ }} cargo install cargo-ndk case ${{ }} in aarch64-linux-android) ./flutter/ mkdir -p ./flutter/android/app/src/main/jniLibs/arm64-v8a cp ./target/${{ }}/release/ ./flutter/android/app/src/main/jniLibs/arm64-v8a/ ;; armv7-linux-androideabi) ./flutter/ mkdir -p ./flutter/android/app/src/main/jniLibs/armeabi-v7a cp ./target/${{ }}/release/ ./flutter/android/app/src/main/jniLibs/armeabi-v7a/ ;; esac - name: Build rustdesk shell: bash env: JAVA_HOME: /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64 run: | export PATH=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin:$PATH # temporary use debug sign config sed -i "s/signingConfigs.release/signingConfigs.debug/g" ./flutter/android/app/build.gradle case ${{ }} in aarch64-linux-android) mkdir -p ./flutter/android/app/src/main/jniLibs/arm64-v8a cp /opt/rustdesk_thirdparty_lib/android/app/src/main/jniLibs/arm64-v8a/*.so ./flutter/android/app/src/main/jniLibs/arm64-v8a/ cp ./target/${{ }}/release/ ./flutter/android/app/src/main/jniLibs/arm64-v8a/ # build flutter pushd flutter flutter build apk --release --target-platform android-arm64 --split-per-abi mv build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-arm64-v8a-release.apk ../rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}-${{ matrix.job.arch }}.apk ;; armv7-linux-androideabi) mkdir -p ./flutter/android/app/src/main/jniLibs/armeabi-v7a cp /opt/rustdesk_thirdparty_lib/android/app/src/main/jniLibs/armeabi-v7a/*.so ./flutter/android/app/src/main/jniLibs/armeabi-v7a/ cp ./target/${{ }}/release/ ./flutter/android/app/src/main/jniLibs/armeabi-v7a/ # build flutter pushd flutter flutter build apk --release --target-platform android-arm --split-per-abi mv build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-armeabi-v7a-release.apk ../rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}-${{ matrix.job.arch }}.apk ;; esac popd mkdir -p signed-apk; pushd signed-apk mv ../rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}-${{ matrix.job.arch }}.apk . - uses: r0adkll/sign-android-release@v1 name: Sign app APK if: env.ANDROID_SIGNING_KEY != null id: sign-rustdesk with: releaseDirectory: ./signed-apk signingKeyBase64: ${{ secrets.ANDROID_SIGNING_KEY }} alias: ${{ secrets.ANDROID_ALIAS }} keyStorePassword: ${{ secrets.ANDROID_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD }} keyPassword: ${{ secrets.ANDROID_KEY_PASSWORD }} env: # override default build-tools version (29.0.3) -- optional BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION: "30.0.2" - name: Upload Artifacts if: env.ANDROID_SIGNING_KEY != null && env.UPLOAD_ARTIFACT == 'true' uses: actions/upload-artifact@master with: name: rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}-${{ matrix.job.arch }}.apk path: ${{steps.sign-rustdesk.outputs.signedReleaseFile}} - name: Publish signed apk package if: env.ANDROID_SIGNING_KEY != null && env.UPLOAD_ARTIFACT == 'true' uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 with: prerelease: true tag_name: ${{ env.TAG_NAME }} files: | ${{steps.sign-rustdesk.outputs.signedReleaseFile}} - name: Publish unsigned apk package if: env.ANDROID_SIGNING_KEY == null && env.UPLOAD_ARTIFACT == 'true' uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 with: prerelease: true tag_name: ${{ env.TAG_NAME }} files: | signed-apk/rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}-${{ matrix.job.arch }}.apk build-rustdesk-lib-linux-amd64: needs: [generate-bridge-linux, build-vcpkg-deps-linux] name: build-rust-lib ${{ }} (${{ matrix.job.os }}) [${{ matrix.job.extra-build-features }}] runs-on: ${{ matrix.job.os }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: # use a high level qemu-user-static job: # - { target: i686-unknown-linux-gnu , os: ubuntu-20.04, use-cross: true } # - { target: i686-unknown-linux-musl , os: ubuntu-20.04, use-cross: true } - { arch: x86_64, target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, os: ubuntu-20.04, extra-build-features: "", enable-headless: true } - { arch: x86_64, target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, os: ubuntu-20.04, extra-build-features: "flatpak", enable-headless: false } - { arch: x86_64, target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, os: ubuntu-20.04, extra-build-features: "appimage", enable-headless: false } # - { target: x86_64-unknown-linux-musl , os: ubuntu-20.04, use-cross: true } steps: - name: Maximize build space run: | sudo rm -rf /opt/ghc sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/android sudo rm -rf /usr/share/dotnet sudo apt update -y sudo apt install qemu-user-static - name: Checkout source code uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Set Swap Space uses: pierotofy/set-swap-space@master with: swap-size-gb: 12 - name: Free Space run: | df - name: Install Rust toolchain uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: toolchain: stable target: ${{ }} override: true profile: minimal # minimal component installation (ie, no documentation) - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2 with: prefix-key: rustdesk-lib-cache key: ${{ }}-${{ matrix.job.extra-build-features }} cache-directories: "/opt/rust-registry" - name: Install local registry run: | mkdir -p /opt/rust-registry cargo install cargo-local-registry - name: Build local registry uses: nick-fields/retry@v2 id: build-local-registry continue-on-error: true with: max_attempts: 3 timeout_minutes: 15 retry_on: error command: cargo local-registry --sync ./Cargo.lock /opt/rust-registry - name: Disable rust bridge build run: | sed -i "s/gen_flutter_rust_bridge();/\/\//g" # only build cdylib sed -i "s/\[\"cdylib\", \"staticlib\", \"rlib\"\]/\[\"cdylib\"\]/g" Cargo.toml - name: Restore bridge files uses: actions/download-artifact@master with: name: bridge-artifact path: ./ - name: Restore vcpkg files uses: actions/download-artifact@master with: name: vcpkg-artifact-${{ matrix.job.arch }} path: /opt/artifacts/vcpkg/installed - uses: Kingtous/run-on-arch-action@amd64-support name: Build rustdesk library for ${{ matrix.job.arch }} id: vcpkg with: arch: ${{ matrix.job.arch }} distro: ubuntu18.04 # not ready yet # distro: ubuntu18.04-rustdesk githubToken: ${{ github.token }} setup: | ls -l "${PWD}" ls -l /opt/artifacts/vcpkg/installed dockerRunArgs: | --volume "${PWD}:/workspace" --volume "/opt/artifacts:/opt/artifacts" --volume "/opt/rust-registry:/opt/rust-registry" shell: /bin/bash install: | apt update -y echo -e "installing deps" apt-get -qq install -y git curl wget nasm yasm libgtk-3-dev clang libxcb-randr0-dev libxdo-dev libxfixes-dev libxcb-shape0-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev libasound2-dev libpulse-dev cmake libclang-dev ninja-build libappindicator3-dev libgstreamer1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev libvdpau-dev libva-dev libpam0g-dev libclang-dev llvm-dev libclang-10-dev llvm-10-dev pkg-config tree g++ gcc libvpx-dev tree > /dev/null # we have libopus compiled by us. apt remove -y libopus-dev || true # output devs ls -l ./ tree -L 3 /opt/artifacts/vcpkg/installed run: | # disable git git config --global --add "*" # rust pushd /opt # do not use rustup, because memory overflow in qemu wget -O rust.tar.gz${{ }}.tar.gz tar -zxvf rust.tar.gz > /dev/null && rm rust.tar.gz cd rust-1.69.0-${{ }} && ./ rm -rf rust-1.69.0-${{ }} # edit config mkdir -p ~/.cargo/ echo """ [source.crates-io] registry = '' replace-with = 'local-registry' [source.local-registry] local-registry = '/opt/rust-registry/' """ > ~/.cargo/config cat ~/.cargo/config # start build pushd /workspace # mock case "${{ matrix.job.arch }}" in x86_64) # no need mock on x86_64 export VCPKG_ROOT=/opt/artifacts/vcpkg export DEFAULT_FEAT="" if ${{ matrix.job.enable-headless }}; then export DEFAULT_FEAT=linux_headless fi cargo build --lib --features hwcodec,flutter,flutter_texture_render,${{ matrix.job.extra-build-features }},$DEFAULT_FEAT --release ;; esac - name: Upload Artifacts uses: actions/upload-artifact@master with: name: librustdesk-${{ matrix.job.arch }}-${{ matrix.job.extra-build-features }}.so path: target/release/ build-rustdesk-lib-linux-arm: needs: [generate-bridge-linux, build-vcpkg-deps-linux] name: build-rust-lib ${{ }} (${{ matrix.job.os }}) [${{ matrix.job.extra-build-features }}] runs-on: ${{ matrix.job.os }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: # use a high level qemu-user-static job: - { arch: aarch64, target: aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu, os: ubuntu-20.04, # just for naming package, not running host use-cross: true, extra-build-features: "", enable-headless: true } - { arch: aarch64, target: aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu, os: ubuntu-20.04, # just for naming package, not running host use-cross: true, extra-build-features: "appimage", enable-headless: false } # - { arch: aarch64, target: aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu , os: ubuntu-20.04, use-cross: true, extra-build-features: "flatpak" } # - { # arch: armv7, # target: armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf, # os: ubuntu-20.04, # use-cross: true, # extra-build-features: "", # } # - { arch: armv7, target: armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf , os: ubuntu-20.04, use-cross: true, extra-build-features: "appimage" } # - { target: arm-unknown-linux-musleabihf, os: ubuntu-20.04, use-cross: true } steps: - name: Maximize build space run: | sudo rm -rf /opt/ghc sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/android sudo rm -rf /usr/share/dotnet sudo apt update -y sudo apt install qemu-user-static - name: Checkout source code uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Set Swap Space uses: pierotofy/set-swap-space@master with: swap-size-gb: 12 - name: Free Space run: | df - name: Install Rust toolchain uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: toolchain: stable target: ${{ }} override: true profile: minimal # minimal component installation (ie, no documentation) - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2 with: prefix-key: rustdesk-lib-cache key: ${{ }}-${{ matrix.job.extra-build-features }} cache-directories: "/opt/rust-registry" - name: Install local registry run: | mkdir -p /opt/rust-registry cargo install cargo-local-registry - name: Build local registry uses: nick-fields/retry@v2 id: build-local-registry continue-on-error: true with: max_attempts: 3 timeout_minutes: 15 retry_on: error command: cargo local-registry --sync ./Cargo.lock /opt/rust-registry - name: Disable rust bridge build run: | sed -i "s/gen_flutter_rust_bridge();/\/\//g" # only build cdylib sed -i "s/\[\"cdylib\", \"staticlib\", \"rlib\"\]/\[\"cdylib\"\]/g" Cargo.toml - name: Restore bridge files uses: actions/download-artifact@master with: name: bridge-artifact path: ./ - name: Restore vcpkg files uses: actions/download-artifact@master with: name: vcpkg-artifact-${{ matrix.job.arch }} path: /opt/artifacts/vcpkg/installed - uses: Kingtous/run-on-arch-action@amd64-support name: Build rustdesk library for ${{ matrix.job.arch }} id: vcpkg with: arch: ${{ matrix.job.arch }} distro: ubuntu18.04-rustdesk githubToken: ${{ github.token }} setup: | ls -l "${PWD}" ls -l /opt/artifacts/vcpkg/installed dockerRunArgs: | --volume "${PWD}:/workspace" --volume "/opt/artifacts:/opt/artifacts" --volume "/opt/rust-registry:/opt/rust-registry" shell: /bin/bash install: | apt update -y echo -e "installing deps" apt-get -qq install -y git curl wget nasm yasm libgtk-3-dev clang libxcb-randr0-dev libxdo-dev libxfixes-dev libxcb-shape0-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev libasound2-dev libpulse-dev cmake libclang-dev ninja-build libappindicator3-dev libgstreamer1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev libvdpau-dev libva-dev libpam0g-dev libclang-dev llvm-dev libclang-10-dev llvm-10-dev pkg-config tree g++ gcc libvpx-dev tree > /dev/null # we have libopus compiled by us. apt remove -y libopus-dev || true # output devs ls -l ./ tree -L 3 /opt/artifacts/vcpkg/installed run: | # disable git git config --global --add "*" # rust pushd /opt # do not use rustup, because memory overflow in qemu wget -O rust.tar.gz${{ }}.tar.gz tar -zxvf rust.tar.gz > /dev/null && rm rust.tar.gz cd rust-1.69.0-${{ }} && ./ rm -rf rust-1.69.0-${{ }} # edit config mkdir -p ~/.cargo/ echo """ [source.crates-io] registry = '' replace-with = 'local-registry' [source.local-registry] local-registry = '/opt/rust-registry/' """ > ~/.cargo/config cat ~/.cargo/config # start build pushd /workspace export VCPKG_ROOT=/opt/artifacts/vcpkg export DEFAULT_FEAT="" if ${{ matrix.job.enable-headless }}; then export DEFAULT_FEAT=linux_headless fi cargo build --lib --features flutter,${{ matrix.job.extra-build-features }},$DEFAULT_FEAT --release - name: Upload Artifacts uses: actions/upload-artifact@master with: name: librustdesk-${{ matrix.job.arch }}-${{ matrix.job.extra-build-features }}.so path: target/release/ build-rustdesk-sciter-arm: needs: [build-vcpkg-deps-linux] name: build-rustdesk(sciter) ${{ }} (${{ matrix.job.os }}) [${{ matrix.job.extra-build-features }}] runs-on: ${{ matrix.job.os }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: # use a high level qemu-user-static job: - { arch: armv7, target: armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf, deb-arch: armhf, os: ubuntu-latest, use-cross: true, extra-build-features: "", enable-headless: true } # - { arch: armv7, target: armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf , os: ubuntu-20.04, use-cross: true, extra-build-features: "appimage" } # - { target: arm-unknown-linux-musleabihf, os: ubuntu-20.04, use-cross: true } steps: - name: Maximize build space run: | sudo rm -rf /opt/ghc sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/android sudo rm -rf /usr/share/dotnet sudo apt update -y sudo apt install qemu-user-static - name: Checkout source code uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Set Swap Space uses: pierotofy/set-swap-space@master with: swap-size-gb: 12 - name: Free Space run: | df - name: Install Rust toolchain uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: toolchain: stable target: ${{ }} override: true profile: minimal # minimal component installation (ie, no documentation) - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2 with: prefix-key: rustdesk-lib-cache key: ${{ }}-${{ matrix.job.extra-build-features }} cache-directories: "/opt/rust-registry" - name: Install local registry run: | mkdir -p /opt/rust-registry cargo install cargo-local-registry - name: Build local registry uses: nick-fields/retry@v2 id: build-local-registry continue-on-error: true with: max_attempts: 3 timeout_minutes: 15 retry_on: error command: cargo local-registry --sync ./Cargo.lock /opt/rust-registry - name: Restore vcpkg files uses: actions/download-artifact@master with: name: vcpkg-artifact-${{ matrix.job.arch }} path: /opt/artifacts/vcpkg/installed - uses: Kingtous/run-on-arch-action@amd64-support name: Build rustdesk sciter binary for ${{ matrix.job.arch }} id: vcpkg with: arch: ${{ matrix.job.arch }} distro: ubuntu18.04-rustdesk githubToken: ${{ github.token }} setup: | ls -l "${PWD}" dockerRunArgs: | --volume "${PWD}:/workspace" --volume "/opt/artifacts:/opt/artifacts" --volume "/opt/rust-registry:/opt/rust-registry" shell: /bin/bash install: | apt update -y apt-get -qq install -y git cmake g++ gcc build-essential nasm yasm curl unzip xz-utils python3 wget pkg-config ninja-build pkg-config libgtk-3-dev liblzma-dev clang libappindicator3-dev rpm libclang-dev apt-get -qq install -y libdbus-1-dev pkg-config nasm yasm libglib2.0-dev libxcb-randr0-dev libxdo-dev libxfixes-dev libxcb-shape0-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev libasound2-dev apt-get -qq install -y libpulse-dev libgstreamer1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev libvpx-dev libvdpau-dev libva-dev libpam0g-dev run: | # disable git git config --global --add "*" # rust pushd /opt # do not use rustup, because memory overflow in qemu wget -O rust.tar.gz${{ }}.tar.gz tar -zxvf rust.tar.gz > /dev/null && rm rust.tar.gz cd rust-1.69.0-${{ }} && ./ rm -rf rust-1.69.0-${{ }} # edit config mkdir -p ~/.cargo/ echo """ [source.crates-io] registry = '' replace-with = 'local-registry' [source.local-registry] local-registry = '/opt/rust-registry/' """ > ~/.cargo/config cat ~/.cargo/config # build pushd /workspace python3 ./res/ export VCPKG_ROOT=/opt/artifacts/vcpkg export ARCH=armhf export DEFAULT_FEAT="" if ${{ matrix.job.enable-headless }}; then export DEFAULT_FEAT=linux_headless fi cargo build --features inline,${{ matrix.job.extra-build-features }},$DEFAULT_FEAT --release --bins # package mkdir -p ./Release mv ./target/release/rustdesk ./Release/rustdesk wget -O ./Release/ ./ --package ./Release - name: Rename rustdesk shell: bash run: | for name in rustdesk*??.deb; do # use cp to duplicate deb files to fit other packages. cp "$name" "${name%%.deb}-${{ matrix.job.arch }}-sciter.deb" done - name: Publish debian package if: matrix.job.extra-build-features == '' && env.UPLOAD_ARTIFACT == 'true' uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 with: prerelease: true tag_name: ${{ env.TAG_NAME }} files: | rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}-${{ matrix.job.arch }}-sciter.deb - name: Upload Artifact uses: actions/upload-artifact@master if: ${{ contains(matrix.job.extra-build-features, 'flatpak') }} with: name: rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}-${{ matrix.job.arch }}-sciter.deb path: rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}-${{ matrix.job.arch }}-sciter.deb build-rustdesk-linux-arm: needs: [build-rustdesk-lib-linux-arm] name: build-rustdesk ${{ }} (${{ matrix.job.os }}) [${{ matrix.job.extra-build-features }}] runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 # 20.04 has more performance on arm build strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: job: - { arch: aarch64, target: aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu, os: ubuntu-18.04, # just for naming package, not running host use-cross: true, extra-build-features: "", } - { arch: aarch64, target: aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu, os: ubuntu-18.04, # just for naming package, not running host use-cross: true, extra-build-features: "appimage", } # - { # arch: aarch64, # target: aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu, # os: ubuntu-18.04, # just for naming package, not running host # use-cross: true, # extra-build-features: "flatpak", # } # - { arch: armv7, target: armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf , os: ubuntu-20.04, use-cross: true, extra-build-features: "" } # - { arch: armv7, target: armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf , os: ubuntu-20.04, use-cross: true, extra-build-features: "appimage" } # - { target: arm-unknown-linux-musleabihf, os: ubuntu-20.04, use-cross: true } steps: - name: Checkout source code uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Restore bridge files uses: actions/download-artifact@master with: name: bridge-artifact path: ./ - name: Prepare env run: | sudo apt update -y sudo apt-get -qq install -y git curl wget nasm yasm libgtk-3-dev libarchive-tools mkdir -p ./target/release/ - name: Restore the rustdesk lib file uses: actions/download-artifact@master with: name: librustdesk-${{ matrix.job.arch }}-${{ matrix.job.extra-build-features }}.so path: ./target/release/ - name: Download Flutter shell: bash run: | # disable git git config --global --add "*" pushd /opt # clone repo and reset to flutter 3.7.0 git clone || true pushd flutter-elinux # reset to flutter 3.7.0 git fetch git reset --hard 51a1d685901f79fbac51665a967c3a1a789ecee5 popd - uses: Kingtous/run-on-arch-action@amd64-support name: Build rustdesk binary for ${{ matrix.job.arch }} id: vcpkg with: arch: ${{ matrix.job.arch }} distro: ubuntu18.04-rustdesk githubToken: ${{ github.token }} setup: | ls -l "${PWD}" dockerRunArgs: | --volume "${PWD}:/workspace" --volume "/opt/artifacts:/opt/artifacts" --volume "/opt/flutter-elinux:/opt/flutter-elinux" shell: /bin/bash install: | apt update -y apt-get -qq install -y git cmake g++ gcc build-essential nasm yasm curl unzip xz-utils python3 wget pkg-config ninja-build pkg-config libgtk-3-dev liblzma-dev clang libappindicator3-dev rpm run: | # disable git git config --global --add "*" pushd /workspace # we use flutter-elinux to build our rustdesk export PATH=/opt/flutter-elinux/bin:$PATH sed -i "s/flutter build linux --release/flutter-elinux build linux/g" ./ # Setup flutter-elinux. Run doctor to check if issues here. flutter-elinux doctor -v # Patch arm64 engine for flutter 3.6.0+ flutter-elinux precache --linux pushd /tmp curl -O tar -xvf flutter_linux_3.7.0-stable.tar.xz flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/shader_lib cp -R flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/shader_lib /opt/flutter-elinux/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-arm64 popd # edit to corresponding arch case ${{ matrix.job.arch }} in aarch64) export ARCH=arm64 sed -i "s/x64\/release/arm64\/release/g" ./ ;; armv7) export ARCH=armhf sed -i "s/x64\/release/arm\/release/g" ./ ;; esac python3 ./ --flutter --hwcodec --skip-cargo # rpm package echo -e "start packaging fedora package" pushd /workspace case ${{ matrix.job.arch }} in armv7) sed -i "s/64bit/32bit/g" ./res/rpm-flutter.spec sed -i "s/linux\/x64/linux\/arm/g" ./res/rpm-flutter.spec ;; aarch64) sed -i "s/linux\/x64/linux\/arm64/g" ./res/rpm-flutter.spec ;; esac HBB=`pwd` rpmbuild ./res/rpm-flutter.spec -bb pushd ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/${{ matrix.job.arch }} mkdir -p /opt/artifacts/rpm for name in rustdesk*??.rpm; do mv "$name" "/opt/artifacts/rpm/${name%%.rpm}-fedora28-centos8.rpm" done # rpm suse package echo -e "start packaging suse package" pushd /workspace case ${{ matrix.job.arch }} in armv7) sed -i "s/64bit/32bit/g" ./res/rpm-flutter-suse.spec sed -i "s/linux\/x64/linux\/arm/g" ./res/rpm-flutter-suse.spec ;; aarch64) sed -i "s/linux\/x64/linux\/arm64/g" ./res/rpm-flutter-suse.spec ;; esac HBB=`pwd` rpmbuild ./res/rpm-flutter.spec -bb pushd ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/${{ matrix.job.arch }} mkdir -p /opt/artifacts/rpm for name in rustdesk*??.rpm; do mv "$name" "/opt/artifacts/rpm/${name%%.rpm}-suse.rpm" done - name: Rename rustdesk shell: bash run: | for name in rustdesk*??.deb; do cp "$name" "${name%%.deb}-${{ matrix.job.arch }}.deb" done - name: Publish debian package if: matrix.job.extra-build-features == '' && env.UPLOAD_ARTIFACT == 'true' uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 with: prerelease: true tag_name: ${{ env.TAG_NAME }} files: | rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}-${{ matrix.job.arch }}.deb - name: Build appimage package if: ${{ matrix.job.extra-build-features == 'appimage' }} shell: bash run: | # set-up appimage-builder pushd /tmp wget -O appimage-builder-x86_64.AppImage chmod +x appimage-builder-x86_64.AppImage sudo mv appimage-builder-x86_64.AppImage /usr/local/bin/appimage-builder popd # run appimage-builder pushd appimage sudo appimage-builder --skip-tests --recipe ./AppImageBuilder-${{ matrix.job.arch }}.yml - name: Publish appimage package if: matrix.job.extra-build-features == 'appimage' && env.UPLOAD_ARTIFACT == 'true' uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 with: prerelease: true tag_name: ${{ env.TAG_NAME }} files: | ./appimage/rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}-*.AppImage - name: Upload Artifact uses: actions/upload-artifact@master if: ${{ contains(matrix.job.extra-build-features, 'flatpak') }} with: name: rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}-${{ matrix.job.arch }}.deb path: rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}-${{ matrix.job.arch }}.deb - name: Patch archlinux PKGBUILD if: ${{ matrix.job.extra-build-features == '' }} run: | sed -i "s/arch=('x86_64')/arch=('${{ matrix.job.arch }}')/g" res/PKGBUILD case ${{ matrix.job.arch }} in armv7) sed -i "s/linux\/x64/linux\/arm/g" ./res/PKGBUILD ;; aarch64) sed -i "s/linux\/x64/linux\/arm64/g" ./res/PKGBUILD ;; esac # Temporary disable for there is no many archlinux arm hosts # - name: Build archlinux package # if: ${{ matrix.job.extra-build-features == '' }} # uses: vufa/arch-makepkg-action@master # with: # packages: > # llvm # clang # libva # libvdpau # rust # gstreamer # unzip # git # cmake # gcc # curl # wget # yasm # nasm # zip # make # pkg-config # clang # gtk3 # xdotool # libxcb # libxfixes # alsa-lib # pipewire # python # ttf-arphic-uming # libappindicator-gtk3 # scripts: | # cd res && HBB=`pwd`/.. FLUTTER=1 makepkg -f # - name: Publish archlinux package # if: ${{ matrix.job.extra-build-features == '' }} # uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 # with: # prerelease: true # tag_name: ${{ env.TAG_NAME }} # files: | # res/rustdesk*.zst - name: Publish fedora28/centos8 package if: matrix.job.extra-build-features == '' && env.UPLOAD_ARTIFACT == 'true' uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 with: prerelease: true tag_name: ${{ env.TAG_NAME }} files: | /opt/artifacts/rpm/*.rpm build-rustdesk-linux-amd64: needs: [build-rustdesk-lib-linux-amd64] name: build-rustdesk ${{ }} (${{ matrix.job.os }}) [${{ matrix.job.extra-build-features }}] runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: job: # - { target: i686-unknown-linux-gnu , os: ubuntu-20.04, use-cross: true } # - { target: i686-unknown-linux-musl , os: ubuntu-20.04, use-cross: true } - { arch: x86_64, target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, os: ubuntu-18.04, extra-build-features: "", } - { arch: x86_64, target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, os: ubuntu-18.04, extra-build-features: "flatpak", } - { arch: x86_64, target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, os: ubuntu-18.04, extra-build-features: "appimage", } # - { target: x86_64-unknown-linux-musl , os: ubuntu-20.04, use-cross: true } steps: - name: Checkout source code uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Restore bridge files uses: actions/download-artifact@master with: name: bridge-artifact path: ./ - name: Prepare env run: | sudo apt update -y sudo apt-get -qq install -y git curl wget nasm yasm libgtk-3-dev libarchive-tools mkdir -p ./target/release/ - name: Restore the rustdesk lib file uses: actions/download-artifact@master with: name: librustdesk-${{ matrix.job.arch }}-${{ matrix.job.extra-build-features }}.so path: ./target/release/ - uses: Kingtous/run-on-arch-action@amd64-support name: Build rustdesk binary for ${{ matrix.job.arch }} id: vcpkg with: arch: ${{ matrix.job.arch }} distro: ubuntu18.04 githubToken: ${{ github.token }} setup: | ls -l "${PWD}" dockerRunArgs: | --volume "${PWD}:/workspace" --volume "/opt/artifacts:/opt/artifacts" shell: /bin/bash install: | apt update -y apt-get -qq install -y git cmake g++ gcc build-essential nasm yasm curl unzip xz-utils python3 wget pkg-config ninja-build pkg-config libgtk-3-dev liblzma-dev clang libappindicator3-dev rpm run: | # disable git git config --global --add "*" # Setup Flutter pushd /opt wget${{ env.FLUTTER_VERSION }}-stable.tar.xz tar xf flutter_linux_${{ env.FLUTTER_VERSION }}-stable.tar.xz ls -l . export PATH=/opt/flutter/bin:$PATH flutter doctor -v pushd /workspace python3 ./ --flutter --hwcodec --skip-cargo # rpm package pushd /workspace case ${{ matrix.job.arch }} in armv7) sed -i "s/64bit/32bit/g" ./res/rpm-flutter.spec ;; esac HBB=`pwd` rpmbuild ./res/rpm-flutter.spec -bb pushd ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/${{ matrix.job.arch }} mkdir -p /opt/artifacts/rpm for name in rustdesk*??.rpm; do mv "$name" "/opt/artifacts/rpm/${name%%.rpm}-fedora28-centos8.rpm" done # rpm suse package pushd /workspace case ${{ matrix.job.arch }} in armv7) sed -i "s/64bit/32bit/g" ./res/rpm-flutter-suse.spec ;; esac HBB=`pwd` rpmbuild ./res/rpm-flutter-suse.spec -bb pushd ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/${{ matrix.job.arch }} mkdir -p /opt/artifacts/rpm for name in rustdesk*??.rpm; do mv "$name" "/opt/artifacts/rpm/${name%%.rpm}-suse.rpm" done - name: Rename rustdesk shell: bash run: | for name in rustdesk*??.deb; do # use cp to duplicate deb files to fit other packages. cp "$name" "${name%%.deb}-${{ matrix.job.arch }}.deb" done - name: Publish debian package if: matrix.job.extra-build-features == '' && env.UPLOAD_ARTIFACT == 'true' uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 with: prerelease: true tag_name: ${{ env.TAG_NAME }} files: | rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}-${{ matrix.job.arch }}.deb - name: Upload Artifact uses: actions/upload-artifact@master if: ${{ contains(matrix.job.extra-build-features, 'flatpak') }} with: name: rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}-${{ matrix.job.arch }}.deb path: rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}-${{ matrix.job.arch }}.deb - name: Patch archlinux PKGBUILD if: ${{ matrix.job.extra-build-features == '' }} run: | sed -i "s/arch=('x86_64')/arch=('${{ matrix.job.arch }}')/g" res/PKGBUILD - name: Build archlinux package if: ${{ matrix.job.extra-build-features == '' }} uses: vufa/arch-makepkg-action@master with: packages: > llvm clang libva libvdpau rust gstreamer unzip git cmake gcc curl wget yasm nasm zip make pkg-config clang gtk3 xdotool libxcb libxfixes alsa-lib pipewire python ttf-arphic-uming libappindicator-gtk3 pam gst-plugins-base gst-plugin-pipewire scripts: | cd res && HBB=`pwd`/.. FLUTTER=1 makepkg -f - name: Publish archlinux package if: matrix.job.extra-build-features == '' && env.UPLOAD_ARTIFACT == 'true' uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 with: prerelease: true tag_name: ${{ env.TAG_NAME }} files: | res/rustdesk*.zst - name: Build appimage package if: matrix.job.extra-build-features == 'appimage' && env.UPLOAD_ARTIFACT == 'true' shell: bash run: | # set-up appimage-builder pushd /tmp wget -O appimage-builder-x86_64.AppImage chmod +x appimage-builder-x86_64.AppImage sudo mv appimage-builder-x86_64.AppImage /usr/local/bin/appimage-builder popd # run appimage-builder pushd appimage sudo appimage-builder --skip-tests --recipe ./AppImageBuilder-x86_64.yml - name: Publish appimage package if: matrix.job.extra-build-features == 'appimage' && env.UPLOAD_ARTIFACT == 'true' uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 with: prerelease: true tag_name: ${{ env.TAG_NAME }} files: | ./appimage/rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}-*.AppImage - name: Publish fedora28/centos8 package if: matrix.job.extra-build-features == '' && env.UPLOAD_ARTIFACT == 'true' uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 with: prerelease: true tag_name: ${{ env.TAG_NAME }} files: | /opt/artifacts/rpm/*.rpm # Temporary disable flatpak arm build # # build-flatpak-arm: # name: Build Flatpak # needs: [build-rustdesk-linux-arm] # runs-on: ${{ matrix.job.os }} # strategy: # fail-fast: false # matrix: # job: # # - { target: aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu , os: ubuntu-18.04, arch: arm64 } # - { target: aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu, os: ubuntu-20.04, arch: arm64 } # steps: # - name: Checkout source code # uses: actions/checkout@v3 # - name: Download Binary # uses: actions/download-artifact@master # with: # name: rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}-${{ }}-${{ matrix.job.os }}.deb # path: . # - name: Rename Binary # run: | # mv rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}-${{ }}-${{ matrix.job.os }}.deb rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}.deb # - uses: Kingtous/run-on-arch-action@amd64-support # name: Build rustdesk flatpak package for ${{ matrix.job.arch }} # id: rpm # with: # arch: ${{ matrix.job.arch }} # distro: ubuntu18.04 # githubToken: ${{ github.token }} # setup: | # ls -l "${PWD}" # dockerRunArgs: | # --volume "${PWD}:/workspace" # shell: /bin/bash # install: | # apt update -y # apt install -y rpm # run: | # pushd /workspace # # install # apt update -y # apt install -y flatpak flatpak-builder cmake g++ gcc git curl wget nasm yasm libgtk-3-dev git # # flatpak deps # flatpak --user remote-add --if-not-exists flathub # flatpak --user install -y flathub org.freedesktop.Platform/${{ matrix.job.arch }}/21.08 # flatpak --user install -y flathub org.freedesktop.Sdk/${{ matrix.job.arch }}/21.08 # # package # pushd flatpak # git clone --depth=1 # flatpak-builder --user --force-clean --repo=repo ./build ./rustdesk.json # flatpak build-bundle ./repo rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}-${{ }}.flatpak org.rustdesk.rustdesk # - name: Publish flatpak package # uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 # with: # prerelease: true # tag_name: ${{ env.TAG_NAME }} # files: | # flatpak/rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}-${{ }}.flatpak build-flatpak-amd64: name: Build Flatpak needs: [build-rustdesk-linux-amd64] runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: job: - { target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, os: ubuntu-18.04, arch: x86_64 } steps: - name: Checkout source code uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Download Binary uses: actions/download-artifact@master with: name: rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}-${{ matrix.job.arch }}.deb path: . - name: Rename Binary run: | mv rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}-${{ matrix.job.arch }}.deb rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}.deb - uses: Kingtous/run-on-arch-action@amd64-support name: Build rustdesk flatpak package for ${{ matrix.job.arch }} id: rpm with: arch: ${{ matrix.job.arch }} distro: ubuntu18.04 githubToken: ${{ github.token }} setup: | ls -l "${PWD}" dockerRunArgs: | --volume "${PWD}:/workspace" shell: /bin/bash install: | apt update -y apt install -y rpm git wget curl run: | # disable git git config --global --add "*" pushd /workspace # install apt update -y apt install -y flatpak flatpak-builder cmake g++ gcc git curl wget nasm yasm libgtk-3-dev git # flatpak deps flatpak --user remote-add --if-not-exists flathub flatpak --user install -y flathub org.freedesktop.Platform/${{ matrix.job.arch }}/21.08 flatpak --user install -y flathub org.freedesktop.Sdk/${{ matrix.job.arch }}/21.08 # package pushd flatpak git clone --depth=1 flatpak-builder --user --force-clean --repo=repo ./build ./rustdesk.json flatpak build-bundle ./repo rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}-${{ matrix.job.arch }}.flatpak com.rustdesk.RustDesk - name: Publish flatpak package uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 if: env.UPLOAD_ARTIFACT == 'true' with: prerelease: true tag_name: ${{ env.TAG_NAME }} files: | flatpak/rustdesk-${{ env.VERSION }}-${{ matrix.job.arch }}.flatpak