import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/common.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/utils/event_loop.dart'; import 'package:get/get.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; import '../consts.dart'; import 'model.dart'; import 'platform_model.dart'; enum SortBy { name, type, modified, size; @override String toString() { final str =; return "${str[0].toUpperCase()}${str.substring(1)}"; } } class JobID { int _count = 0; int next() { _count++; return _count; } } typedef GetSessionID = SessionID Function(); class FileModel { final WeakReference parent; // late final String sessionId; late final FileFetcher fileFetcher; late final JobController jobController; late final FileController localController; late final FileController remoteController; late final GetSessionID getSessionID; SessionID get sessionId => getSessionID(); late final FileDialogEventLoop evtLoop; FileModel(this.parent) { getSessionID = () =>!.sessionId; fileFetcher = FileFetcher(getSessionID); jobController = JobController(getSessionID); localController = FileController( isLocal: true, getSessionID: getSessionID, rootState: parent, jobController: jobController, fileFetcher: fileFetcher, getOtherSideDirectoryData: () => remoteController.directoryData()); remoteController = FileController( isLocal: false, getSessionID: getSessionID, rootState: parent, jobController: jobController, fileFetcher: fileFetcher, getOtherSideDirectoryData: () => localController.directoryData()); evtLoop = FileDialogEventLoop(); } Future onReady() async { await evtLoop.onReady(); await localController.onReady(); await remoteController.onReady(); } Future close() async { await evtLoop.close();; await localController.close(); await remoteController.close(); } Future refreshAll() async { await localController.refresh(); await remoteController.refresh(); } void receiveFileDir(Map evt) { if (evt['is_local'] == "false") { // init remote home, the remote connection will send one dir event when established. TODO opt remoteController.initDirAndHome(evt); } fileFetcher.tryCompleteTask(evt['value'], evt['is_local']); } Future postOverrideFileConfirm(Map evt) async { evtLoop.pushEvent( _FileDialogEvent(WeakReference(this), FileDialogType.overwrite, evt)); } Future overrideFileConfirm(Map evt, {bool? overrideConfirm, bool skip = false}) async { // If `skip == true`, it means to skip this file without showing dialog. // Because `resp` may be null after the user operation or the last remembered operation, // and we should distinguish them. final resp = overrideConfirm ?? (!skip ? await showFileConfirmDialog(translate("Overwrite"), "${evt['read_path']}", true, evt['is_identical'] == "true") : null); final id = int.tryParse(evt['id']) ?? 0; if (false == resp) { final jobIndex = jobController.getJob(id); if (jobIndex != -1) { await jobController.cancelJob(id); final job = jobController.jobTable[jobIndex]; job.state = JobState.done; jobController.jobTable.refresh(); } } else { var need_override = false; if (resp == null) { // skip need_override = false; } else { // overwrite need_override = true; } // Update the loop config. if (fileConfirmCheckboxRemember) { evtLoop.setSkip(!need_override); } await bind.sessionSetConfirmOverrideFile( sessionId: sessionId, actId: id, fileNum: int.parse(evt['file_num']), needOverride: need_override, remember: fileConfirmCheckboxRemember, isUpload: evt['is_upload'] == "true"); } // Update the loop config. if (fileConfirmCheckboxRemember) { evtLoop.setOverrideConfirm(resp); } } bool fileConfirmCheckboxRemember = false; Future showFileConfirmDialog( String title, String content, bool showCheckbox, bool isIdentical) async { fileConfirmCheckboxRemember = false; return await (setState, Function(bool? v) close, context) { cancel() => close(false); submit() => close(true); return CustomAlertDialog( title: Row( children: [ const Icon(Icons.warning_rounded, color:, Text(title).paddingOnly( left: 10, ), ], ), contentBoxConstraints: BoxConstraints(minHeight: 100, minWidth: 400, maxWidth: 400), content: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ Text(translate("This file exists, skip or overwrite this file?"), style: const TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold)), const SizedBox(height: 5), Text(content), Offstage( offstage: !isIdentical, child: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ const SizedBox(height: 12), Text(translate("identical_file_tip"), style: const TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.w500)) ], ), ), showCheckbox ? CheckboxListTile( contentPadding: const EdgeInsets.all(0), dense: true, controlAffinity: ListTileControlAffinity.leading, title: Text( translate("Do this for all conflicts"), ), value: fileConfirmCheckboxRemember, onChanged: (v) { if (v == null) return; setState(() => fileConfirmCheckboxRemember = v); }, ) : const SizedBox.shrink() ]), actions: [ dialogButton( "Cancel", icon: Icon(Icons.close_rounded), onPressed: cancel, isOutline: true, ), dialogButton( "Skip", icon: Icon(Icons.navigate_next_rounded), onPressed: () => close(null), isOutline: true, ), dialogButton( "OK", icon: Icon(Icons.done_rounded), onPressed: submit, ), ], onSubmit: submit, onCancel: cancel, ); }, useAnimation: false); } } class DirectoryData { final DirectoryOptions options; final FileDirectory directory; DirectoryData(, this.options); } class FileController { final bool isLocal; final GetSessionID getSessionID; SessionID get sessionId => getSessionID(); final FileFetcher fileFetcher; final options = DirectoryOptions().obs; final directory = FileDirectory().obs; final history = RxList.empty(growable: true); final sortBy =; var sortAscending = true; final JobController jobController; final WeakReference rootState; final DirectoryData Function() getOtherSideDirectoryData; late final SelectedItems selectedItems = SelectedItems(isLocal: isLocal); FileController( {required this.isLocal, required this.getSessionID, required this.rootState, required this.jobController, required this.fileFetcher, required this.getOtherSideDirectoryData}); String get homePath => options.value.home; void set homePath(String path) => options.value.home = path; OverlayDialogManager? get dialogManager =>; String get shortPath { final dirPath = directory.value.path; if (dirPath.startsWith(homePath)) { var path = dirPath.replaceFirst(homePath, ""); if (path.isEmpty) return ""; if (path[0] == "/" || path[0] == "\\") { // remove more '/' or '\' path = path.replaceFirst(path[0], ""); } return path; } else { return dirPath.replaceFirst(homePath, ""); } } DirectoryData directoryData() { return DirectoryData(directory.value, options.value); } Future onReady() async { if (isLocal) { options.value.home = await bind.mainGetHomeDir(); } options.value.showHidden = (await bind.sessionGetPeerOption( sessionId: sessionId, name: isLocal ? "local_show_hidden" : "remote_show_hidden")) .isNotEmpty; options.value.isWindows = isLocal ? Platform.isWindows : == kPeerPlatformWindows; await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 100)); final dir = (await bind.sessionGetPeerOption( sessionId: sessionId, name: isLocal ? "local_dir" : "remote_dir")); openDirectory(dir.isEmpty ? options.value.home : dir); await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1)); if (directory.value.path.isEmpty) { openDirectory(options.value.home); } } Future close() async { // save config Map msgMap = {}; msgMap[isLocal ? "local_dir" : "remote_dir"] = directory.value.path; msgMap[isLocal ? "local_show_hidden" : "remote_show_hidden"] = options.value.showHidden ? "Y" : ""; for (final msg in msgMap.entries) { await bind.sessionPeerOption( sessionId: sessionId, name: msg.key, value: msg.value); } directory.value.clear(); options.value.clear(); } void toggleShowHidden({bool? showHidden}) { options.value.showHidden = showHidden ?? !options.value.showHidden; refresh(); } void changeSortStyle(SortBy sort, {bool? isLocal, bool ascending = true}) { sortBy.value = sort; sortAscending = ascending; directory.update((dir) { dir?.changeSortStyle(sort, ascending: ascending); }); } Future refresh() async { await openDirectory(directory.value.path); } Future openDirectory(String path, {bool isBack = false}) async { if (path == ".") { refresh(); return; } if (path == "..") { goToParentDirectory(); return; } if (!isBack) { pushHistory(); } final showHidden = options.value.showHidden; final isWindows = options.value.isWindows; // process /C:\ -> C:\ on Windows if (isWindows && path.length > 1 && path[0] == '/') { path = path.substring(1); if (path[path.length - 1] != '\\') { path = "$path\\"; } } try { final fd = await fileFetcher.fetchDirectory(path, isLocal, showHidden); fd.format(isWindows, sort: sortBy.value); directory.value = fd; } catch (e) { debugPrint("Failed to openDirectory $path: $e"); } } void pushHistory() { if (history.isNotEmpty && history.last == directory.value.path) { return; } history.add(directory.value.path); } void goToHomeDirectory() { if (isLocal) { openDirectory(homePath); return; } homePath = ""; openDirectory(homePath); } void goBack() { if (history.isEmpty) return; final path = history.removeAt(history.length - 1); if (path.isEmpty) return; if (directory.value.path == path) { goBack(); return; } openDirectory(path, isBack: true); } void goToParentDirectory() { final isWindows = options.value.isWindows; final dirPath = directory.value.path; var parent = PathUtil.dirname(dirPath, isWindows); // specially for C:\, D:\, goto '/' if (parent == dirPath && isWindows) { openDirectory('/'); return; } openDirectory(parent); } // TODO deprecated this void initDirAndHome(Map evt) { try { final fd = FileDirectory.fromJson(jsonDecode(evt['value'])); fd.format(options.value.isWindows, sort: sortBy.value); if ( > 0) { final jobIndex = jobController.getJob(; if (jobIndex != -1) { final job = jobController.jobTable[jobIndex]; var totalSize = 0; var fileCount = fd.entries.length; for (var element in fd.entries) { totalSize += element.size; } job.totalSize = totalSize; job.fileCount = fileCount; debugPrint("update receive details: ${fd.path}"); jobController.jobTable.refresh(); } } else if (options.value.home.isEmpty) { options.value.home = fd.path; debugPrint("init remote home: ${fd.path}"); directory.value = fd; } } catch (e) { debugPrint("initDirAndHome err=$e"); } } /// sendFiles from current side (FileController.isLocal) to other side (SelectedItems). void sendFiles(SelectedItems items, DirectoryData otherSideData) { /// ignore wrong items side status if (items.isLocal != isLocal) { return; } // alias final isRemoteToLocal = !isLocal; final toPath =; final isWindows = otherSideData.options.isWindows; final showHidden = otherSideData.options.showHidden; for (var from in items.items) { final jobID = jobController.add(from, isRemoteToLocal); bind.sessionSendFiles( sessionId: sessionId, actId: jobID, path: from.path, to: PathUtil.join(toPath,, isWindows), fileNum: 0, includeHidden: showHidden, isRemote: isRemoteToLocal); debugPrint( "path: ${from.path}, toPath: $toPath, to: ${PathUtil.join(toPath,, isWindows)}"); } } bool _removeCheckboxRemember = false; Future removeAction(SelectedItems items) async { _removeCheckboxRemember = false; if (items.isLocal != isLocal) { debugPrint("Failed to removeFile, wrong files"); return; } final isWindows = options.value.isWindows; await Future.forEach(items.items, (Entry item) async { final jobID =; var title = ""; var content = ""; late final List entries; if (item.isFile) { title = translate("Are you sure you want to delete this file?"); content =; entries = [item]; } else if (item.isDirectory) { title = translate("Not an empty directory"); dialogManager?.showLoading(translate("Waiting")); final fd = await fileFetcher.fetchDirectoryRecursive( jobID, item.path, items.isLocal, true); if (fd.path.isEmpty) { fd.path = item.path; } fd.format(isWindows); dialogManager?.dismissAll(); if (fd.entries.isEmpty) { final confirm = await showRemoveDialog( translate( "Are you sure you want to delete this empty directory?"),, false); if (confirm == true) { sendRemoveEmptyDir(item.path, 0); } return; } entries = fd.entries; } else { entries = []; } for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { final dirShow = item.isDirectory ? "${translate("Are you sure you want to delete the file of this directory?")}\n" : ""; final count = entries.length > 1 ? "${i + 1}/${entries.length}" : ""; content = "$dirShow\n\n${entries[i].path}".trim(); final confirm = await showRemoveDialog( count.isEmpty ? title : "$title ($count)", content, item.isDirectory, ); try { if (confirm == true) { sendRemoveFile(entries[i].path, i); final res = await jobController.jobResultListener.start(); // handle remove res; if (item.isDirectory && res['file_num'] == (entries.length - 1).toString()) { sendRemoveEmptyDir(item.path, i); } } if (_removeCheckboxRemember) { if (confirm == true) { for (var j = i + 1; j < entries.length; j++) { sendRemoveFile(entries[j].path, j); final res = await jobController.jobResultListener.start(); if (item.isDirectory && res['file_num'] == (entries.length - 1).toString()) { sendRemoveEmptyDir(item.path, i); } } } break; } } catch (e) { print("remove error: $e"); } } }); refresh(); } Future showRemoveDialog( String title, String content, bool showCheckbox) async { return await dialogManager?.show( (setState, Function(bool v) close, context) { cancel() => close(false); submit() => close(true); return CustomAlertDialog( title: Row( mainAxisAlignment:, children: [ const Icon(Icons.warning_rounded, color:, Expanded( child: Text(title).paddingOnly( left: 10, ), ), ], ), contentBoxConstraints: BoxConstraints(minHeight: 100, minWidth: 400, maxWidth: 400), content: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ Text(content), Text( translate("This is irreversible!"), style: const TextStyle( fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, color:, ), ).paddingOnly(top: 20), showCheckbox ? CheckboxListTile( contentPadding: const EdgeInsets.all(0), dense: true, controlAffinity: ListTileControlAffinity.leading, title: Text( translate("Do this for all conflicts"), ), value: _removeCheckboxRemember, onChanged: (v) { if (v == null) return; setState(() => _removeCheckboxRemember = v); }, ) : const SizedBox.shrink() ], ), actions: [ dialogButton( "Cancel", icon: Icon(Icons.close_rounded), onPressed: cancel, isOutline: true, ), dialogButton( "OK", icon: Icon(Icons.done_rounded), onPressed: submit, ), ], onSubmit: submit, onCancel: cancel, ); }, useAnimation: false); } void sendRemoveFile(String path, int fileNum) { bind.sessionRemoveFile( sessionId: sessionId, actId:, path: path, isRemote: !isLocal, fileNum: fileNum); } void sendRemoveEmptyDir(String path, int fileNum) { history.removeWhere((element) => element.contains(path)); bind.sessionRemoveAllEmptyDirs( sessionId: sessionId, actId:, path: path, isRemote: !isLocal); } Future createDir(String path) async { bind.sessionCreateDir( sessionId: sessionId, actId:, path: path, isRemote: !isLocal); } } class JobController { static final JobID jobID = JobID(); final jobTable = List.empty(growable: true).obs; final jobResultListener = JobResultListener>(); final GetSessionID getSessionID; SessionID get sessionId => getSessionID(); JobController(this.getSessionID); int getJob(int id) { return jobTable.indexWhere((element) => == id); } // JobProgress? getJob(int id) { // return jobTable.firstWhere((element) => == id); // } // return jobID int add(Entry from, bool isRemoteToLocal) { final jobID =; jobTable.add(JobProgress() ..fileName = path.basename(from.path) ..jobName = from.path ..totalSize = from.size ..state = JobState.inProgress = jobID ..isRemoteToLocal = isRemoteToLocal); return jobID; } void tryUpdateJobProgress(Map evt) { try { int id = int.parse(evt['id']); // id = index + 1 final jobIndex = getJob(id); if (jobIndex >= 0 && jobTable.length > jobIndex) { final job = jobTable[jobIndex]; job.fileNum = int.parse(evt['file_num']); job.speed = double.parse(evt['speed']); job.finishedSize = int.parse(evt['finished_size']); debugPrint("update job $id with $evt"); jobTable.refresh(); } } catch (e) { debugPrint("Failed to tryUpdateJobProgress, evt: ${evt.toString()}"); } } void jobDone(Map evt) async { if (jobResultListener.isListening) { jobResultListener.complete(evt); return; } int id = int.parse(evt['id']); final jobIndex = getJob(id); if (jobIndex != -1) { final job = jobTable[jobIndex]; job.finishedSize = job.totalSize; job.state = JobState.done; job.fileNum = int.parse(evt['file_num']); jobTable.refresh(); } } void jobError(Map evt) { final err = evt['err'].toString(); int jobIndex = getJob(int.parse(evt['id'])); if (jobIndex != -1) { final job = jobTable[jobIndex]; job.state = JobState.error; job.err = err; job.fileNum = int.parse(evt['file_num']); if (err == "skipped") { job.state = JobState.done; job.finishedSize = job.totalSize; } jobTable.refresh(); } debugPrint("jobError $evt"); } Future cancelJob(int id) async { await bind.sessionCancelJob(sessionId: sessionId, actId: id); } void loadLastJob(Map evt) { debugPrint("load last job: $evt"); Map jobDetail = json.decode(evt['value']); // int id = int.parse(jobDetail['id']); String remote = jobDetail['remote']; String to = jobDetail['to']; bool showHidden = jobDetail['show_hidden']; int fileNum = jobDetail['file_num']; bool isRemote = jobDetail['is_remote']; final currJobId =; String fileName = path.basename(isRemote ? remote : to); var jobProgress = JobProgress() ..fileName = fileName ..jobName = isRemote ? remote : to = currJobId ..isRemoteToLocal = isRemote ..fileNum = fileNum ..remote = remote = to ..showHidden = showHidden ..state = JobState.paused; jobTable.add(jobProgress); bind.sessionAddJob( sessionId: sessionId, isRemote: isRemote, includeHidden: showHidden, actId: currJobId, path: isRemote ? remote : to, to: isRemote ? to : remote, fileNum: fileNum, ); } void resumeJob(int jobId) { final jobIndex = getJob(jobId); if (jobIndex != -1) { final job = jobTable[jobIndex]; bind.sessionResumeJob( sessionId: sessionId, actId:, isRemote: job.isRemoteToLocal); job.state = JobState.inProgress; jobTable.refresh(); } else { debugPrint("jobId $jobId is not exists"); } } void updateFolderFiles(Map evt) { // ret: "{\"id\":1,\"num_entries\":12,\"total_size\":1264822.0}" Map info = json.decode(evt['info']); int id = info['id']; int num_entries = info['num_entries']; double total_size = info['total_size']; final jobIndex = getJob(id); if (jobIndex != -1) { final job = jobTable[jobIndex]; job.fileCount = num_entries; job.totalSize = total_size.toInt(); jobTable.refresh(); } debugPrint("update folder files: $info"); } } class JobResultListener { Completer? _completer; Timer? _timer; final int _timeoutSecond = 5; bool get isListening => _completer != null; clear() { if (_completer != null) { _timer?.cancel(); _timer = null; _completer!.completeError("Cancel manually"); _completer = null; return; } } Future start() { if (_completer != null) return Future.error("Already start listen"); _completer = Completer(); _timer = Timer(Duration(seconds: _timeoutSecond), () { if (!_completer!.isCompleted) { _completer!.completeError("Time out"); } _completer = null; }); return _completer!.future; } complete(T res) { if (_completer != null) { _timer?.cancel(); _timer = null; _completer!.complete(res); _completer = null; return; } } } class FileFetcher { // Map> localTasks = {}; // now we only use read local dir sync Map> remoteTasks = {}; Map> readRecursiveTasks = {}; final GetSessionID getSessionID; SessionID get sessionId => getSessionID(); FileFetcher(this.getSessionID); Future registerReadTask(bool isLocal, String path) { // final jobs = isLocal?localJobs:remoteJobs; // maybe we will use read local dir async later final tasks = remoteTasks; // bypass now if (tasks.containsKey(path)) { throw "Failed to registerReadTask, already have same read job"; } final c = Completer(); tasks[path] = c; Timer(Duration(seconds: 2), () { tasks.remove(path); if (c.isCompleted) return; c.completeError("Failed to read dir, timeout"); }); return c.future; } Future registerReadRecursiveTask(int actID) { final tasks = readRecursiveTasks; if (tasks.containsKey(actID)) { throw "Failed to registerRemoveTask, already have same ReadRecursive job"; } final c = Completer(); tasks[actID] = c; Timer(Duration(seconds: 2), () { tasks.remove(actID); if (c.isCompleted) return; c.completeError("Failed to read dir, timeout"); }); return c.future; } tryCompleteTask(String? msg, String? isLocalStr) { if (msg == null || isLocalStr == null) return; late final Map> tasks; try { final fd = FileDirectory.fromJson(jsonDecode(msg)); if ( > 0) { // > 0 is result for read recursive // to-do later,will be better if every fetch use ID,so that there will only one task map for read and recursive read tasks = readRecursiveTasks; final completer = tasks.remove(; completer?.complete(fd); } else if (fd.path.isNotEmpty) { // result for normal read dir // final jobs = isLocal?localJobs:remoteJobs; // maybe we will use read local dir async later tasks = remoteTasks; // bypass now final completer = tasks.remove(fd.path); completer?.complete(fd); } } catch (e) { debugPrint("tryCompleteJob err: $e"); } } Future fetchDirectory( String path, bool isLocal, bool showHidden) async { try { if (isLocal) { final res = await bind.sessionReadLocalDirSync( sessionId: sessionId, path: path, showHidden: showHidden); final fd = FileDirectory.fromJson(jsonDecode(res)); return fd; } else { await bind.sessionReadRemoteDir( sessionId: sessionId, path: path, includeHidden: showHidden); return registerReadTask(isLocal, path); } } catch (e) { return Future.error(e); } } Future fetchDirectoryRecursive( int actID, String path, bool isLocal, bool showHidden) async { // TODO test Recursive is show hidden default? try { await bind.sessionReadDirRecursive( sessionId: sessionId, actId: actID, path: path, isRemote: !isLocal, showHidden: showHidden); return registerReadRecursiveTask(actID); } catch (e) { return Future.error(e); } } } class FileDirectory { List entries = []; int id = 0; String path = ""; FileDirectory(); FileDirectory.fromJson(Map json) { id = json['id']; path = json['path']; json['entries'].forEach((v) { entries.add(Entry.fromJson(v)); }); } // generate full path for every entry , init sort style if need. format(bool isWindows, {SortBy? sort}) { for (var entry in entries) { entry.path = PathUtil.join(path,, isWindows); } if (sort != null) { changeSortStyle(sort); } } changeSortStyle(SortBy sort, {bool ascending = true}) { entries = _sortList(entries, sort, ascending); } clear() { entries = []; id = 0; path = ""; } } class Entry { int entryType = 4; int modifiedTime = 0; String name = ""; String path = ""; int size = 0; Entry(); Entry.fromJson(Map json) { entryType = json['entry_type']; modifiedTime = json['modified_time']; name = json['name']; size = json['size']; } bool get isFile => entryType > 3; bool get isDirectory => entryType < 3; bool get isDrive => entryType == 3; DateTime lastModified() { return DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(modifiedTime * 1000); } } enum JobState { none, inProgress, done, error, paused } extension JobStateDisplay on JobState { String display() { switch (this) { case JobState.none: return translate("Waiting"); case JobState.inProgress: return translate("Transfer file"); case JobState.done: return translate("Finished"); case JobState.error: return translate("Error"); default: return ""; } } } class JobProgress { JobState state = JobState.none; var id = 0; var fileNum = 0; var speed = 0.0; var finishedSize = 0; var totalSize = 0; var fileCount = 0; // [isRemote == true] means [remote -> local] // var isRemote = false; // to-do use enum var isRemoteToLocal = false; var jobName = ""; var fileName = ""; var remote = ""; var to = ""; var showHidden = false; var err = ""; int lastTransferredSize = 0; clear() { state = JobState.none; id = 0; fileNum = 0; speed = 0; finishedSize = 0; jobName = ""; fileName = ""; fileCount = 0; remote = ""; to = ""; err = ""; } String display() { if (state == JobState.done && err == "skipped") { return translate("Skipped"); } return state.display(); } } class _PathStat { final String path; final DateTime dateTime; _PathStat(this.path, this.dateTime); } class PathUtil { static final windowsContext = path.Context(style:; static final posixContext = path.Context(style: path.Style.posix); static String join(String path1, String path2, bool isWindows) { final pathUtil = isWindows ? windowsContext : posixContext; return pathUtil.join(path1, path2); } static List split(String path, bool isWindows) { final pathUtil = isWindows ? windowsContext : posixContext; return pathUtil.split(path); } static String dirname(String path, bool isWindows) { final pathUtil = isWindows ? windowsContext : posixContext; return pathUtil.dirname(path); } } class DirectoryOptions { String home; bool showHidden; bool isWindows; DirectoryOptions( {this.home = "", this.showHidden = false, this.isWindows = false}); clear() { home = ""; showHidden = false; isWindows = false; } } class SelectedItems { final bool isLocal; final items = RxList.empty(growable: true); SelectedItems({required this.isLocal}); void add(Entry e) { if (e.isDrive) return; if (!items.contains(e)) { items.add(e); } } void remove(Entry e) { items.remove(e); } void clear() { items.clear(); } void selectAll(List entries) { items.clear(); items.addAll(entries); } static bool valid(RxList items) { if (items.isNotEmpty) { // exclude DirDrive type return items.any((item) => !item.isDrive); } return false; } } // edited from [] List _sortList(List list, SortBy sortType, bool ascending) { if (sortType == { // making list of only folders. final dirs = list .where((element) => element.isDirectory || element.isDrive) .toList(); // sorting folder list by name. dirs.sort((a, b) =>; // making list of only flies. final files = list.where((element) => element.isFile).toList(); // sorting files list by name. files.sort((a, b) =>; // first folders will go to list (if available) then files will go to list. return ascending ? [...dirs, ...files] : [...dirs.reversed.toList(), ...files.reversed.toList()]; } else if (sortType == SortBy.modified) { // making the list of Path & DateTime List<_PathStat> pathStat = []; for (Entry e in list) { pathStat.add(_PathStat(, e.lastModified())); } // sort _pathStat according to date pathStat.sort((b, a) => a.dateTime.compareTo(b.dateTime)); // sorting [list] according to [_pathStat] list.sort((a, b) => pathStat .indexWhere((element) => element.path == .compareTo(pathStat.indexWhere((element) => element.path ==; return ascending ? list : list.reversed.toList(); } else if (sortType == SortBy.type) { // making list of only folders. final dirs = list.where((element) => element.isDirectory).toList(); // sorting folders by name. dirs.sort((a, b) =>; // making the list of files final files = list.where((element) => element.isFile).toList(); // sorting files list by extension. files.sort((a, b) => .toLowerCase() .split('.') .last .compareTo('.').last)); return ascending ? [...dirs, ...files] : [...dirs.reversed.toList(), ...files.reversed.toList()]; } else if (sortType == SortBy.size) { // create list of path and size Map sizeMap = {}; for (Entry e in list) { sizeMap[] = e.size; } // making list of only folders. final dirs = list.where((element) => element.isDirectory).toList(); // sorting folder list by name. dirs.sort((a, b) =>; // making list of only flies. final files = list.where((element) => element.isFile).toList(); // creating sorted list of [_sizeMapList] by size. final List> sizeMapList = sizeMap.entries.toList(); sizeMapList.sort((b, a) => a.value.compareTo(b.value)); // sort [list] according to [_sizeMapList] files.sort((a, b) => sizeMapList .indexWhere((element) => element.key == .compareTo(sizeMapList.indexWhere((element) => element.key ==; return ascending ? [...dirs, ...files] : [...dirs.reversed.toList(), ...files.reversed.toList()]; } return []; } /// Define a general queue which can accepts different dialog type. /// /// [Visibility] /// The `_FileDialogType` and `_DialogEvent` are invisible for other models. enum FileDialogType { overwrite, unknown } class _FileDialogEvent extends BaseEvent> { WeakReference fileModel; bool? _overrideConfirm; bool _skip = false; _FileDialogEvent(this.fileModel, super.type,; void setOverrideConfirm(bool? confirm) { _overrideConfirm = confirm; } void setSkip(bool skip) { _skip = skip; } @override EventCallback>? findCallback(FileDialogType type) { final model =; if (model == null) { return null; } switch (type) { case FileDialogType.overwrite: return (data) async { return await model.overrideFileConfirm(data, overrideConfirm: _overrideConfirm, skip: _skip); }; default: debugPrint("Unknown event type: $type with $data"); return null; } } } class FileDialogEventLoop extends BaseEventLoop> { bool? _overrideConfirm; bool _skip = false; @override Future onPreConsume( BaseEvent> evt) async { var event = evt as _FileDialogEvent; event.setOverrideConfirm(_overrideConfirm); event.setSkip(_skip); debugPrint( "FileDialogEventLoop: consuming"); } @override Future onEventsClear() { _overrideConfirm = null; _skip = false; return super.onEventsClear(); } void setOverrideConfirm(bool? confirm) { _overrideConfirm = confirm; } void setSkip(bool skip) { _skip = skip; } }