import 'package:desktop_multi_window/desktop_multi_window.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/common.dart'; import 'package:get/get.dart'; import '../consts.dart'; import './platform_model.dart'; enum SvcStatus { notReady, connecting, ready } class StateGlobal { int _windowId = -1; final RxBool _fullscreen = false.obs; bool _isMinimized = false; final RxBool isMaximized = false.obs; final RxBool _showTabBar = true.obs; final RxDouble _resizeEdgeSize = RxDouble(windowResizeEdgeSize); final RxDouble _windowBorderWidth = RxDouble(kWindowBorderWidth); final RxBool showRemoteToolBar = false.obs; final svcStatus = SvcStatus.notReady.obs; final RxBool isFocused = false.obs; // for mobile and web bool isInMainPage = true; bool isWebVisible = true; final isPortrait = false.obs; String _inputSource = ''; // Use for desktop -> remote toolbar -> resolution final Map> _lastResolutionGroupValues = {}; int get windowId => _windowId; RxBool get fullscreen => _fullscreen; bool get isMinimized => _isMinimized; double get tabBarHeight => fullscreen.isTrue ? 0 : kDesktopRemoteTabBarHeight; RxBool get showTabBar => _showTabBar; RxDouble get resizeEdgeSize => _resizeEdgeSize; RxDouble get windowBorderWidth => _windowBorderWidth; resetLastResolutionGroupValues(String peerId) { _lastResolutionGroupValues[peerId] = {}; } setLastResolutionGroupValue( String peerId, int currentDisplay, String? value) { if (!_lastResolutionGroupValues.containsKey(peerId)) { _lastResolutionGroupValues[peerId] = {}; } _lastResolutionGroupValues[peerId]![currentDisplay] = value; } String? getLastResolutionGroupValue(String peerId, int currentDisplay) { return _lastResolutionGroupValues[peerId]?[currentDisplay]; } setWindowId(int id) => _windowId = id; setMaximized(bool v) { if (!_fullscreen.isTrue) { if (isMaximized.value != v) { isMaximized.value = v; refreshResizeEdgeSize(); } if (!isMacOS) { _windowBorderWidth.value = v ? 0 : kWindowBorderWidth; } } } setMinimized(bool v) => _isMinimized = v; setFullscreen(bool v, {bool procWnd = true}) { if (_fullscreen.value != v) { _fullscreen.value = v; _showTabBar.value = !_fullscreen.value; refreshResizeEdgeSize(); print( "fullscreen: $fullscreen, resizeEdgeSize: ${_resizeEdgeSize.value}"); _windowBorderWidth.value = fullscreen.isTrue ? 0 : kWindowBorderWidth; if (procWnd) { final wc = WindowController.fromWindowId(windowId); wc.setFullscreen(_fullscreen.isTrue).then((_) { // if (isWindows && !v) { Future.delayed(, () async { final frame = await wc.getFrame(); final newRect = Rect.fromLTWH( frame.left,, frame.width + 1, frame.height + 1); await wc.setFrame(newRect); }); } }); } } } refreshResizeEdgeSize() => _resizeEdgeSize.value = fullscreen.isTrue ? kFullScreenEdgeSize : isMaximized.isTrue ? kMaximizeEdgeSize : windowResizeEdgeSize; String getInputSource({bool force = false}) { if (force || _inputSource.isEmpty) { _inputSource = bind.mainGetInputSource(); } return _inputSource; } setInputSource(SessionID sessionId, String v) async { await bind.mainSetInputSource(sessionId: sessionId, value: v); _inputSource = bind.mainGetInputSource(); } StateGlobal._(); static final StateGlobal instance = StateGlobal._(); } // This final variable is initialized when the first time it is accessed. final stateGlobal = StateGlobal.instance;