#[allow(dead_code)] use std::{ path::PathBuf, sync::{Arc, Mutex, RwLock}, }; use hbb_common::{ allow_err, lazy_static, log, tokio::sync::{ mpsc::{unbounded_channel, UnboundedReceiver, UnboundedSender}, Mutex as TokioMutex, }, ResultType, }; use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use thiserror::Error; pub mod context_send; pub mod platform; pub use context_send::*; #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] const ERR_CODE_SERVER_FUNCTION_NONE: u32 = 0x00000001; #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] const ERR_CODE_INVALID_PARAMETER: u32 = 0x00000002; pub(crate) use platform::create_cliprdr_context; /// Ability to handle Clipboard File from remote rustdesk client /// /// # Note /// There actually should be 2 parts to implement a useable clipboard file service, /// but this only contains the RPC server part. /// The local listener and transport part is too platform specific to wrap up in typeclasses. pub trait CliprdrServiceContext: Send + Sync { /// set to be stopped fn set_is_stopped(&mut self) -> Result<(), CliprdrError>; /// clear the content on clipboard fn empty_clipboard(&mut self, conn_id: i32) -> Result; /// run as a server for clipboard RPC fn server_clip_file(&mut self, conn_id: i32, msg: ClipboardFile) -> Result<(), CliprdrError>; } #[derive(Error, Debug)] pub enum CliprdrError { #[error("invalid cliprdr name")] CliprdrName, #[error("failed to init cliprdr")] CliprdrInit, #[error("cliprdr out of memory")] CliprdrOutOfMemory, #[error("cliprdr internal error")] ClipboardInternalError, #[error("cliprdr occupied")] ClipboardOccupied, #[error("conversion failure")] ConversionFailure, #[error("failure to read clipboard")] OpenClipboard, #[error("failure to read file metadata or content")] FileError { path: PathBuf, err: std::io::Error }, #[error("invalid request")] InvalidRequest { description: String }, #[error("unknown cliprdr error")] Unknown(u32), } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)] #[serde(tag = "t", content = "c")] pub enum ClipboardFile { NotifyCallback { r#type: String, title: String, text: String, }, MonitorReady, FormatList { format_list: Vec<(i32, String)>, }, FormatListResponse { msg_flags: i32, }, FormatDataRequest { requested_format_id: i32, }, FormatDataResponse { msg_flags: i32, format_data: Vec, }, FileContentsRequest { stream_id: i32, list_index: i32, dw_flags: i32, n_position_low: i32, n_position_high: i32, cb_requested: i32, have_clip_data_id: bool, clip_data_id: i32, }, FileContentsResponse { msg_flags: i32, stream_id: i32, requested_data: Vec, }, } struct MsgChannel { peer_id: String, conn_id: i32, #[allow(dead_code)] sender: UnboundedSender, receiver: Arc>>, } lazy_static::lazy_static! { static ref VEC_MSG_CHANNEL: RwLock> = Default::default(); static ref CLIENT_CONN_ID_COUNTER: Mutex = Mutex::new(0); } impl ClipboardFile { pub fn is_stopping_allowed(&self) -> bool { matches!( self, ClipboardFile::MonitorReady | ClipboardFile::FormatList { .. } | ClipboardFile::FormatDataRequest { .. } ) } pub fn is_stopping_allowed_from_peer(&self) -> bool { matches!( self, ClipboardFile::MonitorReady | ClipboardFile::FormatList { .. } ) } } pub fn get_client_conn_id(peer_id: &str) -> Option { VEC_MSG_CHANNEL .read() .unwrap() .iter() .find(|x| x.peer_id == peer_id) .map(|x| x.conn_id) } fn get_conn_id() -> i32 { let mut lock = CLIENT_CONN_ID_COUNTER.lock().unwrap(); *lock += 1; *lock } pub fn get_rx_cliprdr_client( peer_id: &str, ) -> (i32, Arc>>) { let mut lock = VEC_MSG_CHANNEL.write().unwrap(); match lock.iter().find(|x| x.peer_id == peer_id) { Some(msg_channel) => (msg_channel.conn_id, msg_channel.receiver.clone()), None => { let (sender, receiver) = unbounded_channel(); let receiver = Arc::new(TokioMutex::new(receiver)); let receiver2 = receiver.clone(); let conn_id = get_conn_id(); let msg_channel = MsgChannel { peer_id: peer_id.to_owned(), conn_id, sender, receiver, }; lock.push(msg_channel); (conn_id, receiver2) } } } pub fn get_rx_cliprdr_server(conn_id: i32) -> Arc>> { let mut lock = VEC_MSG_CHANNEL.write().unwrap(); match lock.iter().find(|x| x.conn_id == conn_id) { Some(msg_channel) => msg_channel.receiver.clone(), None => { let (sender, receiver) = unbounded_channel(); let receiver = Arc::new(TokioMutex::new(receiver)); let receiver2 = receiver.clone(); let msg_channel = MsgChannel { peer_id: "".to_string(), conn_id, sender, receiver, }; lock.push(msg_channel); receiver2 } } } #[cfg(any(target_os = "windows", feature = "unix-file-copy-paste",))] #[inline] fn send_data(conn_id: i32, data: ClipboardFile) { #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] return send_data_to_channel(conn_id, data); #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] if conn_id == 0 { send_data_to_all(data); } else { send_data_to_channel(conn_id, data); } } #[cfg(any(target_os = "windows", feature = "unix-file-copy-paste",))] #[inline] fn send_data_to_channel(conn_id: i32, data: ClipboardFile) { // no need to handle result here if let Some(msg_channel) = VEC_MSG_CHANNEL .read() .unwrap() .iter() .find(|x| x.conn_id == conn_id) { allow_err!(msg_channel.sender.send(data)); } } #[cfg(feature = "unix-file-copy-paste")] #[inline] fn send_data_to_all(data: ClipboardFile) { // no need to handle result here for msg_channel in VEC_MSG_CHANNEL.read().unwrap().iter() { allow_err!(msg_channel.sender.send(data.clone())); } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { // #[test] // fn test_cliprdr_run() { // super::cliprdr_run(); // } }