import 'package:bot_toast/bot_toast.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/common/widgets/dialog.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/consts.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/models/peer_tab_model.dart'; import 'package:get/get.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; import '../../common.dart'; import '../../common/formatter/id_formatter.dart'; import '../../models/peer_model.dart'; import '../../models/platform_model.dart'; import '../../desktop/widgets/material_mod_popup_menu.dart' as mod_menu; import '../../desktop/widgets/popup_menu.dart'; import 'dart:math' as math; typedef PopupMenuEntryBuilder = Future>> Function(BuildContext); enum PeerUiType { grid, tile, list } final peerCardUiType = PeerUiType.grid.obs; class _PeerCard extends StatefulWidget { final Peer peer; final PeerTabIndex tab; final Function(BuildContext, String) connect; final PopupMenuEntryBuilder popupMenuEntryBuilder; const _PeerCard( {required this.peer, required, required this.connect, required this.popupMenuEntryBuilder, Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override _PeerCardState createState() => _PeerCardState(); } /// State for the connection page. class _PeerCardState extends State<_PeerCard> with AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin { var _menuPos = RelativeRect.fill; final double _cardRadius = 16; final double _tileRadius = 5; final double _borderWidth = 2; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) {; if (isDesktop || isWebDesktop) { return _buildDesktop(); } else { return _buildMobile(); } } Widget _buildMobile() { final peer = super.widget.peer; final PeerTabModel peerTabModel = Provider.of(context); return Card( margin: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 2), child: GestureDetector( onTap: () { if (peerTabModel.multiSelectionMode) {; } else { if (!isWebDesktop) { connectInPeerTab(context, peer,; } } }, onDoubleTap: isWebDesktop ? () => connectInPeerTab(context, peer, : null, onLongPress: () {; }, child: Container( padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 12, top: 8, bottom: 8), child: _buildPeerTile(context, peer, null)), )); } Widget _buildDesktop() { final PeerTabModel peerTabModel = Provider.of(context); final peer = super.widget.peer; var deco = Rx( BoxDecoration( border: Border.all(color: Colors.transparent, width: _borderWidth), borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular( peerCardUiType.value == PeerUiType.grid ? _cardRadius : _tileRadius, ), ), ); return MouseRegion( onEnter: (evt) { deco.value = BoxDecoration( border: Border.all( color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary, width: _borderWidth), borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular( peerCardUiType.value == PeerUiType.grid ? _cardRadius : _tileRadius, ), ); }, onExit: (evt) { deco.value = BoxDecoration( border: Border.all(color: Colors.transparent, width: _borderWidth), borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular( peerCardUiType.value == PeerUiType.grid ? _cardRadius : _tileRadius, ), ); }, child: GestureDetector( onDoubleTap: peerTabModel.multiSelectionMode || peerTabModel.isShiftDown ? null : () => widget.connect(context,, onTap: () =>, onLongPress: () =>, child: Obx(() => peerCardUiType.value == PeerUiType.grid ? _buildPeerCard(context, peer, deco) : _buildPeerTile(context, peer, deco))), ); } Widget _buildPeerTile( BuildContext context, Peer peer, Rx? deco) { final name = '${peer.username}${peer.username.isNotEmpty && peer.hostname.isNotEmpty ? '@' : ''}${peer.hostname}'; final greyStyle = TextStyle( fontSize: 11, color: Theme.of(context).textTheme.titleLarge?.color?.withOpacity(0.6)); final child = Row( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max, children: [ Container( decoration: BoxDecoration( color: str2color('${}${peer.platform}', 0x7f), borderRadius: isMobile ? BorderRadius.circular(_tileRadius) : BorderRadius.only( topLeft: Radius.circular(_tileRadius), bottomLeft: Radius.circular(_tileRadius), ), ), alignment:, width: isMobile ? 50 : 42, height: isMobile ? 50 : null, child: Stack( children: [ getPlatformImage(peer.platform, size: isMobile ? 38 : 30) .paddingAll(6), if (_shouldBuildPasswordIcon(peer)) Positioned( top: 1, left: 1, child: Icon(Icons.key, size: 6, color: Colors.white), ), ], )), Expanded( child: Container( decoration: BoxDecoration( color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.background, borderRadius: BorderRadius.only( topRight: Radius.circular(_tileRadius), bottomRight: Radius.circular(_tileRadius), ), ), child: Row( children: [ Expanded( child: Column( children: [ Row(children: [ getOnline(isMobile ? 4 : 8,, Expanded( child: Text( peer.alias.isEmpty ? formatID( : peer.alias, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.titleSmall, )), ]).marginOnly(top: isMobile ? 0 : 2), Align( alignment: Alignment.centerLeft, child: Text( name, style: isMobile ? null : greyStyle, textAlign: TextAlign.start, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, ), ), ], ).marginOnly(top: 2), ), isMobile ? checkBoxOrActionMoreMobile(peer) : checkBoxOrActionMoreDesktop(peer, isTile: true), ], ).paddingOnly(left: 10.0, top: 3.0), ), ) ], ); final colors = _frontN(peer.tags, 25) .map((e) => gFFI.abModel.getCurrentAbTagColor(e)) .toList(); return Tooltip( message: isMobile ? '' : peer.tags.isNotEmpty ? '${translate('Tags')}: ${peer.tags.join(', ')}' : '', child: Stack(children: [ deco == null ? child : Obx( () => Container( foregroundDecoration: deco.value, child: child, ), ), if (colors.isNotEmpty) Positioned( top: 2, right: isMobile ? 20 : 10, child: CustomPaint( painter: TagPainter(radius: 3, colors: colors), ), ) ]), ); } Widget _buildPeerCard( BuildContext context, Peer peer, Rx deco) { final name = '${peer.username}${peer.username.isNotEmpty && peer.hostname.isNotEmpty ? '@' : ''}${peer.hostname}'; final child = Card( color: Colors.transparent, elevation: 0, margin:, child: Obx( () => Container( foregroundDecoration: deco.value, child: ClipRRect( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(_cardRadius - _borderWidth), child: Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, mainAxisAlignment:, children: [ Expanded( child: Container( color: str2color('${}${peer.platform}', 0x7f), child: Row( children: [ Expanded( child: Column( crossAxisAlignment:, children: [ Container( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(6), child: getPlatformImage(peer.platform, size: 60), ).marginOnly(top: 4), Row( children: [ Expanded( child: Tooltip( message: name, waitDuration: const Duration(seconds: 1), child: Text( name, style: const TextStyle( color: Colors.white70, fontSize: 12), textAlign:, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, ), ), ), ], ), ], ).paddingAll(4.0), ), ], ), ), ), Container( color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.background, child: Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, children: [ Expanded( child: Row(children: [ getOnline(8,, Expanded( child: Text( peer.alias.isEmpty ? formatID( : peer.alias, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.titleSmall, )), ]).paddingSymmetric(vertical: 8)), checkBoxOrActionMoreDesktop(peer, isTile: false), ], ).paddingSymmetric(horizontal: 12.0), ) ], ), ), ), ), ); final colors = _frontN(peer.tags, 25) .map((e) => gFFI.abModel.getCurrentAbTagColor(e)) .toList(); return Tooltip( message: peer.tags.isNotEmpty ? '${translate('Tags')}: ${peer.tags.join(', ')}' : '', child: Stack(children: [ child, if (_shouldBuildPasswordIcon(peer)) Positioned( top: 4, left: 12, child: Icon(Icons.key, size: 12, color: Colors.white), ), if (colors.isNotEmpty) Positioned( top: 4, right: 12, child: CustomPaint( painter: TagPainter(radius: 4, colors: colors), ), ) ]), ); } List _frontN(List list, int n) { if (list.length <= n) { return list; } else { return list.sublist(0, n); } } Widget checkBoxOrActionMoreMobile(Peer peer) { final PeerTabModel peerTabModel = Provider.of(context); final selected = peerTabModel.isPeerSelected(; if (peerTabModel.multiSelectionMode) { return Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(12), child: selected ? Icon( Icons.check_box, color: MyTheme.accent, ) : Icon(Icons.check_box_outline_blank), ); } else { return InkWell( child: const Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.all(12), child: Icon(Icons.more_vert)), onTapDown: (e) { final x = e.globalPosition.dx; final y = e.globalPosition.dy; _menuPos = RelativeRect.fromLTRB(x, y, x, y); }, onTap: () { _showPeerMenu(; }); } } Widget checkBoxOrActionMoreDesktop(Peer peer, {required bool isTile}) { final PeerTabModel peerTabModel = Provider.of(context); final selected = peerTabModel.isPeerSelected(; if (peerTabModel.multiSelectionMode) { final icon = selected ? Icon( Icons.check_box, color: MyTheme.accent, ) : Icon(Icons.check_box_outline_blank); bool last = peerTabModel.isShiftDown && == peerTabModel.lastId; double right = isTile ? 4 : 0; if (last) { return Container( decoration: BoxDecoration( border: Border.all(color: MyTheme.accent, width: 1)), child: icon, ).marginOnly(right: right); } else { return icon.marginOnly(right: right); } } else { return _actionMore(peer); } } Widget _actionMore(Peer peer) => Listener( onPointerDown: (e) { final x = e.position.dx; final y = e.position.dy; _menuPos = RelativeRect.fromLTRB(x, y, x, y); }, onPointerUp: (_) => _showPeerMenu(, child: build_more(context)); bool _shouldBuildPasswordIcon(Peer peer) { if (gFFI.peerTabModel.currentTab != PeerTabIndex.ab.index) return false; if (gFFI.abModel.current.isPersonal()) return false; return peer.password.isNotEmpty; } /// Show the peer menu and handle user's choice. /// User might remove the peer or send a file to the peer. void _showPeerMenu(String id) async { await mod_menu.showMenu( context: context, position: _menuPos, items: await super.widget.popupMenuEntryBuilder(context), elevation: 8, ); } @override bool get wantKeepAlive => true; } abstract class BasePeerCard extends StatelessWidget { final Peer peer; final PeerTabIndex tab; final EdgeInsets? menuPadding; BasePeerCard( {required this.peer, required, this.menuPadding, Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return _PeerCard( peer: peer, tab: tab, connect: (BuildContext context, String id) => connectInPeerTab(context, peer, tab), popupMenuEntryBuilder: _buildPopupMenuEntry, ); } Future>> _buildPopupMenuEntry( BuildContext context) async => (await _buildMenuItems(context)) .map((e) => context, const MenuConfig( commonColor: CustomPopupMenuTheme.commonColor, height: CustomPopupMenuTheme.height, dividerHeight: CustomPopupMenuTheme.dividerHeight))) .expand((i) => i) .toList(); @protected Future>> _buildMenuItems(BuildContext context); MenuEntryBase _connectCommonAction( BuildContext context, String title, { bool isFileTransfer = false, bool isTcpTunneling = false, bool isRDP = false, }) { return MenuEntryButton( childBuilder: (TextStyle? style) => Text( title, style: style, ), proc: () { connectInPeerTab( context, peer, tab, isFileTransfer: isFileTransfer, isTcpTunneling: isTcpTunneling, isRDP: isRDP, ); }, padding: menuPadding, dismissOnClicked: true, ); } @protected MenuEntryBase _connectAction(BuildContext context) { return _connectCommonAction( context, (peer.alias.isEmpty ? translate('Connect') : '${translate('Connect')} ${}'), ); } @protected MenuEntryBase _transferFileAction(BuildContext context) { return _connectCommonAction( context, translate('Transfer file'), isFileTransfer: true, ); } @protected MenuEntryBase _tcpTunnelingAction(BuildContext context) { return _connectCommonAction( context, translate('TCP tunneling'), isTcpTunneling: true, ); } @protected MenuEntryBase _rdpAction(BuildContext context, String id) { return MenuEntryButton( childBuilder: (TextStyle? style) => Container( alignment:, height: CustomPopupMenuTheme.height, child: Row( children: [ Text( translate('RDP'), style: style, ), Expanded( child: Align( alignment: Alignment.centerRight, child: Transform.scale( scale: 0.8, child: IconButton( icon: const Icon(Icons.edit), padding:, onPressed: () { if (Navigator.canPop(context)) { Navigator.pop(context); } _rdpDialog(id); }, )), )) ], )), proc: () { connectInPeerTab(context, peer, tab, isRDP: true); }, padding: menuPadding, dismissOnClicked: true, ); } @protected MenuEntryBase _wolAction(String id) { return MenuEntryButton( childBuilder: (TextStyle? style) => Text( translate('WOL'), style: style, ), proc: () { bind.mainWol(id: id); }, padding: menuPadding, dismissOnClicked: true, ); } /// Only available on Windows. @protected MenuEntryBase _createShortCutAction(String id) { return MenuEntryButton( childBuilder: (TextStyle? style) => Text( translate('Create desktop shortcut'), style: style, ), proc: () { bind.mainCreateShortcut(id: id); showToast(translate('Successful')); }, padding: menuPadding, dismissOnClicked: true, ); } Future> _openNewConnInAction( String id, String label, String key) async { return MenuEntrySwitch( switchType: SwitchType.scheckbox, text: translate(label), getter: () async => mainGetPeerBoolOptionSync(id, key), setter: (bool v) async { await bind.mainSetPeerOption( id: id, key: key, value: bool2option(key, v)); showToast(translate('Successful')); }, padding: menuPadding, dismissOnClicked: true, ); } _openInTabsAction(String id) async => await _openNewConnInAction(id, 'Open in New Tab', kOptionOpenInTabs); _openInWindowsAction(String id) async => await _openNewConnInAction( id, 'Open in new window', kOptionOpenInWindows); // ignore: unused_element _openNewConnInOptAction(String id) async => mainGetLocalBoolOptionSync(kOptionOpenNewConnInTabs) ? await _openInWindowsAction(id) : await _openInTabsAction(id); @protected Future _isForceAlwaysRelay(String id) async { return (await bind.mainGetPeerOption(id: id, key: kOptionForceAlwaysRelay)) .isNotEmpty; } @protected Future> _forceAlwaysRelayAction(String id) async { return MenuEntrySwitch( switchType: SwitchType.scheckbox, text: translate('Always connect via relay'), getter: () async { return await _isForceAlwaysRelay(id); }, setter: (bool v) async { await bind.mainSetPeerOption( id: id, key: kOptionForceAlwaysRelay, value: bool2option(kOptionForceAlwaysRelay, v)); showToast(translate('Successful')); }, padding: menuPadding, dismissOnClicked: true, ); } @protected MenuEntryBase _renameAction(String id) { return MenuEntryButton( childBuilder: (TextStyle? style) => Text( translate('Rename'), style: style, ), proc: () async { String oldName = await _getAlias(id); renameDialog( oldName: oldName, onSubmit: (String newName) async { if (newName != oldName) { if (tab == PeerTabIndex.ab) { await gFFI.abModel.changeAlias(id: id, alias: newName); await bind.mainSetPeerAlias(id: id, alias: newName); } else { await bind.mainSetPeerAlias(id: id, alias: newName); showToast(translate('Successful')); _update(); } } }); }, padding: menuPadding, dismissOnClicked: true, ); } @protected MenuEntryBase _removeAction(String id) { return MenuEntryButton( childBuilder: (TextStyle? style) => Row( children: [ Text( translate('Delete'), style: style?.copyWith(color:, ), Expanded( child: Align( alignment: Alignment.centerRight, child: Transform.scale( scale: 0.8, child: Icon(Icons.delete_forever, color:, ), ).marginOnly(right: 4)), ], ), proc: () { onSubmit() async { switch (tab) { case PeerTabIndex.recent: await bind.mainRemovePeer(id: id); await bind.mainLoadRecentPeers(); break; case PeerTabIndex.fav: final favs = (await bind.mainGetFav()).toList(); if (favs.remove(id)) { await bind.mainStoreFav(favs: favs); await bind.mainLoadFavPeers(); } break; case PeerTabIndex.lan: await bind.mainRemoveDiscovered(id: id); await bind.mainLoadLanPeers(); break; case PeerTabIndex.ab: await gFFI.abModel.deletePeers([id]); break; case break; } if (tab != PeerTabIndex.ab) { showToast(translate('Successful')); } } deleteConfirmDialog(onSubmit, '${translate('Delete')} "${peer.alias.isEmpty ? formatID( : peer.alias}"?'); }, padding: menuPadding, dismissOnClicked: true, ); } @protected MenuEntryBase _unrememberPasswordAction(String id) { return MenuEntryButton( childBuilder: (TextStyle? style) => Text( translate('Forget Password'), style: style, ), proc: () async { bool succ = await gFFI.abModel.changePersonalHashPassword(id, ''); await bind.mainForgetPassword(id: id); if (succ) { showToast(translate('Successful')); } else { BotToast.showText( contentColor:, text: translate("Failed")); } }, padding: menuPadding, dismissOnClicked: true, ); } @protected MenuEntryBase _addFavAction(String id) { return MenuEntryButton( childBuilder: (TextStyle? style) => Row( children: [ Text( translate('Add to Favorites'), style: style, ), Expanded( child: Align( alignment: Alignment.centerRight, child: Transform.scale( scale: 0.8, child: Icon(Icons.star_outline), ), ).marginOnly(right: 4)), ], ), proc: () { () async { final favs = (await bind.mainGetFav()).toList(); if (!favs.contains(id)) { favs.add(id); await bind.mainStoreFav(favs: favs); } showToast(translate('Successful')); }(); }, padding: menuPadding, dismissOnClicked: true, ); } @protected MenuEntryBase _rmFavAction( String id, Future Function() reloadFunc) { return MenuEntryButton( childBuilder: (TextStyle? style) => Row( children: [ Text( translate('Remove from Favorites'), style: style, ), Expanded( child: Align( alignment: Alignment.centerRight, child: Transform.scale( scale: 0.8, child: Icon(, ), ).marginOnly(right: 4)), ], ), proc: () { () async { final favs = (await bind.mainGetFav()).toList(); if (favs.remove(id)) { await bind.mainStoreFav(favs: favs); await reloadFunc(); } showToast(translate('Successful')); }(); }, padding: menuPadding, dismissOnClicked: true, ); } @protected MenuEntryBase _addToAb(Peer peer) { return MenuEntryButton( childBuilder: (TextStyle? style) => Text( translate('Add to address book'), style: style, ), proc: () { () async { addPeersToAbDialog([Peer.copy(peer)]); }(); }, padding: menuPadding, dismissOnClicked: true, ); } @protected Future _getAlias(String id) async => await bind.mainGetPeerOption(id: id, key: 'alias'); @protected void _update(); } class RecentPeerCard extends BasePeerCard { RecentPeerCard({required Peer peer, EdgeInsets? menuPadding, Key? key}) : super( peer: peer, tab: PeerTabIndex.recent, menuPadding: menuPadding, key: key); @override Future>> _buildMenuItems( BuildContext context) async { final List> menuItems = [ _connectAction(context), if (!isWeb) _transferFileAction(context), ]; final List favs = (await bind.mainGetFav()).toList(); if (isDesktop && peer.platform != kPeerPlatformAndroid) { menuItems.add(_tcpTunnelingAction(context)); } // menuItems.add(await _openNewConnInOptAction(; if (!isWeb) { menuItems.add(await _forceAlwaysRelayAction(; } if (isWindows && peer.platform == kPeerPlatformWindows) { menuItems.add(_rdpAction(context,; } if (isWindows) { menuItems.add(_createShortCutAction(; } menuItems.add(MenuEntryDivider()); if (isDesktop || isWebDesktop) { menuItems.add(_renameAction(; } if (await bind.mainPeerHasPassword(id: { menuItems.add(_unrememberPasswordAction(; } if (!favs.contains( { menuItems.add(_addFavAction(; } else { menuItems.add(_rmFavAction(, () async {})); } if (gFFI.userModel.userName.isNotEmpty) { menuItems.add(_addToAb(peer)); } menuItems.add(MenuEntryDivider()); menuItems.add(_removeAction(; return menuItems; } @protected @override void _update() => bind.mainLoadRecentPeers(); } class FavoritePeerCard extends BasePeerCard { FavoritePeerCard({required Peer peer, EdgeInsets? menuPadding, Key? key}) : super( peer: peer, tab: PeerTabIndex.fav, menuPadding: menuPadding, key: key); @override Future>> _buildMenuItems( BuildContext context) async { final List> menuItems = [ _connectAction(context), if (!isWeb) _transferFileAction(context), ]; if (isDesktop && peer.platform != kPeerPlatformAndroid) { menuItems.add(_tcpTunnelingAction(context)); } // menuItems.add(await _openNewConnInOptAction(; if (!isWeb) { menuItems.add(await _forceAlwaysRelayAction(; } if (isWindows && peer.platform == kPeerPlatformWindows) { menuItems.add(_rdpAction(context,; } if (isWindows) { menuItems.add(_createShortCutAction(; } menuItems.add(MenuEntryDivider()); if (isDesktop || isWebDesktop) { menuItems.add(_renameAction(; } if (await bind.mainPeerHasPassword(id: { menuItems.add(_unrememberPasswordAction(; } menuItems.add(_rmFavAction(, () async { await bind.mainLoadFavPeers(); })); if (gFFI.userModel.userName.isNotEmpty) { menuItems.add(_addToAb(peer)); } menuItems.add(MenuEntryDivider()); menuItems.add(_removeAction(; return menuItems; } @protected @override void _update() => bind.mainLoadFavPeers(); } class DiscoveredPeerCard extends BasePeerCard { DiscoveredPeerCard({required Peer peer, EdgeInsets? menuPadding, Key? key}) : super( peer: peer, tab: PeerTabIndex.lan, menuPadding: menuPadding, key: key); @override Future>> _buildMenuItems( BuildContext context) async { final List> menuItems = [ _connectAction(context), if (!isWeb) _transferFileAction(context), ]; final List favs = (await bind.mainGetFav()).toList(); if (isDesktop && peer.platform != kPeerPlatformAndroid) { menuItems.add(_tcpTunnelingAction(context)); } // menuItems.add(await _openNewConnInOptAction(; if (!isWeb) { menuItems.add(await _forceAlwaysRelayAction(; } if (isWindows && peer.platform == kPeerPlatformWindows) { menuItems.add(_rdpAction(context,; } menuItems.add(_wolAction(; if (isWindows) { menuItems.add(_createShortCutAction(; } if (!favs.contains( { menuItems.add(_addFavAction(; } else { menuItems.add(_rmFavAction(, () async {})); } if (gFFI.userModel.userName.isNotEmpty) { menuItems.add(_addToAb(peer)); } menuItems.add(MenuEntryDivider()); menuItems.add(_removeAction(; return menuItems; } @protected @override void _update() => bind.mainLoadLanPeers(); } class AddressBookPeerCard extends BasePeerCard { AddressBookPeerCard({required Peer peer, EdgeInsets? menuPadding, Key? key}) : super( peer: peer, tab: PeerTabIndex.ab, menuPadding: menuPadding, key: key); @override Future>> _buildMenuItems( BuildContext context) async { final List> menuItems = [ _connectAction(context), if (!isWeb) _transferFileAction(context), ]; if (isDesktop && peer.platform != kPeerPlatformAndroid) { menuItems.add(_tcpTunnelingAction(context)); } // menuItems.add(await _openNewConnInOptAction(; // menuItems.add(await _forceAlwaysRelayAction(; if (isWindows && peer.platform == kPeerPlatformWindows) { menuItems.add(_rdpAction(context,; } if (isWindows) { menuItems.add(_createShortCutAction(; } if (gFFI.abModel.current.canWrite()) { menuItems.add(MenuEntryDivider()); if (isDesktop || isWebDesktop) { menuItems.add(_renameAction(; } if (gFFI.abModel.current.isPersonal() && peer.hash.isNotEmpty) { menuItems.add(_unrememberPasswordAction(; } if (!gFFI.abModel.current.isPersonal()) { menuItems.add(_changeSharedAbPassword()); } if (gFFI.abModel.currentAbTags.isNotEmpty) { menuItems.add(_editTagAction(; } } final addressbooks = gFFI.abModel.addressBooksCanWrite(); if (gFFI.peerTabModel.currentTab == PeerTabIndex.ab.index) { addressbooks.remove(gFFI.abModel.currentName.value); } if (addressbooks.isNotEmpty) { menuItems.add(_addToAb(peer)); } menuItems.add(_existIn()); if (gFFI.abModel.current.canWrite()) { menuItems.add(MenuEntryDivider()); menuItems.add(_removeAction(; } return menuItems; } // address book does not need to update @protected @override void _update() => {}; //gFFI.abModel.pullAb(force: ForcePullAb.current, quiet: true); @protected MenuEntryBase _editTagAction(String id) { return MenuEntryButton( childBuilder: (TextStyle? style) => Text( translate('Edit Tag'), style: style, ), proc: () { editAbTagDialog(gFFI.abModel.getPeerTags(id), (selectedTag) async { await gFFI.abModel.changeTagForPeers([id], selectedTag); }); }, padding: super.menuPadding, dismissOnClicked: true, ); } @protected @override Future _getAlias(String id) async => gFFI.abModel.find(id)?.alias ?? ''; MenuEntryBase _changeSharedAbPassword() { return MenuEntryButton( childBuilder: (TextStyle? style) => Text( translate( peer.password.isEmpty ? 'Set shared password' : 'Change Password'), style: style, ), proc: () { setSharedAbPasswordDialog(gFFI.abModel.currentName.value, peer); }, padding: super.menuPadding, dismissOnClicked: true, ); } MenuEntryBase _existIn() { final names = gFFI.abModel.idExistIn(; final text = names.join(', '); return MenuEntryButton( childBuilder: (TextStyle? style) => Text( translate('Exist in'), style: style, ), proc: () {, close, context) { return CustomAlertDialog( title: Text(translate('Exist in')), content: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [Text(text)]), actions: [ dialogButton( "OK", icon: Icon(Icons.done_rounded), onPressed: close, ), ], onSubmit: close, onCancel: close, ); }); }, padding: super.menuPadding, dismissOnClicked: true, ); } } class MyGroupPeerCard extends BasePeerCard { MyGroupPeerCard({required Peer peer, EdgeInsets? menuPadding, Key? key}) : super( peer: peer, tab:, menuPadding: menuPadding, key: key); @override Future>> _buildMenuItems( BuildContext context) async { final List> menuItems = [ _connectAction(context), if (!isWeb) _transferFileAction(context), ]; if (isDesktop && peer.platform != kPeerPlatformAndroid) { menuItems.add(_tcpTunnelingAction(context)); } // menuItems.add(await _openNewConnInOptAction(; // menuItems.add(await _forceAlwaysRelayAction(; if (isWindows && peer.platform == kPeerPlatformWindows) { menuItems.add(_rdpAction(context,; } if (isWindows) { menuItems.add(_createShortCutAction(; } // menuItems.add(MenuEntryDivider()); // menuItems.add(_renameAction(; // if (await bind.mainPeerHasPassword(id: { // menuItems.add(_unrememberPasswordAction(; // } if (gFFI.userModel.userName.isNotEmpty) { menuItems.add(_addToAb(peer)); } return menuItems; } @protected @override void _update() => gFFI.groupModel.pull(); } void _rdpDialog(String id) async { final port = await bind.mainGetPeerOption(id: id, key: 'rdp_port'); final username = await bind.mainGetPeerOption(id: id, key: 'rdp_username'); final portController = TextEditingController(text: port); final userController = TextEditingController(text: username); final passwordController = TextEditingController( text: await bind.mainGetPeerOption(id: id, key: 'rdp_password')); RxBool secure = true.obs;, close, context) { submit() async { String port = portController.text.trim(); String username = userController.text; String password = passwordController.text; await bind.mainSetPeerOption(id: id, key: 'rdp_port', value: port); await bind.mainSetPeerOption( id: id, key: 'rdp_username', value: username); await bind.mainSetPeerOption( id: id, key: 'rdp_password', value: password); showToast(translate('Successful')); close(); } return CustomAlertDialog( title: Text(translate('RDP Settings')), content: ConstrainedBox( constraints: const BoxConstraints(minWidth: 500), child: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ Row( children: [ isDesktop ? ConstrainedBox( constraints: const BoxConstraints(minWidth: 140), child: Text( "${translate('Port')}:", textAlign: TextAlign.right, ).marginOnly(right: 10)) : SizedBox.shrink(), Expanded( child: TextField( inputFormatters: [ FilteringTextInputFormatter.allow(RegExp( r'^([0-9]|[1-9]\d|[1-9]\d{2}|[1-9]\d{3}|[1-5]\d{4}|6[0-4]\d{3}|65[0-4]\d{2}|655[0-2]\d|6553[0-5])$')) ], decoration: InputDecoration( labelText: isDesktop ? null : translate('Port'), hintText: '3389'), controller: portController, autofocus: true, ), ), ], ).marginOnly(bottom: isDesktop ? 8 : 0), Row( children: [ (isDesktop || isWebDesktop) ? ConstrainedBox( constraints: const BoxConstraints(minWidth: 140), child: Text( "${translate('Username')}:", textAlign: TextAlign.right, ).marginOnly(right: 10)) : SizedBox.shrink(), Expanded( child: TextField( decoration: InputDecoration( labelText: (isDesktop || isWebDesktop) ? null : translate('Username')), controller: userController, ), ), ], ).marginOnly(bottom: (isDesktop || isWebDesktop) ? 8 : 0), Row( children: [ (isDesktop || isWebDesktop) ? ConstrainedBox( constraints: const BoxConstraints(minWidth: 140), child: Text( "${translate('Password')}:", textAlign: TextAlign.right, ).marginOnly(right: 10)) : SizedBox.shrink(), Expanded( child: Obx(() => TextField( obscureText: secure.value, decoration: InputDecoration( labelText: (isDesktop || isWebDesktop) ? null : translate('Password'), suffixIcon: IconButton( onPressed: () => secure.value = !secure.value, icon: Icon(secure.value ? Icons.visibility_off : Icons.visibility))), controller: passwordController, )), ), ], ) ], ), ), actions: [ dialogButton("Cancel", onPressed: close, isOutline: true), dialogButton("OK", onPressed: submit), ], onSubmit: submit, onCancel: close, ); }); } Widget getOnline(double rightPadding, bool online) { return Tooltip( message: translate(online ? 'Online' : 'Offline'), waitDuration: const Duration(seconds: 1), child: Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(0, 4, rightPadding, 4), child: CircleAvatar( radius: 3, backgroundColor: online ? : kColorWarn))); } Widget build_more(BuildContext context, {bool invert = false}) { final RxBool hover = false.obs; return InkWell( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(14), onTap: () {}, onHover: (value) => hover.value = value, child: Obx(() => CircleAvatar( radius: 14, backgroundColor: hover.value ? (invert ? Theme.of(context).colorScheme.background : Theme.of(context).scaffoldBackgroundColor) : (invert ? Theme.of(context).scaffoldBackgroundColor : Theme.of(context).colorScheme.background), child: Icon(Icons.more_vert, size: 18, color: hover.value ? Theme.of(context).textTheme.titleLarge?.color : Theme.of(context) .textTheme .titleLarge ?.color ?.withOpacity(0.5))))); } class TagPainter extends CustomPainter { final double radius; late final List colors; TagPainter({required this.radius, required List colors}) { this.colors = colors.reversed.toList(); } @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { double x = 0; double y = radius; for (int i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) { Paint paint = Paint(); paint.color = colors[i]; x -= radius + 1; if (i == colors.length - 1) { canvas.drawCircle(Offset(x, y), radius, paint); } else { Path path = Path(); path.addArc(Rect.fromCircle(center: Offset(x, y), radius: radius), math.pi * 4 / 3, math.pi * 4 / 3); path.addArc( Rect.fromCircle(center: Offset(x - radius, y), radius: radius), math.pi * 5 / 3, math.pi * 2 / 3); path.fillType = PathFillType.evenOdd; canvas.drawPath(path, paint); } } } @override bool shouldRepaint(covariant CustomPainter oldDelegate) { return true; } } void connectInPeerTab(BuildContext context, Peer peer, PeerTabIndex tab, {bool isFileTransfer = false, bool isTcpTunneling = false, bool isRDP = false}) async { var password = ''; bool isSharedPassword = false; if (tab == PeerTabIndex.ab) { // If recent peer's alias is empty, set it to ab's alias // Because the platform is not set, it may not take effect, but it is more important not to display if the connection is not successful if (peer.alias.isNotEmpty && (await bind.mainGetPeerOption(id:, key: "alias")).isEmpty) { await bind.mainSetPeerAlias( id:, alias: peer.alias, ); } if (!gFFI.abModel.current.isPersonal()) { if (peer.password.isNotEmpty) { password = peer.password; isSharedPassword = true; } } } connect(context,, password: password, isSharedPassword: isSharedPassword, isFileTransfer: isFileTransfer, isTcpTunneling: isTcpTunneling, isRDP: isRDP); }