import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'dart:ui' as ui; import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; import 'package:flutter_hbb/common.dart'; Future decodeImageFromPixels( Uint8List pixels, int width, int height, ui.PixelFormat format, { int? rowBytes, int? targetWidth, int? targetHeight, VoidCallback? onPixelsCopied, // must ensure onPixelsCopied is called no matter this function succeeds bool allowUpscaling = true, }) async { if (targetWidth != null) { assert(allowUpscaling || targetWidth <= width); if (!(allowUpscaling || targetWidth <= width)) { print("not allow upscaling but targetWidth > width"); onPixelsCopied?.call(); return null; } } if (targetHeight != null) { assert(allowUpscaling || targetHeight <= height); if (!(allowUpscaling || targetHeight <= height)) { print("not allow upscaling but targetHeight > height"); onPixelsCopied?.call(); return null; } } final ui.ImmutableBuffer buffer; try { buffer = await ui.ImmutableBuffer.fromUint8List(pixels); onPixelsCopied?.call(); } catch (e) { onPixelsCopied?.call(); return null; } final ui.ImageDescriptor descriptor; try { descriptor = ui.ImageDescriptor.raw( buffer, width: width, height: height, rowBytes: rowBytes, pixelFormat: format, ); if (!allowUpscaling) { if (targetWidth != null && targetWidth > descriptor.width) { targetWidth = descriptor.width; } if (targetHeight != null && targetHeight > descriptor.height) { targetHeight = descriptor.height; } } } catch (e) { print("ImageDescriptor.raw failed: $e"); buffer.dispose(); return null; } final ui.Codec codec; try { codec = await descriptor.instantiateCodec( targetWidth: targetWidth, targetHeight: targetHeight, ); } catch (e) { print("instantiateCodec failed: $e"); buffer.dispose(); descriptor.dispose(); return null; } final ui.FrameInfo frameInfo; try { frameInfo = await codec.getNextFrame(); } catch (e) { print("getNextFrame failed: $e"); codec.dispose(); buffer.dispose(); descriptor.dispose(); return null; } codec.dispose(); buffer.dispose(); descriptor.dispose(); return frameInfo.image; } class ImagePainter extends CustomPainter { ImagePainter({ required this.image, required this.x, required this.y, required this.scale, }); ui.Image? image; double x; double y; double scale; @override void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) { if (image == null) return; if (x.isNaN || y.isNaN) return; canvas.scale(scale, scale); // // var paint = Paint(); if ((scale - 1.0).abs() > 0.001) { paint.filterQuality = FilterQuality.medium; if (scale > 10.00000) { paint.filterQuality = FilterQuality.high; } } // It's strange that if (scale < 0.5 && paint.filterQuality == FilterQuality.medium) // The canvas.drawImage will not work on web if (isWeb) { paint.filterQuality = FilterQuality.high; } canvas.drawImage( image!, Offset(x.toInt().toDouble(), y.toInt().toDouble()), paint); } @override bool shouldRepaint(CustomPainter oldDelegate) { return oldDelegate != this; } }