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synced 2024-12-17 04:57:52 +08:00
503 lines
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503 lines
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lazy_static::lazy_static! {
pub static ref T: std::collections::HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> =
("Status", "狀態"),
("Your Desktop", "您的桌面"),
("desk_tip", "您可以透過此 ID 及密碼存取您的桌面"),
("Password", "密碼"),
("Ready", "就緒"),
("Established", "已建立"),
("connecting_status", "正在連線到 RustDesk 網路 ..."),
("Enable Service", "啟用服務"),
("Start Service", "啟動服務"),
("Service is running", "服務正在執行"),
("Service is not running", "服務尚未執行"),
("not_ready_status", "尚未就緒,請檢查您的網路連線。"),
("Control Remote Desktop", "控制遠端桌面"),
("Transfer File", "傳輸檔案"),
("Connect", "連線"),
("Recent Sessions", "近期的工作階段"),
("Address Book", "通訊錄"),
("Confirmation", "確認"),
("TCP Tunneling", "TCP 通道"),
("Remove", "移除"),
("Refresh random password", "重新產生隨機密碼"),
("Set your own password", "自行設定密碼"),
("Enable Keyboard/Mouse", "啟用鍵盤和滑鼠"),
("Enable Clipboard", "啟用剪貼簿"),
("Enable File Transfer", "啟用檔案傳輸"),
("Enable TCP Tunneling", "啟用 TCP 通道"),
("IP Whitelisting", "IP 白名單"),
("ID/Relay Server", "ID / 轉送伺服器"),
("Import Server Config", "匯入伺服器設定"),
("Export Server Config", "匯出伺服器設定"),
("Import server configuration successfully", "匯入伺服器設定成功"),
("Export server configuration successfully", "匯出伺服器設定成功"),
("Invalid server configuration", "無效的伺服器設定"),
("Clipboard is empty", "剪貼簿是空的"),
("Stop service", "停止服務"),
("Change ID", "更改 ID"),
("Your new ID", "您的新 ID"),
("length %min% to %max%", "長度在 %min% 與 %max% 之間"),
("starts with a letter", "以字母開頭"),
("allowed characters", "使用允許的字元"),
("id_change_tip", "僅能使用以下字元:a-z、A-Z、0-9、_ (底線)。首字元必須為 a-z 或 A-Z。長度介於 6 到 16 之間。"),
("Website", "網站"),
("About", "關於"),
("Slogan_tip", ""),
("Privacy Statement", "隱私權聲明"),
("Mute", "靜音"),
("Build Date", "構建日期"),
("Version", "版本"),
("Home", "首頁"),
("Audio Input", "音訊輸入"),
("Enhancements", "增強功能"),
("Hardware Codec", "硬體編解碼器"),
("Adaptive Bitrate", "自適應位元速率"),
("ID Server", "ID 伺服器"),
("Relay Server", "轉送伺服器"),
("API Server", "API 伺服器"),
("invalid_http", "開頭必須為 http:// 或 https://"),
("Invalid IP", "IP 無效"),
("Invalid format", "格式無效"),
("server_not_support", "伺服器暫不支持"),
("Not available", "無法使用"),
("Too frequent", "修改過於頻繁,請稍後再試。"),
("Cancel", "取消"),
("Skip", "跳過"),
("Close", "關閉"),
("Retry", "重試"),
("OK", "確定"),
("Password Required", "需要密碼"),
("Please enter your password", "請輸入您的密碼"),
("Remember password", "記住密碼"),
("Wrong Password", "密碼錯誤"),
("Do you want to enter again?", "您要重新輸入嗎?"),
("Connection Error", "連線錯誤"),
("Error", "錯誤"),
("Reset by the peer", "對方重設了連線"),
("Connecting...", "正在連線 ..."),
("Connection in progress. Please wait.", "正在連線,請稍候。"),
("Please try 1 minute later", "請於 1 分鐘後再試"),
("Login Error", "登入錯誤"),
("Successful", "成功"),
("Connected, waiting for image...", "已連線,等待畫面傳輸 ..."),
("Name", "名稱"),
("Type", "類型"),
("Modified", "修改時間"),
("Size", "大小"),
("Show Hidden Files", "顯示隱藏檔案"),
("Receive", "接收"),
("Send", "傳送"),
("Refresh File", "重新整理檔案"),
("Local", "本地"),
("Remote", "遠端"),
("Remote Computer", "遠端電腦"),
("Local Computer", "本地電腦"),
("Confirm Delete", "確認刪除"),
("Delete", "刪除"),
("Properties", "屬性"),
("Multi Select", "多選"),
("Select All", "全選"),
("Unselect All", "取消全選"),
("Empty Directory", "空資料夾"),
("Not an empty directory", "不是一個空資料夾"),
("Are you sure you want to delete this file?", "您確定要刪除此檔案嗎?"),
("Are you sure you want to delete this empty directory?", "您確定要刪除此空資料夾嗎?"),
("Are you sure you want to delete the file of this directory?", "您確定要刪除此資料夾中的檔案嗎?"),
("Do this for all conflicts", "套用到其他衝突"),
("This is irreversible!", "此操作不可逆!"),
("Deleting", "正在刪除 ..."),
("files", "檔案"),
("Waiting", "正在等候 ..."),
("Finished", "已完成"),
("Speed", "速度"),
("Custom Image Quality", "自訂畫面品質"),
("Privacy mode", "隱私模式"),
("Block user input", "封鎖使用者輸入"),
("Unblock user input", "取消封鎖使用者輸入"),
("Adjust Window", "調整視窗"),
("Original", "原始"),
("Shrink", "縮減"),
("Stretch", "延展"),
("Scrollbar", "滾動條"),
("ScrollAuto", "自動滾動"),
("Good image quality", "最佳化畫面品質"),
("Balanced", "平衡"),
("Optimize reaction time", "最佳化反應時間"),
("Custom", "自訂"),
("Show remote cursor", "顯示遠端游標"),
("Show quality monitor", "顯示質量監測"),
("Disable clipboard", "停用剪貼簿"),
("Lock after session end", "工作階段結束後鎖定電腦"),
("Insert", "插入"),
("Insert Lock", "鎖定遠端電腦"),
("Refresh", "重新載入"),
("ID does not exist", "ID 不存在"),
("Failed to connect to rendezvous server", "無法連線到 rendezvous 伺服器"),
("Please try later", "請稍候再試"),
("Remote desktop is offline", "遠端桌面已離線"),
("Key mismatch", "金鑰不符"),
("Timeout", "逾時"),
("Failed to connect to relay server", "無法連線到轉送伺服器"),
("Failed to connect via rendezvous server", "無法透過 rendezvous 伺服器連線"),
("Failed to connect via relay server", "無法透過轉送伺服器連線"),
("Failed to make direct connection to remote desktop", "無法直接連線到遠端桌面"),
("Set Password", "設定密碼"),
("OS Password", "作業系統密碼"),
("install_tip", "UAC 會導致 RustDesk 在某些情況下無法正常以遠端電腦執行。若要避開 UAC,請點擊下方按鈕將 RustDesk 安裝到系統中。"),
("Click to upgrade", "點擊以升級"),
("Click to download", "點擊以下載"),
("Click to update", "點擊以更新"),
("Configure", "設定"),
("config_acc", "您需要授予 RustDesk「協助工具」權限才能存取遠端電腦。"),
("config_screen", "您需要授予 RustDesk「畫面錄製」權限才能存取遠端電腦。"),
("Installing ...", "正在安裝 ..."),
("Install", "安裝"),
("Installation", "安裝"),
("Installation Path", "安裝路徑"),
("Create start menu shortcuts", "新增開始功能表捷徑"),
("Create desktop icon", "新增桌面捷徑"),
("agreement_tip", "開始安裝即表示接受許可協議"),
("Accept and Install", "接受並安裝"),
("End-user license agreement", "使用者授權合約"),
("Generating ...", "正在產生 ..."),
("Your installation is lower version.", "您安裝的版本過舊。"),
("not_close_tcp_tip", "使用通道時請不要關閉此視窗"),
("Listening ...", "正在等待通道連線 ..."),
("Remote Host", "遠端主機"),
("Remote Port", "遠端連線端口"),
("Action", "操作"),
("Add", "新增"),
("Local Port", "本機連線端口"),
("Local Address", "本機地址"),
("Change Local Port", "修改本機連線端口"),
("setup_server_tip", "若您需要更快的連線速度,可以選擇自行建立伺服器"),
("Too short, at least 6 characters.", "過短,至少需要 6 個字元。"),
("The confirmation is not identical.", "兩次輸入不相符"),
("Permissions", "權限"),
("Accept", "接受"),
("Dismiss", "關閉"),
("Disconnect", "中斷連線"),
("Allow using keyboard and mouse", "允許使用鍵盤和滑鼠"),
("Allow using clipboard", "允許使用剪貼簿"),
("Allow hearing sound", "允許分享音訊"),
("Allow file copy and paste", "允許檔案複製和貼上"),
("Connected", "已連線"),
("Direct and encrypted connection", "加密直接連線"),
("Relayed and encrypted connection", "加密轉送連線"),
("Direct and unencrypted connection", "未加密直接連線"),
("Relayed and unencrypted connection", "未加密轉送連線"),
("Enter Remote ID", "輸入遠端 ID"),
("Enter your password", "輸入您的密碼"),
("Logging in...", "正在登入 ..."),
("Enable RDP session sharing", "啟用 RDP 工作階段共享"),
("Auto Login", "自動登入 (鎖定將在設定關閉後套用)"),
("Enable Direct IP Access", "允許 IP 直接存取"),
("Rename", "重新命名"),
("Space", "空白"),
("Create Desktop Shortcut", "新增桌面捷徑"),
("Change Path", "更改路徑"),
("Create Folder", "新增資料夾"),
("Please enter the folder name", "請輸入資料夾名稱"),
("Fix it", "修復"),
("Warning", "警告"),
("Login screen using Wayland is not supported", "不支援使用 Wayland 的登入畫面"),
("Reboot required", "需要重新啟動"),
("Unsupported display server", "不支援顯示伺服器"),
("x11 expected", "預期 x11"),
("Port", "端口"),
("Settings", "設定"),
("Username", "使用者名稱"),
("Invalid port", "連線端口無效"),
("Closed manually by the peer", "遠端使用者關閉了工作階段"),
("Enable remote configuration modification", "允許遠端使用者更改設定"),
("Run without install", "跳過安裝直接執行"),
("Connect via relay", "中繼連線"),
("Always connect via relay", "一律透過轉送連線"),
("whitelist_tip", "只有白名單中的 IP 可以存取"),
("Login", "登入"),
("Verify", "驗證"),
("Remember me", "記住我"),
("Trust this device", "信任此裝置"),
("Verification code", "驗證碼"),
("verification_tip", "檢測到新裝置登入,已向註冊電子信箱發送了登入驗證碼,請輸入驗證碼以繼續登入"),
("Logout", "登出"),
("Tags", "標籤"),
("Search ID", "搜尋 ID"),
("whitelist_sep", "使用逗號、分號、空白,或是換行來分隔"),
("Add ID", "新增 ID"),
("Add Tag", "新增標籤"),
("Unselect all tags", "取消選取所有標籤"),
("Network error", "網路錯誤"),
("Username missed", "缺少使用者名稱"),
("Password missed", "缺少密碼"),
("Wrong credentials", "提供的登入資訊有誤"),
("Edit Tag", "編輯標籤"),
("Unremember Password", "忘掉密碼"),
("Favorites", "我的最愛"),
("Add to Favorites", "新增到我的最愛"),
("Remove from Favorites", "從我的最愛中刪除"),
("Empty", "空空如也"),
("Invalid folder name", "資料夾名稱無效"),
("Socks5 Proxy", "Socks5 代理"),
("Hostname", "主機名稱"),
("Discovered", "已探索"),
("install_daemon_tip", "為了能夠開機時自動啟動,請先安裝系統服務。"),
("Remote ID", "遠端 ID"),
("Paste", "貼上"),
("Paste here?", "貼上到這裡?"),
("Are you sure to close the connection?", "您確定要關閉連線嗎?"),
("Download new version", "下載新版本"),
("Touch mode", "觸控模式"),
("Mouse mode", "滑鼠模式"),
("One-Finger Tap", "單指輕觸"),
("Left Mouse", "滑鼠左鍵"),
("One-Long Tap", "單指長按"),
("Two-Finger Tap", "雙指輕觸"),
("Right Mouse", "滑鼠右鍵"),
("One-Finger Move", "單指移動"),
("Double Tap & Move", "雙擊並移動"),
("Mouse Drag", "滑鼠選中拖動"),
("Three-Finger vertically", "三指垂直滑動"),
("Mouse Wheel", "滑鼠滾輪"),
("Two-Finger Move", "雙指移動"),
("Canvas Move", "移動畫布"),
("Pinch to Zoom", "雙指縮放"),
("Canvas Zoom", "縮放畫布"),
("Reset canvas", "重設畫布"),
("No permission of file transfer", "沒有檔案傳輸權限"),
("Note", "備註"),
("Connection", "連線"),
("Share Screen", "共享螢幕畫面"),
("Chat", "聊天訊息"),
("Total", "總計"),
("items", "個項目"),
("Selected", "已選擇"),
("Screen Capture", "畫面錄製"),
("Input Control", "輸入控制"),
("Audio Capture", "音訊錄製"),
("File Connection", "檔案連線"),
("Screen Connection", "畫面連線"),
("Do you accept?", "是否接受?"),
("Open System Setting", "開啟系統設定"),
("How to get Android input permission?", "如何獲取 Android 的輸入權限?"),
("android_input_permission_tip1", "取得輸入權限後可以讓遠端裝置透過滑鼠控制此 Android 裝置"),
("android_input_permission_tip2", "請在接下來的系統設定頁面中,找到並進入「已安裝的服務」頁面,並將「RustDesk Input」服務開啟"),
("android_new_connection_tip", "收到新的連線控制請求,對方想要控制您目前的裝置"),
("android_service_will_start_tip", "開啟畫面錄製權限將自動開啟服務,允許其他裝置向此裝置請求建立連線。"),
("android_stop_service_tip", "關閉服務將自動關閉所有已建立的連線。"),
("android_version_audio_tip", "目前的 Android 版本不支援音訊錄製,請升級到 Android 10 或以上版本。"),
("android_start_service_tip", "點擊「啟動服務」或啟用「螢幕錄製」權限,以啟動螢幕共享服務。"),
("android_permission_may_not_change_tip", "對於已經建立的連線,權限可能不會立即發生改變,除非重新建立連線。"),
("Account", "帳號"),
("Overwrite", "取代"),
("This file exists, skip or overwrite this file?", "此檔案/資料夾已存在,要略過或是取代此檔案嗎?"),
("Quit", "退出"),
("doc_mac_permission", "https://rustdesk.com/docs/zh-tw/manual/mac/#啟用權限"),
("Help", "幫助"),
("Failed", "失敗"),
("Succeeded", "成功"),
("Someone turns on privacy mode, exit", "其他使用者開啟隱私模式,退出"),
("Unsupported", "不支援"),
("Peer denied", "被控端拒絕"),
("Please install plugins", "請安裝插件"),
("Peer exit", "被控端退出"),
("Failed to turn off", "退出失敗"),
("Turned off", "退出"),
("In privacy mode", "開啟隱私模式"),
("Out privacy mode", "退出隱私模式"),
("Language", "語言"),
("Keep RustDesk background service", "保持 RustDesk 後台服務"),
("Ignore Battery Optimizations", "忽略電池最佳化"),
("android_open_battery_optimizations_tip", "如需關閉此功能,請在接下來的 RustDesk 應用設定頁面中,找到並進入 [電源] 頁面,取消勾選 [不受限制]"),
("Start on Boot", "開機自動啟動"),
("Start the screen sharing service on boot, requires special permissions", "開機自動啟動螢幕共享服務,此功能需要一些特殊權限。"),
("Connection not allowed", "對方不允許連線"),
("Legacy mode", "傳統模式"),
("Map mode", "1:1 傳輸模式"),
("Translate mode", "翻譯模式"),
("Use permanent password", "使用固定密碼"),
("Use both passwords", "同時使用兩種密碼"),
("Set permanent password", "設定固定密碼"),
("Enable Remote Restart", "啟用遠端重新啟動"),
("Allow remote restart", "允許遠端重新啟動"),
("Restart Remote Device", "重新啟動遠端電腦"),
("Are you sure you want to restart", "確定要重新啟動"),
("Restarting Remote Device", "正在重新啟動遠端裝置"),
("remote_restarting_tip", "遠端裝置正在重新啟動,請關閉當前提示框,並在一段時間後使用永久密碼重新連線"),
("Copied", "已複製"),
("Exit Fullscreen", "退出全螢幕"),
("Fullscreen", "全螢幕"),
("Mobile Actions", "手機操作"),
("Select Monitor", "選擇顯示器"),
("Control Actions", "控制操作"),
("Display Settings", "顯示設定"),
("Ratio", "比例"),
("Image Quality", "畫質"),
("Scroll Style", "滾動樣式"),
("Show Menubar", "顯示選單欄"),
("Hide Menubar", "隱藏選單欄"),
("Direct Connection", "直接連線"),
("Relay Connection", "中繼連線"),
("Secure Connection", "安全連線"),
("Insecure Connection", "非安全連線"),
("Scale original", "原始尺寸"),
("Scale adaptive", "適應視窗"),
("General", "通用"),
("Security", "安全"),
("Theme", "主題"),
("Dark Theme", "黑暗主題"),
("Light Theme", "明亮主題"),
("Dark", "黑暗"),
("Light", "明亮"),
("Follow System", "跟隨系統"),
("Enable hardware codec", "使用硬體編解碼器"),
("Unlock Security Settings", "解鎖安全設定"),
("Enable Audio", "允許傳輸音訊"),
("Unlock Network Settings", "解鎖網路設定"),
("Server", "伺服器"),
("Direct IP Access", "IP 直接連線"),
("Proxy", "代理"),
("Apply", "應用"),
("Disconnect all devices?", "中斷所有遠端連線?"),
("Clear", "清空"),
("Audio Input Device", "音訊輸入裝置"),
("Deny remote access", "拒絕遠端存取"),
("Use IP Whitelisting", "只允許白名單上的 IP 進行連線"),
("Network", "網路"),
("Enable RDP", "允許 RDP 訪問"),
("Pin menubar", "固定選單欄"),
("Unpin menubar", "取消固定選單欄"),
("Recording", "錄製"),
("Directory", "路徑"),
("Automatically record incoming sessions", "自動錄製連入的工作階段"),
("Change", "變更"),
("Start session recording", "開始錄影"),
("Stop session recording", "停止錄影"),
("Enable Recording Session", "啟用錄製工作階段"),
("Allow recording session", "允許錄製工作階段"),
("Enable LAN Discovery", "允許區域網路探索"),
("Deny LAN Discovery", "拒絕區域網路探索"),
("Write a message", "輸入聊天訊息"),
("Prompt", "提示"),
("Please wait for confirmation of UAC...", "請等待對方確認 UAC ..."),
("elevated_foreground_window_tip", "目前的遠端桌面視窗需要更高的權限才能繼續操作,暫時無法使用滑鼠、鍵盤,可以請求對方最小化目前視窗,或者在連線管理視窗點擊提升權限。為了避免這個問題,建議在遠端裝置上安裝本軟體。"),
("Disconnected", "斷開連線"),
("Other", "其他"),
("Confirm before closing multiple tabs", "關閉多個分頁前詢問我"),
("Keyboard Settings", "鍵盤設定"),
("Full Access", "完全訪問"),
("Screen Share", "僅分享螢幕畫面"),
("Wayland requires Ubuntu 21.04 or higher version.", "Wayland 需要 Ubuntu 21.04 或更高版本。"),
("Wayland requires higher version of linux distro. Please try X11 desktop or change your OS.", "Wayland 需要更高版本的 Linux 發行版。請嘗試使用 X11 桌面或更改您的作業系統。"),
("JumpLink", "查看"),
("Please Select the screen to be shared(Operate on the peer side).", "請選擇要分享的螢幕畫面(在對端操作)。"),
("Show RustDesk", "顯示 RustDesk"),
("This PC", "此電腦"),
("or", "或"),
("Continue with", "繼續"),
("Elevate", "提升權限"),
("Zoom cursor", "縮放游標"),
("Accept sessions via password", "只允許透過輸入密碼進行連線"),
("Accept sessions via click", "只允許透過點擊接受進行連線"),
("Accept sessions via both", "允許輸入密碼或點擊接受進行連線"),
("Please wait for the remote side to accept your session request...", "請等待對方接受您的連線請求 ..."),
("One-time Password", "一次性密碼"),
("Use one-time password", "使用一次性密碼"),
("One-time password length", "一次性密碼長度"),
("Request access to your device", "請求訪問您的裝置"),
("Hide connection management window", "隱藏連線管理視窗"),
("hide_cm_tip", "在只允許密碼連線並且只用固定密碼的情況下才允許隱藏"),
("wayland_experiment_tip", "Wayland 支援處於實驗階段,如果您需要使用無人值守訪問,請使用 X11。"),
("Right click to select tabs", "右鍵選擇分頁"),
("Skipped", "已略過"),
("Add to Address Book", "新增到通訊錄"),
("Group", "群組"),
("Search", "搜尋"),
("Closed manually by web console", "被 Web 控制台手動關閉"),
("Local keyboard type", "本地鍵盤類型"),
("Select local keyboard type", "請選擇本地鍵盤類型"),
("software_render_tip", "如果您使用 NVIDIA 顯示卡,並且遠端視窗在建立連線後會立刻關閉,那麼請安裝 nouveau 顯示卡驅動程式並且選擇使用軟體渲染可能會有幫助。重新啟動軟體後生效。"),
("Always use software rendering", "使用軟體渲染"),
("config_input", "為了能夠透過鍵盤控制遠端桌面,請給予 RustDesk \"輸入監控\" 權限。"),
("config_microphone", "為了支援透過麥克風進行音訊傳輸,請給予 RustDesk \"錄音\"權限。"),
("request_elevation_tip", "如果遠端使用者可以操作電腦,也可以請求提升權限。"),
("Wait", "等待"),
("Elevation Error", "權限提升失敗"),
("Ask the remote user for authentication", "請求遠端使用者進行身分驗證"),
("Choose this if the remote account is administrator", "當遠端使用者帳戶是管理員時,請選擇此選項"),
("Transmit the username and password of administrator", "發送管理員的使用者名稱和密碼"),
("still_click_uac_tip", "依然需要遠端使用者在 UAC 視窗點擊確認。"),
("Request Elevation", "請求權限提升"),
("wait_accept_uac_tip", "請等待遠端使用者確認 UAC 對話框。"),
("Elevate successfully", "權限提升成功"),
("uppercase", "大寫字母"),
("lowercase", "小寫字母"),
("digit", "數字"),
("special character", "特殊字元"),
("length>=8", "長度不能小於 8"),
("Weak", "弱"),
("Medium", "中"),
("Strong", "強"),
("Switch Sides", "反轉存取方向"),
("Please confirm if you want to share your desktop?", "請確認是否要讓對方存取您的桌面?"),
("Display", "顯示"),
("Default View Style", "預設顯示方式"),
("Default Scroll Style", "預設滾動方式"),
("Default Image Quality", "預設圖像質量"),
("Default Codec", "預設編解碼器"),
("Bitrate", "位元速率"),
("FPS", "幀率"),
("Auto", "自動"),
("Other Default Options", "其他預設選項"),
("Voice call", "語音通話"),
("Text chat", "文字聊天"),
("Stop voice call", "停止語音通話"),
("relay_hint_tip", "可能無法直接連線,可以嘗試中繼連線。\n另外,如果想要直接使用中繼連線,可以在 ID 後面新增/r,或者在卡片選項裡選擇強制走中繼連線。"),
("Reconnect", "重新連線"),
("Codec", "編解碼器"),
("Resolution", "解析度"),
("No transfers in progress", "沒有正在進行的傳輸"),
("Set one-time password length", "設定一次性密碼長度"),
("idd_driver_tip", "安裝虛擬顯示器驅動程式,以便在沒有連接顯示器的情況下啟動虛擬顯示器進行控制。"),
("confirm_idd_driver_tip", "安裝虛擬顯示器驅動程式的選項已勾選。請注意,測試證書將被安裝以信任虛擬顯示器驅動。測試證書僅會用於信任 RustDesk 的驅動程式。"),
("RDP Settings", "RDP 設定"),
("Sort by", "排序方式"),
("New Connection", "新連線"),
("Restore", "還原"),
("Minimize", "最小化"),
("Maximize", "最大化"),
("Your Device", "您的裝置"),
("empty_recent_tip", "空空如也"),
("empty_favorite_tip", "空空如也"),
("empty_lan_tip", "空空如也"),
("empty_address_book_tip", "空空如也"),
("eg: admin", "例如:admin"),
("Empty Username", "空使用者帳號"),
("Empty Password", "空密碼"),
("Me", "我"),
("identical_file_tip", "此檔案與對方的檔案一致"),
("show_monitors_tip", "在工具列中顯示顯示器"),
("View Mode", "瀏覽模式"),
("login_linux_tip", "需要登入到遠端 Linux 使用者帳戶才能啟用 X 介面"),
("verify_rustdesk_password_tip", "驗證 RustDesk 密碼"),
("remember_account_tip", "記住此使用者帳戶"),
("os_account_desk_tip", "此使用者帳戶將用於登入遠端作業系統並啟用無頭模式的桌面連線"),
("OS Account", "作業系統使用者帳戶"),
("another_user_login_title_tip", "另一個使用者已經登入"),
("another_user_login_text_tip", "斷開連線"),
("xorg_not_found_title_tip", "未找到 Xorg"),
("xorg_not_found_text_tip", "請安裝 Xorg"),
("no_desktop_title_tip", "沒有可用的桌面"),
("no_desktop_text_tip", "請安裝 GNOME 桌面"),
("No need to elevate", "不需要提升權限"),
("System Sound", ""),
("Default", ""),
("New RDP", "新的 RDP"),
("Fingerprint", "指紋"),
("Copy Fingerprint", "複製指紋"),
("no fingerprints", "沒有指紋"),