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synced 2024-12-04 03:49:25 +08:00
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509 lines
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import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:ui' as ui;
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:get/get.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'package:wakelock/wakelock.dart';
import 'package:flutter_custom_cursor/flutter_custom_cursor.dart';
import 'package:flutter_improved_scrolling/flutter_improved_scrolling.dart';
import '../../consts.dart';
import '../../common/widgets/overlay.dart';
import '../../common/widgets/remote_input.dart';
import '../../common.dart';
import '../../mobile/widgets/dialog.dart';
import '../../models/model.dart';
import '../../models/platform_model.dart';
import '../../common/shared_state.dart';
import '../widgets/remote_menubar.dart';
bool _isCustomCursorInited = false;
final SimpleWrapper<bool> _firstEnterImage = SimpleWrapper(false);
class RemotePage extends StatefulWidget {
const RemotePage({
Key? key,
required this.id,
required this.windowId,
required this.tabBarHeight,
required this.windowBorderWidth,
}) : super(key: key);
final String id;
final int windowId;
final double tabBarHeight;
final double windowBorderWidth;
State<RemotePage> createState() => _RemotePageState();
class _RemotePageState extends State<RemotePage>
with AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin {
Timer? _timer;
String keyboardMode = "legacy";
final _cursorOverImage = false.obs;
late RxBool _showRemoteCursor;
late RxBool _remoteCursorMoved;
late RxBool _keyboardEnabled;
final FocusNode _rawKeyFocusNode = FocusNode();
var _imageFocused = false;
Function(bool)? _onEnterOrLeaveImage4Menubar;
late FFI _ffi;
void _updateTabBarHeight() {
_ffi.canvasModel.tabBarHeight = widget.tabBarHeight;
_ffi.canvasModel.windowBorderWidth = widget.windowBorderWidth;
void _initStates(String id) {
_showRemoteCursor = ShowRemoteCursorState.find(id);
_keyboardEnabled = KeyboardEnabledState.find(id);
_remoteCursorMoved = RemoteCursorMovedState.find(id);
void _removeStates(String id) {
void initState() {
_ffi = FFI();
Get.put(_ffi, tag: widget.id);
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
SystemChrome.setEnabledSystemUIMode(SystemUiMode.manual, overlays: []);
.showLoading(translate('Connecting...'), onCancel: closeConnection);
if (!Platform.isLinux) {
_showRemoteCursor.value = bind.sessionGetToggleOptionSync(
id: widget.id, arg: 'show-remote-cursor');
if (!_isCustomCursorInited) {
(String? lastKey, String? currentKey) async {
if (_firstEnterImage.value) {
_firstEnterImage.value = false;
return true;
return lastKey == null || lastKey != currentKey;
_isCustomCursorInited = true;
void dispose() {
debugPrint("REMOTE PAGE dispose ${widget.id}");
overlays: SystemUiOverlay.values);
if (!Platform.isLinux) {
Get.delete<FFI>(tag: widget.id);
Widget buildBody(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).backgroundColor,
body: Overlay(
initialEntries: [
OverlayEntry(builder: (context) {
return Container(
color: Colors.black,
child: RawKeyFocusScope(
focusNode: _rawKeyFocusNode,
onFocusChange: (bool v) {
_imageFocused = v;
inputModel: _ffi.inputModel,
child: getBodyForDesktop(context)));
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return WillPopScope(
onWillPop: () async {
return false;
child: MultiProvider(providers: [
ChangeNotifierProvider.value(value: _ffi.ffiModel),
ChangeNotifierProvider.value(value: _ffi.imageModel),
ChangeNotifierProvider.value(value: _ffi.cursorModel),
ChangeNotifierProvider.value(value: _ffi.canvasModel),
ChangeNotifierProvider.value(value: _ffi.recordingModel),
], child: buildBody(context)));
void enterView(PointerEnterEvent evt) {
if (!_imageFocused) {
_cursorOverImage.value = true;
_firstEnterImage.value = true;
if (_onEnterOrLeaveImage4Menubar != null) {
try {
} catch (e) {
void leaveView(PointerExitEvent evt) {
_cursorOverImage.value = false;
_firstEnterImage.value = false;
if (_onEnterOrLeaveImage4Menubar != null) {
try {
} catch (e) {
Widget getBodyForDesktop(BuildContext context) {
var paints = <Widget>[
MouseRegion(onEnter: (evt) {
bind.hostStopSystemKeyPropagate(stopped: false);
}, onExit: (evt) {
bind.hostStopSystemKeyPropagate(stopped: true);
}, child: LayoutBuilder(builder: (context, constraints) {
Future.delayed(Duration.zero, () {
Provider.of<CanvasModel>(context, listen: false).updateViewStyle();
return ImagePaint(
id: widget.id,
cursorOverImage: _cursorOverImage,
keyboardEnabled: _keyboardEnabled,
remoteCursorMoved: _remoteCursorMoved,
listenerBuilder: (child) => RawPointerMouseRegion(
onEnter: enterView,
onExit: leaveView,
inputModel: _ffi.inputModel,
child: child,
paints.add(Obx(() => Visibility(
visible: _showRemoteCursor.isTrue && _remoteCursorMoved.isTrue,
child: CursorPaint(
id: widget.id,
id: widget.id,
windowId: widget.windowId,
ffi: _ffi,
onEnterOrLeaveImageSetter: (func) => _onEnterOrLeaveImage4Menubar = func,
onEnterOrLeaveImageCleaner: () => _onEnterOrLeaveImage4Menubar = null,
return Stack(
children: paints,
bool get wantKeepAlive => true;
class ImagePaint extends StatelessWidget {
final String id;
final Rx<bool> cursorOverImage;
final Rx<bool> keyboardEnabled;
final Rx<bool> remoteCursorMoved;
final Widget Function(Widget)? listenerBuilder;
final ScrollController _horizontal = ScrollController();
final ScrollController _vertical = ScrollController();
{Key? key,
required this.id,
required this.cursorOverImage,
required this.keyboardEnabled,
required this.remoteCursorMoved,
: super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final m = Provider.of<ImageModel>(context);
var c = Provider.of<CanvasModel>(context);
final s = c.scale;
mouseRegion({child}) => Obx(() => MouseRegion(
cursor: (cursorOverImage.isTrue && keyboardEnabled.isTrue)
? (remoteCursorMoved.isTrue
? SystemMouseCursors.none
: _buildCustomCursorLinux(context, s))
: MouseCursor.defer,
onHover: (evt) {},
child: child));
if (c.scrollStyle == ScrollStyle.scrollbar) {
final imageWidth = c.getDisplayWidth() * s;
final imageHeight = c.getDisplayHeight() * s;
final imageWidget = SizedBox(
width: imageWidth,
height: imageHeight,
child: CustomPaint(
painter: ImagePainter(image: m.image, x: 0, y: 0, scale: s),
return NotificationListener<ScrollNotification>(
onNotification: (notification) {
final percentX = _horizontal.hasClients
? _horizontal.position.extentBefore /
(_horizontal.position.extentBefore +
_horizontal.position.extentInside +
: 0.0;
final percentY = _vertical.hasClients
? _vertical.position.extentBefore /
(_vertical.position.extentBefore +
_vertical.position.extentInside +
: 0.0;
c.setScrollPercent(percentX, percentY);
return false;
child: mouseRegion(
child: _buildCrossScrollbar(context, _buildListener(imageWidget),
Size(imageWidth, imageHeight))),
} else {
final imageWidget = SizedBox(
width: c.size.width,
height: c.size.height,
child: CustomPaint(
ImagePainter(image: m.image, x: c.x / s, y: c.y / s, scale: s),
return mouseRegion(child: _buildListener(imageWidget));
MouseCursor _buildCustomCursorLinux(BuildContext context, double scale) {
final cursor = Provider.of<CursorModel>(context);
final cacheLinux = cursor.cacheLinux;
if (cacheLinux == null) {
return MouseCursor.defer;
} else {
final key = cacheLinux.key(scale);
return FlutterCustomMemoryImageCursor(
pixbuf: cacheLinux.data,
key: key,
hotx: cacheLinux.hotx,
hoty: cacheLinux.hoty,
imageWidth: (cacheLinux.width * scale).toInt(),
imageHeight: (cacheLinux.height * scale).toInt(),
Widget _buildCrossScrollbarFromLayout(
BuildContext context, Widget child, Size layoutSize, Size size) {
final scrollConfig = CustomMouseWheelScrollConfig(
scrollDuration: kDefaultScrollDuration,
scrollCurve: Curves.linearToEaseOut,
scrollAmountMultiplier: kDefaultScrollAmountMultiplier);
var widget = child;
if (layoutSize.width < size.width) {
widget = ScrollConfiguration(
behavior: ScrollConfiguration.of(context).copyWith(scrollbars: false),
child: SingleChildScrollView(
controller: _horizontal,
scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal,
physics: cursorOverImage.isTrue
? const NeverScrollableScrollPhysics()
: null,
child: widget,
} else {
widget = Row(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
children: [widget],
if (layoutSize.height < size.height) {
widget = ScrollConfiguration(
behavior: ScrollConfiguration.of(context).copyWith(scrollbars: false),
child: SingleChildScrollView(
controller: _vertical,
physics: cursorOverImage.isTrue
? const NeverScrollableScrollPhysics()
: null,
child: widget,
} else {
widget = Column(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
children: [widget],
if (layoutSize.width < size.width) {
widget = ImprovedScrolling(
scrollController: _horizontal,
enableCustomMouseWheelScrolling: cursorOverImage.isFalse,
customMouseWheelScrollConfig: scrollConfig,
child: RawScrollbar(
thumbColor: Colors.grey,
controller: _horizontal,
thumbVisibility: false,
trackVisibility: false,
notificationPredicate: layoutSize.height < size.height
? (notification) => notification.depth == 1
: defaultScrollNotificationPredicate,
child: widget,
if (layoutSize.height < size.height) {
widget = ImprovedScrolling(
scrollController: _vertical,
enableCustomMouseWheelScrolling: cursorOverImage.isFalse,
customMouseWheelScrollConfig: scrollConfig,
child: RawScrollbar(
thumbColor: Colors.grey,
controller: _vertical,
thumbVisibility: false,
trackVisibility: false,
child: widget,
return widget;
Widget _buildCrossScrollbar(BuildContext context, Widget child, Size size) {
var layoutSize = MediaQuery.of(context).size;
layoutSize = Size(
layoutSize.width - kWindowBorderWidth * 2,
layoutSize.height -
kWindowBorderWidth * 2 -
bool overflow =
layoutSize.width < size.width || layoutSize.height < size.height;
return overflow
? Obx(() =>
_buildCrossScrollbarFromLayout(context, child, layoutSize, size))
: _buildCrossScrollbarFromLayout(context, child, layoutSize, size);
Widget _buildListener(Widget child) {
if (listenerBuilder != null) {
return listenerBuilder!(child);
} else {
return child;
class CursorPaint extends StatelessWidget {
final String id;
const CursorPaint({Key? key, required this.id}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final m = Provider.of<CursorModel>(context);
final c = Provider.of<CanvasModel>(context);
// final adjust = m.adjustForKeyboard();
return CustomPaint(
painter: ImagePainter(
image: m.image,
x: m.x - m.hotx + c.x / c.scale,
y: m.y - m.hoty + c.y / c.scale,
scale: c.scale),
class ImagePainter extends CustomPainter {
required this.image,
required this.x,
required this.y,
required this.scale,
ui.Image? image;
double x;
double y;
double scale;
void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
if (image == null) return;
if (x.isNaN || y.isNaN) return;
canvas.scale(scale, scale);
// https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/76187#issuecomment-784628161
// https://api.flutter-io.cn/flutter/dart-ui/FilterQuality.html
var paint = Paint();
paint.filterQuality = FilterQuality.medium;
if (scale > 10.00000) {
paint.filterQuality = FilterQuality.high;
canvas.drawImage(image!, Offset(x, y), paint);
bool shouldRepaint(CustomPainter oldDelegate) {
return oldDelegate != this;