2021-05-23 10:55:19 +08:00

181 lines
4.4 KiB

//! Sciter interop with native code and vice versa.
extern crate sciter;
use sciter::{HELEMENT, Element, Value};
struct EventHandler {
root: Option<Element>,
impl Drop for EventHandler {
fn drop(&mut self) {
println!("interop::EventHandler: Bye bye, HTML!");
impl EventHandler {
fn script_call_test(&self, args: &[Value], root: &Element) -> Option<Value> {
println!("root: {:?}", root);
// return None;
println!("calling 'hello'");
let answer = root.call_function("hello", &make_args!("hello, rust!"));
println!(" answer {:?}", answer);
println!("get and call 'hello'");
let answer = root.eval_script(r"hello");
if answer.is_err() {
return None;
let obj = answer.unwrap();
let answer =, &make_args!("argument"), None);
println!(" answer is {:?}", answer);
println!("eval 'hello'");
let answer = root.eval_script(r#"hello("42");"#);
println!(" answer is {:?}", answer);
println!("calling 'raise_error'; the following exceptions are expected then:");
let answer = root.call_function("raise_error", &make_args!(17, "42", false));
println!(" answer is {:?}", answer);
println!("calling inexisting function");
let answer = root.call_function("raise_error2", &[]);
println!(" answer is {:?}", answer);
fn NativeCall(&mut self, arg: String) -> Value {
Value::from(format!("Rust window ({})", arg))
fn GetNativeApi(&mut self) -> Value {
fn on_add(args: &[Value]) -> Value {
let ints = args.iter().map(|x| x.to_int().unwrap());
// let sum: i32 = ints.sum(); // error: issue #27739
let sum: i32 = ints.sum();
fn on_sub(args: &[Value]) -> Value {
if args.len() != 2 || args.iter().any(|x| !x.is_int()) {
return Value::error("sub requires 2 integer arguments!");
let ints: Vec<_> = args.iter().map(|x| x.to_int().unwrap()).collect();
let (a,b) = (ints[0], ints[1]);
Value::from(a - b)
let on_mul = |args: &[Value]| -> Value {
let prod: i32 = args.iter().map(|x| x.to_int().unwrap()).product();
let mut api = Value::new();
api.set_item("add", on_add);
api.set_item("sub", on_sub);
api.set_item("mul", on_mul);
println!("returning {:?}", api);
fn calc_sum(&mut self, a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
a + b
impl sciter::EventHandler for EventHandler {
fn attached(&mut self, root: HELEMENT) {
self.root = Some(Element::from(root));
dispatch_script_call! {
fn NativeCall(String);
fn GetNativeApi();
fn calc_sum(i32, i32);
fn on_script_call(&mut self, root: HELEMENT, name: &str, argv: &[Value]) -> Option<Value> {
let args = argv.iter().map(|x| format!("{:?}", &x)).collect::<Vec<String>>().join(", ");
println!("script->native: {}({}), root {:?}", name, args, Element::from(root));
let handled = self.dispatch_script_call(root, name, argv);
if handled.is_some() {
return handled;
if name == "ScriptCallTest" {
return self.script_call_test(argv, &Element::from(root));
fn check_options() {
sciter::SCRIPT_RUNTIME_FEATURES::ALLOW_SYSINFO as u8 // Enables `Sciter.machineName()`
| sciter::SCRIPT_RUNTIME_FEATURES::ALLOW_FILE_IO as u8 // Enables opening file dialog (`view.selectFile()`)
for arg in std::env::args() {
if arg.starts_with("--sciter-gfx=") {
use sciter::GFX_LAYER;
let backend = match arg.split_at("--sciter-gfx=".len()).1.trim() {
"auto" => GFX_LAYER::AUTO,
"cpu" => GFX_LAYER::CPU,
"skia" | "skia-cpu" => GFX_LAYER::SKIA_CPU,
"skia-opengl" => GFX_LAYER::SKIA_OPENGL,
"d2d" => GFX_LAYER::D2D,
"warp" => GFX_LAYER::WARP,
println!("setting {:?} backend", backend);
let ok = sciter::set_options(sciter::RuntimeOptions::GfxLayer(backend));
if let Err(e) = ok {
println!("failed to set backend: {:?}", e);
} else if arg.starts_with("--ux-theme") {
fn main() {
// interop --sciter-gfx=cpu --ux-theme
let html = include_bytes!("interop.htm");
let handler = EventHandler { root: None };
let mut frame = sciter::Window::new();
frame.load_html(html, Some("example://interop.htm"));