mirror of
synced 2025-01-05 21:27:49 +08:00
811 lines
28 KiB
811 lines
28 KiB
var remote_home_dir;
var svg_add_folder = <svg viewBox="0 0 443.29 443.29">
<path d="m277.06 332.47h27.706v-55.412h55.412v-27.706h-55.412v-55.412h-27.706v55.412h-55.412v27.706h55.412z"/>
<path d="m415.59 83.118h-202.06l-51.353-51.353c-2.597-2.597-6.115-4.058-9.794-4.058h-124.68c-15.274-1e-3 -27.706 12.431-27.706 27.705v332.47c0 15.273 12.432 27.706 27.706 27.706h387.88c15.273 0 27.706-12.432 27.706-27.706v-277.06c0-15.274-12.432-27.706-27.706-27.706zm0 304.76h-387.88v-332.47h118.94l51.354 51.353c2.597 2.597 6.115 4.058 9.794 4.058h207.79z"/>
var svg_trash = <svg viewBox="0 0 473.41 473.41">
<path d="m443.82 88.765h-88.765v-73.971c0-8.177-6.617-14.794-14.794-14.794h-207.12c-8.177 0-14.794 6.617-14.794 14.794v73.971h-88.764v29.588h14.39l57.116 342.69c1.185 7.137 7.354 12.367 14.592 12.367h241.64c7.238 0 13.407-5.23 14.592-12.367l57.116-342.69h14.794c-1e-3 0-1e-3 -29.588-1e-3 -29.588zm-295.88-59.177h177.53v59.176h-177.53zm196.85 414.24h-216.58l-54.241-325.47h325.06z"/>
<path transform="matrix(.064 -.998 .998 .064 -.546 19.418)" d="m-360.4 301.29h207.54v29.592h-207.54z"/>
<path transform="matrix(.998 -.064 .064 .998 -.628 .399)" d="m141.64 202.35h29.592v207.54h-29.592z"/>
var svg_arrow = <svg viewBox="0 0 482.24 482.24">
<path d="m206.81 447.79-206.81-206.67 206.74-206.67 24.353 24.284-165.17 165.17h416.31v34.445h-416.31l165.24 165.24z"/>
var svg_home = <svg viewBox="0 0 476.91 476.91">
<path d="m461.78 209.41-212.21-204.89c-6.182-6.026-16.042-6.026-22.224 0l-212.2 204.88c-3.124 3.015-4.888 7.17-4.888 11.512 0 8.837 7.164 16 16 16h28.2v224c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h112c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-128h80v128c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h112c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-224h28.2c4.338 0 8.489-1.761 11.504-4.88 6.141-6.354 5.969-16.483-0.384-22.624zm-39.32 11.504c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v224h-112v-128c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16h-80c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v128h-112v-224c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16h-28.2l212.2-204.88 212.28 204.88h-28.28z"/>
var svg_refresh = <svg viewBox="0 0 551.13 551.13">
<path d="m482.24 310.01c0 113.97-92.707 206.67-206.67 206.67s-206.67-92.708-206.67-206.67c0-102.21 74.639-187.09 172.23-203.56v65.78l86.114-86.114-86.114-86.115v71.641c-116.65 16.802-206.67 117.14-206.67 238.37 0 132.96 108.16 241.12 241.12 241.12s241.12-108.16 241.12-241.12z"/>
var svg_cancel = <svg .cancel viewBox="0 0 612 612"><polygon points="612 36.004 576.52 0.603 306 270.61 35.478 0.603 0 36.004 270.52 306.01 0 576 35.478 611.4 306 341.41 576.52 611.4 612 576 341.46 306.01"/></svg>;
var svg_continue = <svg .continue t="1652493728825" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" p-id="793" ne="0.8429451094012732" width="200" height="200"><path d="M458.69056 948.9408v74.39872c-102.4512-10.22464-196.25472-51.00544-272.1024-113.024l52.2752-52.2752c62.09024 48.87552 137.58464 81.39776 219.8272 90.89536z m562.47296-434.70848c0 263.99744-202.6496 482.9696-460.06784 509.0304v-74.5472c216.6272-25.99424 385.95584-211.73248 385.95584-435.072 0-223.27296-169.32352-409.00096-385.95584-434.9952V5.19168c257.42336 26.07104 460.06784 245.0432 460.06784 509.04064zM166.24128 785.83296l-52.13696 52.14208C50.82112 760.9088 9.51808 665.20576 0 560.67584h73.36448c9.1136 84.41856 42.44992 161.85344 92.8768 225.15712zM113.77664 190.88384l51.65056 51.6608C117.12 303.5392 84.64384 377.56928 74.3424 458.2656H0.95744C12.032 357.632 52.60288 265.53344 113.77664 190.88384zM458.69056 5.12v73.30304c-82.69312 9.55392-158.5664 42.37824-220.8512 91.6992L186.17856 118.4768C262.10304 56.2688 356.06528 15.36 458.69568 5.12z" p-id="794"></path><path d="M652.8 512l-276.48 166.4v-332.8z" p-id="795"></path></svg>;
var svg_computer = <svg .computer viewBox="0 0 480 480">
<path fill="#2C8CFF" d="m276 395v11.148c0 2.327-1.978 4.15-4.299 3.985-21.145-1.506-42.392-1.509-63.401-0.011-2.322 0.166-4.3-1.657-4.3-3.985v-11.137c0-2.209 1.791-4 4-4h64c2.209 0 4 1.791 4 4zm204-340v288c0 17.65-14.35 32-32 32h-416c-17.65 0-32-14.35-32-32v-288c0-17.65 14.35-32 32-32h416c17.65 0 32 14.35 32 32zm-125.62 386.36c-70.231-21.843-158.71-21.784-228.76 0-4.22 1.31-6.57 5.8-5.26 10.02 1.278 4.085 5.639 6.591 10.02 5.26 66.093-20.58 151.37-21.125 219.24 0 4.22 1.31 8.71-1.04 10.02-5.26s-1.04-8.71-5.26-10.02z"/>
function getSize(type, size) {
if (!size) {
if (type <= 3) return "";
return "0B";
size = size.toFloat();
var toFixed = function(size) {
size = (size * 100).toInteger();
var a = (size / 100).toInteger();
if (size % 100 == 0) return a;
if (size % 10 == 0) return a + '.' + (size % 10);
var b = size % 100;
if (b < 10) b = '0' + b;
return a + '.' + b;
if (size < 1024) return size.toInteger() + "B";
if (size < 1024 * 1024) return toFixed(size / 1024) + "K";
if (size < 1024 * 1024 * 1024) return toFixed(size / (1024 * 1024)) + "M";
return toFixed(size / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)) + "G";
function getParentPath(is_remote, path) {
var sep = handler.get_path_sep(is_remote);
var res = path.lastIndexOf(sep);
if (res <= 0) return "/";
return path.substr(0, res);
function getFileName(is_remote, path) {
var sep = handler.get_path_sep(is_remote);
var res = path.lastIndexOf(sep);
return path.substr(res + 1);
function getExt(name) {
if (name.indexOf(".") == 0) {
return "";
var i = name.lastIndexOf(".");
if (i > 0) return name.substr(i + 1);
return "";
var jobIdCounter = 1;
class JobTable: Reactor.Component {
this var jobs = [];
this var job_map = {};
function render() {
var me = this;
var rows = this.jobs.map(function(job, i) { return me.renderRow(job, i); });
return <section><table .has_current .job-table>
<tbody key={rows.length}>
event click $(svg.cancel) (_, me) {
var job = this.jobs[me.parent.parent.index];
var id = job.id;
delete this.job_map[id];
var i = -1;
this.jobs.map(function(job, idx) {
if (job.id == id) i = idx;
this.jobs.splice(i, 1);
var is_remote = job.is_remote;
if (job.type != "del-dir") is_remote = !is_remote;
event click $(svg.continue) (_, me) {
var job = this.jobs[me.parent.parent.parent.index];
var id = job.id;
function clearAllJobs() {
this.jobs = [];
this.job_map = {};
function send(path, is_remote) {
var to;
var show_hidden;
if (is_remote) {
to = file_transfer.local_folder_view.fd.path;
show_hidden = file_transfer.remote_folder_view.show_hidden;
} else {
to = file_transfer.remote_folder_view.fd.path;
show_hidden = file_transfer.local_folder_view.show_hidden;
if (!to) return;
to += handler.get_path_sep(!is_remote) + getFileName(is_remote, path);
var id = jobIdCounter;
jobIdCounter += 1;
this.jobs.push({ type: "transfer",
id: id, path: path, to: to,
include_hidden: show_hidden,
is_remote: is_remote,
is_last: false
this.job_map[id] = this.jobs[this.jobs.length - 1];
handler.send_files(id, path, to, 0, show_hidden, is_remote);
var self = this;
self.timer(30ms, function() { self.update(); });
function addJob(id, path, to, file_num, show_hidden, is_remote) {
var job = { type: "transfer",
id: id, path: path, to: to,
include_hidden: show_hidden,
is_remote: is_remote, is_last: true, file_num: file_num };
this.job_map[id] = this.jobs[this.jobs.length - 1];
jobIdCounter = id + 1;
handler.add_job(id, path, to, file_num, show_hidden, is_remote);
function continueJob(id) {
var job = this.job_map[id];
if (job == null || !job.is_last){
job.is_last = false;
handler.resume_job(job.id, job.is_remote);
function addDelDir(path, is_remote) {
var id = jobIdCounter;
jobIdCounter += 1;
this.jobs.push({ type: "del-dir", id: id, path: path, is_remote: is_remote });
this.job_map[id] = this.jobs[this.jobs.length - 1];
function addDelFile(path, is_remote) {
var id = jobIdCounter;
jobIdCounter += 1;
this.jobs.push({ type: "del-file", id: id, path: path, is_remote: is_remote });
this.job_map[id] = this.jobs[this.jobs.length - 1];
function confirmDeletePolling(is_remote) {
for(var i=0;i<this.jobs.length;++i){
var job = this.jobs[i];
if(job.type == "del-file"){
confirmDelete(job.id, job.path, job.is_remote);
job.confirmed = true;
}else if (job.type == "del-dir"){
// TODO: include_hidden is always true
handler.remove_dir_all(job.id, job.path, job.is_remote, true);
job.confirmed = true;
// polling finish
if (is_remote) file_transfer.remote_folder_view.table.resetCurrent();
else file_transfer.local_folder_view.table.resetCurrent();
function cancelDeletePolling() {
for(var i=0;i<this.jobs.length;++i){
var job = this.jobs[i];
// set confirmed true, prevent other polling action
if(job.type == "del-file" || job.type == "del-dir"){
job.confirmed = true;
job.err = "cancel"
function getSvg(job) {
if (job.type == "transfer") {
return svg_send;
} else if (job.type == "del-dir" || job.type == "del-file") {
return svg_trash;
function getStatus(job) {
if (job.type == "del-file"){
if (job.err) {
if (job.err == "cancel") return translate("Cancel");
} else {
if (job.finished) return translate("Finished");
else return translate("Waiting");
if (!job.entries) return translate("Waiting");
var i = job.file_num + 1;
var n = job.num_entries || job.entries.length;
if (i > n) i = n;
var res = i + ' / ' + n + " " + translate("files");
if (job.total_size > 0) {
var s = getSize(0, job.finished_size);
if (s) s += " / ";
res += ", " + s + getSize(0, job.total_size);
// below has problem if some file skipped
var percent = job.total_size == 0 ? 100 : (100. * job.finished_size / job.total_size).toInteger(); // (100. * i / (n || 1)).toInteger();
if (job.finished) percent = '100';
if (percent) res += ", " + percent + "%";
if (job.finished) res = translate("Finished") + " " + res;
if (job.speed) res += ", " + getSize(0, job.speed) + "/s";
return res;
function updateJob(job) {
var el = this.select("div[id=s" + job.id + "]");
if (el) el.text = this.getStatus(job);
function updateJobStatus(id, file_num = -1, err = null, speed = null, finished_size = 0) {
var job = this.job_map[id];
if (job.type == "del-file"){
job.finished = true;
job.err = err;
if (!job) return;
if (file_num < job.file_num) return;
job.file_num = file_num;
var n = job.num_entries || job.entries.length;
job.finished = job.file_num >= n - 1 || err == "cancel";
job.finished_size = finished_size;
job.speed = speed || 0;
if (job.type == "del-dir") {
if (job.finished) {
if (!err) {
handler.remove_dir(job.id, job.path, job.is_remote);
if (is_remote) file_transfer.remote_folder_view.table.resetCurrent();
else file_transfer.local_folder_view.table.resetCurrent();
} else if (!job.no_confirm) {
handler.confirm_delete_files(id, job.file_num + 1);
} else if (job.finished || file_num == -1) {
function renderRow(job, i) {
var svg = this.getSvg(job);
return <tr class={job.is_remote ? "is_remote" : ""}><td>
<div .text>
<div .path>{job.path}</div>
<div id={"s" + job.id}>{this.getStatus(job)}</div>
<div class="svg_continue" style={job.is_last ? "" : "visibility: hidden"}>
class FolderView : Reactor.Component {
this var fd = {};
this var history = [];
this var show_hidden = false;
function sep() {
return handler.get_path_sep(this.is_remote);
function this(params) {
this.is_remote = params.is_remote;
if (this.is_remote) {
this.show_hidden = !!handler.get_option("remote_show_hidden");
} else {
this.show_hidden = !!handler.get_option("local_show_hidden");
if (!this.is_remote) {
var dir = handler.get_option("local_dir");
if (dir) {
this.fd = handler.read_dir(dir, this.show_hidden);
if (this.fd) return;
this.fd = handler.read_dir(handler.get_home_dir(), this.show_hidden);
// sort predicate
function foldersFirst(a, b) {
if (a.type <= 3 && b.type > 3) return -1;
if (a.type > 3 && b.type <= 3) return +1;
if (a.name == b.name) return 0;
return a.name.toLowerCase().lexicalCompare(b.name.toLowerCase());
function render()
return <section>
function renderTitle() {
return <div .title>
<div .platform>{platformSvg(handler.get_platform(this.is_remote), "white")}</div>
<div><span>{translate(this.is_remote ? "Remote Computer" : "Local Computer")}</span></div>
function renderNavBar() {
return <div .toolbar .navbar>
<div .home .button>{svg_home}</div>
<div .goback .button>{svg_arrow}</div>
<div .goup .button>{svg_arrow}</div>
<div .refresh .button>{svg_refresh}</div>
function renderSelect() {
return <select editable .select-dir @{this.select_dir}>
function renderOpBar() {
if (this.is_remote) {
return <div .toolbar .remote>
<div .send .button>{svg_send}<span>{translate('Receive')}</span></div>
<div .spacer></div>
<div .add-folder .button>{svg_add_folder}</div>
<div .trash .button>{svg_trash}</div>
return <div .toolbar>
<div .add-folder .button>{svg_add_folder}</div>
<div .trash .button>{svg_trash}</div>
<div .spacer></div>
<div .send .button><span>{translate('Send')}</span>{svg_send}</div>
function get_updated() {
if (this.fd && this.fd.path) this.select_dir.value = this.fd.path;
function renderTable() {
var fd = this.fd;
var entries = fd.entries || [];
var table = this.table;
if (!table || !table.sortBy) {
var me = this;
var path = fd.path;
if (path != "/" && path) {
entries = [{ name: "..", type: 1 }].concat(entries);
var rows = entries.map(function(e) { return me.renderRow(e); });
var id = (this.is_remote ? "remote" : "local") + "-folder-view";
return <table @{this.table} .folder-view .has_current id={id}>
<tr><th></th><th .sortable>{translate('Name')}</th><th .sortable>{translate('Modified')}</th><th .sortable>{translate('Size')}</th></tr>
<menu.context id={id}>
<li #switch-hidden class={this.show_hidden ? "selected" : ""}><span>{svg_checkmark}</span>{translate('Show Hidden Files')}</li>
function joinPath(name) {
var path = this.fd.path;
if (path == "/") {
if (this.sep() == "/") return this.sep() + name;
else return name;
return path + (path[path.length - 1] == this.sep() ? "" : this.sep()) + name;
function attached() {
var me = this;
this.table.onRowDoubleClick = function (row) {
var type = row[0].attributes["type"];
if (type > 3) return;
var name = row[1].text;
var path = name == ".." ? getParentPath(me.is_remote, me.fd.path) : me.joinPath(name);
me.goto(path, true);
function goto(path, push) {
if (!path) return;
if (this.sep() == "\\" && path.length == 2) { // windows drive
path += "\\";
if (push) this.pushHistory();
if (this.is_remote) {
handler.read_remote_dir(path, this.show_hidden);
} else {
var fd = handler.read_dir(path, this.show_hidden);
this.refresh({ fd: fd });
function refresh(data) {
if (!data.fd || !data.fd.path) return;
if (this.is_remote && !remote_home_dir) {
remote_home_dir = data.fd.path;
var me = this;
self.timer(1ms, function() { me.get_updated(); });
function renderRow(entry) {
var path;
if (this.is_remote) {
path = handler.get_icon_path(entry.type, getExt(entry.name));
} else {
path = this.joinPath(entry.name);
var tm = entry.time ? new Date(entry.time.toFloat() * 1000.).toLocaleString() : 0;
return <tr role="option">
<td type={entry.type} filename={path}></td>
<td value={entry.time || 0}>{tm || ""}</td>
<td value={entry.size || 0}>{getSize(entry.type, entry.size)}</td>
event click $(#switch-hidden) {
this.show_hidden = !this.show_hidden;
event click $(.goup) () {
var path = this.fd.path;
if (!path || path == "/") return;
path = getParentPath(this.is_remote, path);
this.goto(path, true);
event click $(.goback) () {
var path = this.history.pop();
if (!path) return;
this.goto(path, false);
event click $(.trash) () {
var rows = this.getCurrentRows();
if (!rows || rows.length == 0) return;
var delete_dirs = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) {
var row = rows[i];
var path = row[0];
var type = row[1];
var new_history = [];
for (var j = 0; j < this.history.length; ++j) {
var h = this.history[j];
if ((h + this.sep()).indexOf(path + this.sep()) == -1) new_history.push(h);
this.history = new_history;
if (type == 1) {
file_transfer.job_table.addDelDir(path, this.is_remote);
} else {
file_transfer.job_table.addDelFile(path, this.is_remote);
event click $(.add-folder) () {
var me = this;
msgbox("custom", translate("Create Folder"), "<div .form> \
<div>" + translate("Please enter the folder name") + ":</div> \
<div><input|text(name) .outline-focus /></div> \
</div>", function(res=null) {
if (!res) return;
if (!res.name) return;
var name = res.name.trim();
if (!name) return;
if (name.indexOf(me.sep()) >= 0) {
handler.msgbox("custom-error", "Create Folder", "Invalid folder name");
var path = me.joinPath(name);
handler.create_dir(jobIdCounter, path, me.is_remote);
create_dir_jobs[jobIdCounter] = { is_remote: me.is_remote, path: path };
jobIdCounter += 1;
function refreshDir() {
this.goto(this.fd.path, false);
event click $(.refresh) () {
event click $(.home) () {
var path = this.is_remote ? remote_home_dir : handler.get_home_dir();
if (!path) return;
if (path == this.fd.path) return;
this.goto(path, true);
function getCurrentRow() {
var row = this.table.getCurrentRow();
if (!row) return;
var name = row[1].text;
if (!name || name == "..") return;
var type = row[0].attributes["type"];
return [this.joinPath(name), type];
function getCurrentRows() {
var rows = this.table.getCurrentRows();
if (!rows || rows.length== 0) return;
var records = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) {
var name = rows[i][1].text;
if (!name || name == "..") continue;
var type = rows[i][0].attributes["type"];
records.push([this.joinPath(name), type]);
return records;
event click $(.send) () {
var rows = this.getCurrentRows();
if (!rows || rows.length == 0) return;
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) {
file_transfer.job_table.send(rows[i][0], this.is_remote);
event change $(.select-dir) (_, el) {
var x = getTime() - last_key_time;
if (x < 1000) return;
if (this.fd.path != el.value) {
this.goto(el.value, true);
event keydown $(.select-dir) (evt, me) {
if (isEnterKey(evt)) {
this.goto(me.value, true);
function pushHistory() {
var path = this.fd.path;
if (!path) return;
if (path != this.history[this.history.length - 1]) this.history.push(path);
var file_transfer;
class FileTransfer: Reactor.Component {
function this() {
file_transfer = this;
function render() {
return <div #file-transfer>
<FolderView is_remote={false} @{this.local_folder_view} />
<FolderView is_remote={true} @{this.remote_folder_view}/>
<JobTable @{this.job_table} />
function initializeFileTransfer()
$(#file-transfer-wrapper).content(<FileTransfer />);
$(#video-wrapper).style.set { visibility: "hidden", position: "absolute" };
$(#file-transfer-wrapper).style.set { display: "block" };
handler.updateFolderFiles = function(fd) {
// stdout.println("update folder files: " + JSON.stringify(fd));
fd.entries = fd.entries || [];
if (fd.id > 0) {
var jt = file_transfer.job_table;
var job = jt.job_map[fd.id];
if (job) {
job.file_num = -1;
job.total_size = fd.total_size;
job.entries = fd.entries;
job.num_entries = fd.num_entries;
} else {
file_transfer.remote_folder_view.refresh({ fd: fd });
handler.jobProgress = function(id, file_num, speed, finished_size) {
file_transfer.job_table.updateJobStatus(id, file_num, null, speed, finished_size);
handler.jobDone = function(id, file_num = -1) {
var job = create_dir_jobs[id];
if (job) {
file_transfer.job_table.updateJobStatus(id, file_num);
handler.jobError = function(id, err, file_num = -1) {
var job = deleting_single_file_jobs[id];
if (job) {
msgbox("custom-error", "Delete File", err);
job = create_dir_jobs[id];
if (job) {
msgbox("custom-error", "Create Folder", err);
if (file_num < 0) {
handler.msgbox("custom-error", "Failed", err);
file_transfer.job_table.updateJobStatus(id, file_num, err);
handler.clearAllJobs = function() {
handler.addJob = function (id, path, to, file_num, show_hidden, is_remote) { // load last job
// stdout.println("restore job: " + is_remote);
handler.updateTransferList = function () {
function refreshDir(is_remote) {
if (is_remote) file_transfer.remote_folder_view.refreshDir();
else file_transfer.local_folder_view.refreshDir();
var deleting_single_file_jobs = {};
var create_dir_jobs = {}
function confirmDelete(id ,path, is_remote) {
msgbox("custom-skip", "Confirm Delete", "<div .form> \
<div>" + translate('Are you sure you want to delete this file?') + "</div> \
<div.ellipsis style=\"font-weight: bold;\">" + path + "</div> \
</div>", function(res=null) {
if (!res) {
file_transfer.job_table.updateJobStatus(id, -1, "cancel");
} else if (res.skip) {
file_transfer.job_table.updateJobStatus(id, -1, "cancel");
} else {
handler.remove_file(id, path, 0, is_remote);
if (is_remote) file_transfer.remote_folder_view.table.resetCurrent();
else file_transfer.local_folder_view.table.resetCurrent();
deleting_single_file_jobs[id] = { is_remote: is_remote, path: path };
handler.confirmDeleteFiles = function(id, i, name) {
var jt = file_transfer.job_table;
var job = jt.job_map[id];
if (!job) return;
var n = job.num_entries;
if (i >= n) return;
var file_path = job.path;
if (name) file_path += handler.get_path_sep(job.is_remote) + name;
msgbox("custom-skip", "Confirm Delete", "<div .form> \
<div>" + translate('Deleting') + " #" + (i + 1) + " / " + n + " " + translate('files') + ".</div> \
<div>" + translate('Are you sure you want to delete this file?') + "</div> \
<div.ellipsis style=\"font-weight: bold;\" .text>" + file_path + "</div> \
<div><button|checkbox(remember) {ts}>" + translate('Do this for all conflicts') + "</button></div> \
</div>", function(res=null) {
if (!res) {
jt.updateJobStatus(id, i - 1, "cancel");
} else if (res.skip) {
if (res.remember){
jt.updateJobStatus(id, i, "cancel");
} else{
handler.jobDone(id, i);
} else {
job.no_confirm = res.remember;
if (job.no_confirm){
handler.remove_file(id, file_path, i, job.is_remote);
if(i+1 >= n){
handler.overrideFileConfirm = function(id, file_num, to, is_upload) {
var jt = file_transfer.job_table;
msgbox("custom-skip", "Confirm Write Strategy", "<div .form> \
<div>" + translate('Overwrite') + translate('files') + ".</div> \
<div>" + translate('This file exists, skip or overwrite this file?') + "</div> \
<div.ellipsis style=\"font-weight: bold;\" .text>" + to + "</div> \
<div><button|checkbox(remember) {ts}>" + translate('Do this for all conflicts') + "</button></div> \
</div>", function(res=null) {
if (!res) {
jt.updateJobStatus(id, -1, "cancel");
} else if (res.skip) {
if (res.remember){
handler.set_write_override(id,file_num,false,true, is_upload); //
} else {
handler.set_write_override(id,file_num,false,false,is_upload); //
} else {
if (res.remember){
handler.set_write_override(id,file_num,true,true,is_upload); //
} else {
handler.set_write_override(id,file_num,true,false,is_upload); //
function save_file_transfer_close_state() {
var local_dir = file_transfer.local_folder_view.fd.path || "";
var local_show_hidden = file_transfer.local_folder_view.show_hidden ? "Y" : "";
var remote_dir = file_transfer.remote_folder_view.fd.path || "";
var remote_show_hidden = file_transfer.remote_folder_view.show_hidden ? "Y" : "";
handler.save_close_state("local_dir", local_dir);
handler.save_close_state("local_show_hidden", local_show_hidden);
handler.save_close_state("remote_dir", remote_dir);
handler.save_close_state("remote_show_hidden", remote_show_hidden);