mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 12:47:50 +08:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import asql "github.com/chrislusf/seaweedfs/weed/filer/abstract_sql"
const (
insertQuery = `
PRAGMA TablePathPrefix("%v");
DECLARE $dir_hash AS int64;
DECLARE $directory AS Utf8;
DECLARE $name AS Utf8;
@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ const (
($dir_hash, $name, $directory, $meta, $expire_at);`
updateQuery = `
PRAGMA TablePathPrefix("%v");
DECLARE $dir_hash AS int64;
DECLARE $directory AS Utf8;
DECLARE $name AS Utf8;
@ -28,6 +30,7 @@ const (
($dir_hash, $name, $directory, $meta, $expire_at);`
deleteQuery = `
PRAGMA TablePathPrefix("%v");
DECLARE $dir_hash AS int64;
DECLARE $name AS Utf8;
@ -35,6 +38,7 @@ const (
WHERE dir_hash = $dir_hash AND name = $name;`
findQuery = `
PRAGMA TablePathPrefix("%v");
DECLARE $dir_hash AS int64;
DECLARE $name AS Utf8;
@ -43,6 +47,7 @@ const (
WHERE dir_hash = $dir_hash AND name = $name;`
deleteFolderChildrenQuery = `
PRAGMA TablePathPrefix("%v");
DECLARE $dir_hash AS int64;
DECLARE $directory AS Utf8;
@ -50,6 +55,7 @@ const (
WHERE dir_hash = $dir_hash AND directory = $directory;`
listDirectoryQuery = `
PRAGMA TablePathPrefix("%v");
DECLARE $dir_hash AS int64;
DECLARE $directory AS Utf8;
DECLARE $start_name AS Utf8;
@ -58,6 +64,19 @@ const (
SELECT name, meta
WHERE dir_hash = $dir_hash AND directory = $directory and name %s $start_name and name LIKE $prefix
WHERE dir_hash = $dir_hash AND directory = $directory and name > $start_name and name LIKE $prefix
ORDER BY name ASC LIMIT $limit;`
listInclusiveDirectoryQuery = `
PRAGMA TablePathPrefix("%v");
DECLARE $dir_hash AS int64;
DECLARE $directory AS Utf8;
DECLARE $start_name AS Utf8;
DECLARE $prefix AS Utf8;
DECLARE $limit AS Uint64;
SELECT name, meta
WHERE dir_hash = $dir_hash AND directory = $directory and name >= $start_name and name LIKE $prefix
ORDER BY name ASC LIMIT $limit;`
@ -66,6 +66,9 @@ func (store *YdbStore) Initialize(configuration util.Configuration, prefix strin
func (store *YdbStore) initialize(dirBuckets string, dsn string, tablePathPrefix string, useBucketPrefix bool, connectionTimeOut int, poolSizeLimit int) (err error) {
store.dirBuckets = dirBuckets
store.SupportBucketTable = useBucketPrefix
if store.SupportBucketTable {
glog.V(0).Infof("enabled BucketPrefix")
store.dbs = make(map[string]bool)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
@ -133,7 +136,7 @@ func (store *YdbStore) doTxOrDB(ctx context.Context, query *string, params *tabl
return err
func (store *YdbStore) insertOrUpdateEntry(ctx context.Context, entry *filer.Entry, query string) (err error) {
func (store *YdbStore) insertOrUpdateEntry(ctx context.Context, entry *filer.Entry, isUpdate bool) (err error) {
dir, name := entry.FullPath.DirAndName()
meta, err := entry.EncodeAttributesAndChunks()
if err != nil {
@ -143,29 +146,36 @@ func (store *YdbStore) insertOrUpdateEntry(ctx context.Context, entry *filer.Ent
if len(entry.Chunks) > filer.CountEntryChunksForGzip {
meta = util.MaybeGzipData(meta)
queryWithPragma := withPragma(store.getPrefix(ctx, dir), query)
fileMeta := FileMeta{util.HashStringToLong(dir), name, dir, meta}
return store.doTxOrDB(ctx, &queryWithPragma, fileMeta.queryParameters(entry.TtlSec), rwTX, nil)
tablePathPrefix, shortDir := store.getPrefix(ctx, &dir)
fileMeta := FileMeta{util.HashStringToLong(dir), name, *shortDir, meta}
var query *string
if isUpdate {
query = withPragma(tablePathPrefix, updateQuery)
} else {
query = withPragma(tablePathPrefix, insertQuery)
return store.doTxOrDB(ctx, query, fileMeta.queryParameters(entry.TtlSec), rwTX, nil)
func (store *YdbStore) InsertEntry(ctx context.Context, entry *filer.Entry) (err error) {
return store.insertOrUpdateEntry(ctx, entry, insertQuery)
return store.insertOrUpdateEntry(ctx, entry, false)
func (store *YdbStore) UpdateEntry(ctx context.Context, entry *filer.Entry) (err error) {
return store.insertOrUpdateEntry(ctx, entry, updateQuery)
return store.insertOrUpdateEntry(ctx, entry, true)
func (store *YdbStore) FindEntry(ctx context.Context, fullpath util.FullPath) (entry *filer.Entry, err error) {
dir, name := fullpath.DirAndName()
var data []byte
entryFound := false
queryWithPragma := withPragma(store.getPrefix(ctx, dir), findQuery)
tablePathPrefix, shortDir := store.getPrefix(ctx, &dir)
query := withPragma(tablePathPrefix, findQuery)
queryParams := table.NewQueryParameters(
table.ValueParam("$dir_hash", types.Int64Value(util.HashStringToLong(dir))),
table.ValueParam("$dir_hash", types.Int64Value(util.HashStringToLong(*shortDir))),
table.ValueParam("$name", types.UTF8Value(name)))
err = store.doTxOrDB(ctx, &queryWithPragma, queryParams, roTX, func(res result.Result) error {
err = store.doTxOrDB(ctx, query, queryParams, roTX, func(res result.Result) error {
for res.NextResultSet(ctx) {
for res.NextRow() {
if err = res.ScanNamed(named.OptionalWithDefault("meta", &data)); err != nil {
@ -196,22 +206,24 @@ func (store *YdbStore) FindEntry(ctx context.Context, fullpath util.FullPath) (e
func (store *YdbStore) DeleteEntry(ctx context.Context, fullpath util.FullPath) (err error) {
dir, name := fullpath.DirAndName()
queryWithPragma := withPragma(store.getPrefix(ctx, dir), deleteQuery)
tablePathPrefix, shortDir := store.getPrefix(ctx, &dir)
query := withPragma(tablePathPrefix, deleteQuery)
queryParams := table.NewQueryParameters(
table.ValueParam("$dir_hash", types.Int64Value(util.HashStringToLong(dir))),
table.ValueParam("$dir_hash", types.Int64Value(util.HashStringToLong(*shortDir))),
table.ValueParam("$name", types.UTF8Value(name)))
return store.doTxOrDB(ctx, &queryWithPragma, queryParams, rwTX, nil)
return store.doTxOrDB(ctx, query, queryParams, rwTX, nil)
func (store *YdbStore) DeleteFolderChildren(ctx context.Context, fullpath util.FullPath) (err error) {
dir, _ := fullpath.DirAndName()
queryWithPragma := withPragma(store.getPrefix(ctx, dir), deleteFolderChildrenQuery)
tablePathPrefix, shortDir := store.getPrefix(ctx, &dir)
query := withPragma(tablePathPrefix, deleteFolderChildrenQuery)
queryParams := table.NewQueryParameters(
table.ValueParam("$dir_hash", types.Int64Value(util.HashStringToLong(dir))),
table.ValueParam("$directory", types.UTF8Value(dir)))
table.ValueParam("$dir_hash", types.Int64Value(util.HashStringToLong(*shortDir))),
table.ValueParam("$directory", types.UTF8Value(*shortDir)))
return store.doTxOrDB(ctx, &queryWithPragma, queryParams, rwTX, nil)
return store.doTxOrDB(ctx, query, queryParams, rwTX, nil)
func (store *YdbStore) ListDirectoryEntries(ctx context.Context, dirPath util.FullPath, startFileName string, includeStartFile bool, limit int64, eachEntryFunc filer.ListEachEntryFunc) (lastFileName string, err error) {
@ -220,19 +232,21 @@ func (store *YdbStore) ListDirectoryEntries(ctx context.Context, dirPath util.Fu
func (store *YdbStore) ListDirectoryPrefixedEntries(ctx context.Context, dirPath util.FullPath, startFileName string, includeStartFile bool, limit int64, prefix string, eachEntryFunc filer.ListEachEntryFunc) (lastFileName string, err error) {
dir := string(dirPath)
startFileCompOp := ">"
tablePathPrefix, shortDir := store.getPrefix(ctx, &dir)
var query *string
if includeStartFile {
startFileCompOp = ">="
query = withPragma(tablePathPrefix, listInclusiveDirectoryQuery)
} else {
query = withPragma(tablePathPrefix, listDirectoryQuery)
queryWithPragma := withPragma(store.getPrefix(ctx, dir), fmt.Sprintf(listDirectoryQuery, startFileCompOp))
queryParams := table.NewQueryParameters(
table.ValueParam("$dir_hash", types.Int64Value(util.HashStringToLong(dir))),
table.ValueParam("$directory", types.UTF8Value(dir)),
table.ValueParam("$dir_hash", types.Int64Value(util.HashStringToLong(*shortDir))),
table.ValueParam("$directory", types.UTF8Value(*shortDir)),
table.ValueParam("$start_name", types.UTF8Value(startFileName)),
table.ValueParam("$prefix", types.UTF8Value(prefix+"%")),
table.ValueParam("$limit", types.Uint64Value(uint64(limit))),
err = store.doTxOrDB(ctx, &queryWithPragma, queryParams, roTX, func(res result.Result) error {
err = store.doTxOrDB(ctx, query, queryParams, roTX, func(res result.Result) error {
var name string
var data []byte
for res.NextResultSet(ctx) {
@ -337,41 +351,50 @@ func (store *YdbStore) deleteTable(ctx context.Context, prefix string) error {
if !store.SupportBucketTable {
return nil
return store.DB.Table().Do(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, s table.Session) error {
if err := store.DB.Table().Do(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, s table.Session) error {
return s.DropTable(ctx, path.Join(prefix, abstract_sql.DEFAULT_TABLE))
}); err != nil {
return err
glog.V(4).Infof("deleted table %s", prefix)
return nil
func (store *YdbStore) getPrefix(ctx context.Context, dir string) (tablePathPrefix string) {
tablePathPrefix = store.tablePathPrefix
func (store *YdbStore) getPrefix(ctx context.Context, dir *string) (tablePathPrefix *string, shortDir *string) {
tablePathPrefix = &store.tablePathPrefix
shortDir = dir
if !store.SupportBucketTable {
prefixBuckets := store.dirBuckets + "/"
if strings.HasPrefix(dir, prefixBuckets) {
if strings.HasPrefix(*dir, prefixBuckets) {
// detect bucket
bucketAndDir := dir[len(prefixBuckets):]
t := strings.Index(bucketAndDir, "/")
if t < 0 {
bucketAndDir := (*dir)[len(prefixBuckets):]
var bucket string
if t := strings.Index(bucketAndDir, "/"); t > 0 {
bucket = bucketAndDir[:t]
} else if t < 0 {
bucket = bucketAndDir
if bucket == "" {
bucket := bucketAndDir[:t]
if bucket != "" {
defer store.dbsLock.Unlock()
tablePathPrefix = path.Join(store.tablePathPrefix, bucket)
tablePathPrefixWithBucket := path.Join(store.tablePathPrefix, bucket)
if _, found := store.dbs[bucket]; !found {
if err := store.createTable(ctx, tablePathPrefix); err == nil {
if err := store.createTable(ctx, tablePathPrefixWithBucket); err == nil {
store.dbs[bucket] = true
glog.V(4).Infof("created table %s", tablePathPrefixWithBucket)
} else {
glog.Errorf("createTable %s: %v", tablePathPrefix, err)
glog.Errorf("createTable %s: %v", tablePathPrefixWithBucket, err)
tablePathPrefix = &tablePathPrefixWithBucket
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ func (store *YdbStore) KvPut(ctx context.Context, key []byte, value []byte) (err
dirStr, dirHash, name := abstract_sql.GenDirAndName(key)
fileMeta := FileMeta{dirHash, name, dirStr, value}
return store.DB.Table().Do(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, s table.Session) (err error) {
_, _, err = s.Execute(ctx, rwTX, withPragma(store.getPrefix(ctx, dirStr), insertQuery),
_, _, err = s.Execute(ctx, rwTX, *withPragma(&store.tablePathPrefix, insertQuery),
if err != nil {
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ func (store *YdbStore) KvGet(ctx context.Context, key []byte) (value []byte, err
dirStr, dirHash, name := abstract_sql.GenDirAndName(key)
valueFound := false
err = store.DB.Table().Do(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, s table.Session) error {
_, res, err := s.Execute(ctx, roTX, withPragma(store.getPrefix(ctx, dirStr), findQuery),
_, res, err := s.Execute(ctx, roTX, *withPragma(&store.tablePathPrefix, findQuery),
table.ValueParam("$dir_hash", types.Int64Value(dirHash)),
table.ValueParam("$name", types.UTF8Value(name))),
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ func (store *YdbStore) KvGet(ctx context.Context, key []byte) (value []byte, err
func (store *YdbStore) KvDelete(ctx context.Context, key []byte) (err error) {
dirStr, dirHash, name := abstract_sql.GenDirAndName(key)
return store.DB.Table().Do(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, s table.Session) (err error) {
_, _, err = s.Execute(ctx, rwTX, withPragma(store.getPrefix(ctx, dirStr), insertQuery),
_, _, err = s.Execute(ctx, rwTX, *withPragma(&store.tablePathPrefix, insertQuery),
table.ValueParam("$dir_hash", types.Int64Value(dirHash)),
table.ValueParam("$name", types.UTF8Value(name))),
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package ydb
import (
@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ func createTableOptions() []options.CreateTableOption {
func withPragma(prefix string, query string) string {
return `PRAGMA TablePathPrefix("` + prefix + `");` + query
func withPragma(prefix *string, query string) *string {
queryWithPragma := fmt.Sprintf(query, *prefix)
return &queryWithPragma
Reference in New Issue
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