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synced 2024-12-19 13:37:49 +08:00
* the subscriber would getOrGen a local partition and wait * the publisher would getOrGen a local partition. If localPartition follower is not setup, and init message has follower info, it would create followers based on init.Messages.
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package broker
import (
// PUB
// 1. gRPC API to configure a topic
// 1.1 create a topic with existing partition count
// 1.2 assign partitions to brokers
// 2. gRPC API to lookup topic partitions
// 3. gRPC API to publish by topic partitions
// SUB
// 1. gRPC API to lookup a topic partitions
// Re-balance topic partitions for publishing
// 1. collect stats from all the brokers
// 2. Rebalance and configure new generation of partitions on brokers
// 3. Tell brokers to close current gneration of publishing.
// Publishers needs to lookup again and publish to the new generation of partitions.
// Re-balance topic partitions for subscribing
// 1. collect stats from all the brokers
// Subscribers needs to listen for new partitions and connect to the brokers.
// Each subscription may not get data. It can act as a backup.
func (b *MessageQueueBroker) PublishMessage(stream mq_pb.SeaweedMessaging_PublishMessageServer) error {
// 1. write to the volume server
// 2. find the topic metadata owning filer
// 3. write to the filer
var localTopicPartition *topic.LocalPartition
req, err := stream.Recv()
if err != nil {
return err
response := &mq_pb.PublishMessageResponse{}
// TODO check whether current broker should be the leader for the topic partition
ackInterval := 1
initMessage := req.GetInit()
if initMessage == nil {
response.Error = fmt.Sprintf("missing init message")
glog.Errorf("missing init message")
return stream.Send(response)
// get or generate a local partition
t, p := topic.FromPbTopic(initMessage.Topic), topic.FromPbPartition(initMessage.Partition)
conf, readConfErr := b.readTopicConfFromFiler(t)
if readConfErr != nil {
response.Error = fmt.Sprintf("topic %v not found: %v", initMessage.Topic, readConfErr)
glog.Errorf("topic %v not found: %v", initMessage.Topic, readConfErr)
return stream.Send(response)
localTopicPartition, _, err = b.GetOrGenLocalPartition(t, p, conf)
if err != nil {
response.Error = fmt.Sprintf("topic %v partition %v not setup", initMessage.Topic, initMessage.Partition)
glog.Errorf("topic %v partition %v not setup", initMessage.Topic, initMessage.Partition)
return stream.Send(response)
ackInterval = int(initMessage.AckInterval)
// connect to follower brokers
if localTopicPartition.FollowerStream == nil && len(initMessage.FollowerBrokers) > 0 {
follower := initMessage.FollowerBrokers[0]
ctx := stream.Context()
localTopicPartition.GrpcConnection, err = pb.GrpcDial(ctx, follower, true, b.grpcDialOption)
if err != nil {
response.Error = fmt.Sprintf("fail to dial %s: %v", follower, err)
glog.Errorf("fail to dial %s: %v", follower, err)
return stream.Send(response)
followerClient := mq_pb.NewSeaweedMessagingClient(localTopicPartition.GrpcConnection)
localTopicPartition.FollowerStream, err = followerClient.PublishFollowMe(ctx)
if err != nil {
response.Error = fmt.Sprintf("fail to create publish client: %v", err)
glog.Errorf("fail to create publish client: %v", err)
return stream.Send(response)
if err = localTopicPartition.FollowerStream.Send(&mq_pb.PublishFollowMeRequest{
Message: &mq_pb.PublishFollowMeRequest_Init{
Init: &mq_pb.PublishFollowMeRequest_InitMessage{
Topic: initMessage.Topic,
Partition: initMessage.Partition,
}); err != nil {
return err
// process each published messages
clientName := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%4d/%s/%v", findClientAddress(stream.Context()), rand.Intn(10000), initMessage.Topic, initMessage.Partition)
localTopicPartition.Publishers.AddPublisher(clientName, topic.NewLocalPublisher())
ackCounter := 0
var ackSequence int64
defer func() {
if localTopicPartition.FollowerStream == nil {
// remove the publisher
glog.V(0).Infof("topic %v partition %v published %d messges Publisher:%d Subscriber:%d", initMessage.Topic, initMessage.Partition, ackSequence, localTopicPartition.Publishers.Size(), localTopicPartition.Subscribers.Size())
if localTopicPartition.MaybeShutdownLocalPartition() {
b.localTopicManager.RemoveTopicPartition(t, p)
if localTopicPartition.FollowerStream != nil {
go func() {
defer func() {
println("stop receiving ack from follower")
// remove the publisher
glog.V(0).Infof("topic %v partition %v published %d messges Publisher:%d Subscriber:%d", initMessage.Topic, initMessage.Partition, ackSequence, localTopicPartition.Publishers.Size(), localTopicPartition.Subscribers.Size())
if localTopicPartition.MaybeShutdownLocalPartition() {
b.localTopicManager.RemoveTopicPartition(t, p)
println("closing grpcConnection to follower")
for {
ack, err := localTopicPartition.FollowerStream.Recv()
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Error receiving response: %v", err)
ackSequence = ack.AckTsNs
println("recv ack", ack.AckTsNs)
if err := stream.Send(&mq_pb.PublishMessageResponse{
AckSequence: ack.AckTsNs,
}); err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Error sending response %v: %v", ack, err)
// send a hello message
var receivedSequence, acknowledgedSequence int64
defer func() {
if localTopicPartition.FollowerStream != nil {
//if err := followerStream.CloseSend(); err != nil {
// glog.Errorf("Error closing follower stream: %v", err)
} else {
if acknowledgedSequence < receivedSequence {
acknowledgedSequence = receivedSequence
response := &mq_pb.PublishMessageResponse{
AckSequence: acknowledgedSequence,
if err := stream.Send(response); err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Error sending response %v: %v", response, err)
// process each published messages
for {
// receive a message
req, err := stream.Recv()
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
glog.V(0).Infof("topic %v partition %v publish stream error: %v", initMessage.Topic, initMessage.Partition, err)
return err
// Process the received message
dataMessage := req.GetData()
if dataMessage == nil {
// send to the local partition
receivedSequence = dataMessage.TsNs
// maybe send to the follower
if localTopicPartition.FollowerStream != nil {
println("recv", string(dataMessage.Key), dataMessage.TsNs)
if followErr := localTopicPartition.FollowerStream.Send(&mq_pb.PublishFollowMeRequest{
Message: &mq_pb.PublishFollowMeRequest_Data{
Data: dataMessage,
}); followErr != nil {
return followErr
} else {
if ackCounter >= ackInterval {
ackCounter = 0
// send back the ack directly
acknowledgedSequence = receivedSequence
response := &mq_pb.PublishMessageResponse{
AckSequence: acknowledgedSequence,
if err := stream.Send(response); err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Error sending response %v: %v", response, err)
if localTopicPartition.FollowerStream != nil {
// send close to the follower
if followErr := localTopicPartition.FollowerStream.Send(&mq_pb.PublishFollowMeRequest{
Message: &mq_pb.PublishFollowMeRequest_Close{
Close: &mq_pb.PublishFollowMeRequest_CloseMessage{},
}); followErr != nil {
return followErr
println("closing follower stream")
//if err := followerStream.CloseSend(); err != nil {
// glog.Errorf("Error closing follower stream: %v", err)
glog.V(0).Infof("topic %v partition %v publish stream closed.", initMessage.Topic, initMessage.Partition)
return nil
// duplicated from master_grpc_server.go
func findClientAddress(ctx context.Context) string {
// fmt.Printf("FromContext %+v\n", ctx)
pr, ok := peer.FromContext(ctx)
if !ok {
glog.Error("failed to get peer from ctx")
return ""
if pr.Addr == net.Addr(nil) {
glog.Error("failed to get peer address")
return ""
return pr.Addr.String()