石昌林 78b3728169 add s3 circuit breaker support for 'simultaneous request count' and 'simultaneous request bytes' limitations
configure s3 circuit breaker by 'command_s3_circuitbreaker.go':
usage eg:
# Configure the number of simultaneous global (current s3api node) requests
s3.circuit.breaker -global -type count -actions Write -values 1000 -apply

# Configure the number of simultaneous requests for bucket x read and write
s3.circuit.breaker -buckets -type count -actions Read,Write -values 1000 -apply

# Configure the total bytes of simultaneous requests for bucket write
s3.circuit.breaker -buckets -type bytes -actions Write -values 100MiB -apply

# Disable circuit breaker config of bucket 'x'
s3.circuit.breaker -buckets x -enable false -apply

# Delete circuit breaker config of bucket 'x'
s3.circuit.breaker -buckets x -delete -apply
2022-06-15 21:07:55 +08:00

36 lines
688 B
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package messaging_pb;
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "seaweedfs.client";
option java_outer_classname = "S3Proto";
service SeaweedS3 {
rpc Configure (S3ConfigureRequest) returns (S3ConfigureResponse) {
message S3ConfigureRequest {
bytes s3_configuration_file_content = 1;
message S3ConfigureResponse {
message S3CircuitBreakerConfig {
CbOptions global=1;
map<string, CbOptions> buckets= 2;
message CbOptions {
bool enabled=1;
map<string, int64> actions = 2;