mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 07:49:02 +08:00
If an EC shard is created but not spread to other servers, the masterclient would think this shard is not located here.
341 lines
7.9 KiB
Protocol Buffer
341 lines
7.9 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
package master_pb;
option go_package = "github.com/chrislusf/seaweedfs/weed/pb/master_pb";
service Seaweed {
rpc SendHeartbeat (stream Heartbeat) returns (stream HeartbeatResponse) {
rpc KeepConnected (stream KeepConnectedRequest) returns (stream KeepConnectedResponse) {
rpc LookupVolume (LookupVolumeRequest) returns (LookupVolumeResponse) {
rpc Assign (AssignRequest) returns (AssignResponse) {
rpc Statistics (StatisticsRequest) returns (StatisticsResponse) {
rpc CollectionList (CollectionListRequest) returns (CollectionListResponse) {
rpc CollectionDelete (CollectionDeleteRequest) returns (CollectionDeleteResponse) {
rpc VolumeList (VolumeListRequest) returns (VolumeListResponse) {
rpc LookupEcVolume (LookupEcVolumeRequest) returns (LookupEcVolumeResponse) {
rpc VacuumVolume (VacuumVolumeRequest) returns (VacuumVolumeResponse) {
rpc GetMasterConfiguration (GetMasterConfigurationRequest) returns (GetMasterConfigurationResponse) {
rpc ListClusterNodes (ListClusterNodesRequest) returns (ListClusterNodesResponse) {
rpc LeaseAdminToken (LeaseAdminTokenRequest) returns (LeaseAdminTokenResponse) {
rpc ReleaseAdminToken (ReleaseAdminTokenRequest) returns (ReleaseAdminTokenResponse) {
rpc Ping (PingRequest) returns (PingResponse) {
message Heartbeat {
string ip = 1;
uint32 port = 2;
string public_url = 3;
uint64 max_file_key = 5;
string data_center = 6;
string rack = 7;
uint32 admin_port = 8;
repeated VolumeInformationMessage volumes = 9;
// delta volumes
repeated VolumeShortInformationMessage new_volumes = 10;
repeated VolumeShortInformationMessage deleted_volumes = 11;
bool has_no_volumes = 12;
// erasure coding
repeated VolumeEcShardInformationMessage ec_shards = 16;
// delta erasure coding shards
repeated VolumeEcShardInformationMessage new_ec_shards = 17;
repeated VolumeEcShardInformationMessage deleted_ec_shards = 18;
bool has_no_ec_shards = 19;
map<string, uint32> max_volume_counts = 4;
uint32 grpc_port = 20;
message HeartbeatResponse {
uint64 volume_size_limit = 1;
string leader = 2;
string metrics_address = 3;
uint32 metrics_interval_seconds = 4;
repeated StorageBackend storage_backends = 5;
message VolumeInformationMessage {
uint32 id = 1;
uint64 size = 2;
string collection = 3;
uint64 file_count = 4;
uint64 delete_count = 5;
uint64 deleted_byte_count = 6;
bool read_only = 7;
uint32 replica_placement = 8;
uint32 version = 9;
uint32 ttl = 10;
uint32 compact_revision = 11;
int64 modified_at_second = 12;
string remote_storage_name = 13;
string remote_storage_key = 14;
string disk_type = 15;
message VolumeShortInformationMessage {
uint32 id = 1;
string collection = 3;
uint32 replica_placement = 8;
uint32 version = 9;
uint32 ttl = 10;
string disk_type = 15;
message VolumeEcShardInformationMessage {
uint32 id = 1;
string collection = 2;
uint32 ec_index_bits = 3;
string disk_type = 4;
message StorageBackend {
string type = 1;
string id = 2;
map<string, string> properties = 3;
message Empty {
message SuperBlockExtra {
message ErasureCoding {
uint32 data = 1;
uint32 parity = 2;
repeated uint32 volume_ids = 3;
ErasureCoding erasure_coding = 1;
message KeepConnectedRequest {
string client_type = 1;
string client_address = 3;
string version = 4;
message VolumeLocation {
string url = 1;
string public_url = 2;
repeated uint32 new_vids = 3;
repeated uint32 deleted_vids = 4;
string leader = 5; // optional when leader is not itself
string data_center = 6; // optional when DataCenter is in use
uint32 grpc_port = 7;
repeated uint32 new_ec_vids = 8;
repeated uint32 deleted_ec_vids = 9;
message ClusterNodeUpdate {
string node_type = 1;
string address = 2;
bool is_leader = 3;
bool is_add = 4;
message KeepConnectedResponse {
VolumeLocation volume_location = 1;
ClusterNodeUpdate cluster_node_update = 2;
message LookupVolumeRequest {
repeated string volume_or_file_ids = 1;
string collection = 2; // optional, a bit faster if provided.
message LookupVolumeResponse {
message VolumeIdLocation {
string volume_or_file_id = 1;
repeated Location locations = 2;
string error = 3;
string auth = 4;
repeated VolumeIdLocation volume_id_locations = 1;
message Location {
string url = 1;
string public_url = 2;
uint32 grpc_port = 3;
message AssignRequest {
uint64 count = 1;
string replication = 2;
string collection = 3;
string ttl = 4;
string data_center = 5;
string rack = 6;
string data_node = 7;
uint32 memory_map_max_size_mb = 8;
uint32 Writable_volume_count = 9;
string disk_type = 10;
message AssignResponse {
string fid = 1;
uint64 count = 4;
string error = 5;
string auth = 6;
repeated Location replicas = 7;
Location location = 8;
message StatisticsRequest {
string replication = 1;
string collection = 2;
string ttl = 3;
string disk_type = 4;
message StatisticsResponse {
uint64 total_size = 4;
uint64 used_size = 5;
uint64 file_count = 6;
// collection related
message Collection {
string name = 1;
message CollectionListRequest {
bool include_normal_volumes = 1;
bool include_ec_volumes = 2;
message CollectionListResponse {
repeated Collection collections = 1;
message CollectionDeleteRequest {
string name = 1;
message CollectionDeleteResponse {
// volume related
message DiskInfo {
string type = 1;
int64 volume_count = 2;
int64 max_volume_count = 3;
int64 free_volume_count = 4;
int64 active_volume_count = 5;
repeated VolumeInformationMessage volume_infos = 6;
repeated VolumeEcShardInformationMessage ec_shard_infos = 7;
int64 remote_volume_count = 8;
message DataNodeInfo {
string id = 1;
map<string, DiskInfo> diskInfos = 2;
uint32 grpc_port = 3;
message RackInfo {
string id = 1;
repeated DataNodeInfo data_node_infos = 2;
map<string, DiskInfo> diskInfos = 3;
message DataCenterInfo {
string id = 1;
repeated RackInfo rack_infos = 2;
map<string, DiskInfo> diskInfos = 3;
message TopologyInfo {
string id = 1;
repeated DataCenterInfo data_center_infos = 2;
map<string, DiskInfo> diskInfos = 3;
message VolumeListRequest {
message VolumeListResponse {
TopologyInfo topology_info = 1;
uint64 volume_size_limit_mb = 2;
message LookupEcVolumeRequest {
uint32 volume_id = 1;
message LookupEcVolumeResponse {
uint32 volume_id = 1;
message EcShardIdLocation {
uint32 shard_id = 1;
repeated Location locations = 2;
repeated EcShardIdLocation shard_id_locations = 2;
message VacuumVolumeRequest {
float garbage_threshold = 1;
message VacuumVolumeResponse {
message GetMasterConfigurationRequest {
message GetMasterConfigurationResponse {
string metrics_address = 1;
uint32 metrics_interval_seconds = 2;
repeated StorageBackend storage_backends = 3;
string default_replication = 4;
string leader = 5;
uint32 volume_size_limit_m_b = 6;
bool volume_preallocate = 7;
message ListClusterNodesRequest {
string client_type = 1;
message ListClusterNodesResponse {
message ClusterNode {
string address = 1;
string version = 2;
bool is_leader = 3;
repeated ClusterNode cluster_nodes = 1;
message LeaseAdminTokenRequest {
int64 previous_token = 1;
int64 previous_lock_time = 2;
string lock_name = 3;
string client_name = 4;
string message = 5;
message LeaseAdminTokenResponse {
int64 token = 1;
int64 lock_ts_ns = 2;
message ReleaseAdminTokenRequest {
int64 previous_token = 1;
int64 previous_lock_time = 2;
string lock_name = 3;
message ReleaseAdminTokenResponse {
message PingRequest {
string target = 1; // default to ping itself
string target_type = 2;
message PingResponse {