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344 lines
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package resource_pool
import (
type idleHandle struct {
handle interface{}
keepUntil *time.Time
type TooManyHandles struct {
location string
func (t TooManyHandles) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Too many handles to %s", t.location)
type OpenHandleError struct {
location string
err error
func (o OpenHandleError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Failed to open resource handle: %s (%v)", o.location, o.err)
// A resource pool implementation where all handles are associated to the
// same resource location.
type simpleResourcePool struct {
options Options
numActive *int32 // atomic counter
activeHighWaterMark *int32 // atomic / monotonically increasing value
openTokens Semaphore
mutex sync.Mutex
location string // guard by mutex
idleHandles []*idleHandle // guarded by mutex
isLameDuck bool // guarded by mutex
// This returns a SimpleResourcePool, where all handles are associated to a
// single resource location.
func NewSimpleResourcePool(options Options) ResourcePool {
numActive := new(int32)
atomic.StoreInt32(numActive, 0)
activeHighWaterMark := new(int32)
atomic.StoreInt32(activeHighWaterMark, 0)
var tokens Semaphore
if options.OpenMaxConcurrency > 0 {
tokens = NewBoundedSemaphore(uint(options.OpenMaxConcurrency))
return &simpleResourcePool{
location: "",
options: options,
numActive: numActive,
activeHighWaterMark: activeHighWaterMark,
openTokens: tokens,
mutex: sync.Mutex{},
idleHandles: make([]*idleHandle, 0, 0),
isLameDuck: false,
// See ResourcePool for documentation.
func (p *simpleResourcePool) NumActive() int32 {
return atomic.LoadInt32(p.numActive)
// See ResourcePool for documentation.
func (p *simpleResourcePool) ActiveHighWaterMark() int32 {
return atomic.LoadInt32(p.activeHighWaterMark)
// See ResourcePool for documentation.
func (p *simpleResourcePool) NumIdle() int {
defer p.mutex.Unlock()
return len(p.idleHandles)
// SimpleResourcePool can only register a single (network, address) entry.
// Register should be call before any Get calls.
func (p *simpleResourcePool) Register(resourceLocation string) error {
if resourceLocation == "" {
return errors.New("Invalid resource location")
defer p.mutex.Unlock()
if p.isLameDuck {
return fmt.Errorf(
"cannot register %s to lame duck resource pool",
if p.location == "" {
p.location = resourceLocation
return nil
return errors.New("SimpleResourcePool can only register one location")
// SimpleResourcePool will enter lame duck mode upon calling Unregister.
func (p *simpleResourcePool) Unregister(resourceLocation string) error {
return nil
func (p *simpleResourcePool) ListRegistered() []string {
defer p.mutex.Unlock()
if p.location != "" {
return []string{p.location}
return []string{}
func (p *simpleResourcePool) getLocation() (string, error) {
defer p.mutex.Unlock()
if p.location == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf(
"resource location is not set for SimpleResourcePool")
if p.isLameDuck {
return "", fmt.Errorf(
"lame duck resource pool cannot return handles to %s",
return p.location, nil
// This gets an active resource from the resource pool. Note that the
// resourceLocation argument is ignored (The handles are associated to the
// resource location provided by the first Register call).
func (p *simpleResourcePool) Get(unused string) (ManagedHandle, error) {
activeCount := atomic.AddInt32(p.numActive, 1)
if p.options.MaxActiveHandles > 0 &&
activeCount > p.options.MaxActiveHandles {
atomic.AddInt32(p.numActive, -1)
return nil, TooManyHandles{p.location}
highest := atomic.LoadInt32(p.activeHighWaterMark)
for activeCount > highest &&
activeCount) {
highest = atomic.LoadInt32(p.activeHighWaterMark)
if h := p.getIdleHandle(); h != nil {
return h, nil
location, err := p.getLocation()
if err != nil {
atomic.AddInt32(p.numActive, -1)
return nil, err
if p.openTokens != nil {
// Current implementation does not wait for tokens to become available.
// If that causes availability hits, we could increase the wait,
// similar to simple_pool.go.
if p.openTokens.TryAcquire(0) {
defer p.openTokens.Release()
} else {
// We could not immediately acquire a token.
// Instead of waiting
atomic.AddInt32(p.numActive, -1)
return nil, OpenHandleError{
p.location, errors.New("Open Error: reached OpenMaxConcurrency")}
handle, err := p.options.Open(location)
if err != nil {
atomic.AddInt32(p.numActive, -1)
return nil, OpenHandleError{p.location, err}
return NewManagedHandle(p.location, handle, p, p.options), nil
// See ResourcePool for documentation.
func (p *simpleResourcePool) Release(handle ManagedHandle) error {
if pool, ok := handle.Owner().(*simpleResourcePool); !ok || pool != p {
return errors.New(
"Resource pool cannot take control of a handle owned " +
"by another resource pool")
h := handle.ReleaseUnderlyingHandle()
if h != nil {
// We can unref either before or after queuing the idle handle.
// The advantage of unref-ing before queuing is that there is
// a higher chance of successful Get when number of active handles
// is close to the limit (but potentially more handle creation).
// The advantage of queuing before unref-ing is that there's a
// higher chance of reusing handle (but potentially more Get failures).
atomic.AddInt32(p.numActive, -1)
return nil
// See ResourcePool for documentation.
func (p *simpleResourcePool) Discard(handle ManagedHandle) error {
if pool, ok := handle.Owner().(*simpleResourcePool); !ok || pool != p {
return errors.New(
"Resource pool cannot take control of a handle owned " +
"by another resource pool")
h := handle.ReleaseUnderlyingHandle()
if h != nil {
atomic.AddInt32(p.numActive, -1)
if err := p.options.Close(h); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to close resource handle: %v", err)
return nil
// See ResourcePool for documentation.
func (p *simpleResourcePool) EnterLameDuckMode() {
toClose := p.idleHandles
p.isLameDuck = true
p.idleHandles = []*idleHandle{}
// This returns an idle resource, if there is one.
func (p *simpleResourcePool) getIdleHandle() ManagedHandle {
var toClose []*idleHandle
defer func() {
// NOTE: Must keep the closure around to late bind the toClose slice.
now := p.options.getCurrentTime()
defer p.mutex.Unlock()
var i int
for i = 0; i < len(p.idleHandles); i++ {
idle := p.idleHandles[i]
if idle.keepUntil == nil || now.Before(*idle.keepUntil) {
if i > 0 {
toClose = p.idleHandles[0:i]
if i < len(p.idleHandles) {
idle := p.idleHandles[i]
p.idleHandles = p.idleHandles[i+1:]
return NewManagedHandle(p.location, idle.handle, p, p.options)
if len(p.idleHandles) > 0 {
p.idleHandles = []*idleHandle{}
return nil
// This adds an idle resource to the pool.
func (p *simpleResourcePool) queueIdleHandles(handle interface{}) {
var toClose []*idleHandle
defer func() {
// NOTE: Must keep the closure around to late bind the toClose slice.
now := p.options.getCurrentTime()
var keepUntil *time.Time
if p.options.MaxIdleTime != nil {
// NOTE: Assign to temp variable first to work around compiler bug
x := now.Add(*p.options.MaxIdleTime)
keepUntil = &x
defer p.mutex.Unlock()
if p.isLameDuck {
toClose = []*idleHandle{
{handle: handle},
p.idleHandles = append(
handle: handle,
keepUntil: keepUntil,
nIdleHandles := uint32(len(p.idleHandles))
if nIdleHandles > p.options.MaxIdleHandles {
handlesToClose := nIdleHandles - p.options.MaxIdleHandles
toClose = p.idleHandles[0:handlesToClose]
p.idleHandles = p.idleHandles[handlesToClose:nIdleHandles]
// Closes resources, at this point it is assumed that this resources
// are no longer referenced from the main idleHandles slice.
func (p *simpleResourcePool) closeHandles(handles []*idleHandle) {
for _, handle := range handles {
_ = p.options.Close(handle.handle)