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synced 2024-12-19 05:27:50 +08:00
fix deadlock when broadcast to clients when master thransfer leader, the old master will disconnect with all filers and volumeServers, if the cluster is a big , the broadcast messages may be more big than the max of the channel len 100, then if the KeepConnect was not listen on the channel in disconnect, it will deadlock. and the whole cluster will not serve!
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package weed_server
import (
func (ms *MasterServer) RegisterUuids(heartbeat *master_pb.Heartbeat) (duplicated_uuids []string, err error) {
defer ms.Topo.UuidAccessLock.Unlock()
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", heartbeat.Ip, heartbeat.Port)
if ms.Topo.UuidMap == nil {
ms.Topo.UuidMap = make(map[string][]string)
// find whether new uuid exists
for k, v := range ms.Topo.UuidMap {
for _, id := range heartbeat.LocationUuids {
index := sort.SearchStrings(v, id)
if index < len(v) && v[index] == id {
duplicated_uuids = append(duplicated_uuids, id)
glog.Errorf("directory of %s on %s has been loaded", id, k)
if len(duplicated_uuids) > 0 {
return duplicated_uuids, errors.New("volume: Duplicated volume directories were loaded")
ms.Topo.UuidMap[key] = heartbeat.LocationUuids
glog.V(0).Infof("found new uuid:%v %v , %v", key, heartbeat.LocationUuids, ms.Topo.UuidMap)
return nil, nil
func (ms *MasterServer) UnRegisterUuids(ip string, port int) {
defer ms.Topo.UuidAccessLock.Unlock()
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", ip, port)
delete(ms.Topo.UuidMap, key)
glog.V(0).Infof("remove volume server %v, online volume server: %v", key, ms.Topo.UuidMap)
func (ms *MasterServer) SendHeartbeat(stream master_pb.Seaweed_SendHeartbeatServer) error {
var dn *topology.DataNode
defer func() {
if dn != nil {
if dn.Counter > 0 {
glog.V(0).Infof("disconnect phantom volume server %s:%d remaining %d", dn.Ip, dn.Port, dn.Counter)
message := &master_pb.VolumeLocation{
DataCenter: dn.GetDataCenterId(),
Url: dn.Url(),
PublicUrl: dn.PublicUrl,
GrpcPort: uint32(dn.GrpcPort),
for _, v := range dn.GetVolumes() {
message.DeletedVids = append(message.DeletedVids, uint32(v.Id))
for _, s := range dn.GetEcShards() {
message.DeletedEcVids = append(message.DeletedEcVids, uint32(s.VolumeId))
// if the volume server disconnects and reconnects quickly
// the unregister and register can race with each other
glog.V(0).Infof("unregister disconnected volume server %s:%d", dn.Ip, dn.Port)
ms.UnRegisterUuids(dn.Ip, dn.Port)
if ms.Topo.IsLeader() && (len(message.DeletedVids) > 0 || len(message.DeletedEcVids) > 0) {
ms.broadcastToClients(&master_pb.KeepConnectedResponse{VolumeLocation: message})
for {
heartbeat, err := stream.Recv()
if err != nil {
if dn != nil {
glog.Warningf("SendHeartbeat.Recv server %s:%d : %v", dn.Ip, dn.Port, err)
} else {
glog.Warningf("SendHeartbeat.Recv: %v", err)
return err
if !ms.Topo.IsLeader() {
// tell the volume servers about the leader
newLeader, err := ms.Topo.Leader()
if err != nil {
glog.Warningf("SendHeartbeat find leader: %v", err)
return err
if err := stream.Send(&master_pb.HeartbeatResponse{
Leader: string(newLeader),
}); err != nil {
if dn != nil {
glog.Warningf("SendHeartbeat.Send response to %s:%d %v", dn.Ip, dn.Port, err)
} else {
glog.Warningf("SendHeartbeat.Send response %v", err)
return err
if dn == nil {
// Skip delta heartbeat for volume server versions better than 3.28 https://github.com/seaweedfs/seaweedfs/pull/3630
if heartbeat.Ip == "" {
} // ToDo must be removed after update major version
dcName, rackName := ms.Topo.Configuration.Locate(heartbeat.Ip, heartbeat.DataCenter, heartbeat.Rack)
dc := ms.Topo.GetOrCreateDataCenter(dcName)
rack := dc.GetOrCreateRack(rackName)
dn = rack.GetOrCreateDataNode(heartbeat.Ip, int(heartbeat.Port), int(heartbeat.GrpcPort), heartbeat.PublicUrl, heartbeat.MaxVolumeCounts)
glog.V(0).Infof("added volume server %d: %v:%d %v", dn.Counter, heartbeat.GetIp(), heartbeat.GetPort(), heartbeat.LocationUuids)
uuidlist, err := ms.RegisterUuids(heartbeat)
if err != nil {
if stream_err := stream.Send(&master_pb.HeartbeatResponse{
DuplicatedUuids: uuidlist,
}); stream_err != nil {
glog.Warningf("SendHeartbeat.Send DuplicatedDirectory response to %s:%d %v", dn.Ip, dn.Port, stream_err)
return stream_err
return err
if err := stream.Send(&master_pb.HeartbeatResponse{
VolumeSizeLimit: uint64(ms.option.VolumeSizeLimitMB) * 1024 * 1024,
Preallocate: ms.preallocateSize > 0,
}); err != nil {
glog.Warningf("SendHeartbeat.Send volume size to %s:%d %v", dn.Ip, dn.Port, err)
return err
glog.V(4).Infof("master received heartbeat %s", heartbeat.String())
message := &master_pb.VolumeLocation{
Url: dn.Url(),
PublicUrl: dn.PublicUrl,
DataCenter: dn.GetDataCenterId(),
GrpcPort: uint32(dn.GrpcPort),
if len(heartbeat.NewVolumes) > 0 {
if len(heartbeat.DeletedVolumes) > 0 {
if len(heartbeat.NewVolumes) > 0 || len(heartbeat.DeletedVolumes) > 0 {
// process delta volume ids if exists for fast volume id updates
for _, volInfo := range heartbeat.NewVolumes {
message.NewVids = append(message.NewVids, volInfo.Id)
for _, volInfo := range heartbeat.DeletedVolumes {
message.DeletedVids = append(message.DeletedVids, volInfo.Id)
// update master internal volume layouts
ms.Topo.IncrementalSyncDataNodeRegistration(heartbeat.NewVolumes, heartbeat.DeletedVolumes, dn)
if len(heartbeat.Volumes) > 0 || heartbeat.HasNoVolumes {
if heartbeat.Ip != "" {
dcName, rackName := ms.Topo.Configuration.Locate(heartbeat.Ip, heartbeat.DataCenter, heartbeat.Rack)
ms.Topo.DataNodeRegistration(dcName, rackName, dn)
// process heartbeat.Volumes
newVolumes, deletedVolumes := ms.Topo.SyncDataNodeRegistration(heartbeat.Volumes, dn)
for _, v := range newVolumes {
glog.V(0).Infof("master see new volume %d from %s", uint32(v.Id), dn.Url())
message.NewVids = append(message.NewVids, uint32(v.Id))
for _, v := range deletedVolumes {
glog.V(0).Infof("master see deleted volume %d from %s", uint32(v.Id), dn.Url())
message.DeletedVids = append(message.DeletedVids, uint32(v.Id))
if len(heartbeat.NewEcShards) > 0 || len(heartbeat.DeletedEcShards) > 0 {
// update master internal volume layouts
ms.Topo.IncrementalSyncDataNodeEcShards(heartbeat.NewEcShards, heartbeat.DeletedEcShards, dn)
for _, s := range heartbeat.NewEcShards {
message.NewEcVids = append(message.NewEcVids, s.Id)
for _, s := range heartbeat.DeletedEcShards {
if dn.HasEcShards(needle.VolumeId(s.Id)) {
message.DeletedEcVids = append(message.DeletedEcVids, s.Id)
if len(heartbeat.EcShards) > 0 || heartbeat.HasNoEcShards {
glog.V(4).Infof("master received ec shards from %s: %+v", dn.Url(), heartbeat.EcShards)
newShards, deletedShards := ms.Topo.SyncDataNodeEcShards(heartbeat.EcShards, dn)
// broadcast the ec vid changes to master clients
for _, s := range newShards {
message.NewEcVids = append(message.NewEcVids, uint32(s.VolumeId))
for _, s := range deletedShards {
if dn.HasVolumesById(s.VolumeId) {
message.DeletedEcVids = append(message.DeletedEcVids, uint32(s.VolumeId))
if len(message.NewVids) > 0 || len(message.DeletedVids) > 0 || len(message.NewEcVids) > 0 || len(message.DeletedEcVids) > 0 {
ms.broadcastToClients(&master_pb.KeepConnectedResponse{VolumeLocation: message})
// KeepConnected keep a stream gRPC call to the master. Used by clients to know the master is up.
// And clients gets the up-to-date list of volume locations
func (ms *MasterServer) KeepConnected(stream master_pb.Seaweed_KeepConnectedServer) error {
req, recvErr := stream.Recv()
if recvErr != nil {
return recvErr
if !ms.Topo.IsLeader() {
return ms.informNewLeader(stream)
clientAddress := req.ClientAddress
// Ensure that the clientAddress is unique.
if clientAddress == "" {
clientAddress = uuid.New().String()
peerAddress := pb.ServerAddress(clientAddress)
// buffer by 1 so we don't end up getting stuck writing to stopChan forever
stopChan := make(chan bool, 1)
clientName, messageChan := ms.addClient(req.FilerGroup, req.ClientType, peerAddress)
for _, update := range ms.Cluster.AddClusterNode(req.FilerGroup, req.ClientType, cluster.DataCenter(req.DataCenter), cluster.Rack(req.Rack), peerAddress, req.Version) {
defer func() {
for _, update := range ms.Cluster.RemoveClusterNode(req.FilerGroup, req.ClientType, peerAddress) {
for i, message := range ms.Topo.ToVolumeLocations() {
if i == 0 {
if leader, err := ms.Topo.Leader(); err == nil {
message.Leader = string(leader)
if sendErr := stream.Send(&master_pb.KeepConnectedResponse{VolumeLocation: message}); sendErr != nil {
return sendErr
go func() {
for {
_, err := stream.Recv()
if err != nil {
glog.V(2).Infof("- client %v: %v", clientName, err)
go func() {
// consume message chan to avoid deadlock, go routine exit when message chan is closed
for range messageChan {
// no op
ticker := time.NewTicker(5 * time.Second)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case message := <-messageChan:
if err := stream.Send(message); err != nil {
glog.V(0).Infof("=> client %v: %+v", clientName, message)
return err
case <-ticker.C:
if !ms.Topo.IsLeader() {
return ms.informNewLeader(stream)
} else {
case <-stopChan:
return nil
func (ms *MasterServer) broadcastToClients(message *master_pb.KeepConnectedResponse) {
for client, ch := range ms.clientChans {
select {
case ch <- message:
glog.V(4).Infof("send message to %s", client)
glog.Errorf("broadcastToClients %s message full", client)
func (ms *MasterServer) informNewLeader(stream master_pb.Seaweed_KeepConnectedServer) error {
leader, err := ms.Topo.Leader()
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("topo leader: %v", err)
return raft.NotLeaderError
if err := stream.Send(&master_pb.KeepConnectedResponse{
VolumeLocation: &master_pb.VolumeLocation{
Leader: string(leader),
}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (ms *MasterServer) addClient(filerGroup, clientType string, clientAddress pb.ServerAddress) (clientName string, messageChan chan *master_pb.KeepConnectedResponse) {
clientName = filerGroup + "." + clientType + "@" + string(clientAddress)
glog.V(0).Infof("+ client %v", clientName)
// we buffer this because otherwise we end up in a potential deadlock where
// the KeepConnected loop is no longer listening on this channel but we're
// trying to send to it in SendHeartbeat and so we can't lock the
// clientChansLock to remove the channel and we're stuck writing to it
messageChan = make(chan *master_pb.KeepConnectedResponse, 10000)
ms.clientChans[clientName] = messageChan
func (ms *MasterServer) deleteClient(clientName string) {
glog.V(0).Infof("- client %v", clientName)
// close message chan, so that the KeepConnected go routine can exit
if clientChan, ok := ms.clientChans[clientName]; ok {
delete(ms.clientChans, clientName)
func findClientAddress(ctx context.Context, grpcPort uint32) string {
// fmt.Printf("FromContext %+v\n", ctx)
pr, ok := peer.FromContext(ctx)
if !ok {
glog.Error("failed to get peer from ctx")
return ""
if pr.Addr == net.Addr(nil) {
glog.Error("failed to get peer address")
return ""
if grpcPort == 0 {
return pr.Addr.String()
if tcpAddr, ok := pr.Addr.(*net.TCPAddr); ok {
externalIP := tcpAddr.IP
return util.JoinHostPort(externalIP.String(), int(grpcPort))
return pr.Addr.String()
func (ms *MasterServer) GetMasterConfiguration(ctx context.Context, req *master_pb.GetMasterConfigurationRequest) (*master_pb.GetMasterConfigurationResponse, error) {
// tell the volume servers about the leader
leader, _ := ms.Topo.Leader()
resp := &master_pb.GetMasterConfigurationResponse{
MetricsAddress: ms.option.MetricsAddress,
MetricsIntervalSeconds: uint32(ms.option.MetricsIntervalSec),
StorageBackends: backend.ToPbStorageBackends(),
DefaultReplication: ms.option.DefaultReplicaPlacement,
VolumeSizeLimitMB: uint32(ms.option.VolumeSizeLimitMB),
VolumePreallocate: ms.option.VolumePreallocate,
Leader: string(leader),
return resp, nil