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# How to run Language tests.
The scripts in this directory make it possible to test Accuracy of Tesseract
for different languages.
### Step 1: If not already installed, download the modified ISRI toolkit,
make and install the tools in /usr/local/bin.
git clone https://github.com/Shreeshrii/ocr-evaluation-tools.git
cd ~/ocr-evaluation-tools
sudo make install
### Step 2: If not alrady installed, Build tesseract.
## Testing for Fraktur - frk and script/Fraktur
### Step 3: download the images and groundtruth
mkdir -p ~/lang-downloads
cd ~/lang-downloads
wget -O frk-jbarth-ubhd.zip http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglitData/v/abbyy11r8-vs-tesseract4.zip
wget -O frk-stweil-gt.zip https://digi.bib.uni-mannheim.de/~stweil/fraktur-gt.zip
### Step 4: extract the files.
It doesn't really matter where in your filesystem you put them,
but they must go under a common root, for example, ~/lang-files
mkdir -p ~/lang-files
cd ~/lang-files
unzip ~/lang-downloads/frk-jbarth-ubhd.zip -d frk
unzip ~/lang-downloads/frk-stweil-gt.zip -d frk
mkdir -p ./frk-ligatures
cp ./frk/abbyy-vs-tesseract/*.tif ./frk-ligatures/
cp ./frk/gt/*.txt ./frk-ligatures/
cd ./frk-ligatures/
ls -1 *.tif >pages
sed -i -e 's/.tif//g' pages
cat pages
mkdir -p ~/lang-stopwords
cd ~/lang-stopwords
wget -O frk.stopwords.txt https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stopwords-iso/stopwords-de/master/stopwords-de.txt
Edit ~/lang-files/stopwords/frk.stopwords.txt as
wordacc uses a space delimited stopwords file, not line delimited.
sed -i -e 's/\n/ /g' frk.stopwords.txt
cat frk.stopwords.txt
### Step 5: run langtests/runlangtests.sh with the root ISRI data dir, testname, tessdata-dir, language code:
cd ~/tesseract
langtests/runlangtests.sh ~/lang-files 4_fast_Fraktur ../tessdata_fast/script Fraktur
langtests/runlangtests.sh ~/lang-files 4_fast_frk ../tessdata_fast frk
langtests/runlangtests.sh ~/lang-files 4_best_int_frk ../tessdata frk
langtests/runlangtests.sh ~/lang-files 4_best_frk ../tessdata_best frk
langtests/runlangtests.sh ~/lang-files 4_shreetest_frk-Fraktur /home/ubuntu/tessdata_frk/frk-finetune-impact frk
langtests/runlangtests.sh ~/lang-files 4_shreetest_frk-frk /home/ubuntu/tessdata_frk/frk-finetune-frk frk
and go to the gym, have lunch etc. It takes a while to run.
### Step 6: There should be a RELEASE.summary file
*langtests/reports/4-beta_fast.summary* that contains the final summarized accuracy
#### Notes from Nick White regarding wordacc
If you just want to remove all lines which have 100% recognition,
you can add a 'awk' command like this:
ocrevalutf8 wordacc ground.txt ocr.txt | awk '$3 != 100 {print $0}'
or if you've already got a results file you want to change, you can do this:
awk '$3 != 100 {print $0}' results.txt newresults.txt
If you only want the last sections where things are broken down by
word, you can add a sed commend, like this:
ocrevalutf8 wordacc ground.txt ocr.txt | sed '/^ Count Missed %Right $/,$
!d' | awk '$3 != 100 {print $0}' results.txt