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/* -*-C-*-
* File: dawg.c (Formerly dawg.c)
* Description: Use a Directed Accyclic Word Graph
* Author: Mark Seaman, OCR Technology
* Created: Fri Oct 16 14:37:00 1987
* Modified: Wed Jul 24 16:59:16 1991 (Mark Seaman) marks@hpgrlt
* Language: C
* Package: N/A
* Status: Reusable Software Component
* (c) Copyright 1987, Hewlett-Packard Company.
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
I n c l u d e s
#ifdef __MSW32__
#include <windows.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include "dawg.h"
#include "cutil.h"
#include "tprintf.h"
#include "freelist.h"
#include "context.h"
#include "strngs.h"
#include "emalloc.h"
V a r i a b l e s
inT32 debug = 0;
inT32 case_sensative = 1;
F u n c t i o n s
* edge_char_of
* Return the edge that corresponds to the letter out of this node.
EDGE_REF edge_char_of(EDGE_ARRAY dawg,
NODE_REF node,
int character,
int word_end) {
EDGE_REF edge = node;
if (! case_sensative) character = tolower (character);
if (edge_occupied (dawg, edge)) {
do {
if ((edge_letter (dawg, edge) == character) &&
(! word_end || end_of_word(dawg,edge)))
return (edge);
} edge_loop (dawg, edge);
return (NO_EDGE);
* edges_in_node
* Count the number of edges in this node in the DAWG. This includes
* both forward and back links.
inT32 edges_in_node(EDGE_ARRAY dawg, NODE_REF node) {
EDGE_REF edge = node;
if (edge_occupied (dawg, edge)) {
edge_loop(dawg, edge);
if (edge_occupied (dawg, edge) && backward_edge (dawg, edge)) {
edge_loop(dawg, edge);
return (edge - node);
else {
return (edge - node);
else {
return (edge - node);
* Initialize letter_is_okay to point to default implmentation (a main
* program can override this).
LETTER_OK_FUNC letter_is_okay = &def_letter_is_okay;
* def_letter_is_okay
* Default way to check this letter in light of the current state. If
* everything is still OK then return TRUE.
// TODO(tkielbus) Change the prevchar argument to make it unicode safe.
// We might want to get rid of def_letter_is_okay at some point though.
inT32 def_letter_is_okay(EDGE_ARRAY dawg,
NODE_REF *node,
inT32 char_index,
char prevchar,
const char *word,
inT32 word_end) {
EDGE_REF edge;
STRING dummy_word(word); // Auto-deleting string fixes memory leak.
STRING word_single_lengths; //Lengths of single UTF-8 characters of the word.
const char *ptr;
for (ptr = word; *ptr != '\0';) {
int step = UNICHAR::utf8_step(ptr);
if (step == 0)
return FALSE;
word_single_lengths += step;
ptr += step;
if (*node == NO_EDGE) { /* Trailing punctuation */
if (trailing_punc(dummy_word[char_index]) &&
punctuation_ok(dummy_word.string(), word_single_lengths.string()) >= 0)
return (TRUE);
return (FALSE);
// rays: removed incorrect code that attempted to enforce leading
// punctutation (or nothing) before an alpha character.
/* Check the DAWG */
edge = edge_char_of(dawg, *node,
static_cast<unsigned char>(dummy_word[char_index]),
if (edge != NO_EDGE) { /* Normal edge in DAWG */
if (case_sensative || case_is_okay (dummy_word, char_index)) {
//next_node (dawg, edge);
*node = next_node(dawg, edge);
if (*node == 0)
*node = NO_EDGE;
return (TRUE);
} else {
return (FALSE);
else {
/* Leading punctuation */
if (leading_punc (word [char_index]) &&
(char_index == 0 || leading_punc (dummy_word [char_index-1]))) {
*node = 0;
if (punctuation_ok(word, word_single_lengths.string()) >= 0)
return (TRUE);
return FALSE;
/* Trailing punctuation */
if (verify_trailing_punct (dawg, &dummy_word[0], char_index)) {
*node = NO_EDGE;
return (TRUE);
return (FALSE);
* num_forward_edges
* Count and return the number of forward edges for this node.
inT32 num_forward_edges(EDGE_ARRAY dawg, NODE_REF node) {
EDGE_REF edge = node;
inT32 num = 0;
if (forward_edge (dawg, edge)) {
do {
} edge_loop (dawg, edge);
return (num);
* print_dawg_node
* Print the contents of one of the nodes in the DAWG.
void print_dawg_node(EDGE_ARRAY dawg, NODE_REF node) {
EDGE_REF edge = node;
const char *forward_string = "FORWARD";
const char *backward_string = " ";
const char *last_string = "LAST";
const char *not_last_string = " ";
const char *eow_string = "EOW";
const char *not_eow_string = " ";
const char *direction;
const char *is_last;
const char *eow;
int ch;
if (edge_occupied (dawg, edge)) {
do {
if (forward_edge (dawg, edge)) direction = forward_string;
else direction = backward_string;
if (last_edge (dawg, edge)) is_last = last_string;
else is_last = not_last_string;
if (end_of_word (dawg, edge)) eow = eow_string;
else eow = not_eow_string;
ch = edge_letter (dawg, edge);
cprintf (REFFORMAT " : next = " REFFORMAT ", char = '%c', %s %s %s\n",
edge, next_node (dawg, edge), ch,
direction, is_last, eow);
if (edge - node > MAX_NODE_EDGES_DISPLAY) return;
} edge_loop (dawg, edge);
if (edge_occupied (dawg, edge) && backward_edge (dawg, edge)) {
do {
if (forward_edge (dawg, edge)) direction = forward_string;
else direction = backward_string;
if (last_edge (dawg, edge)) is_last = last_string;
else is_last = not_last_string;
if (end_of_word (dawg, edge)) eow = eow_string;
else eow = not_eow_string;
ch = edge_letter (dawg, edge);
cprintf (REFFORMAT " : next = " REFFORMAT ", char = '%c', %s %s %s\n",
edge, next_node (dawg, edge), ch,
direction, is_last, eow);
if (edge - node > MAX_NODE_EDGES_DISPLAY) return;
} edge_loop (dawg, edge);
else {
cprintf (REFFORMAT " : no edges in this node\n", node);
* read_squished_dawg
* Read the DAWG from a file and return it. Must be freed with memfree.
EDGE_ARRAY read_squished_dawg(const char *filename) {
FILE *file;
EDGE_REF edge;
inT32 num_edges = 0;
inT32 node_count = 0;
if (debug) print_string ("read_debug");
#ifdef __UNIX__
file = open_file (filename, "r");
file = open_file (filename, "rb");
fread (&num_edges, sizeof (inT32), 1, file);
num_edges = ntohl(num_edges);
if (num_edges > MAX_NUM_EDGES_IN_SQUISHED_DAWG_FILE || num_edges < 0) {
tprintf("(ENDIAN)Error: trying to read a DAWG '%s' that contains "
"%d edges while the maximum is %d.\n",
filename, num_edges, MAX_NUM_EDGES_IN_SQUISHED_DAWG_FILE);
uinT32 *dawg_32 = (uinT32*) Emalloc(num_edges * sizeof (uinT32));
fread(&dawg_32[0], sizeof (uinT32), num_edges, file);
EDGE_ARRAY dawg = (EDGE_ARRAY) memalloc(sizeof(EDGE_RECORD) * num_edges);
for (edge = 0; edge < num_edges; ++edge)
dawg[edge] = ntohl(dawg_32[edge]);
for (edge = 0; edge < num_edges; ++edge)
if (last_edge (dawg, edge)) node_count++;
return dawg;
* verify_trailing_punct
* Make sure that there is a valid transition from the word core to a
* string of trailing puntuation. TRUE is returned if everything is
* OK.
inT32 verify_trailing_punct(EDGE_ARRAY dawg, char *word, inT32 char_index) {
char last_char;
char *first_char;
if (trailing_punc (word [char_index])) {
last_char = word [char_index];
word [char_index] = (char) 0;
for (first_char = word; leading_punc (first_char[0]); first_char++);
if (word_in_dawg (dawg, first_char)) {
word [char_index] = last_char;
return (TRUE);
word [char_index] = last_char;
return (FALSE);
* word_in_dawg
* Test to see if the word can be found in the DAWG.
inT32 word_in_dawg(EDGE_ARRAY dawg, const char *string) {
NODE_REF node = 0;
inT32 i;
inT32 length;
if (length==0)
return FALSE;
for (i=0; i<length; i++) {
if (debug > 1) {
print_dawg_node(dawg, node);
if (! letter_is_okay (dawg, &node, i, '\0', string, (string[i+1]==0))) {
return (FALSE);
return (TRUE);