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synced 2025-01-18 14:41:36 +08:00
This is the first draft of Tesseract API that is used by Ocropus.
git-svn-id: https://tesseract-ocr.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@103 d0cd1f9f-072b-0410-8dd7-cf729c803f20
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,6 +28,18 @@
#include "pgedit.h"
#include "varabled.h"
#include "output.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "adaptmatch.h"
#include "edgblob.h"
#include "tessbox.h"
#include "tordvars.h"
#include "tessvars.h"
#include "imgs.h"
#include "makerow.h"
#include "output.h"
#include "tstruct.h"
#include "tessout.h"
#include "tface.h"
#include "adaptmatch.h"
BOOL_VAR(tessedit_resegment_from_boxes, FALSE,
@ -675,3 +687,349 @@ char* TessBaseAPI::TesseractToUNLV(PAGE_RES* page_res) {
return NULL;
// ____________________________________________________________________________
// Find lines from the image making the BLOCK_LIST.
BLOCK_LIST* TessBaseAPI::FindLinesCreateBlockList() {
BLOCK_LIST *block_list = new BLOCK_LIST();
return block_list;
// Delete a block list.
// This is to keep BLOCK_LIST pointer opaque
// and let go of including the other headers.
void TessBaseAPI::DeleteBlockList(BLOCK_LIST *block_list) {
delete block_list;
static ROW *make_tess_ocrrow(float baseline,
float xheight,
float descender,
float ascender) {
INT32 xstarts[] = {-32000};
double quad_coeffs[] = {0,0,baseline};
return new ROW(
ascender - (baseline + xheight),
descender - baseline,
// Almost a copy of make_tess_row() from ccmain/tstruct.cpp.
static void fill_dummy_row(TEXTROW &tessrow, float baseline, float xheight, float descender, float ascender)
tessrow.baseline.segments = 1;
tessrow.baseline.xstarts[0] = -32767;
tessrow.baseline.xstarts[1] = 32767;
tessrow.baseline.quads[0].a = 0;
tessrow.baseline.quads[0].b = 0;
tessrow.baseline.quads[0].c = bln_baseline_offset;
tessrow.xheight.segments = 1;
tessrow.xheight.xstarts[0] = -32767;
tessrow.xheight.xstarts[1] = 32767;
tessrow.xheight.quads[0].a = 0;
tessrow.xheight.quads[0].b = 0;
tessrow.xheight.quads[0].c = bln_baseline_offset + bln_x_height;
tessrow.lineheight = bln_x_height;
tessrow.ascrise = bln_x_height * (ascender - (xheight + baseline)) / xheight;
tessrow.descdrop = bln_x_height * (descender - baseline) / xheight;
/// Return a TBLOB * from the whole page_image.
/// To be freed later with free_blob().
TBLOB *make_tesseract_blob(float baseline, float xheight, float descender, float ascender) {
BLOCK *block = new BLOCK ("a character",
0, 0,
0, 0,
// Create C_BLOBs from the page
extract_edges(NULL, &page_image, &page_image,
ICOORD(page_image.get_xsize(), page_image.get_ysize()),
// Create one PBLOB from all C_BLOBs
C_BLOB_LIST *list = block->blob_list();
C_BLOB_IT c_blob_it(list);
PBLOB *pblob = new PBLOB; // will be (hopefully) deleted by the pblob_list
for (c_blob_it.mark_cycle_pt();
c_blob_it.forward()) {
C_BLOB *c_blob = c_blob_it.data();
PBLOB c_as_p(c_blob, baseline + xheight);
merge_blobs(pblob, &c_as_p);
PBLOB_LIST *pblob_list = new PBLOB_LIST; // will be deleted by the word
PBLOB_IT pblob_it(pblob_list);
// Normalize PBLOB
WERD word(pblob_list, 0, " ");
ROW *row = make_tess_ocrrow(baseline, xheight, descender, ascender);
delete row;
// Create a TBLOB from PBLOB
return make_tess_blob(pblob, /* flatten: */ TRUE);
// Adapt to recognize the current image as the given character.
// The image must be preloaded and be just an image of a single character.
void TessBaseAPI::AdaptToCharacter(const char *unichar_repr,
int length,
float baseline,
float xheight,
float descender,
float ascender) {
UNICHAR_ID id = unicharset.unichar_to_id(unichar_repr, length);
fill_dummy_row(row, baseline, xheight, descender, ascender);
GetLineStatsFromRow(&row, &LineStats);
TBLOB *blob = make_tesseract_blob(baseline, xheight, descender, ascender);
float threshold;
int best_class = 0;
float best_rating = -100;
// Classify to get a raw choice.
LIST result = AdaptiveClassifier(blob, NULL, &row);
for (p = result; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
A_CHOICE *tesschoice = (A_CHOICE *) p->node;
if (tesschoice->rating > best_rating) {
best_rating = tesschoice->rating;
best_class = tesschoice->string[0];
FLOAT32 GetBestRatingFor(TBLOB *Blob, LINE_STATS *LineStats, CLASS_ID ClassId);
// We have to use char-level adaptation because otherwise
// someone should do forced alignment somewhere.
void AdaptToChar(TBLOB *Blob,
LINE_STATS *LineStats,
FLOAT32 Threshold);
if (id == best_class)
threshold = GoodAdaptiveMatch;
else {
/* the blob was incorrectly classified - find the rating threshold
needed to create a template which will correct the error with
some margin. However, don't waste time trying to make
templates which are too tight. */
threshold = GetBestRatingFor(blob, &LineStats, id);
threshold *= .9;
const float max_threshold = .125;
const float min_threshold = .02;
if (threshold > max_threshold)
threshold = max_threshold;
// I have cuddled the following line to set it out of the strike
// of the coverage testing tool. I have no idea how to trigger
// this situation nor I have any necessity to do it. --mezhirov
if (threshold < min_threshold) threshold = min_threshold;
if (blob->outlines)
AdaptToChar(blob, &LineStats, id, threshold);
PAGE_RES* TessBaseAPI::RecognitionPass1(BLOCK_LIST* block_list) {
PAGE_RES *page_res = new PAGE_RES(block_list);
recog_all_words(page_res, NULL, NULL, 1);
return page_res;
PAGE_RES* TessBaseAPI::RecognitionPass2(BLOCK_LIST* block_list, PAGE_RES* pass1_result) {
if (!pass1_result)
pass1_result = new PAGE_RES(block_list);
recog_all_words(pass1_result, NULL, NULL, 2);
return pass1_result;
// brief Get a bounding box of a PBLOB.
static BOX pblob_get_bbox(PBLOB *blob) {
OUTLINE_LIST *outlines = blob->out_list();
OUTLINE_IT it(outlines);
BOX result;
for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) {
OUTLINE *outline = it.data();
return result;
static BOX c_blob_list_get_bbox(C_BLOB_LIST *cblobs) {
BOX result;
C_BLOB_IT c_it(cblobs);
for (c_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !c_it.cycled_list(); c_it.forward()) {
C_BLOB *blob = c_it.data();
char *unicode_repr;
int length; // of unicode_repr
float cost;
BOX box;
TESS_CHAR(float _cost, const char *repr, int len = -1) : cost(_cost) {
length = (len == -1 ? strlen(repr) : len);
unicode_repr = new char[length + 1];
strncpy(unicode_repr, repr, length);
delete unicode_repr;
static void add_space(ELIST_ITERATOR *it) {
TESS_CHAR *t = new TESS_CHAR(0, " ");
static float rating_to_cost(float rating) {
rating = 100 + rating;
// cuddled that to save from coverage profiler
// (I have never seen ratings worse than -100,
// but the check won't hurt)
if (rating < 0) rating = 0;
return rating;
// Extract the OCR results, costs (penalty points for uncertainty),
// and the bounding boxes of the characters.
static void extract_result(ELIST_ITERATOR *out,
PAGE_RES* page_res) {
PAGE_RES_IT page_res_it(page_res);
int word_count = 0;
while (page_res_it.word() != NULL) {
WERD_RES *word = page_res_it.word();
const char *str = word->best_choice->string().string();
const char *len = word->best_choice->lengths().string();
if (word_count)
BOX bln_rect;
PBLOB_LIST *blobs = word->outword->blob_list();
PBLOB_IT it(blobs);
int n = strlen(len);
BOX *(boxes_to_fix[n]);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
PBLOB *blob = it.data();
BOX current = pblob_get_bbox(blob);
str, *len);
tc->box = current;
boxes_to_fix[i] = &tc->box;
str += *len;
// Find the word bbox before normalization.
// Here we can't use the C_BLOB bboxes directly,
// since connected letters are not yet cut.
BOX real_rect = c_blob_list_get_bbox(word->word->cblob_list());
// Denormalize boxes by transforming the bbox of the whole bln word
// into the denorm bbox (`real_rect') of the whole word.
double x_stretch = double(real_rect.width()) / bln_rect.width();
double y_stretch = double(real_rect.height()) / bln_rect.height();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
BOX *box = boxes_to_fix[i];
int x0 = int(real_rect.left() +
x_stretch * (box->left() - bln_rect.left()) + 0.5);
int x1 = int(real_rect.left() +
x_stretch * (box->right() - bln_rect.left()) + 0.5);
int y0 = int(real_rect.bottom() +
y_stretch * (box->bottom() - bln_rect.bottom()) + 0.5);
int y1 = int(real_rect.bottom() +
y_stretch * (box->top() - bln_rect.bottom()) + 0.5);
*box = BOX(ICOORD(x0, y0), ICOORD(x1, y1));
// Extract the OCR results, costs (penalty points for uncertainty),
// and the bounding boxes of the characters.
int TessBaseAPI::TesseractExtractResult(char** string,
int** lengths,
float** costs,
int** x0,
int** y0,
int** x1,
int** y1,
PAGE_RES* page_res) {
ELIST tess_chars;
ELIST_ITERATOR tess_chars_it(&tess_chars);
extract_result(&tess_chars_it, page_res);
int n = tess_chars.length();
int string_len = 0;
*lengths = new int[n];
*costs = new float[n];
*x0 = new int[n];
*y0 = new int[n];
*x1 = new int[n];
*y1 = new int[n];
int i = 0;
for (tess_chars_it.mark_cycle_pt();
tess_chars_it.forward(), i++)
TESS_CHAR *tc = (TESS_CHAR *) tess_chars_it.data();
string_len += (*lengths)[i] = tc->length;
(*costs)[i] = tc->cost;
(*x0)[i] = tc->box.left();
(*y0)[i] = tc->box.bottom();
(*x1)[i] = tc->box.right();
(*y1)[i] = tc->box.top();
char *p = *string = new char[string_len];
for (tess_chars_it.mark_cycle_pt();
TESS_CHAR *tc = (TESS_CHAR *) tess_chars_it.data();
strncpy(p, tc->unicode_repr, tc->length);
p += tc->length;
return n;
@ -180,6 +180,40 @@ class TessBaseAPI {
// The input page_res is deleted. The text string is converted
// to UNLV-format: Latin-1 with specific reject and suspect codes.
static char* TesseractToUNLV(PAGE_RES* page_res);
// __________________________ ocropus add-ons ___________________________
// Find lines from the image making the BLOCK_LIST.
static BLOCK_LIST* FindLinesCreateBlockList();
// Delete a block list.
// This is to keep BLOCK_LIST pointer opaque
// and let go of including the other headers.
static void DeleteBlockList(BLOCK_LIST *);
// Adapt to recognize the current image as the given character.
// The image must be preloaded and be just an image of a single character.
static void AdaptToCharacter(const char *unichar_repr,
int length,
float baseline,
float xheight,
float descender,
float ascender);
// Recognize text doing one pass only, using settings for a given pass.
static PAGE_RES* RecognitionPass1(BLOCK_LIST* block_list);
static PAGE_RES* RecognitionPass2(BLOCK_LIST* block_list, PAGE_RES* pass1_result);
// Extract the OCR results, costs (penalty points for uncertainty),
// and the bounding boxes of the characters.
static int TesseractExtractResult(char** string,
int** lengths,
float** costs,
int** x0,
int** y0,
int** x1,
int** y1,
PAGE_RES* page_res);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user