CLASSIFIER_TESTER(1) ==================== NAME ---- classifier_tester - for *legacy tesseract* engine. SYNOPSIS -------- *classifier_tester* -U 'unicharset_file' -F 'font_properties_file' -X 'xheights_file' -classifier 'x' -lang 'lang' [-output_trainer trainer] *.tr DESCRIPTION ----------- classifier_tester(1) runs Tesseract in a special mode. It takes a list of .tr files and tests a character classifier on data as formatted for training, but it doesn't have to be the same as the training data. IN/OUT ARGUMENTS ---------------- a list of .tr files OPTIONS ------- -l 'lang':: (Input) three character language code; default value 'eng'. -classifier 'x':: (Input) One of "pruner", "full". -U 'unicharset':: (Input) The unicharset for the language. -F 'font_properties_file':: (Input) font properties file, each line is of the following form, where each field other than the font name is 0 or 1: *font_name* *italic* *bold* *fixed_pitch* *serif* *fraktur* -X 'xheights_file':: (Input) x heights file, each line is of the following form, where xheight is calculated as the pixel x height of a character drawn at 32pt on 300 dpi. [ That is, if base x height + ascenders + descenders = 133, how much is x height? ] *font_name* *xheight* -output_trainer 'trainer':: (Output, Optional) Filename for output trainer. SEE ALSO -------- tesseract(1) COPYING ------- Copyright \(C) 2012 Google, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 AUTHOR ------ The Tesseract OCR engine was written by Ray Smith and his research groups at Hewlett Packard (1985-1995) and Google (2006-2018).