:version: $RCSfile: index.rst,v $ $Revision: 76e0bf38aaba $ $Date: 2011/03/22 00:48:41 $ .. default-role:: fs ================================== Maintaining the VS2008 directory ================================== This section is geared towards project maintainers of the `tesseract-3.0x\\vs2008` directory, rather than users of it. Python 2.7.x (*not* 3.x) is required for this section. The recommended version is the `latest from ActiveState `_. .. _tesshelper: The `tesshelper.py` Python script ================================= `tesshelper.py` performs a number of useful maintenance related operations on the `tesseract-3.0x\\vs2008` directory. To run it, first open a Command Prompt window and navigate to the `\\vs2008` directory. Then entering the following command:: python tesshelper.py --help displays the following help message:: usage: tesshelper.py [-h] [--version] tessDir {compare,report,copy,clean} ... positional arguments: tessDir tesseract installation directory optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --version show program's version number and exit Commands: {compare,report,copy,clean} compare compare libtesseract Project with tessDir report report libtesseract summary stats copy copy public libtesseract header files to includeDir clean clean vs2008 folder of build folders and .user files Examples: Assume that tesshelper.py is in c:\buildfolder\tesseract-3.01\vs2008, which is also the current directory. Then, python tesshelper .. compare will compare c:\buildfolder\tesseract-3.01 "library" directories to the libtesseract Project (c:\buildfolder\tesseract-3.01\vs2008\libtesseract\libtesseract.vcproj). python tesshelper .. report will display summary stats for c:\buildfolder\tesseract-3.01 "library" directories and the libtesseract Project. python tesshelper .. copy ..\..\include will copy all "public" libtesseract header files to c:\buildfolder\include. python tesshelper .. clean will clean the vs2008 folder of all build directories, and .user, .suo, .ncb, and other temp files. Generating the documentation ============================ The source files for the documentation you are currently reading are written in `reStructuredText `_ and processed with the `Sphinx Python Documentation Generator `_. To install Sphinx, go to your `\\scripts` directory and just do:: easy_install -U Sphinx which will download Sphinx and all its dependencies. [Note: This might *not* install the Python Imaging Library. If not, then also do ``easy_install -U PIL`` or download it from `here `__.] To generate this |Tesseractocr| VS2008 documentation go to `tesseract-3.0x\\vs2008\\Sphinx` and do:: make clean make html Which will create a number of items in `tesseract-3.0x\\vs2008\\Sphinx\\_build\\html`. Copy everything there to the distribution's `tesseract-3.0x\\vs2008\\doc` folder, :bi:`except` for:: .buildinfo objects.inv .. _updating-vs2008-directory: Updating the VS2008 directory for new releases of |Tesseractocr| ================================================================ 1. Change the version number strings in `tesseract-3.0x\\vs2008\\include\\tesseract_versionnumbers.vsprops`. #. Change the version number in `tesseract-3.0x\\vs2008\\port\\version.h`. #. Open up a Command Prompt window, and do the following:: cd \vs2008 python tesshelper .. compare This will list all added and missing items in the `` directories that are used to build `libtesseract`. For the newly added items ignore:: api\tesseractmain.cpp api\tesseractmain.h ccutil\scanutils.cpp ccutil\scanutils.h and for the newly missing items ignore:: training\commontraining.cpp training\commontraining.h training\tessopt.cpp training\tessopt.h #. Open up the `tesseract.sln` in Visual Studio 2008 (or Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition but see :ref:`this ` first). a. In the Solution Explorer, rename the :guilabel:`libtesseract-3.0x` Project to the correct version number to make it obvious which version of |Tesseractocr| this Solution is for. #. Remove the missing items from the :guilabel:`libtesseract-3.0x` Project. #. Add the new items to the :guilabel:`libtesseract-3.0x` Project. If there were a lot of new items, you can use the `newheaders.txt` and `newsources.txt` files generated by running the `tesshelper.py` script with the ``compare`` command. Close the Solution, and then you can directly edit `libtesseract\\libtesseract.vcproj` to add them to the appropriate `` ... `` section (either ``Header Files`` or ``Source Files``). #. With the Solution closed, use a text editor to change all the Project's `.rc` files to reflect the new version. If you have a program like the *non-free* `PowerGrep `_, you can use it to change all the `.rc` files in one fell swoop. Alternatively, you can edit the Version resources within Visual Studio 2008 (but *not* Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition) and then manually make the changes mentioned :ref:`here ` afterwards. .. _copying_a_project: #. If a new training application was added (edit `tesseract-3.0x\\training\\Makefile.am` and look at the ``bin_PROGRAMS`` variable to see the list), the easiest thing to do is copy another existing training application Project and manually change it. For example, assuming the new training application is called `new_trainer.exe`, with the Solution closed: a. Copy the `ambiguous_words` directory to a new directory called `new_trainer`. #. Change the `new_trainer\\ambiguous_words.rc` filename to `new_trainer\\new_trainer.rc`. #. Change the `new_trainer\\ambiguous_words.vcproj` filename to `new_trainer\\new_trainer.vcproj`. #. Edit `new_trainer\\new_trainer.rc` and change all occurrences of ``ambiguous_words`` to ``new_trainer``. Also change ``FileDescription`` to describe the new application. #. Open up the |Tesseractocr| Solution file and right-click the :guilabel:`Solution:'tesseract'` in the Solution Explorer. Choose :menuselection:`A&dd --> &Existing Project...` from the context menu and add the `new_trainer\\new_trainer.vcproj` you just created. #. Right-click the newly added Project, and choose :menuselection:`Project Dependencie&s...`. The :guilabel:`Project Dependencies` Dialog will open. Make sure that `libtesseract30x` is checked. If you forget this step, Visual Studio will not automatically link with `libtesseract` and you'll get lots of "unresolved external symbol" errors. This actually goes pretty fast. It should only take you a minute or so to add a new application to the |Tesseractocr| Solution. #. (Optional?) Edit `vs2008\\Sphinx\\versions.rst` and add a new entry describing the changes made for this new version. #. To make your working directory suitable for reposting back to the |Tesseractocr| SVN repository, you need to ignore all the following: + All `LIB_Release`, `LIB_Debug`, `DLL_Release`, `DLL_Debug` directories + All `.suo` files + All `.user` files + All `.ncb` files + `vs2008\\newheaders.txt` + `vs2008\\newsources.txt` Optionally, the `tesshelper.py` script has the ``clean`` command which will remove the above items. To run it, open a Command Prompt window and then do:: cd \vs2008 python tesshelper .. clean The script will respond with the following:: Are you sure you want to clean the "C:\BuildFolder\tesseract-3.0x\vs2008" folder (Yes/No) [No]? yes Only list the items to be deleted (Yes/No) [Yes]? no You have to answer ``yes`` and then ``no`` to the prompts. Otherwise either the script will just exit, or only list the items that will be removed instead of actually removing them (which is a good thing to try first just in case). .. 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