/****************************************************************************** ** Filename: kdtree.c ** Purpose: Routines for managing K-D search trees ** Author: Dan Johnson ** History: 3/10/89, DSJ, Created. ** 5/23/89, DSJ, Added circular feature capability. ** 7/13/89, DSJ, Made tree nodes invisible to outside. ** ** (c) Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company, 1988. ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Include Files and Type Defines ----------------------------------------------------------------------------**/ #include "kdtree.h" #include "const.h" #include "emalloc.h" #include "freelist.h" #include #include #include #define Magnitude(X) ((X) < 0 ? -(X) : (X)) #define MIN(A,B) ((A) < (B) ? (A) : (B)) #define NodeFound(N,K,D) (( (N)->Key == (K) ) && ( (N)->Data == (D) )) /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global Data Definitions and Declarations ----------------------------------------------------------------------------**/ #define MINSEARCH -MAX_FLOAT32 #define MAXSEARCH MAX_FLOAT32 static int NumberOfNeighbors; static inT16 N; /* number of dimensions in the kd tree */ static FLOAT32 *QueryPoint; static int MaxNeighbors; static FLOAT32 Radius; static int Furthest; static char **Neighbor; static FLOAT32 *Distance; static int MaxDimension = 0; static FLOAT32 *SBMin; static FLOAT32 *SBMax; static FLOAT32 *LBMin; static FLOAT32 *LBMax; static PARAM_DESC *KeyDesc; static jmp_buf QuickExit; static void_proc WalkAction; // Helper function to find the next essential dimension in a cycle. static int NextLevel(int level) { do { ++level; if (level >= N) level = 0; } while (KeyDesc[level].NonEssential); return level; } // Helper function to find the previous essential dimension in a cycle. static int PrevLevel(int level) { do { --level; if (level < 0) level = N - 1; } while (KeyDesc[level].NonEssential); return level; } /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Code ----------------------------------------------------------------------------**/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ KDTREE * MakeKDTree (inT16 KeySize, PARAM_DESC KeyDesc[]) { /* ** Parameters: ** KeySize # of dimensions in the K-D tree ** KeyDesc array of params to describe key dimensions ** Globals: ** MaxDimension largest # of dimensions in any K-D tree ** SBMin small search region box ** SBMax ** LBMin large search region box ** LBMax ** Key description of key dimensions ** Operation: ** This routine allocates and returns a new K-D tree data ** structure. It also reallocates the small and large ** search region boxes if they are not large enough to ** accomodate the size of the new K-D tree. KeyDesc is ** an array of key descriptors that indicate which dimensions ** are circular and, if they are circular, what the range is. ** Return: ** Pointer to new K-D tree ** Exceptions: ** None ** History: ** 3/13/89, DSJ, Created. */ int i; void *NewMemory; KDTREE *KDTree; if (KeySize > MaxDimension) { NewMemory = Emalloc (KeySize * 4 * sizeof (FLOAT32)); if (MaxDimension > 0) { memfree ((char *) SBMin); memfree ((char *) SBMax); memfree ((char *) LBMin); memfree ((char *) LBMax); } SBMin = (FLOAT32 *) NewMemory; SBMax = SBMin + KeySize; LBMin = SBMax + KeySize; LBMax = LBMin + KeySize; } KDTree = (KDTREE *) Emalloc (sizeof (KDTREE) + (KeySize - 1) * sizeof (PARAM_DESC)); for (i = 0; i < KeySize; i++) { KDTree->KeyDesc[i].NonEssential = KeyDesc[i].NonEssential; KDTree->KeyDesc[i].Circular = KeyDesc[i].Circular; if (KeyDesc[i].Circular) { KDTree->KeyDesc[i].Min = KeyDesc[i].Min; KDTree->KeyDesc[i].Max = KeyDesc[i].Max; KDTree->KeyDesc[i].Range = KeyDesc[i].Max - KeyDesc[i].Min; KDTree->KeyDesc[i].HalfRange = KDTree->KeyDesc[i].Range / 2; KDTree->KeyDesc[i].MidRange = (KeyDesc[i].Max + KeyDesc[i].Min) / 2; } else { KDTree->KeyDesc[i].Min = MINSEARCH; KDTree->KeyDesc[i].Max = MAXSEARCH; } } KDTree->KeySize = KeySize; KDTree->Root.Left = NULL; KDTree->Root.Right = NULL; return (KDTree); } /* MakeKDTree */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void KDStore(KDTREE *Tree, FLOAT32 *Key, void *Data) { /* ** Parameters: ** Tree K-D tree in which data is to be stored ** Key ptr to key by which data can be retrieved ** Data ptr to data to be stored in the tree ** Globals: ** N dimension of the K-D tree ** KeyDesc descriptions of tree dimensions ** StoreCount debug variables for performance tests ** StoreUniqueCount ** StoreProbeCount ** Operation: ** This routine stores Data in the K-D tree specified by Tree ** using Key as an access key. ** Return: none ** Exceptions: none ** History: 3/10/89, DSJ, Created. ** 7/13/89, DSJ, Changed return to void. */ int Level; KDNODE *Node; KDNODE **PtrToNode; N = Tree->KeySize; KeyDesc = &(Tree->KeyDesc[0]); PtrToNode = &(Tree->Root.Left); Node = *PtrToNode; Level = NextLevel(-1); while (Node != NULL) { if (Key[Level] < Node->BranchPoint) { PtrToNode = &(Node->Left); if (Key[Level] > Node->LeftBranch) Node->LeftBranch = Key[Level]; } else { PtrToNode = &(Node->Right); if (Key[Level] < Node->RightBranch) Node->RightBranch = Key[Level]; } Level = NextLevel(Level); Node = *PtrToNode; } *PtrToNode = MakeKDNode (Key, (char *) Data, Level); } /* KDStore */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void KDDelete (KDTREE * Tree, FLOAT32 Key[], void *Data) { /* ** Parameters: ** Tree K-D tree to delete node from ** Key key of node to be deleted ** Data data contents of node to be deleted ** Globals: ** N dimension of the K-D tree ** KeyDesc description of each dimension ** DeleteCount debug variables for performance tests ** DeleteProbeCount ** Operation: ** This routine deletes a node from Tree. The node to be ** deleted is specified by the Key for the node and the Data ** contents of the node. These two pointers must be identical ** to the pointers that were used for the node when it was ** originally stored in the tree. A node will be deleted from ** the tree only if its key and data pointers are identical ** to Key and Data respectively. The empty space left in the tree ** is filled by pulling a leaf up from the bottom of one of ** the subtrees of the node being deleted. The leaf node will ** be pulled from left subtrees whenever possible (this was ** an arbitrary decision). No attempt is made to pull the leaf ** from the deepest subtree (to minimize length). The branch ** point for the replacement node is changed to be the same as ** the branch point of the deleted node. This keeps us from ** having to rearrange the tree every time we delete a node. ** Also, the LeftBranch and RightBranch numbers of the ** replacement node are set to be the same as the deleted node. ** The makes the delete easier and more efficient, but it may ** make searches in the tree less efficient after many nodes are ** deleted. If the node specified by Key and Data does not ** exist in the tree, then nothing is done. ** Return: none ** None ** Exceptions: none ** None ** History: 3/13/89, DSJ, Created. ** 7/13/89, DSJ, Specify node indirectly by key and data. */ int Level; KDNODE *Current; KDNODE *Father; KDNODE *Replacement; KDNODE *FatherReplacement; /* initialize search at root of tree */ N = Tree->KeySize; KeyDesc = &(Tree->KeyDesc[0]); Father = &(Tree->Root); Current = Father->Left; Level = NextLevel(-1); /* search tree for node to be deleted */ while ((Current != NULL) && (!NodeFound (Current, Key, Data))) { Father = Current; if (Key[Level] < Current->BranchPoint) Current = Current->Left; else Current = Current->Right; Level = NextLevel(Level); } if (Current != NULL) { /* if node to be deleted was found */ Replacement = Current; FatherReplacement = Father; /* search for replacement node (a leaf under node to be deleted */ while (TRUE) { if (Replacement->Left != NULL) { FatherReplacement = Replacement; Replacement = Replacement->Left; } else if (Replacement->Right != NULL) { FatherReplacement = Replacement; Replacement = Replacement->Right; } else break; Level = NextLevel(Level); } /* compute level of replacement node's father */ Level = PrevLevel(Level); /* disconnect replacement node from it's father */ if (FatherReplacement->Left == Replacement) { FatherReplacement->Left = NULL; FatherReplacement->LeftBranch = KeyDesc[Level].Min; } else { FatherReplacement->Right = NULL; FatherReplacement->RightBranch = KeyDesc[Level].Max; } /* replace deleted node with replacement (unless they are the same) */ if (Replacement != Current) { Replacement->BranchPoint = Current->BranchPoint; Replacement->LeftBranch = Current->LeftBranch; Replacement->RightBranch = Current->RightBranch; Replacement->Left = Current->Left; Replacement->Right = Current->Right; if (Father->Left == Current) Father->Left = Replacement; else Father->Right = Replacement; } FreeKDNode(Current); } } /* KDDelete */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int KDNearestNeighborSearch (KDTREE * Tree, FLOAT32 Query[], int QuerySize, FLOAT32 MaxDistance, void *NBuffer, FLOAT32 DBuffer[]) { /* ** Parameters: ** Tree ptr to K-D tree to be searched ** Query ptr to query key (point in D-space) ** QuerySize number of nearest neighbors to be found ** MaxDistance all neighbors must be within this distance ** NBuffer ptr to QuerySize buffer to hold nearest neighbors ** DBuffer ptr to QuerySize buffer to hold distances ** from nearest neighbor to query point ** Globals: ** NumberOfNeighbors # of neighbors found so far ** N # of features in each key ** KeyDesc description of tree dimensions ** QueryPoint point in D-space to find neighbors of ** MaxNeighbors maximum # of neighbors to find ** Radius current distance of furthest neighbor ** Furthest index of furthest neighbor ** Neighbor buffer of current neighbors ** Distance buffer of neighbor distances ** SBMin lower extent of small search region ** SBMax upper extent of small search region ** LBMin lower extent of large search region ** LBMax upper extent of large search region ** QuickExit quick exit from recursive search ** Operation: ** This routine searches the K-D tree specified by Tree and ** finds the QuerySize nearest neighbors of Query. All neighbors ** must be within MaxDistance of Query. The data contents of ** the nearest neighbors ** are placed in NBuffer and their distances from Query are ** placed in DBuffer. ** Return: Number of nearest neighbors actually found ** Exceptions: none ** History: ** 3/10/89, DSJ, Created. ** 7/13/89, DSJ, Return contents of node instead of node itself. */ int i; NumberOfNeighbors = 0; N = Tree->KeySize; KeyDesc = &(Tree->KeyDesc[0]); QueryPoint = Query; MaxNeighbors = QuerySize; Radius = MaxDistance; Furthest = 0; Neighbor = (char **) NBuffer; Distance = DBuffer; for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { SBMin[i] = KeyDesc[i].Min; SBMax[i] = KeyDesc[i].Max; LBMin[i] = KeyDesc[i].Min; LBMax[i] = KeyDesc[i].Max; } if (Tree->Root.Left != NULL) { if (setjmp (QuickExit) == 0) Search (0, Tree->Root.Left); } return (NumberOfNeighbors); } /* KDNearestNeighborSearch */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void KDWalk(KDTREE *Tree, void_proc Action) { /* ** Parameters: ** Tree ptr to K-D tree to be walked ** Action ptr to function to be executed at each node ** Globals: ** WalkAction action to be performed at every node ** Operation: ** This routine stores the desired action in a global ** variable and starts a recursive walk of Tree. The walk ** is started at the root node. ** Return: ** None ** Exceptions: ** None ** History: ** 3/13/89, DSJ, Created. */ WalkAction = Action; if (Tree->Root.Left != NULL) Walk (Tree->Root.Left, NextLevel(-1)); } /* KDWalk */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void FreeKDTree(KDTREE *Tree) { /* ** Parameters: ** Tree tree data structure to be released ** Globals: none ** Operation: ** This routine frees all memory which is allocated to the ** specified KD-tree. This includes the data structure for ** the kd-tree itself plus the data structures for each node ** in the tree. It does not include the Key and Data items ** which are pointed to by the nodes. This memory is left ** untouched. ** Return: none ** Exceptions: none ** History: ** 5/26/89, DSJ, Created. */ FreeSubTree (Tree->Root.Left); memfree(Tree); } /* FreeKDTree */ /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Code ----------------------------------------------------------------------------**/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int Equal (FLOAT32 Key1[], FLOAT32 Key2[]) { /* ** Parameters: ** Key1,Key2 search keys to be compared for equality ** Globals: ** N number of parameters per key ** Operation: ** This routine returns TRUE if Key1 = Key2. ** Return: ** TRUE if Key1 = Key2, else FALSE. ** Exceptions: ** None ** History: ** 3/11/89, DSJ, Created. */ int i; for (i = N; i > 0; i--, Key1++, Key2++) if (*Key1 != *Key2) return (FALSE); return (TRUE); } /* Equal */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ KDNODE * MakeKDNode (FLOAT32 Key[], char *Data, int Index) { /* ** Parameters: ** Key Access key for new node in KD tree ** Data ptr to data to be stored in new node ** Index index of Key to branch on ** Globals: ** KeyDesc descriptions of key dimensions ** Operation: ** This routine allocates memory for a new K-D tree node ** and places the specified Key and Data into it. The ** left and right subtree pointers for the node are ** initialized to empty subtrees. ** Return: ** pointer to new K-D tree node ** Exceptions: ** None ** History: ** 3/11/89, DSJ, Created. */ KDNODE *NewNode; NewNode = (KDNODE *) Emalloc (sizeof (KDNODE)); NewNode->Key = Key; NewNode->Data = Data; NewNode->BranchPoint = Key[Index]; NewNode->LeftBranch = KeyDesc[Index].Min; NewNode->RightBranch = KeyDesc[Index].Max; NewNode->Left = NULL; NewNode->Right = NULL; return (NewNode); } /* MakeKDNode */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void FreeKDNode(KDNODE *Node) { /* ** Parameters: ** Node ptr to node data structure to be freed ** Globals: ** None ** Operation: ** This routine frees up the memory allocated to Node. ** Return: ** None ** Exceptions: ** None ** History: ** 3/13/89, DSJ, Created. */ memfree ((char *) Node); } /* FreeKDNode */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void Search(int Level, KDNODE *SubTree) { /* ** Parameters: ** Level level in tree of sub-tree to be searched ** SubTree sub-tree to be searched ** Globals: ** NumberOfNeighbors # of neighbors found so far ** N # of features in each key ** KeyDesc description of key dimensions ** QueryPoint point in D-space to find neighbors of ** MaxNeighbors maximum # of neighbors to find ** Radius current distance of furthest neighbor ** Furthest index of furthest neighbor ** Neighbor buffer of current neighbors ** Distance buffer of neighbor distances ** SBMin lower extent of small search region ** SBMax upper extent of small search region ** LBMin lower extent of large search region ** LBMax upper extent of large search region ** QuickExit quick exit from recursive search ** Operation: ** This routine searches SubTree for those entries which are ** possibly among the MaxNeighbors nearest neighbors of the ** QueryPoint and places their data in the Neighbor buffer and ** their distances from QueryPoint in the Distance buffer. ** Return: none ** Exceptions: none ** History: ** 3/11/89, DSJ, Created. ** 7/13/89, DSJ, Save node contents, not node, in neighbor buffer */ FLOAT32 d; FLOAT32 OldSBoxEdge; FLOAT32 OldLBoxEdge; if (Level >= N) Level = 0; d = ComputeDistance (N, KeyDesc, QueryPoint, SubTree->Key); if (d < Radius) { if (NumberOfNeighbors < MaxNeighbors) { Neighbor[NumberOfNeighbors] = SubTree->Data; Distance[NumberOfNeighbors] = d; NumberOfNeighbors++; if (NumberOfNeighbors == MaxNeighbors) FindMaxDistance(); } else { Neighbor[Furthest] = SubTree->Data; Distance[Furthest] = d; FindMaxDistance(); } } if (QueryPoint[Level] < SubTree->BranchPoint) { OldSBoxEdge = SBMax[Level]; SBMax[Level] = SubTree->LeftBranch; OldLBoxEdge = LBMax[Level]; LBMax[Level] = SubTree->RightBranch; if (SubTree->Left != NULL) Search (NextLevel(Level), SubTree->Left); SBMax[Level] = OldSBoxEdge; LBMax[Level] = OldLBoxEdge; OldSBoxEdge = SBMin[Level]; SBMin[Level] = SubTree->RightBranch; OldLBoxEdge = LBMin[Level]; LBMin[Level] = SubTree->LeftBranch; if ((SubTree->Right != NULL) && QueryIntersectsSearch ()) Search (NextLevel(Level), SubTree->Right); SBMin[Level] = OldSBoxEdge; LBMin[Level] = OldLBoxEdge; } else { OldSBoxEdge = SBMin[Level]; SBMin[Level] = SubTree->RightBranch; OldLBoxEdge = LBMin[Level]; LBMin[Level] = SubTree->LeftBranch; if (SubTree->Right != NULL) Search (NextLevel(Level), SubTree->Right); SBMin[Level] = OldSBoxEdge; LBMin[Level] = OldLBoxEdge; OldSBoxEdge = SBMax[Level]; SBMax[Level] = SubTree->LeftBranch; OldLBoxEdge = LBMax[Level]; LBMax[Level] = SubTree->RightBranch; if ((SubTree->Left != NULL) && QueryIntersectsSearch ()) Search (NextLevel(Level), SubTree->Left); SBMax[Level] = OldSBoxEdge; LBMax[Level] = OldLBoxEdge; } if (QueryInSearch ()) longjmp (QuickExit, 1); } /* Search */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FLOAT32 ComputeDistance (register int N, register PARAM_DESC Dim[], register FLOAT32 p1[], register FLOAT32 p2[]) { /* ** Parameters: ** N number of dimensions in K-D space ** Dim descriptions of each dimension ** p1,p2 two different points in K-D space ** Globals: ** None ** Operation: ** This routine computes the euclidian distance ** between p1 and p2 in K-D space (an N dimensional space). ** Return: ** Distance between p1 and p2. ** Exceptions: ** None ** History: ** 3/11/89, DSJ, Created. */ register FLOAT32 TotalDistance; register FLOAT32 DimensionDistance; FLOAT32 WrapDistance; TotalDistance = 0; for (; N > 0; N--, p1++, p2++, Dim++) { if (Dim->NonEssential) continue; DimensionDistance = *p1 - *p2; /* if this dimension is circular - check wraparound distance */ if (Dim->Circular) { DimensionDistance = Magnitude (DimensionDistance); WrapDistance = Dim->Max - Dim->Min - DimensionDistance; DimensionDistance = MIN (DimensionDistance, WrapDistance); } TotalDistance += DimensionDistance * DimensionDistance; } return ((FLOAT32) sqrt ((FLOAT64) TotalDistance)); } /* ComputeDistance */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void FindMaxDistance() { /* ** Parameters: ** None ** Globals: ** MaxNeighbors maximum # of neighbors to find ** Radius current distance of furthest neighbor ** Furthest index of furthest neighbor ** Distance buffer of neighbor distances ** Operation: ** This routine searches the Distance buffer for the maximum ** distance, places this distance in Radius, and places the ** index of this distance in Furthest. ** Return: ** None ** Exceptions: ** None ** History: ** 3/11/89, DSJ, Created. */ int i; Radius = Distance[Furthest]; for (i = 0; i < MaxNeighbors; i++) { if (Distance[i] > Radius) { Radius = Distance[i]; Furthest = i; } } } /* FindMaxDistance */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int QueryIntersectsSearch() { /* ** Parameters: ** None ** Globals: ** N # of features in each key ** KeyDesc descriptions of each dimension ** QueryPoint point in D-space to find neighbors of ** Radius current distance of furthest neighbor ** SBMin lower extent of small search region ** SBMax upper extent of small search region ** Operation: ** This routine returns TRUE if the query region intersects ** the current smallest search region. The query region is ** the circle of radius Radius centered at QueryPoint. ** The smallest search region is the box (in N dimensions) ** whose edges in each dimension are specified by SBMin and SBMax. ** In the case of circular dimensions, we must also check the ** point which is one wrap-distance away from the query to ** see if it would intersect the search region. ** Return: ** TRUE if query region intersects search region, else FALSE ** Exceptions: ** None ** History: ** 3/11/89, DSJ, Created. */ register int i; register FLOAT32 *Query; register FLOAT32 *Lower; register FLOAT32 *Upper; register FLOAT64 TotalDistance; register FLOAT32 DimensionDistance; register FLOAT64 RadiusSquared; register PARAM_DESC *Dim; register FLOAT32 WrapDistance; RadiusSquared = Radius * Radius; Query = QueryPoint; Lower = SBMin; Upper = SBMax; TotalDistance = 0.0; Dim = KeyDesc; for (i = N; i > 0; i--, Dim++, Query++, Lower++, Upper++) { if (Dim->NonEssential) continue; if (*Query < *Lower) DimensionDistance = *Lower - *Query; else if (*Query > *Upper) DimensionDistance = *Query - *Upper; else DimensionDistance = 0; /* if this dimension is circular - check wraparound distance */ if (Dim->Circular) { if (*Query < *Lower) WrapDistance = *Query + Dim->Max - Dim->Min - *Upper; else if (*Query > *Upper) WrapDistance = *Lower - (*Query - (Dim->Max - Dim->Min)); else WrapDistance = MAX_FLOAT32; DimensionDistance = MIN (DimensionDistance, WrapDistance); } TotalDistance += DimensionDistance * DimensionDistance; if (TotalDistance >= RadiusSquared) return (FALSE); } return (TRUE); } /* QueryIntersectsSearch */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int QueryInSearch() { /* ** Parameters: ** None ** Globals: ** N # of features in each key ** KeyDesc descriptions of each dimension ** QueryPoint point in D-space to find neighbors of ** Radius current distance of furthest neighbor ** LBMin lower extent of large search region ** LBMax upper extent of large search region ** Operation: ** This routine returns TRUE if the current query region is ** totally contained in the current largest search region. ** The query region is the circle of ** radius Radius centered at QueryPoint. The search region is ** the box (in N dimensions) whose edges in each ** dimension are specified by LBMin and LBMax. ** Return: ** TRUE if query region is inside search region, else FALSE ** Exceptions: ** None ** History: ** 3/11/89, DSJ, Created. */ register int i; register FLOAT32 *Query; register FLOAT32 *Lower; register FLOAT32 *Upper; register PARAM_DESC *Dim; Query = QueryPoint; Lower = LBMin; Upper = LBMax; Dim = KeyDesc; for (i = N - 1; i >= 0; i--, Dim++, Query++, Lower++, Upper++) { if (Dim->NonEssential) continue; if ((*Query < *Lower + Radius) || (*Query > *Upper - Radius)) return (FALSE); } return (TRUE); } /* QueryInSearch */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void Walk(KDNODE *SubTree, inT32 Level) { /* ** Parameters: ** SubTree ptr to root of subtree to be walked ** Level current level in the tree for this node ** Globals: ** WalkAction action to be performed at every node ** Operation: ** This routine walks thru the specified SubTree and invokes ** WalkAction at each node. WalkAction is invoked with three ** arguments as follows: ** WalkAction( NodeData, Order, Level ) ** Data is the data contents of the node being visited, ** Order is either preorder, ** postorder, endorder, or leaf depending on whether this is ** the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd time a node has been visited, or ** whether the node is a leaf. Level is the level of the node in ** the tree with the root being level 0. ** Return: none ** Exceptions: none ** History: ** 3/13/89, DSJ, Created. ** 7/13/89, DSJ, Pass node contents, not node, to WalkAction(). */ if ((SubTree->Left == NULL) && (SubTree->Right == NULL)) (*WalkAction) (SubTree->Data, leaf, Level); else { (*WalkAction) (SubTree->Data, preorder, Level); if (SubTree->Left != NULL) Walk (SubTree->Left, NextLevel(Level)); (*WalkAction) (SubTree->Data, postorder, Level); if (SubTree->Right != NULL) Walk (SubTree->Right, NextLevel(Level)); (*WalkAction) (SubTree->Data, endorder, Level); } } /* Walk */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void FreeSubTree(KDNODE *SubTree) { /* ** Parameters: ** SubTree ptr to root node of sub-tree to be freed ** Globals: none ** Operation: ** This routine recursively frees the memory allocated to ** to the specified subtree. ** Return: none ** Exceptions: none ** History: 7/13/89, DSJ, Created. */ if (SubTree != NULL) { FreeSubTree (SubTree->Left); FreeSubTree (SubTree->Right); memfree(SubTree); } } /* FreeSubTree */