/****************************************************************************** ** Filename: speckle.c ** Purpose: Routines used by classifier to filter out speckle. ** Author: Dan Johnson ** History: Mon Mar 11 10:06:14 1991, DSJ, Created. ** ** (c) Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company, 1988. ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Include Files and Type Defines ----------------------------------------------------------------------------**/ #include "speckle.h" #include "debug.h" #include "blobs.h" /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global Data Definitions and Declarations ----------------------------------------------------------------------------**/ /* define control knobs for adjusting definition of speckle*/ make_float_var (MaxLargeSpeckleSize, 0.30, MakeMaxLargeSpeckleSize, 16, 2, SetMaxLargeSpeckleSize, "Max Large Speckle Size ..."); make_float_var (SmallSpecklePenalty, 10.0, MakeSmallSpecklePenalty, 16, 3, SetSmallSpecklePenalty, "Small Speckle Penalty ..."); make_float_var (LargeSpecklePenalty, 10.0, MakeLargeSpecklePenalty, 16, 4, SetLargeSpecklePenalty, "Large Speckle Penalty ..."); make_float_var (SmallSpeckleCertainty, -1.0, MakeSmallSpeckleCertainty, 16, 5, SetSmallSpeckleCertainty, "Small Speckle Certainty ..."); /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Code ----------------------------------------------------------------------------**/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LIST AddLargeSpeckleTo(LIST Choices) { /* ** Parameters: ** Choices choices to add a speckle choice to ** Globals: ** SmallSpecklePenalty rating for a small speckle ** LargeSpecklePenalty rating penalty for a large speckle ** SmallSpeckleCertainty certainty for a small speckle ** Operation: This routine adds a null choice to Choices with a ** rating equal to the worst rating in Choices plus a pad. ** The certainty of the new choice is the same as the ** certainty of the worst choice in Choices. The new choice ** is added to the end of Choices. ** Return: New Choices list with null choice added to end. ** Exceptions: none ** History: Mon Mar 11 11:08:11 1991, DSJ, Created. */ LIST WorstChoice; /* if there are no other choices, use the small speckle penalty plus the large speckle penalty */ if (Choices == NIL) return (append_choice (NIL, "", SmallSpecklePenalty + LargeSpecklePenalty, SmallSpeckleCertainty, -1)); /* if there are other choices, add a null choice that is slightly worse than the worst choice so far */ WorstChoice = last (Choices); return (append_choice (Choices, "", best_probability (WorstChoice) + LargeSpecklePenalty, best_certainty (WorstChoice), -1)); } /* AddLargeSpeckleTo */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void InitSpeckleVars() { /* ** Parameters: none ** Globals: none ** Operation: Install the control variables needed for the speckle ** filters. ** Return: none ** Exceptions: none ** History: Mon Mar 11 12:04:59 1991, DSJ, Created. */ MakeMaxLargeSpeckleSize(); MakeSmallSpecklePenalty(); MakeLargeSpecklePenalty(); MakeSmallSpeckleCertainty(); } /* InitSpeckleVars */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL8 LargeSpeckle(TBLOB *Blob, TEXTROW *Row) { /* ** Parameters: ** Blob blob to test against speckle criteria ** Row text row that blob is in ** Globals: ** MaxLargeSpeckleSize largest allowed speckle ** Operation: This routine returns TRUE if both the width of height ** of Blob are less than the MaxLargeSpeckleSize. ** Return: TRUE if Blob is speckle, FALSE otherwise. ** Exceptions: none ** History: Mon Mar 11 10:06:49 1991, DSJ, Created. */ FLOAT32 SpeckleSize; TPOINT TopLeft; TPOINT BottomRight; SpeckleSize = RowHeight (Row) * MaxLargeSpeckleSize; blob_bounding_box(Blob, &TopLeft, &BottomRight); if (TopLeft.y - BottomRight.y < SpeckleSize && BottomRight.x - TopLeft.x < SpeckleSize) return (TRUE); else return (FALSE); } /* LargeSpeckle */