/* -*-C-*- ******************************************************************************** * * File: choices.h (Formerly choices.h) * Description: Handle the new ratings choices for Wise Owl * Author: Mark Seaman, OCR Technology * Created: Fri Sep 22 14:05:51 1989 * Modified: Fri Jan 4 12:04:01 1991 (Mark Seaman) marks@hpgrlt * Language: C * Package: N/A * Status: Experimental (Do Not Distribute) * * (c) Copyright 1989, Hewlett-Packard Company. ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. * ******************************************************************************** * * FUNCTIONS TO CALL * ----------------- * append_choice - Create a new choice and add it to the list. * class_probability - Return the probability of a given character class. * class_string - Return the string corresponding to a character choice. * free_choice - Free up the memory taken by one choice rating. * new_choice - Create one choice record one set up the fields. * *********************************************************************************/ #ifndef CHOICES_H #define CHOICES_H #include #include #include "oldlist.h" /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- T y p e s ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef LIST CHOICES; /* CHOICES */ //typedef float PROBABILITY; /* PROBABILITY */ //typedef char PERM_TYPE; /* PERMUTER CODE */ /* permuter codes used in A_CHOICEs for words */ #define NO_PERM 0 #define TOP_CHOICE_PERM 1 #define LOWER_CASE_PERM 2 #define UPPER_CASE_PERM 3 #define NUMBER_PERM 4 #define SYSTEM_DAWG_PERM 5 #define DOC_DAWG_PERM 6 #define USER_DAWG_PERM 7 #define FREQ_DAWG_PERM 8 #define COMPOUND_PERM 9 typedef struct choicestruct { /* A_CHOICE */ float rating; float certainty; char permuter; INT8 config; char *string; } A_CHOICE; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- M a c r o s ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /********************************************************************** * best_string * * Return the string corresponding to the best choice. **********************************************************************/ #define best_string(choices) \ (first_node (choices) ? ((A_CHOICE*) (first_node (choices)))->string : NULL) /********************************************************************** * best_probability * * Return the probability of the best choice. **********************************************************************/ #define best_probability(choices) \ (((A_CHOICE*) (first_node (choices)))->rating) /********************************************************************** * best_certainty * * Return the certainty of the best choice. **********************************************************************/ #define best_certainty(choices) \ (((A_CHOICE*) (first_node (choices)))->certainty) /********************************************************************** * class_probability * * Return the probability of a given character class. **********************************************************************/ #define class_probability(choice) \ (((A_CHOICE*) (choice))->rating) /********************************************************************** * class_certainty * * Return the certainty of a given character class. **********************************************************************/ #define class_certainty(choice) \ (((A_CHOICE*) (choice))->certainty) /********************************************************************** * class_string * * Return the probability of a given character class. **********************************************************************/ #define class_string(choice) \ (((A_CHOICE*) (choice))->string) /********************************************************************** * class_permuter * * Return the permuter of a given character class. **********************************************************************/ #define class_permuter(choice) \ (((A_CHOICE*) (choice))->permuter) /********************************************************************** * class_config * * Return the config of a given character class. **********************************************************************/ #define class_config(choice) \ (((A_CHOICE*) (choice))->config) /********************************************************************** * clone_choice * * Copy the contents of this choice record onto another replacing any * previous value it might of had. **********************************************************************/ #define clone_choice(choice_2,choice_1) \ if (class_string (choice_2)) strfree (class_string (choice_2)); \ class_probability (choice_2) = class_probability (choice_1); \ class_certainty (choice_2) = class_certainty (choice_1); \ class_permuter (choice_2) = class_permuter (choice_1); \ class_string (choice_2) = strsave (class_string (choice_1)) \ /********************************************************************** * free_choices * * Free a list of choices. **********************************************************************/ #define free_choices(c) \ destroy_nodes ((c), free_choice) /********************************************************************** * print_bold * * Print a string in bold type by using escape sequences. This only * works for certain output devices. **********************************************************************/ #define print_bold(string) \ cprintf ("\033&dB%s\033&d@", string) /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- F u n c t i o n s ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CHOICES append_choice(CHOICES ratings, const char *string, float rating, float certainty, INT8 config); CHOICES copy_choices(CHOICES choices); void free_choice(void *arg); //LIST choice); A_CHOICE *new_choice(const char *string, float rating, float certainty, INT8 config, char permuter); void print_choices(const char *label, CHOICES rating); #endif