autotools (LINUX/UNIX...) ====================== If you have cloned Tesseract from Github, you must generate the configure script. If you have tesseract 3.0x installation in your system, please remove it before new build. Known dependencies for training tools (excluding leptonica): * compiler with c++ support * pango-devel * cairo-devel * icu-devel So, the steps for making Tesseract are: $ ./ $ ./configure $ make $ sudo make install $ make training $ sudo make training-install You need to install at least English language data file to TESSDATA_PREFIX directory. All language data files can be retrieved from git repository: $ git clone tesseract-ocr.tessdata (Repository it huge - more that 1.2Gb. You do not need to download all languages) To compile ScrollView.jar you need to download piccolo2d-core-3.0.jar and piccolo2d-extras-3.0.jar[1] and place them to tesseract/java. Than run: $ make ScrollView.jar and follow instruction on Viewer Debugging wiki[2]. [1]|ga|1|g%3A%22org.piccolo2d%22 [2] WINDOWS ======= Please read